Cell phones, do you like them or hate them?

Almost everyone has cell phones these days. But how do you feel about the one that you have, or how do you feel about cell phones in general?

Personally, I have a love-hate relationship with them. On the one hand I really do like them, as that makes it very easy to be able to get ahold of people when I need to get hold of them, and a lot of the features that they come out with nowadays for them can be quite cool, even though I only use a handful of them.

On the other hand I hate the fucking things because they basically train you to answer them when they ring or when you receive a text. In essence, we become prisoners of our cell phones.

Unfortunately, if you get to trained by them, you will automatically respond the minute that they go off. And that can ended up sending a few things, especially if you're dealing with a woman.

Not to mention, but no I think texting is a very useful tool, and if used properly it can be very handy. But what I don't like about it is that for so many people it takes the place of actual conversation.

Back in the old days, we didn't have all this texting bullshit. If we wanted to talk to somebody, like to a girl, or our buddies, we actually had to pick the phone up, dial a number, and actually talk to them.

And sadly I think texting has in many ways made us more isolated from each other.

I think it can be truly said that the further we progressed in technology, the more we start to lose our Humanity. Because we end up replacing real human interactions, and gaining of experience, with technology and basically just killing time.

Not to mention, but I believe that the government uses them to spy on, if you think about it would make sense.

Have you ever stopped to think why your camera has two lenses, one on the front and one in the back? Could it be so that the government is able to tap into your phone and know exactly what you look like at any given time?

Or how about the GPS that most phones are carrying, and if you look carefully on it sometimes it has a message showing "finding location."

Have you ever stopped to wonder as as to who else could be using that feature to monitor where you're at, and track exactly where you go and what you do?

Not to mention that it's been documented that government can tap or cell phones, and the last thing that I heard, and actually listen to every word that you say.

I have always believed that we are under constant surveillance, and I believe one of the ways that they keep tabs on us, is throughout the cell phones that they give us.

Except the most of us are so used to carrying around cell phones with us, that we don't even think about such things.

So when it comes to cell phones, I think that they have a lot of nice features on them, and a couple of them I do like to use from time to time. But for the most part I really don't care for them.


  • If I'm busy at work I completely forget about my phone, so I don't feel a slave to it(I just annoy loved ones whom have burning questions). I do like it better than 100 people getting 100 calls a day at work though, so yeah. They're a good thing. It was also a good thing when I got lost when I first started driving(We have a river running completely through our city which complicates travel) at midnight.

    I do see your side. You're obviously a very paranoid person. If it makes you feel better, think of how disorganised governments are. Now imagine them trying to accurately keep tabs on 100 million people. It's not bound to be going very well.

  • I'm not paronoid. I'm just open to more possibilities. I try to think outside the box.

    Johro posted: »

    If I'm busy at work I completely forget about my phone, so I don't feel a slave to it(I just annoy loved ones whom have burning questions).

  • I only use mine for calling and nothing else. I didn't know people still text, considering there's free ways to talk to people on your phone.

  • I honestly cant go through a day without my phone. Call me a social media addict :|

  • edited August 2016

    Haha. How that OP went from what is good/bad about phones to full blown conspiracy theorist. . . not that it's likely all wrong.

  • I use it just a bit for texting and some apps for quotes and...memes.

  • I don't own one.

  • I hate the new phones. The touch screen ones. Screens keep on turning on me and shit. I prefer the old fashioned flip cell phone.

    Plus, some people get too into their phones and less of their surroundings.

  • I think that texting has made communication between people so much easier and dynamic, but at the same time, reformed it in a way that it's not the same as before.

    What I like the most about texting is that you can put your ideas in order with considerable time before sending them to the receiver.

    And texting is much less awkward.

  • edited August 2016

    I use it only for texting. Making calls is not because of my acute hearing loss.
    And when driving it stays in the pocket. It is connected via Bluetooth to my car and I see in the radio screen that arrived a SMS. Is a great system but distracting while driving. SMS will be answered at home.

    Have used once the system, and only in the driveway (was a Test).Not while driving.

    Texting is not so often. Times one or more sms and the next days no sms.

  • I use mine for pretty much everything since I'm always on the go. Apps, music, texting, internet, calling, you name it.

  • Well, it's a portable phone. That's all I care about.

  • I use mine almost all the time but admittedly it is a major distraction.

  • edited August 2016

    My is the Dinosaur CR1000AP 2015 Edition, looks like it came from the 1990s. Best it can do is play tetris and personally who could ask for more yes?

    That being said I think they're a huge bane on humanity itself. I've read stories of relationships that fell apart because someone didn't answer text messages often enough, or didn't answer all of their spouses calls so said spouse became insanely upset, and felt ignored.

    My thought... MY GOD! There was once a time you actually had to wait 8-12 hours without hearing a word from your BF/GF/Spouse. It isn't the bloody end of the world!

  • Cellphones are useful and nice to have in my opinion, the only downside I think is that it can prevent physical/face-to-face communication.

  • edited August 2016

    Unfortunately, if you get to trained by them, you will automatically respond the minute that they go off. And that can ended up sending a few things, especially if you're dealing with a woman.


    Stop over analysing the vagina people. Put your feet up clear your mind take a deep breath and relax, please.

  • Neither do I tbh.

    TheFurryOne posted: »

    I don't own one.

  • edited August 2016

    Very true. Life is not about playing on your phone, or with yourself. Lol!

    Life is about learning, it's about getting out in the world, it's about gaining experience, it's about making connections with other people.

    You stop doing that, you stop living. So don't waste your life buried in your phone, on the computer, playing hours and hours videogames, or watching TV.

    Get out, and live your life!!!

    I hate the new phones. The touch screen ones. Screens keep on turning on me and shit. I prefer the old fashioned flip cell phone. Plus, some people get too into their phones and less of their surroundings.

  • CR1000AP



    Kameraden posted: »

    My is the Dinosaur CR1000AP 2015 Edition, looks like it came from the 1990s. Best it can do is play tetris and personally who could ask fo

  • Maybe he just likes to analyse them, if you know what I mean..

    Unfortunately, if you get to trained by them, you will automatically respond the minute that they go off. And that can ended up sending a fe

  • For academic purposes.

    MarijaaNo7 posted: »

    Maybe he just likes to analyse them, if you know what I mean..

  • I have one. I use it for calling people and sometimes playing games. Other than that it's useless to me.

  • Omg

    For academic purposes.

  • Best phone money can buy. Oh wait it was free. xD

    MarijaaNo7 posted: »

    CR1000AP CRAAAAP Lmaooo

  • I have one, it's pretty useful for contacting people and doing quick searches, but I rarely use it unless I need to or feel like it. I'm indifferent.

  • I only hate constantly recharging it, but I do love being able to text instead of being locked into a phone conversation.

  • Cell phones are a blight on humanity. It used to be that when you left work, that was it. Now most companies issue you corporate phones so that you can be reached whenever they need you. It was bad enough with pagers, now we have children with their faces stuck to these Damn phones all of the time.

    Now people with nothing to say can be internet badasses behind an anonymous name...need to destroy all of those cell phone.

  • edited August 2016

    That coincidence that when I, myself working to get out of my addiction to video games. lol Haven't played any video games yesterday so it's good so far.

    But yeah, I hear ya. Although, some have made a living just by working at home, stuck on the computer such as gaming youtubers. Just a thought.

    The phone part was kinda about not talking to those who are next to you physically or perhaps in the middle of traffic. Those kind of examples.

    Kenny/Lee posted: »

    Very true. Life is not about playing on your phone, or with yourself. Lol! Life is about learning, it's about getting out in the world, i

  • I don't think it is so much the cell phones that are the problem, but rather that people overuse and abuse them. People almost seem to have an obsession with them.

    I forget who said it, but I believe it was Teddy Roosevelt who said: "Water and Fire, good servants, but bad masters."

    Do rule your obsession, or does your obsession rule you?

    Cell phones are a blight on humanity. It used to be that when you left work, that was it. Now most companies issue you corporate phones so

  • If they destroy cell phones, how are you going to call people in an emergency when youre not home. Pay phones are going extinct, it seems.

    Cell phones are a blight on humanity. It used to be that when you left work, that was it. Now most companies issue you corporate phones so

  • I don't hate mobile phones, but I do hate my one. The flippin' thing dies at less than 45% and randomly drops calls far, far too often. To the extent where I have to text instead now otherwise my phone will fail a call and/or will die before I can even contact someone.

  • I like them, they always make me less bored, however, I don't use them much. They distract me whether I'm in a car travelling to some place or waiting for something which is kind of a good thing.

  • If all the cell phones went away, the pay phones would come back. They're only gone because no one uses them, due to having cell phones.

    I still carry quarters around in case I need to suddenly use a pay phone, which is a habit I got into when I was younger and cell phones weren't as popular. This is probably a useless habit now, because if I ever did get into a situation where I would need to use a pay phone, finding one that works would be tougher than many alternatives. And in that wacky situation, I could just call collect or bill it to a credit card. I just can't seem to stop carrying quarters, though.

    KCohere posted: »

    If they destroy cell phones, how are you going to call people in an emergency when youre not home. Pay phones are going extinct, it seems.

    1. I think the point they're trying to make is that many workers are exploited/victimized by it don't have a choice in the matter.
    Kenny/Lee posted: »

    I don't think it is so much the cell phones that are the problem, but rather that people overuse and abuse them. People almost seem to have

  • Hate them. Drowned mine in a tub full of bleach.

  • edited August 2016

    Yeah, I cant see people willing to go back to the inconvenience of having to carry pocketfuls of change or dialing ten numbers on a phone card before you get to the number you want that is required of payphone use. I have enough trouble keeping quarters for my laundry.

    WarpSpeed posted: »

    If all the cell phones went away, the pay phones would come back. They're only gone because no one uses them, due to having cell phones.

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