Is 7 better than 6?



  • One thing I have to say is that Episode 6 kinda got a little bit too boring in the middle. Like using the dirt blocks to get up, until you get into the white pumpkins lair, things get fun.

    In episode 7, the middle had the mind control headset, and that was fun and was definitely not boring.

  • But you're implying that people that like the character Reuben are "cringey pieces of shit," why would that not reciprocate to human characters?

    No. Where did you even get that idea? I was literally just saying I don't enjoy a game just because of an imaginary pig made of pixels.

  • He said 'obsess,' not 'like.' You joined recently, so you may have missed the multiple threads a day asking for Reuben to come back, especially after Episode 4 (The Reuben Memorial Thread as well as the passage of time have curbed the multiple discussions). He has nothing against people who like the pig, or against animals in general; he was just saying that the pig is not the reason why Episode 7 was one of the worst, IN HIS OPINION. This one character doesn't make him enjoy the game any more or less.

    Watching this comment thread is like watching reporters ask questions about non-issues and bringing up irrelevant or untrue points for no reason other than character slander. Why not stick to the point of this discussion? He agreed that 7 was one of the worst, no need for petty arguments. Here, I'll try.

    It's difficult to look at these two episodes objectively; the novelty of Episode 7 over 6 can play a part, and a lot of emotions will play into how one views the concepts for 6 and 7. If one is a fan of the Youtubers, or a dark murder mystery, Episode 6 would probably be more enjoyable to them. The episode also felt a bit longer, and the choices mattered more, in terms of who dies. I loved the idea of the mind control AI in Episode 7 though, and there were some cute moments with Petra and Lukas, which I'm always down with. Picking is like choosing your favorite kid; do I like Fabio or Alton better? (Probably Alton right now :P)

    fancies posted: »

    But you're implying that people that like the character Reuben are "cringey pieces of shit," why would that not reciprocate to human characters?

  • 6's villain is better. PAMA just seems like a discount GLaDos. The story in 7's is also a bit less entertaining for me.

  • I wouldn't say so.

  • Basically everything that Cendre said is true.

    fancies posted: »

    But you're implying that people that like the character Reuben are "cringey pieces of shit," why would that not reciprocate to human characters?

  • I'd say Yes

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