Soren is the leader of The Old Builders? Strange clues found and hints for Ep. 8 (UPDATED)



  • Plus they're made of quartz! Which is Soren's main building material!

    The stairs at the end though, because who's the ONLY character in MCSM who loves stairs? Soren! This was an obvious hint that Soren is with the other Old Builders.

  • I hope they come back but as friends, I mean their from the same place as Jesse and the gang.

    MINE-UZAIR posted: »


  • No that's iron.

    Jessefan5 posted: »

    Plus they're made of quartz! Which is Soren's main building material!

  • You know what else is a navigating network? The Order's Amulet. Soren used the atlas in the amulet. Simple. Jesse had the key all along.

    Emeraldos posted: »

    Which is a Coincidence considering P.A.M.A.'s POWER SOURCE is the REDSTONE HEART! The EXACT thing Soren was writing and expressing about, bu

  • It's quartz. There isn't any lines on the blocks.

    No that's iron.

  • You MUST be right

  • No

    Jamesddong posted: »

    Can there be episode 9?

  • I watched my sister play episode 1 and realised it said at the start "Soren the architect, builder of worlds"
    The hints have been their since episode 1!

  • Then why did he pussy out

  • Because Telltale doesn't say

    AronDracula posted: »


  • WHAT?

    ilja1223 posted: »

    Then why did he pussy out

  • An 'Old Builder' wouldn't just get scared and run off when plans don't go his way, that's essentially what they're saying.

    JimMate789 posted: »


  • That's true but still...

    Cendre posted: »

    An 'Old Builder' wouldn't just get scared and run off when plans don't go his way, that's essentially what they're saying.

  • That could explain where he disappeared to in Ep. 4, but that would also mean that he has another Enchanted Flint and Steel on him. Based on the fact that the Youtubers' world also had an old temple with a different colored flint and steel in it, I think it's safe to assume that each Overworld has its own flint and steel stored in an old temple. The one from our Overworld has been with us the entire time, so there's no way Soren would have it.

    Emeraldos posted: »

    Which is a Coincidence considering P.A.M.A.'s POWER SOURCE is the REDSTONE HEART! The EXACT thing Soren was writing and expressing about, bu

  • Yeah a bit of a crass way to put it haha

    JimMate789 posted: »

    That's true but still...

  • If we're thinking genetically, probably...


    Jamesddong posted: »

    Can there be episode 9?

  • Cause he is a coward? I think the reason he made the order was because he lost contact with the builders and wanted to create a new group which obviously didn't go well and he screwed up, perhaps its his fault that the old builders fell apart too.

    Cendre posted: »

    Yeah a bit of a crass way to put it haha

  • Yeah, it seems like he was good for building, but not much else. He depended on the command block during their adventures to avoid real danger.

    Something interesting during Episode 3, if Jesse asks, "Who turned on you," Soren says, "All of them." Maybe he's not referring to the Order here, because the only one that 'turned' was Ivor. There could be some old beef.

    Cause he is a coward? I think the reason he made the order was because he lost contact with the builders and wanted to create a new group which obviously didn't go well and he screwed up, perhaps its his fault that the old builders fell apart too.

  • ok well i think that ivor is going to turn evil!

  • I hadn't really thought about it like that, actually. For some reason I was thinking Soren was in the party but the Order defeated the dragon. But now you've got me thinking along different lines.

    I won't be surprised if someone dies. Me and five of my friends recently fought the Dragon with full enchanted diamond armor, and still we all died at least three times. Wouldn't it be nicely poetical if Soren helps fight and then gets killed?

    In response to your other reply-- yeah, no one will be surprised if everyone helps. But I think there might be a plot twist here, from the two things everyone has forgotten-- Axel and Olivia. (You forgot them too-- they weren't in that list. Good play by Telltale if they do this!) Maybe they ride in with a gigantic tnt cannon or something-- who knows. I think it's pretty likely they'll be featured, though.

    I can't stop thinking about Soren's big role in episode 8, these theories you've said could possibly happen, will the return of the Ender Dragon be Soren's redemption in helping Jesse instead of running away?

  • Here is why I think Soren is the leader of the old builders:

    • Soren loves stairs

    • He probobaly ran away from the witherstorm to the portal hallway

    • all his books are in different worlds


  • "Turned" can have a lot of different meanings. Maybe he meant "turned" as in the Order stopped liking the idea of the command block? And Cendre-- they were builders, not adventurers. Sure, they may have discovered special blocks or something-- but that doesn't mean they went questing for them. More likely, they did it the old-fashioned way we call "science".

    Cendre posted: »

    Yeah, it seems like he was good for building, but not much else. He depended on the command block during their adventures to avoid real dang

  • Yeah, and that definition could be a possibility as well, it's hard to say right now. This far into the story, it's hard to put myself back into the mindset of that episode and Episode 4. We never even learn the reason Magnus and Ellegaard hated each other, let alone how the rest of the Order split up, but dissagreements over the command block seem like the best reason. Maybe that line didn't mean anything much... Oddly cryptic, though. Hopefully Episode 8 sheds a bit more light on some of our questions (Will that waterfall in Episode 4 even come up again?).

    Yeah, I realize with Soren's personality he wasn't much of an adventurer, but the comparison Ivor makes to the Order and the 'Old Builders' implies that they were greater than the Order. Among these builders there must've been people who were brave enough to adventure through the different worlds (they did build the portals and the temples where the flint and steel is found). Just look at Harper, she survived who knows how long under PAMA's ubiquitous threat. And I know people like Soren would've built them the old-fashioned way, we see an example of this in Episode 2 with the second command block.

    I appreciate the response, the points you've brought up have really got me thinking...

    "Turned" can have a lot of different meanings. Maybe he meant "turned" as in the Order stopped liking the idea of the command block? And Cen

  • edited August 2016

    Ivor would say that smart people are better :)

    I just have one thing to say about the portals. They're a network, each one with a lot of players.
    In real Minecraft, servers are on a network (internet) and usually have a lot of players.

    Coincidence? I think not.

    And yeah, I'm sure there were adventurer Old Builders. I just don't think Soren was one of them, since he acts like a coward a lot. He might have even been kicked out for it. For that matter, he might have founded the Order after being kicked out of the Older, to show them that he could actually be a hero. I don't think he really succeeded, but...

    Cause he is a coward? I think the reason he made the order was because he lost contact with the builders and wanted to create a new group which obviously didn't go well and he screwed up, perhaps its his fault that the old builders fell apart too.

    And that could be why he lost contact, and why he formed a new order-- to prove himself.

    Since this is pretty much where I dump all my random theories about Ep. 8 anyway, here's one last idea. The Old Builders are people that we've already met. Cassie Rose, Isa, Harper-- all of them had in their dimensions an impossible item and a book by Soren. I don't think it's a coincidence, but I could be wrong.

    EDIT: Shower thoughts: Maybe Ellegaard and Magnus disagreed on how to use the block. You would think Magnus wanted it to explode everything, while Ellegaard wanted to help people.

    Cendre posted: »

    Yeah, and that definition could be a possibility as well, it's hard to say right now. This far into the story, it's hard to put myself back

  • Petra- now that we have a lot more theories, can you update the main post with a list of them?

  • I had a feeling he might show up from those two books alone. It also explained why he didn't show up at the ending of Episode 4, he disappeared off the face of the world!

  • I would, but I can't edit anymore on it, which is strange.

    Petra- now that we have a lot more theories, can you update the main post with a list of them?

  • Yeah when they had Episode 5 as Skyblock, and another world as Youtubers, it seems to be community inspired or server inspired worlds, or maybe mods. All of these worlds they go to seem to have a strange 'thing' about them.

    And about Soren, my thoughts exactly :) Strange how someone so cowardly would be interested in endermen, though, they are very dangerous in large numbers. Something about the Order that always confused me is their amulet. Soren was recognized as the leader, but Ivor's color is in the center. It would make sense that Soren formed the Order if he used to be an 'Old Builder,' so why does the amulet look the way it does?

    I know you weren't addressing me about that last point, but I'm not too sure about Isa and Cassie being builders. Isa was dumbfounded when she saw land for the first time, and the way Reginald spoke of her made it sound like she was the first to spawn in that world and build it up. The Cassie Rose one is a bit trickier. She doesn't show any age like Harper but is still a good builder and has been to the portal hallway. I think she's more like Aiden in that she heard about the flint and steel, went into a portal, but became irresponsible and lost the flint and steel, trapping herself. They did bother to mention her after she was gone, though. Maybe she'd come up like the Borderlands ending, that'd be pretty cool.

    And with Magnus and Ellegaard, that sounds pretty plausible. I thought it would be more like they felt guilty about lying and didn't want to make their name any bigger, but yours makes more sense since they split up on bad terms. I can see Soren and Ellegaard agreeing on how to use the block, and Magnus just gets mad at them haha

    Ivor would say that smart people are better I just have one thing to say about the portals. They're a network, each one with a lot of pl

  • You can't age in normal Minecraft.

    MINE-UZAIR posted: »


  • The Scientist! The Strategist! The Eternal! The Drone! The Supreme! (Man, I've been watching too much Doctor Who lately.)

    Its what I thought up, it could be the next nickname for the character, I don't know.

  • The saying "Hair today, gone tomorrow" was based on his life.

    lucariolu5 posted: »

    Maybe they're just funny references? Like Dan's hair in Ep 6.

  • Maybe it was a deleted scene.

    Interesting theory... But I have a question: What happened to that screenshot for episode five? You know, the one that showed Soren walking

  • I'm confused.

    Taggerun posted: »

    Maybe, Soren will recreate the command block to restore honor to the First Order Of The Stone by traveling back in time to make the First Or

  • I like how you think.

    Oh, actually, you have a good point there.

  • Boy, am I a nerd.

    Telltale got alot of the science and lore of the game mixed into one.

  • edited August 2016



  • I'm a total nerd too!

    BeyondEnder posted: »

    /tp @e[type:EnderDragon] ~100000000 ~ ~100000000 Never thought of that

  • No, but hopefully there'll be Season 2, Episode 1.

    Ttg lover posted: »

    If we're thinking genetically, probably... (IDK)

  • This suspense is worse than the MCU.

    I watched my sister play episode 1 and realised it said at the start "Soren the architect, builder of worlds" The hints have been their since episode 1!

  • He must be the Atlas! He's probably got it all memorized!

    That could explain where he disappeared to in Ep. 4, but that would also mean that he has another Enchanted Flint and Steel on him. Based on

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