Game running slow



  • [removed]

  • I just downloaded my game from the Telltale Store and i'm extremely disappointed! It's running at 8 FPS!!! (reported via FRAPS). I've got an i7 -5500U (2.4ghz x 2, dual core), 16gb ram and a 4GB Nvidia 950M. Surely I should be getting more than 8FPS? Can anyone confirm that it's not my spec that is the problem here? Thanks guys.

  • @Johro I used the correct windows.

    So you know any good software that can help me detect and update outdated drivers?

    Thank you so much.

    Johro posted: »

    Make sure you are launching the game with correct windows version selected. If so, try running the game in compatibility mode. That error code is usually for an incompatible driver issue.

  • It makes me happy to know that you have managed to play through the episode and love it. :)

    Played through the whole episode and I...Loved it. I can't stay mad at Telltale forever, but they still need to optimize the PC version! I shouldn't have to be playing in a small window at the lowest resolution.

  • 8fps on a GTX 950m seems pretty unacceptable based on these benchmarks for other games.

    What res are you playing at?

    si2013 posted: »

    I just downloaded my game from the Telltale Store and i'm extremely disappointed! It's running at 8 FPS!!! (reported via FRAPS). I've got an

  • Playing at 1366x768 - I've played numerous other games and get great gameplay. This game is too laggy for me to play. Sorely disappointed. Since I downloaded the game from the telltale website, when the patches come out, will they automatically download? Or will I have to download another 2gb file again?

    MichaelBP posted: »

    8fps on a GTX 950m seems pretty unacceptable based on these benchmarks for other games. What res are you playing at?

  • My bad, I have the 850M. Either way, it's very capable. I just turned off full screen mode and set the resolution to 1024x768 and now the game boots to a black screen. Very frustrated now. I only get chance to play games at weekends and i've wasted all of my saturday trying to play this. I hope Telltale Games can issue a fix for all these problems.

  • AquaJewAquaJew Telltale Alumni

    Hey all;

    I'm not on the development team, but I do know that there is still work being done on patches and improvements across the board. This is not the experience that Telltale wants our players to have!

    The best way to help us expedite fixes is to open a help ticket with our CS staff. Please provide the following information when you do so:

    • Laptop or Desktop? PS4? XB1?
    • Where did you buy the game?
    • Your TTG user account
    • Your Steam/PSN/XBL user name

    Also, for those having the black screen issue, here's a current workaround to at least get you past it while we work:

    Again, I understand that this sucks. Sometimes we're lucky and able to catch all these sorts of things before our products go live, but this one is proving to be quite challenging and tricky to track down. I promise we looked to see if someone had a ReducePerformance() function in the code, and it doesn't exist. :)

    Threads here will be much harder to follow, so again I urge you to create a ticket and provide the information listed above. Also, while this is frustrating, please be respectful to the poor folks who are going through all of these. They're much better workers when their souls haven't been crushed, and we already have enough of their tears bottled up to last a lifetime.

  • edited August 2016

    THANK YOU! All I wanted was a message saying you weren't finished with the patches. I've already finished playing the episode on a tiny window with low frame rate, but I still very much enjoyed myself. I'm sorry if I've come across as bitter and I should be more confident with you guys and how frustrated you must feel trying to work through this to make everyone happy. Good luck and I hope you guys don't run into anymore problems with future releases :)

    AquaJew posted: »

    Hey all; I'm not on the development team, but I do know that there is still work being done on patches and improvements across the board.

  • Geforce Experience if you use Nvidia.

    @Johro I used the correct windows. So you know any good software that can help me detect and update outdated drivers? Thank you so much.

  • Thanks AquaJew. I've uninstalled and reinstalled the game and now i'm getting 1 FPS to 24FPS - it's still unplayable but at least there will be more patches to fix it. Unfortunately i'm not running the steam version so the black screen workaround wasn't applicable (uninstalling and re-installing the game solve that issue). I will post a help ticket to the CS staff.

    AquaJew posted: »

    Hey all; I'm not on the development team, but I do know that there is still work being done on patches and improvements across the board.

  • DeltinoDeltino Moderator

    Good luck and I hope you guys don't run into anymore problems with future releases

    I really think this is just one of those super unfortunate kinks in the system. I doubt anyone working on the game even foresaw this happening, nor did anyone expect it to be such a hard thing to track down and fix. It might be easy for us to get annoyed on our side of things, but every now and again you get these issues/bugs that are infuriatingly difficult to stamp out even for the devs themselves. It's not always an easy solution like deleting a line of bad code, or using a wrong value, or an incorrectly named file. Just about any game dev in their right mind will pray that it's something simple like that, but sometimes you just get unlucky and get crap like this to deal with, where it's annoying as all hell for both sides.

    THANK YOU! All I wanted was a message saying you weren't finished with the patches. I've already finished playing the episode on a tiny wind

  • I totally understand and i'm sure Telltale and the devs are just as frustrated as us gamers. Once it's fixed (and I have 100% trust and faith in Telltale games) I think it'll be a fantastic game. Really looking forward to playing it once the kinks are ironed out.

    Deltino posted: »

    Good luck and I hope you guys don't run into anymore problems with future releases I really think this is just one of those super un

  • I love Telltale but this game is unplayable! Telltale should seriously consider refunding all purchases of the first episode lest they lose custom for the next four episodes of the series. And moreover they should release a patch resolving the issue as soon as possible and should tell the community that they are working on a patch (rather than ignoring/dismissing the community).

    Many game companies have suffered significant sales losses for ignoring major performance issues in their titles at first release (the slump in sales for Ubisoft's Assassin's Creed titles following the release of Assassin's Creed Unity comes to mind here). As I've said earlier I love Telltale, and I hope they resolve this issue as soon as possible (for their sake as much as ours). As a goodwill gesture I hope that they also consider giving us the second episode for free as an incentive for skeptics who have experienced problems with the first episode (refunding those who have already purchased episode two).

  • Good luck :) !

    Deltino posted: »

    Good luck and I hope you guys don't run into anymore problems with future releases I really think this is just one of those super un

  • Ok guys, i've managed to get it running between 20-30 FPS now. It's still not perfect but it's better. I'm running it at 1366x768 resolution. I went to the following directory:

    C:\Program Files\Telltale Games\Batman

    I right clicked on the Batman.exe file and went to properties. I clicked on the 'properties' tab and ticked the checkbox to run in Windows 7 compatability mode. I also checked the box to 'Disable display scaling on high DPI settings'.

    Finally, I right clicked on my Nvidia Graphics logo in the bottom right of my screen (Windows 10 notification bar). Open the NVIDIA Control Panel. You should see the 'Manage 3D Settings' where you can click 'Add' and browse to the C:\Program Files\Telltale Games\Batman\Batman.exe file. Once you've selected that exe file, you go to the 2nd option and select 'High-performance NVIDIA Processor'.

    I was running at 8FPS before this. Now running at 20-30. Not perfect but I think I will be able to get through this episode now. I will keep checking back for an update. I hope this post helps someone in the meantime!

  • MicahMoo11MicahMoo11 Banned
    edited August 2016

    Wright Micah Final Build 3.6 Telltale Community (miner rewording of sentence).

    thick you for a response

    I knew the massage iv sent in the walking dead community, I made yesterday was somewhat rude. but I'm only doing this as your major supporter-pissen. I myself don't won't you going to the wrong pith that I knew many company's had for the last 15 years of gaming when I was a gamer sense 3 years old that I played reader rabbit man, I still love that game.

    for other people to say even I will to is that; I can run this game in fell screen about 15 fps with just Intel 4000 graphics.
    I have been thinking about sanding my data and my hardware for your support team to chick out. even thaw you guys don't support Intel graphics. I will if it will help you guys out. Again I don't knew I guess ill let the community decide.

    thick you from Wright Micah
    ( good luck I hope you guys find the fixers you need; of Couse the other supporters in this community of helping others like myself.

    AquaJew posted: »

    Hey all; I'm not on the development team, but I do know that there is still work being done on patches and improvements across the board.

  • Comparing this to AC and Telltale to Ubisoft
    Wanting something for free
    Demanding an update almost three hours after an update was already given

    enter image description here

    I love Telltale but this game is unplayable! Telltale should seriously consider refunding all purchases of the first episode lest they lose

  • The game was released 5 days ago. The vast majority of bad write-ups which the game has received is a result of performance issues. Also, the update did not make my game playable (:

    MrKrory posted: »

    Comparing this to AC and Telltale to Ubisoft Wanting something for free Demanding an update almost three hours after an update was already given

  • I updated all my drivers, made sure my directx is the correct version, run the correct version of the game and I tried compatibality mode.

    Same error.

    Telltale must be kidding me since I can't even get to the menu screen. I am not the only one with this error but I think telltale doesn't even know this happens based on the previous patches that should have fixed such a critical error.

    papai46 posted: »

    Geforce Experience if you use Nvidia.

  • AquaJewAquaJew Telltale Alumni

    We're not at 100% staffing over the weekend (I promise, engineers are much more capable at their jobs when you let them sleep a bit), but there is continuing discussion and efforts at identifying and fixing these issues. Not a single employee at Telltale wants our products to be anything less than stellar, and we are putting our hearts and souls into our work. I don't have anything concrete at this point, aside from the fact that the tickets we've been receiving is helping us narrow down the actual cause and release a fix.

    Like Deltino pointed out, sometimes things like this slip through. We do test our products regularly and rigorously, but unlike Pokemon we can't catch 'em all.

  • Thanks . I think this is the first game with fps issues and lags .

    AquaJew posted: »

    We're not at 100% staffing over the weekend (I promise, engineers are much more capable at their jobs when you let them sleep a bit), but th

  • That does not counter anything I said.

    The game was released 5 days ago. The vast majority of bad write-ups which the game has received is a result of performance issues. Also, the update did not make my game playable (:

  • Any updates on a possible patch?

  • All we know is there will definitely be more patches, but no release date on them yet.

    Any updates on a possible patch?

  • edited August 2016

    A patch just started downloading on Steam. Fingers crossed.

    Edit - The patch didn't help

  • A patch just started downloading on Steam. Fingers crossed. Edit - The patch didn't help

  • Like I said. It did nothing. still goes white when changing the resolution.

    The patch might have been to solve the white screen issue:

  • edited August 2016


    MrKrory posted: »

    That does not counter anything I said.

  • i'm going to refund the game if they don't fix it soon. it's unacceptable it released like this in the first place.

  • I think you should at this point if your considering it. Isn't there like a 2 week limit on refunds.

    i'm going to refund the game if they don't fix it soon. it's unacceptable it released like this in the first place.

  • edited August 2016

    So, a staff member on tech support said that the recent patch actually wasn't for white screen issues, so that's great. Its been almost 2 weeks. This is getting pretty ridiculous. I'm glad I played the episode last Friday or I would be fucking upset at this point.

  • Its been almost 2 weeks.

    enter image description here

    So, a staff member on tech support said that the recent patch actually wasn't for white screen issues, so that's great. Its been almost 2 we

  • telltale needs to get their shit together, this is batman we're talking about here a pop culture icon a franchise with wayyy more cultural relevance than walking dead or game of thrones will ever be, if telltale messes this up they can kiss their reputation and careers good bye

  • edited August 2016

    So...all it takes to make a game company terrible is one bad game. Noted.

    gmc1992 posted: »

    telltale needs to get their shit together, this is batman we're talking about here a pop culture icon a franchise with wayyy more cultural r

  • Actually it is.

    So...all it takes to make a game company terrible is one bad game. Noted.

  • Well, that's not fair.

    If it's their first or only game, that can be acceptional. But if the company has made so many other awesome games in their time, that's a different story there.

    papai46 posted: »

    Actually it is.

  • It's not fair but it's how the industry works.

    Well, that's not fair. If it's their first or only game, that can be acceptional. But if the company has made so many other awesome games in their time, that's a different story there.

  • Holy fuck its only been one episode. Jesus dude.

    gmc1992 posted: »

    telltale needs to get their shit together, this is batman we're talking about here a pop culture icon a franchise with wayyy more cultural r

  • I tried both high and low graphic settings, and the game still is slow and unplayable. My Pc specs are too powerful for this game. When I'm in the pause menu it's fast and OK but when I go back, the game is slow. If there is a solution, please tell.

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