How did your first playthrough of Until Dawn go?
So I hear you can save all 8 characters. I finished with a 50% success rate.
Spoilers ahead, obviously.
*I lost Ashley first, being the knucklehead I am, I went to investigate when I thought I heard Jessica, opened the trap door and boom, dead. Josh went next, and I'm not sure what I did wrong. I went with Mike into the water and he got pulled under, next second it jumps out and kills me, without me doing anything? Then Jessica died near the end and I knew exactly what I terrible decision I made as Matt, deciding to try and outrun them when Jessica could barely walk was just a air-brain moment on my part, as soon as I picked it I smacked my forehead. Lastly I lost Sam literally in the last act of the game. All I had to do was keep the controller still, at the time my family was all arguing around me and I guess it just made me lose the slightest of concentration.
So Emily, Matt, Mike and Chris survived. *
Saved everyone because I cheated and turned controller vibration off
EDIT: Wait, I already have a thread for this.
Apologies, seems it goes back a few months, who has the time to search lol, maybe the mods can delete or merge this.
dont remember, but best part of game was shooting that ugly emily bitch in face.
Lol! I chose Emily as my most hated earlier in the game but I actually came to find her overall story to be really interesting to play.
i think mike was most interesting.
All I could think of when playing as Mike was that I was really Nathan Drake is some alternate universe.
He's like one of the most generic characters I've ever seen, what was interesting about him?
EDIT: Double post, sorry
I saved everyone apart from Matt, which I'm pretty proud of really.
his chapters were always most interesting. and i get to shoot emily in eye when playing as him.
all characters are generic in that game imo. bunch of horror movie stereotypes.
I ended up saving everyone except Josh because I missed the journal, which is needed for him to recognize Hannah wendigo
I actually saved everyone and pretty much found almost everything. I think its because I became much more obsessed with finding almost everything in a game. So knowing that all characters can live or die kinda freaked me out as I wanted to "win".
Also, after a few playthroughs I came to the realization that Emily is probably my favorite character in the game lol.
In my first playthrough, I saved everyone except Ashley. It was a stupid mistake on my part. In my second one, I saved everybody.