Huh. My very own survivor group, which may or may not be my dream team. I have thought about this type of thing a few times, so this should be neat.
DabigRG-The Face, Jack of all Trades.
While I'm not sure if I'm truly leader material(especially with Larry, Lilly, and Jane's hardasses to deal with), I would try to have input and output on everyone else's tasks and problems. I'd also keep an eye on the more flakey members to make sure they rattle my cage.
Doug-Inventor,Technical Support,Trapper.
While his people skills are "paled" in comparison to the likes of Larry and Jane, Doug's technical know-how and willingness to help would no doubt lead to the creation of many useful gadgets, nicknacks, and contractions.
Larry-Soldier,Heavy Melee Support.
High risk, high reward; Larry's military experience, huge science, and gruff presence will help whip everyone into shape and get their act together, though hopefully the majority of the team can help balance him out so as to keep the drama regulated and his heart attacks as just an informed attribute.
Lilly-Organizer, Marksman.
She would serve to help keep everyone on track in their duties, keep inventory under tight control, and then use that precise affinity to keep the enemy on their toes. Plus, she's one of the only people who can help keep Larry under something resembling control.
Shel-Beastmaster, Moral Support.
Using skills she previously employed under Roman's grip, Shel will work with Jane and Doug to create strike force using the apocalypse's subjects to our advantage. Plus, her need to uphold her moral fiber would work in conjunction with Luke to keep the team from becoming "they who fight monsters...".
Luke-Field Leader, Mediator.
Easily the most heroic in the traditional moral sense, Luke can keep everyone's heads straight on the battlefield by setting a good example. Hopefully, everyone will actually listen most of the time....
Sarah-Junior Member,Scout/Spy, Speed Support, Medic.
Obviously the oddest grape in the bunch, Sarah's unique potential can be influenced into someone that could be a great asset to the team: her anxious instincts and loyal deference would make her a decent danger detector in the occasional field mission. There's also the slight possibility that her connections to Carlos could be utilized in conjunction with Jane's survival skills as a makeshift medic.
Walter-Cook, Sage.
Another breath of fresh air, Walter could work as an actual voice of reason that keeps everyone's minds clear. Plus, he's the only one I could think of with any culinary experience, however lethal.
Clementine/Jane-Scout/Assassin, Combatant, Survivalist.
A sleek alabaster chicken with quite a subtle presence, this is the mascot to the team's power, stealth, and skill. Not gonna lie, I'd much rather not have Jane and her mind games stinkin us up from the inside, but this is where I have to suck it up in favor of getting results. But as soon as she messes up, she's on her own and Clementine can take her place for the most part.
Vince/Danny/Michelle/Mike-Ex-Criminal, Combatant, Scavenger.
If only to add a little more spice to the team, I suppose the final member would have a checkered past. To be honest, Vince and Danny are both kinda risky given their actual charges but I don't mind as long as they keep their act together and their wrongdoings stays in the past. Michellle and Mike are much more preferable because, while they both have this shady thuggishess about them, they also have enough restraint to be trustworthy or, at the very least, predictable.
Christa -the voice of reason. She keeps her cool no matter what and is practical, cautious, and resilient.
Jane -she comes through when needed and has learned many useful tactics for survival. She may be too cold at times but no one can say she acts without thinking.
Doug -someone who is tech savvy and has practical knowledge plus imagination could probably engineer all kinds of things from salvaged materials.
Walter -he would help keep the group's humanity in tact and keep them focused on the ultimate goal of rebuilding a civilised society. He has proven he can defend himself and others when need be also.
Lilly (pre-breakdown) I can see Lilly and Jane having a quiet mutual respect for each other and even taking the same approach to some problems. Lilly is an excellent shot and doesn't shy away from responsibility or tough choices.
Carlos -doctors would be few and far between. His knowledge would be invaluable and he is not an argumentative person or likely to cause dissension in the group without sound reasoning.
Mark -he gets the job done, is loyal, and wouldn't be afraid to fight for the safety of the group. He also gives the impression of being someone who could see all sides of an issue.
Luke -he takes more risks than he should, but he cares about those in his group and always tries to help those who are in trouble. He can be counted on to have your back even if he stands alone.
Bonnie -I get the feeling she wouldn't leave people she trusted and she knows her way around weapons. She also would care for the weak or sick and try to lessen tensions in the group.
Lee the best character in the wd game ever and no one can say his not(the hero the warrior the the leader and) for the hand hand fight he is so good in it his punch can shoot some one down like moly
Clem of course clementine
Jane for Survival (i was going to take molly but i dont know any thing about molly and her past unlike jane) and jane have a lot of sense talking and she have the power to fight head to head againest the guys
Michonne FUCKING BADASS OOOOOH YEAAAAH she do the talking with her katana or meshati close rang fight with sword
Lilly for the shooting trianing and i need some one with anger issus in the group and its better to be a female cuz you can handel the females
Carly for the head shoot and swearing and the moralty lessons
Doug friend hero and friend and Ingenious techniques
Katja a Someone very pleasant very kined and Medical skills
Chuck oooooooh i love this man his he is one of the reasons that clem still alive at now his unlimited wisdom make allways think it was a big dick move from telltales to kill him like that like yes yes you give lee what clem need now fuck oof the game dont need you any more
Duck for the entertiment i allways die when i hear him talking his sooo funny
Lee- Lee was a pretty capable survivor, for the most part. His combat and gun skills greatly improved from Episode 1. Although he doesn't push for leadership, he is a naturally good leader and does a pretty good job of holding the group together. He is very dedicated to his own.
Clementine- While her gender and age make her seem like an underdog, she is a great survivor. What she lacks in strength she makes up in intelligence. Although she is dealing with a lot of problems, she never gives up and keeps pushing onwards. Her people skills are great, which could also come in handy. She's also a ray of hope for whatever group she's in. It is pretty amazing that a child can live and survive in a world like this.
Kenny- Kenny definitely has a lot of issues, but I'd still want him on my team. He is very, very dedicated to his friends and family, and will do anything in his ability to assure their survival. He puts those he cares for way above himself. He's also good with a gun and has pretty good brawling skills in Season 2. He still carries on no matter what hits him.
Lily- Lily was a pretty good leader of the group. She was willing to step up and make all the hard decisions when no one else would. She was also a pretty good shot. (Hopes having Kenny and Lily won't cause an explosion in mah group.)
Katjaa- While Katjaa isn't exactly the survivor type, she has vetinary skills that go a long way. In a lot of situations, she was able to stay calm and think morally. She also could be Kenny's anchor to help keep him somewhat grounded.
Carley- Carley was a great member of the group. She was trustworthy, level-headed, honest, and intelligent. She always looked out for others and kept check of her morals. Her shooting skills were also a huge plus. Her only downside is batteries, I guess.
Duck- Kind of a weird one, I know. I just think it would be good to have Duck in the group. He would just be a ray of happiness, most of the time. Also, he'd be somewhat of a symbol of hope, like Clem. Not to mention it would be good for Clementine to have someone around her age in the apocalypse.
Molly- Molly may be a lone wolf, but she does care for people. She was actually very un-pragmatic and moralistic. She was probably one of the strongest (physically) characters that we encountered.
Erm Chuck...or Christa. Chuck...or Christa?
Christa- She is one strong lady. She is smart and a great survivor. (I know, I keep saying that) She took care of Clementine, a girl she knew for less than a week, for two years. She still gave it her all even after the lost of Omid. Just all that stuff gives me so much respect for her.
If I were to take 5 Rag-Tag Telltales The Walking Dead Survivors with me, I'd choose:
Lily - Lily is an invaluable leader, she has everything. Military Experience (i.e CQC Training, Firearm training, Survival Expertiece), Intelligence, and an other Wise Down-To-Earth survivor who wants the best for the group. I'd just stay out of her way. Her decisions are usually logical ones at best.
Mark - Mark, being another survivor with Military Experience would prove to be yet another important member of the team, plus he isn't just there for his skill, he's also a good friend to have at your side.
Larry - People seem to hate on Larry, frankly in a survival scenario, he'd be invaluable. With his two disadvantages being his Hot-Temper and Medical condition, as long as no one pisses him off, we'll be A-Okay. Not to mention that Larry is a walking pile-driver, He could easily bag-and-drag 2 backpacks worth of supplies with no issue, plus he can knock down anything, whether it's a bookshelf to make a barricade or a Walker trying to make a meal out of him.
Doug - A handy addition when it comes to making traps, alarms, or fixin' things, Doug would make a nifty addition to the team.
Bear With Me On This Last One.
Ben - Look, I'll be the first to admit that Ben isn't the most valuable person to have on a Team like this, but the way I see it. Ben has the potential to be a Great survivor, I just wish I could've seen him mature into one. With this no-nonsense group of survivors. Ben will get whipped into ship shape with Weapons and tactics. Plus, I'd honestly like to become friends with him in order to learn more about him as a Person.
Huh. My very own survivor group, which may or may not be my dream team. I have thought about this type of thing a few times, so this should be neat.
DabigRG-The Face, Jack of all Trades.
While I'm not sure if I'm truly leader material(especially with Larry, Lilly, and Jane's hardasses to deal with), I would try to have input and output on everyone else's tasks and problems. I'd also keep an eye on the more flakey members to make sure they rattle my cage.
Doug-Inventor,Technical Support,Trapper.
While his people skills are "paled" in comparison to the likes of Larry and Jane, Doug's technical know-how and willingness to help would no doubt lead to the creation of many useful gadgets, nicknacks, and contractions.
Larry-Soldier,Heavy Melee Support.
High risk, high reward; Larry's military experience, huge science, and gruff presence will help whip everyone into shape and get their act together, though hopefully the majority of the team can help balance him out so as to keep the drama regulated and his heart attacks as just an informed attribute.
Lilly-Organizer, Marksman.
She would serve to help keep everyone on track in their duties, keep inventory under tight control, and then use that precise affinity to keep the enemy on their toes. Plus, she's one of the only people who can help keep Larry under something resembling control.
Shel-Beastmaster, Moral Support.
Using skills she previously employed under Roman's grip, Shel will work with Jane and Doug to create strike force using the apocalypse's subjects to our advantage. Plus, her need to uphold her moral fiber would work in conjunction with Luke to keep the team from becoming "they who fight monsters...".
Luke-Field Leader, Mediator.
Easily the most heroic in the traditional moral sense, Luke can keep everyone's heads straight on the battlefield by setting a good example. Hopefully, everyone will actually listen most of the time....
Sarah-Junior Member,Scout/Spy, Speed Support, Medic.
Obviously the oddest grape in the bunch, Sarah's unique potential can be influenced into someone that could be a great asset to the team: her anxious instincts and loyal deference would make her a decent danger detector in the occasional field mission. There's also the slight possibility that her connections to Carlos could be utilized in conjunction with Jane's survival skills as a makeshift medic.
Walter-Cook, Sage.
Another breath of fresh air, Walter could work as an actual voice of reason that keeps everyone's minds clear. Plus, he's the only one I could think of with any culinary experience, however lethal.
Clementine/Jane-Scout/Assassin, Combatant, Survivalist.
A sleek alabaster chicken with quite a subtle presence, this is the mascot to the team's power, stealth, and skill. Not gonna lie, I'd much rather not have Jane and her mind games stinkin us up from the inside, but this is where I have to suck it up in favor of getting results. But as soon as she messes up, she's on her own and Clementine can take her place for the most part.
Vince/Danny/Michelle/Mike-Ex-Criminal, Combatant, Scavenger.
If only to add a little more spice to the team, I suppose the final member would have a checkered past. To be honest, Vince and Danny are both kinda risky given their actual charges but I don't mind as long as they keep their act together and their wrongdoings stays in the past. Michellle and Mike are much more preferable because, while they both have this shady thuggishess about them, they also have enough restraint to be trustworthy or, at the very least, predictable.
Christa -the voice of reason. She keeps her cool no matter what and is practical, cautious, and resilient.
Jane -she comes through when needed and has learned many useful tactics for survival. She may be too cold at times but no one can say she acts without thinking.
Doug -someone who is tech savvy and has practical knowledge plus imagination could probably engineer all kinds of things from salvaged materials.
Walter -he would help keep the group's humanity in tact and keep them focused on the ultimate goal of rebuilding a civilised society. He has proven he can defend himself and others when need be also.
Lilly (pre-breakdown) I can see Lilly and Jane having a quiet mutual respect for each other and even taking the same approach to some problems. Lilly is an excellent shot and doesn't shy away from responsibility or tough choices.
Carlos -doctors would be few and far between. His knowledge would be invaluable and he is not an argumentative person or likely to cause dissension in the group without sound reasoning.
Mark -he gets the job done, is loyal, and wouldn't be afraid to fight for the safety of the group. He also gives the impression of being someone who could see all sides of an issue.
Luke -he takes more risks than he should, but he cares about those in his group and always tries to help those who are in trouble. He can be counted on to have your back even if he stands alone.
Bonnie -I get the feeling she wouldn't leave people she trusted and she knows her way around weapons. She also would care for the weak or sick and try to lessen tensions in the group.
Okay so here goes:
Myself - I'm smart I guess...I don't really like guns so I'll stick with a melee weapon. Lucille! (JK)
Lee - Leader of our group. My Lee at least hahaha
Clem - Who wouldn't want Clem in their group? She's grown into such a badass
Carley - Good shot and I always liked her. She supports Lee and is a possible love interest. (I ship it...)
Omid - The OP suggested morale booster, so I'll go with that. The guy is just awesome.
Christa - Omid needs Christa lmao! She's quick to blame, but I can deal with that.
Molly - Badassery, and I quite liked her. I had mixed feelings about her the whole time hahaha
Luke - I don't know, but I always liked him. I think he's good with Clem, and isn't a bad survivor in all.
Carlos - After refusing to bring Katjaa along, Carlos is my only option for a doctor. Without Sarah, he may be tolerable (at least)
Javier - Got a good feeling about him. If not though...
Sam - She'll need to learn a bit, but she would make a great asset.
Katjaa - Considered for her veterinary skills, but she can't handle the new world. It's overwhelming for her.
Kenny - But you're either with him or against him.
Lilly - Kinda rude. Without Larry in the equation, we could have had it all! (I dont ship it)
Jane - But she bails too much![:( :(](
Sam the Dog - I felt weird including him lmao
Lee the best character in the wd game ever and no one can say his not(the hero the warrior the the leader and) for the hand hand fight he is so good in it his punch can shoot some one down like moly
Clem of course clementine
Jane for Survival (i was going to take molly but i dont know any thing about molly and her past unlike jane) and jane have a lot of sense talking and she have the power to fight head to head againest the guys
Michonne FUCKING BADASS OOOOOH YEAAAAH she do the talking with her katana or meshati close rang fight with sword
Lilly for the shooting trianing and i need some one with anger issus in the group and its better to be a female cuz you can handel the females
Carly for the head shoot and swearing and the moralty lessons
Doug friend hero and friend and Ingenious techniques
Katja a Someone very pleasant very kined and Medical skills
Chuck oooooooh i love this man his he is one of the reasons that clem still alive at now his unlimited wisdom make allways think it was a big dick move from telltales to kill him like that like yes yes you give lee what clem need now fuck oof the game dont need you any more
Duck for the entertiment i allways die when i hear him talking his sooo funny
Well, that's not cold at all.![:p :p](
Lee- Lee was a pretty capable survivor, for the most part. His combat and gun skills greatly improved from Episode 1. Although he doesn't push for leadership, he is a naturally good leader and does a pretty good job of holding the group together. He is very dedicated to his own.
Clementine- While her gender and age make her seem like an underdog, she is a great survivor. What she lacks in strength she makes up in intelligence. Although she is dealing with a lot of problems, she never gives up and keeps pushing onwards. Her people skills are great, which could also come in handy. She's also a ray of hope for whatever group she's in. It is pretty amazing that a child can live and survive in a world like this.
Kenny- Kenny definitely has a lot of issues, but I'd still want him on my team. He is very, very dedicated to his friends and family, and will do anything in his ability to assure their survival. He puts those he cares for way above himself. He's also good with a gun and has pretty good brawling skills in Season 2. He still carries on no matter what hits him.
Lily- Lily was a pretty good leader of the group. She was willing to step up and make all the hard decisions when no one else would. She was also a pretty good shot. (Hopes having Kenny and Lily won't cause an explosion in mah group.)
Katjaa- While Katjaa isn't exactly the survivor type, she has vetinary skills that go a long way. In a lot of situations, she was able to stay calm and think morally. She also could be Kenny's anchor to help keep him somewhat grounded.
Carley- Carley was a great member of the group. She was trustworthy, level-headed, honest, and intelligent. She always looked out for others and kept check of her morals. Her shooting skills were also a huge plus. Her only downside is batteries, I guess.
Duck- Kind of a weird one, I know. I just think it would be good to have Duck in the group. He would just be a ray of happiness, most of the time. Also, he'd be somewhat of a symbol of hope, like Clem. Not to mention it would be good for Clementine to have someone around her age in the apocalypse.
Molly- Molly may be a lone wolf, but she does care for people. She was actually very un-pragmatic and moralistic. She was probably one of the strongest (physically) characters that we encountered.
Erm Chuck...or Christa. Chuck...or Christa?
Christa- She is one strong lady. She is smart and a great survivor. (I know, I keep saying that) She took care of Clementine, a girl she knew for less than a week, for two years. She still gave it her all even after the lost of Omid. Just all that stuff gives me so much respect for her.
Legion of Super Pets!
If I were to take 5 Rag-Tag Telltales The Walking Dead Survivors with me, I'd choose:
Lily - Lily is an invaluable leader, she has everything. Military Experience (i.e CQC Training, Firearm training, Survival Expertiece), Intelligence, and an other Wise Down-To-Earth survivor who wants the best for the group. I'd just stay out of her way. Her decisions are usually logical ones at best.
Mark - Mark, being another survivor with Military Experience would prove to be yet another important member of the team, plus he isn't just there for his skill, he's also a good friend to have at your side.
Larry - People seem to hate on Larry, frankly in a survival scenario, he'd be invaluable. With his two disadvantages being his Hot-Temper and Medical condition, as long as no one pisses him off, we'll be A-Okay. Not to mention that Larry is a walking pile-driver, He could easily bag-and-drag 2 backpacks worth of supplies with no issue, plus he can knock down anything, whether it's a bookshelf to make a barricade or a Walker trying to make a meal out of him.
Doug - A handy addition when it comes to making traps, alarms, or fixin' things, Doug would make a nifty addition to the team.
Bear With Me On This Last One.
Ben - Look, I'll be the first to admit that Ben isn't the most valuable person to have on a Team like this, but the way I see it. Ben has the potential to be a Great survivor, I just wish I could've seen him mature into one. With this no-nonsense group of survivors. Ben will get whipped into ship shape with Weapons and tactics. Plus, I'd honestly like to become friends with him in order to learn more about him as a Person.