Why the Telltale site became so ... ''white'' ?
Did i do something wrong, for some reason the Telltale site is way too white now and it looks a bit bad, the forum site at least, can i choose somewhere to change the skin or something?
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It's an update.
but it looks horrible like that, just a blank space whoever made that update has really bad taste in everything, more like a downgrade
You should be grateful it wasn't as bad as when it first started. Notifications were gone, etc.
Thank you for your opinion.
The event will forever be known as Telltale Games' "Vietnam" for the interactive movie era. I think it really scarred some people.
As far as I know, not really.
According to Blind, the white is only temporary and will be updated sometime in the future. Whenever that is.
I still don't get notifications though, nor I can see the no. of new comments and likes in my feed.
As long as notifications work for me, I don't give a shit.
The notifications problem is on your end.
Aquajew stated so the day of the change. Here Currently on page 12.
Any idea how to fix that?
Since I don't have the problem myself I'm afraid not.
Telltale staff members previously commented on this, as Johro said above:
Clear your cache.
The thread follow notifications for displaying how many new likes/comments in one thread are broken, but you should still get notifications for stuff like replies to your comments, PMs, flagged posts, etc.
But I don't get them. No idea why...
Umm, that's weird. At bare minimum, have you logged out and back in? I cannot imagine that is the problem, but it's worth a shot I suppose. [shrugs]
Hashtag TelltaleSoWhite
soon TM
Telltale no longer accepting of other colors?
The original poster has had their question answered and it seems that at this point there is not much else to say, so I'm going to close the thread.
Reposting a Telltale Staff member's answer to the question (that I also shared above) in case anyone missed it:
The majority of changes that we've made have been back-end; we completely overhauled the way that we create and deliver content. Additionally as most of you have noticed, most of the site got a complete face lift as well. The full visual improvement we want to make to the Community hasn't happened yet, but I assure all of you that it will be soon. And it will not be entirely white. The biggest reason for all of this work is to allow us the ability to make consistent improvements throughout all areas of the site; community, company, jobs, game pages, news, PR posts, etc. We needed the ability to iterate and change and add content quickly, which just wasn't possible in the past.