Details that people might forget, don't notice or just don't know about The Walking Dead



  • I'm not sure if this is common knowledge or if it was mentioned already, but I'll say it anyway.

    If you look at the portrait, diploma, and certificate in the hallway at the St. John's and then choose the nice options when dealing with Katjaa and Brenda, you get special dialogue.

    Brenda: Stop right there! I mean it!

    Lee: Think of your husband, Brenda! Would he have wanted this dairy turned into a...a slaughterhouse??!

    Brenda: I'll kill her, Lee! Stay back! Don't do anything stupid!

    Lee: What happened, Brenda? Your family was obviously smart! How did it come to this?!?

    Brenda: Just stop!...I don't want to kill you, Lee!

    Lee: This dairy was your pride! Look what you've done to it!

    Here is a video of the original and special scene.

    Sorry if this was something everyone already knew. I didn't want to read through 181 pages to find out!

  • I didn't know that, interesting xD

    Did you know that Christa will kill the boy in the attic if you decided to do nothing?

  • Kenny: We need to build a fire

    What if it does have significance? In the S3 teaser, the main "The Walking Dead Season 3" logo is literally fire and surrounded by fire. N

  • I Don't think you can be mean to Brenda since she can kill you

    Kenny726 posted: »

    I'm not sure if this is common knowledge or if it was mentioned already, but I'll say it anyway. If you look at the portrait, diploma, an

  • I've actually never heard it before, maybe because I'm from the UK?

    Deltino posted: »

    Option C: It's a relatively common saying

  • I think it's to do about the whole branding thing, since you'd need fire to make a branding iron hot, and getting burnt by that thing would hurt like a bitch o___o plus it being connected to some group that has some craze on branding, makes sense.

    What if it does have significance? In the S3 teaser, the main "The Walking Dead Season 3" logo is literally fire and surrounded by fire. N

  • It's strange cuz fire usually means hope in TWDG

    What if it does have significance? In the S3 teaser, the main "The Walking Dead Season 3" logo is literally fire and surrounded by fire. N

  • I guess I meant the more gentle and less risky dialogue choices. Lee can determinantly say "Put the gun down, bitch!" which isn't exactly nice. It's actually pretty insane to say something like that in that kind of situation.

    Sparkeagle posted: »

    I Don't think you can be mean to Brenda since she can kill you

  • Yeah, Id say its more american thing, and to be more specific a more southern american thing.

    Flog61 posted: »

    I've actually never heard it before, maybe because I'm from the UK?

  • Am I not allowed to comment twice in a row if my next comment differs a lot from my previous one?

    Anyways, I'm somewhat sure that these count as little known details. I looked up the name meanings of several of The Walking Dead Game characters. A few of them were really fitting, which was interesting. A few others were pretty ironic. So, here goes:

    Kenny/Kenneth- Born of fire

    Lee- Shelter

    Clementine- Merciful

    Ben- Son

    Carley- Free

    Katjaa- Pure

    Luke- Light

    Jane- Merciful

    Nick- Victory

    Pete- Stone

    Doug- Dark waters

    Alvin- Friend of elves (?)

    Arvo- Value, worth

    Rebecca- Secure

    Lily- Innocence

    Walter- Ruler

    Larry- Fierce

    Bonnie- Charming (If only this was Larry's)

    Sarah- Princess

  • I can totally see Alvin having a bunch of elven friends have his back.

    Kenny726 posted: »

    Am I not allowed to comment twice in a row if my next comment differs a lot from my previous one? Anyways, I'm somewhat sure that these c

  • I find it neat how Clem and Jane's names both have the same meaning.

    Kenny726 posted: »

    Am I not allowed to comment twice in a row if my next comment differs a lot from my previous one? Anyways, I'm somewhat sure that these c

  • Walkers S1/S2

    Shawn, Chet(determinant), Ben?(determinant, and did Kenny put him down? There are 2 different playbacks at Ben's 2nd death. If you were best buds with Kenny, you hear: "Kenny ple...[gunshot]". If you weren't, you hear: "Kenny please![gunshot]". Which makes me think he put him down if you were buds, and didn't if you weren't. Also, Kenny's "Couldn't help the kid, but I got out" is very vague. Wish I could've asked him, "What the fuck does that mean!?"-RIP Omid.), Duck(determinant) Pete(determinant), Matthew, Nick, Carlos, Sarah, Rebecca, Bonnie(determinant), Luke, Kenny(determinant), Jane(determinant), and last but not least, Lee(determinant)

  • Wow, that's some seriously impressive attention to detail from Telltale.

    Kenny726 posted: »

    I'm not sure if this is common knowledge or if it was mentioned already, but I'll say it anyway. If you look at the portrait, diploma, an

  • Great post, @Kenny726!

    @Flog61 should totally check it out!

    Kenny726 posted: »

    Am I not allowed to comment twice in a row if my next comment differs a lot from my previous one? Anyways, I'm somewhat sure that these c

  • well kenny is jesus incarnated so he is blessed with a godlike beard

    Yes i know one...Kenny has a godlike beard now, instead of a divine Mustache! Many people seem to forget that!

  • DeltinoDeltino Moderator
    edited August 2016

    The Ben line isn't actually affected by that. There's only one version of the line in the files. It's just Telltale's engine being itself, and not cutting the line off properly like it's supposed to. The line in question is actually a full line, meant to be cut off by the gunshot. But sometimes, the command to cut off the line doesn't trigger correctly, making him continue to speak through the gunshot. Point being, it's not affected by previous choices, it's affected by Telltale's engine being... what it is. I can tell you for certain, when I first played through the game, I wasn't best buds with Kenny and his line still cut off properly. And you can find quite a few different youtube videos where the line is either cut off or not, regardless of your relationship with Kenny.

    The same problem very rarely occurs at the beginning of Vince's story. The guy Vince shoots at the beginning tries to say "I don't even know your brother!" but gets cut off by the gunshot, but very rarely, the full line will play. I'm personally convinced that it's a lag issue that causes this, since Telltale's engine has a tendency to skip now and again, even if it isn't always noticeable right away.

    GiantKiller posted: »

    Walkers S1/S2 Shawn, Chet(determinant), Ben?(determinant, and did Kenny put him down? There are 2 different playbacks at Ben's 2nd death.

  • the more you know

    Deltino posted: »

    The Ben line isn't actually affected by that. There's only one version of the line in the files. It's just Telltale's engine being itself, a

  • I think there's an s on the username lol

    Great post, @Kenny726! @Flog61 should totally check it out!

  • I think Sarah is technically determinant to the trailer park.

    GiantKiller posted: »

    Walkers S1/S2 Shawn, Chet(determinant), Ben?(determinant, and did Kenny put him down? There are 2 different playbacks at Ben's 2nd death.

  • Technically, Jane is a feminisation of John, meaning "God is gracious". I suppose that could be interpreted as merciful. Doug's reminds me of the quote "still waters run deep" which I feel is appropriate for his character.

    Kenny726 posted: »

    Am I not allowed to comment twice in a row if my next comment differs a lot from my previous one? Anyways, I'm somewhat sure that these c

  • Doug's reminds me of the quote "still waters run deep" which I feel is appropriate for his character.


    Technically, Jane is a feminisation of John, meaning "God is gracious". I suppose that could be interpreted as merciful. Doug's reminds me of the quote "still waters run deep" which I feel is appropriate for his character.

  • Lol. Those were pointed out already. And yes it is one in TWD S2 too.

    LemdogE posted: »

    Good eye! You deserve a banang for finding all those lol I wonder if one is hiding in TWD S2 Can't wait for Batman, thank god it came out today

  • Wait.. we still haven't seen it in the minecraft series, right? It should appear, cause it's their thing! I'm sure they said they'd do it...

    It's also in 400 days and Michonne. And.... Can't wait to see it in Batman.

  • Which is even worse, imo. To me the whole point of that scene was Kenny sacraficing himself for Lee. Because he knew that Lee wasn't going to be able to just leave Ben behind. Kenny, knowing that time is of the essence, when it comes to finding Clem. Pushes Lee so he has no choice but to go find Clem, so Kenny can end Ben's suffering.

    Now I'm thinking Kenny just ditched everybody. I mean if his plan was to shoot Ben and haul ass. How could he not follow through with it? How can he revise the plan within 5 seconds?

    This situation boggles my mind.

    Deltino posted: »

    The Ben line isn't actually affected by that. There's only one version of the line in the files. It's just Telltale's engine being itself, a

  • She gets eaten, and left either way. No bullet finds her brain, unfortunately.

    DabigRG posted: »

    I think Sarah is technically determinant to the trailer park.

  • DeltinoDeltino Moderator
    edited August 2016

    Just to be clear, the line is intended to cut off. The intention of the scene is that Kenny did in fact shoot Ben.

    The way I've always interpreted the scene was Kenny being stubborn as always, refusing to leave Ben behind up until the very end. He wanted to actually save Ben and get him out of the alley alive. He only shot Ben when he finally realized that it was hopeless, and that Ben wasn't going to survive. Why else would he try to fight off the zombies before shooting Ben?

    It's no secret that Kenny doesn't always think things through. In his mind, him locking the gate was to ensure Lee would survive, so he could save Clementine, while Kenny tried to save Ben. Of course, Kenny being the impulsively stubborn dude he is, forgot that locking the gate also meant he was trapped in the alley. That, combined with the walkers closing in, made him realize that he wasn't going to be able to save Ben's life, so he does the next best thing: spare him the pain of being eaten, and try to escape.

    He didn't go down there with the intention of dying or trying to sacrifice himself. He wanted to save Ben's life. He was just too stubborn to see that it was impossible to do so.

    GiantKiller posted: »

    Which is even worse, imo. To me the whole point of that scene was Kenny sacraficing himself for Lee. Because he knew that Lee wasn't going t

  • I was referring to the fact that the observation deck collapses not too shortly after Jane abandons her, complete with the camera showing her unconscious bod for a split-second...even if you left her in the trailer part.

    GiantKiller posted: »

    She gets eaten, and left either way. No bullet finds her brain, unfortunately.

  • Oh, ok. That makes sense. I'm glad I posted my thoughts. Have been wondering about that for awhile.

    I always thought when Kenny locked himself in, it was to just put Ben down. But I guess he could've just done that and said "let's go Lee".

    Thanks for the insight, dude.

    Deltino posted: »

    Just to be clear, the line is intended to cut off. The intention of the scene is that Kenny did in fact shoot Ben. The way I've always in

  • In his mind, him locking the gate was to ensure Lee would survive, so he could save Clementine, while Kenny tried to save Ben. Of course, Kenny being the impulsively stubborn dude he is, forgot that locking the gate also meant he was trapped in the alley.

    This is basically Kenny's core existence in a nutshell.

    • Attempts to play the hero in his mind to convince himself that he has kept his humanity, as a coping mechanism of sorts.

    • Attempts to help somebody else.

    • Acts in a poorly thought-out manner that messes up everything.

    Deltino posted: »

    Just to be clear, the line is intended to cut off. The intention of the scene is that Kenny did in fact shoot Ben. The way I've always in

  • Kind of a stretch, but not impossible.

    Murmle22 posted: »

    Governor (in the comics) talk about the people who survived at the station in Atlanta, and then they ran away from there and crush on helicopter.. Most likely it is the station where worked Carley and her friend Steve.

  • It is an old trope that a beard and mustache was a way to say a character was gay...I think it came from clean cut is pure...I dunno.

    TDMshadowCP posted: »

    But, but... Katjaa and Duck are in front of Larry's eyes.... How can... Why?

  • I just realized how ironic back in S2EP4, Bonnie says to follow Jane cause she doesn't trust her and expects her to run off, but in S2EP5, Bonnie is who is untrustworthy and runs off with Mike and Arvo.

  • If you said Lee runs the group and fixed the swing in S1EP2, Andy will remark "No wonder you're the leader of your group!"

  • For Season 3 Clementine has a bandage around her upper right leg. It's present in both one of the recent screenshots and the artwork as well.

    enter image description here

    If she got shot or stabbed, that person must be punched in the dick =_=

    Also where Clementine and Javier are looks like for cattle, which is kinda of obvious, but if that's so, then it's entirely possible there might be ways the walkers are being transferred from pen to pen like usual cattle are so those housing them there don't risk getting bitten. So imagine this, but with the undead:

    enter image description here
    enter image description here

    Also, I just youtubed cattle slaughterhouses, and I have come to the conclusion they are not nice places to be during a zombie apocalypse! Especially if your name is Clementine and it's run by assholes! T_T

    And this a video showing one form of the branding process for cattle. There are more humane ones out there, but this is the least humane form of it and the stupid music isn't sugarcoating anything. Going to give this video a tad warning as not everybody may want to click on it.

    Javier has sooo much to look forward to!

  • Nice discovery, Lilac!

    That poor cow, though. I winced when the brander made contact with the skin and freaking flames flew in all directions. Hopefully they will give Javier some sedative before branding him? I'm begging for the antagonists to be a little like Norma and not some nonsense assholes.

    Also, the singer has no idea that Jolene is dead.

    Lilacsbloom posted: »

    For Season 3 Clementine has a bandage around her upper right leg. It's present in both one of the recent screenshots and the artwork as well

  • [Watches video]

    Oh... Oh my Zeus... how...? Poor animals... how can they do that!? How can people be so monstruous to do this... to this beautiful animals? I find cows very smart, pure and beautiful and seeing them going through this shit... only so we can drink milk (which is unnatural in people older than one year) and eat pieces of their corpses... it's insane and sadistic. I think I'm about to cry right now.


    I'm becoming vengan today.

    Lilacsbloom posted: »

    For Season 3 Clementine has a bandage around her upper right leg. It's present in both one of the recent screenshots and the artwork as well

  • edited August 2016

    (Not really) Leaked plot detail in an interview with Job at Gamescom.

    With the third season of Walking Dead in particular, having a two-POV story between Javier--our newcomer, Cuban-American looking for his family--and Clementine (...)

    Seems like Javier's relatives are missing!

    Interview here.

    If this was already clear before, then my bad : P

  • This was mentioned before, and I believe you can see his family in one screenshot.

    enter image description here

    (Not really) Leaked plot detail in an interview with Job at Gamescom. (...) With the third season of Walking Dead in particular, ha

  • Hopefully they will give Javier some sedative before branding him?

    Sleep, this is Telltale we're talking about here. If they can make an 11 year old girl suffer sewing her arm up, then by god Javier is a doomed man.

    Nice discovery, Lilac! That poor cow, though. I winced when the brander made contact with the skin and freaking flames flew in all direct

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