The Community Hub - BATMAN General Chat, Introduce Yourself, share Fan Fics, and more!
Hey guys! Welcome to the Batman Community Hub! We're trying something new and creating this thread as a hub for a few different things:
General Chat about Batman beyond the Telltale series
If you want to have general chat about Batman beyond the Telltale series, you can use this thread to talk about other things related to Batman.
(Don't worry! Making new threads for something notable related to the series is also okay.)
If you want to have general off topic chat not related to Batman, please use the off topic 'Telltale Talk' section instead.
Introduce Yourself
If you are new to the forums, you can use this thread to introduce yourself to other fans of the game.
Organize online Multiplayer events or Steam groups to meet up off of the forums
If you guys want to meet up off of the forums with stuff like Multiplayer meet ups or fan groups on Steam, this thread is the place to do so! You can make Steam groups for things like Character Shipping, Character Appreciation, and more! For players who create Steam groups, this will allow you guys to put moderation in your own hands.
Please note that fan groups or multiplayer events that are organized by fans will not be moderated by the forum's volunteer Moderators or Telltale Staff members. Please exercise caution with what information you share with other users, whether you are on or off the forums.
Note we don't recommend sharing personal contact information such as:
- Facebook profiles
- email addresses
- any other information which could let users find personal information about yourself outside the forum.
Please be respectful to other forum users off site on Steam groups/multiplayer meet ups.
Share Fan Fiction here
If you write a fan fiction about this game/franchise, you can use this thread to link to your fan fiction.
If you want to write fan fiction here on the forums, you can post fan fiction over at the Forum Games section. You can also use this thread to link to fan fiction you wrote on other websites.
To kick off this thread, I was wondering if you guys would be interested in playing TF2 sometime later this week to celebrate Episode 1 coming out? I was thinking sometime Friday night.
I asked earlier in Whatever's On Your Mind, and several people seemed interested already.
I mentioned it earlier, but sure, I could play with you guys!
Yeah, several other people were interested going off of the response in Whatvever's On Your Mind when I asked last week. I'm thinking of making a Steam group or something in a little while where people can meet up on.
You guys still interested?
. @dojo32161
. @JackIsNotAMurderer
. @BeautifulBanjo
. @lilxGoofycuz
. @Pipas
. @CrazedRabbit
Yeah, I'm still in
This is an awesome idea! I really hope this thread is successful.
Would it be possible for any of y'all to make a twitch/rabbit stream for the people who can't play but still want to see? I'm not sure if it's possible as I barely have any knowledge about this new feature TTG has added.
If i didn't suck at tf2.
We're not doing a Crowd Play (but someone else can use this thread to organize one if they want). We are just going to play Team Fortress 2 on Steam so we can hang out off the forums. It's a somewhat casual, free to play FPS game that's pretty fun if you wanna check it out.
I don't think we're exactly aiming for super high skill or anything. I'm mostly planning on it being like casual games, mostly. If you aren't the best, don't worry about that.
Aww alright. And I would love to join but my computer is a Chomebook so it can't do anything, really. Thanks for the offer though.
Yeah, it's a new idea we're trying for people who wanted a general talk thread, kinda like previous threads such as Character Shipping threads or threads for things like Forum of the Dead Lounge during Walking Dead: Season 2.
If you've read the Whatever's On Your Mind thread in Telltale Talk, this thread is supposed to be the equivalent of that for the Batman forums. You can have general talk about BATMAN, or you can do other things like organize ways to hang out off the forums or share any fan fiction you wrote.
Unlike other threads, this thread does not have to be focused on specific discussion about Telltale's story or whatever else.
Hello everyone! I've been here since 2014 but haven't exactly been "active". Although I came back for Batman and TWD S3 coming this year and I wanna have fun so yeah :P
Yup, I'm in!
Neat! I might get a steam group going to make it easier for people to meet up on for whenever we play!
Yeah, sounds like a plan.
Welcome aboard!
Just randomly BSing a time - would 8:00 PM Central on Friday night (August 5th) sound good for you guys?
It depends on the exact time it's happening, as long as it's not the middle of the night for me I'd be down.
Just BSing a time - would 8:00 PM Central be good?
That would be about 4 am for me
Yeah I still am.
Throw ol' InGen in there, will ya?
Not really, that's 3 am for me.
Thank you!
Can I come too?
NOPE!.... Just kidding, the more the merrier.
Nice, starts at exactly..?
Never mind, I found out the time.
Blind Sniper have I ever told you how much I appreciate you on these forums? because I really do x3 you are the true MVP.
Also, i'd like join the group if it's 8pm central then i'm pretty sure it would be 2am here in Scotland/UK but i'm on break so fuck it xD lol
I dont know if theres a "list" to join the tf2 event, but I could probably join about half an hour after if it starts at 8 Central.
It will start at 11pm here
Would you guys rather do it on Saturday morning? Like, at 12 pm Central time? How would that come out for you guys?
Made a public Steam group if you guys wanna work out a time. I'm thinking that, instead of playing on a private server, we'll just hop onto a public server with low population and have everyone get on there.
(You guys do not have to join the Steam group - it is mostly for convenience)
I joined (I'm JackBauer just so you know, my brother named the Steam account).
Haha, I was thinking it was JackIsNotAMurderer instead.
(You guys do not have to join the Steam group - it is mostly for convenience)
Yeah, I'm still up for it. If I'm awake, anyway. I...sleep more than I probably should.
I might be able to make it at that time, that would be 8 pm for me.
I joined. Same name.
@Blind Sniper k
Yeah, that would be much better.
Since it's Wednesday, I figure we should settle on a time. 12:00 PM Central Time on Saturday sound good?
I figured that we can either all hop onto a public server together, or that we can split up into two smaller groups and go on the casual matchmaking mode (not the ranked matchmaking).