Best episode: A House Divided
Worst episode: No Going Back
Favorite Moment: Every conversation with Luke, but if I had to pick one I w… moreould chose the conversation you have with him in episode 4 about Jane and Kenny
Least Favorite Moment: Luke's death... the logic, the timing and everything about it was bullshit.
Favorite Character: If you haven't guessed already, Luke.
Least Favorite: Arvo, that guy... he was just trying to get someone killed on that lake, I swear.
Clearly no one knew Jane as she didn't endanger the baby and she made it clear she was there for Clem not because she needed the group's protection.
Jane did what she had to so as to save Clem from Kenny who was a proven psychopath and had literally destroyed the group a few moments earlier. Heck, Kenny was threatening Jane in the car when she was trying one last time to make small talk.
The above quote is what @Sardorim posted on a now closed thread from last year that suddenly reappeared which I wanted to reply to and yep i realise this is also an old thread and I don't normally like restarting old threads but anyway. First of all, what? Jane didn't endanger the baby? Are you a child saying this? I don't intend to be rude but yet again how ignorant is this for you to say? Did you even see what Jane did that put the baby in danger at the end of the game? Regardless of her intentions, what she did was extremely shitty of her using a baby to get a point across.
You need to look up what a psychopath is, again showing your ignorance. A psychopath does not have a conscience, yet we all know Kenny does. Psychos don't usually calm down after doing something bad and they wouldn't care for the wellbeing of others as Kenny shows his caring side for the kids at Wellington. As for Kenny threatening in the car, maybe you should look at the other side of things at the fact that Jane was just as bad as she was constantly trying to annoy him as the conversation got more and more heated. They were both in the wrong
Favorite moment - Putting Kenny down before he could hurt Clem, Jane, or the baby.
Least Favorite moment - Kenny assaulting Jane when she's innocent.
Favorite characters - Clem, Jane, and Luke
Least Favorite Character - Kenny
Best Episodes: "All That Remains", " A House Divided" and "No Going Back"
Worst Episodes: "In Harm's Way" and "Amid The Ruins"
Favorit… moree Moments: Clementine talking about Lee and her parents at the table, Pete's last moments with Clementine, Clementine teaching Sarah how to use a gun similar to Lee, Kenny and Clementine's reunion, Carver's intense interrogation scene at the ski lodge, Clementine telling Kenny that he's not the only one who's lost people, Campfire scene, Lee dream sequence, leaving with Kenny ending.
Worst Moments: Omid's, Pete's, Matthew's, Walter's, Sarita's, Sarah's, Nick's, and Luke's unavoidable deaths, Clementine getting bit by Sam and have to kill or leave Sam to die and Clementine getting shot by Arvo.
Favorite Characters: Clementine, Pete, Sarah, AJ, Sarita, Carver, Kenny, Luke, Walter and Nick.
Least Favorite Characters: Rebecca, Alvin, Carlos, Mike, Bonnie, Arvo, Troy, Tavia, Winston, Christa, Johnny and Michelle.
Favorite Dialogue:
Best: "No Going Back" The tension was palpable throughout the episode and the ending was well-written, despite the fact that Jane's role as the anti-Kenny should have been given to Luke. "Amid the Ruins" was a snooze fest. The final episode somewhat redeemed that.
Worst: "All That Remains" I didn't care for the the b.s. with the dog. Also Omid and Christa were misused. I know it was a plot device to show us how self-sufficient and mature Clementine had supposedly become, but the writers needed to build toward that. Having Omid's death shown in a flashback and closing the episode with Christa and Clem getting separated would have been more appropriate. Season 2 felt rushed overall compared to Season 1.
Favorite and Least Favorite Moment
Favorite Moment(s): Trimming the tree and having supper at the lodge, Walter confronting Nick (one of the few times the writing really shined and the characters showed believable emotion), Clem and Bonnie bonding in the armoury, the lighthearted campfire conversation.
Least Favorite Moment: everything to do with the dog, being forced to play mediator with Kenny, the constant bickering between Kenny and everyone else, the trailer park events -particularly Nick's death, Sarah's refusal to get a grip, getting shot by Arvo even though I didn't steal from him and defended him, Bonnie acting out of character.
Best Character
Favorite Character: Bonnie. I related to her, honestly. I'm not sure why more people didn't. Most people want to do right and be liked, but struggle with their own selfishness and cave under pressure. There were shades of Ben in her. Honourable mentions are Nick (wasted potential), Jane (can't say I like her, but at least she had a story and some depth), Rebecca (she kind of grew on me), Kenny (it's love/hate with him...dammit Kenny!), Walter (he was naive, but optimistic and warm-hearted. I can't fault him for that.)
Least Favorite: Alvin and Mike, because they did little more than exist, Carlos, because he held Sarah back (when there are men that would rob and rape your daughter and zombies that would eat her, wouldn't teaching her to watch out for herself, use a weapon, and communicate be more important than protecting her fragile disposition??), Kenny (he drove me nuts when I wanted to like him), Carver (wasted potential as a villain)
Best Episode: All That Remains captured the feeling of isolation and powerlessness through the eyes of a child survivor, having been separated from your surrogate mother, attacked by a wild dog, and then being locked up in a shed by strangers who refuses to believe that you weren't bitten by a walker. Personally, this is how the rest of Season 2 should have been.
Worst Episode: Amid The Ruins, without a doubt. The mean-spirited treatment Nick and Sarah had received in that episode were both unnecessary and spiteful, and the utter lack of comment or reaction from their friends when they died had gave me the impression that the writers showed no signs of respect or tolerance towards those who were disabled or clinically depressed, and that we should celebrate their deaths.
Favorite Moment: The fireplace scene in No Going Back, which allowed for the much needed character interaction and development that were thoroughly lacking throughout Season 2, especially with the disappointment that was Carver's community and how lifeless and pointless it was.
Least Favorite Moment: Besides Nick and Sarah's deaths in Amid the Ruins, the betrayal scene in No Going Back was the worst moment for me. Not only did Bonnie and Mike's betrayal come out of nowhere, it had needlessly demonized their characterization for no justifiable reason other than to make Kenny appear justified in how he acted and behaved throughout the entire episode, and the justification in itself was handled so clumsily it had made me feel that anyone who argued against going to Wellington (which at that point no-one knew had existed) were in the wrong.
Favorite Characters: Nick and Sarah, easily. Two characters who deserved better than treatment than what they had. It helped that they were the only new characters that I could relate to the most, and had felt more deserving of surviving and living in Season 2. Their role in Season 2 could have been how those of disability or mentally unwell are easily underestimated and undervalued by people around them, much like in real life, and yet they have the strength to overcome their weaknesses. None of that "the weak cannot and should not ever survive" cliche nonsense.
Least Favorite Character: Kenny. Whatever respect I had for him in Season 1 is utterly destroyed after his behavior in No Going Back. Now, I see him as a wish fulfillment plot device who is grossly overrated, is nowhere near as well-intended and tragic as he is portrayed as, and is glorified to the point where he overshadows other characters who are far more interesting and likable than him.
Best Episode:
To be honest I loved how 'In Harms Way' progressed, very involving part of the story! I was gripped the whole way through whilst playing through my first time.
Worst Episode:
My least favourite Episode would be 'Amid the Ruins' as it felt rushed and as if TellTale didn't plan how the story should progress. It was especially disappointing by the fact that Carver was built up this whole time as the main antagonist but dies half way through, leaving the game going with no real emotional investment in the story until the end of 'No Going Back'.
Favourite Moment:
My favourite moment would either be sneaking into the house and listening into peoples conversations, getting dirt on the characters that you can use later (Such as Rebecca's baby might not be Alvin's etc.) or the Wellington ending, just because of the emotions that leaving Kenny to get safety made me feel
Least Favourite Moment:
The gun showdown at the end of Episode 4 and beginning of Episode 5 that made us all think that loads of people in the group would die, but nope... well Rebecca died but she was turning, not shot. I mean, that was the most unrealistic moment in the whole Season!
Favourite Character(s):
Clemmy (of course), Carver because he was a very menacing antagonist that I legitimately scared of and Alvin because he felt the most human out of all of the cabin bunch.
Least Favourite Character(s):
Arvo was the weakest character in the whole series so far I feel, he did nothing but serve as a plot device to split the group apart for the end of the game. all of the emotional involvement we had with the character was forced upon us, as we literally have no choice but to kill his sister and make him angry with you. Very poor. Along with Arvo I would say Bonnie. I really liked her up until the point where she can completely change her attitude towards you based on one decision (trying to save Luke or not), at least with Kenny in Season 1 his opinion on Lee at the end of the game is based on how loyal he was to him throughout! But with Bonnie she could be you best friend, giving you a coat to keep you warm and then hating you for not jumping in freezing cold water after a dead man!
Might have vented a bit of a rant at the end there. Ahah
Favorite Moment: Carver's death (and Clem's face molding from horrified and scared to cold and vengeful) Clementine's face when she looked at her hands, preparing to coat herself in the walker guts, Kenny's intro, walking through the horde
Least Favorite Moment: Nick and Sarah's regardless-of-your-decisions-they-still-get-killed deaths. Pete dying. Walking in on Jane and Luke fucking. Carlos' death ( I was SO FUCKING mad.)
Favorite Characters: Clementine, Kenny, Pete, Walter, Carlos and Luke.
Least Favorite Characters: Jane, Arvo, Troy, and Bonnie.
I hope this thread is still recent enough to avoid thread necromancy(whatever the limit)....
Best Episode
Best: A House Divided(most balanced character focus, most interactive gameplay segments, lots of suspenseful moments)
Worst: Amid The Ruins(inconsistent tone, most uneven character focus, useless deaths of wasted characters, hypocritical morals)
Favorite and Least Favorite Moment
Best and Worst Moment
Favorite Moment: The escape from Howe's Hardware(lots of suspense, character, and action)
Least Favorite Moment: Sarah's "canon" death(one of the only legitimate story screw-ups that I can't bring myself to forgive)
Best Character
Favorite Character: Sarah(Clementine's dopey yet endearing friend/admirer), Luke(Deconstruction of Hero Complex), Michelle(One scene wonder, Debatably the most complex antagonist if you don't count Jane/Kenny)
Least Favorite: Jane(one of the few characters I legitimately hate), Carver(Corny predictable villain, especially in Episode 3), ()
Favorite Episode: A House Divided (Kenny's return, Carver's introduction, the tension at the end, the pacing, we got some character development)
Least Favorite Episode: Amid the Ruins (Some of the choices with lack of impact, Nick and Sarah deaths, pacing)
Favorite Moment: Kenny's return (I thought it was done well. It was so surreal and emotional to me.)
Least Favorite Moment: Sarah's death (It was just so ugh! It happened so fast, it had no meaning, no one cared)
Best Characters: Clementine, Kenny, Sarah, Jane, and Nick (They all were developed to different degrees, showed promise, relatable struggles, felt "real")
Worst Characters: Troy, Mike, and Sarita (I'm not coming from a likeability standpoint. All of these characters weren't developed, didn't have much of a personality, or seemed inconsistent.)
I've already posted here, but I guess I'll be updating my favourite/least favourite things since they changed a lot.
Best Episode(s): No Going Back; loved every second of it. All the characters had a little bit of development and backstory which the series overall lack. The conflict within the group was something very well written. Nothing seemed out of character to me and the last conflict was so well crafted that I almost drool when thinking about it. Regardless of what some people may say, they built up this moment. We see that in the progression of Kenny's and Jane's character. All the endings seemed powerful. Each of them builds a totally new personality for My Clementine and I hope that the somehow make a difference in her personality in Season 3. The only really problem I have with this episode is Luke's death... I understand that it was vital to the main plot but there were other ways to kill Luke Telltale. Amid The Ruins as a close second; extremely underrated episode, imo. Sarah's death (be it the first or the second) was well written. I admit that I was also among the people who wanted Sarah to be this character who would become a badass survivor that would get used to the ZA but looking back at it, she could never be that person. She was mentally ill, her father didn't help her and that resulted on an extremely dependent Sarah. When I look at Episode 3 and see Sarah saying that she wants her dad back even though he wasn't in any danger at the moment makes Sarah's reaction to Carlos' death something believable and something that had a proper build up. (Endless text about Sarah's character that you don't really need to read ahead! (seriously just read the last phrase that you'll get my point anyway :7)) She dying after being saved is something that would happen sooner or later. When presented with a dangerous situation Sarah just froze. Unable to react, she fell with the deck and even after sending someone down to help her, she just stood still crying for her dad. The same thing would've happened if she had survived until the Russian attack. How did people expect Sarah to act when presented with this situation? That's right, I believe she would've stayed still, unable to react once again which would result in her getting shot and dying. Wha about the lake situation? She would see the zombies, panic and she would've either stayed still (which would result in her death) or started running and screaming for her dad (which would result in her death). And now I'm talking about Sarah more than the episode itself! Neat! Long story short, Sarah's second death was almost inevitable. Sarah, unfortunately, wasn't able to survive in that world due to her extreme dependence on her dad which makes her second death something well written (to me) and believable. The episode had good character development for almost everyone (perhaps Mike and Bonnie kinda stood behind, but we still had a nice moment with them : )). The first scene after Sarita got bit was super chaotic and I always appreciate chaotic scenes : ). The overall theme of the episode was good but it wasn't as interesting and well written as No Going Back's. The major con about this episode is Nick's death (that thankfully didn't happen in my playthrough).
Worst Episode: All That Remains; it wasn't a bad episode, far from it, but most of it was really boring. I wasn't invested in any character at the moment really. The first scene with Omid's (lame) death was stupid. Clem walking around in the woods had me yawning. Finding the medical supplies went for too long and had little plot progression in it. It had some character development for Sarah, established what the Clem-Sarah relationship would be based on our choices and gave us a bit info about Rebecca's pregnancy. Then we get to talk about Season 1 with Luke which had me yawning many, many times (I know, new players needed a bit of info about Lee...). Then there's the final choice between to characters that I barely cared about. It wasn't a bad episode, just a really slowly paced one!
Favourite moment(s):
Episode 5, Kenny beating Arvo if he's not convinced to join the group; I didn't like Kenny beating Arvo, I liked Kenny reacting to his own actions. This was the only moment where Kenny seemed aware that he was doing something bad. He seemed shocked with himself. I like this scene because it gave Kenny some precious characterization.
Episode 5, Kenny vs Jane.
Episode 5, Luke's birthday : (
Episode 3, 4 and 5, every moment with Jane, really, I treasure them all.
Episode 3 and 4, the horde scene/cutting Sarita's arm.
Least Favourite Moment(s)
Episode 5, the ice lake scene.
Episode 1, Omid's death.
Episode 3, Reggie's death.
Favourite/Least Favourite character(s) (I'm going to divide this between the most/least liked and the most/least well written because there's a difference).
Best character(s) (liked): Jane. Honourable mentions to Luke and Bonnie.
Best character(s) (written): Jane, Kenny, Sarah. Honourable mention to Bonnie.
Worst character(s) (disliked): Troy, Kenny, The Stranger (damn you game for reminding me of the existence of such terrible character!).
Worst character(s) (badly written): Troy (plainly bad characters do not amuse me), Reggie.
Favourite track (I had to :^)) No Going Back's original track.
Best slide
No Going Back's (aka Better to Sleep) original slide:
I've already posted here, but I guess I'll be updating my favourite/least favourite things since they changed a lot.
Best Episode(s):
N… moreo Going Back; loved every second of it. All the characters had a little bit of development and backstory which the series overall lack. The conflict within the group was something very well written. Nothing seemed out of character to me and the last conflict was so well crafted that I almost drool when thinking about it. Regardless of what some people may say, they built up this moment. We see that in the progression of Kenny's and Jane's character. All the endings seemed powerful. Each of them builds a totally new personality for My Clementine and I hope that the somehow make a difference in her personality in Season 3. The only really problem I have with this episode is Luke's death... I understand that it was vital to the main plot but there were other ways to kill Luke Telltale.
Amid The Ruins as a … [view original content]
I've already posted here, but I guess I'll be updating my favourite/least favourite things since they changed a lot.
Best Episode(s):
N… moreo Going Back; loved every second of it. All the characters had a little bit of development and backstory which the series overall lack. The conflict within the group was something very well written. Nothing seemed out of character to me and the last conflict was so well crafted that I almost drool when thinking about it. Regardless of what some people may say, they built up this moment. We see that in the progression of Kenny's and Jane's character. All the endings seemed powerful. Each of them builds a totally new personality for My Clementine and I hope that the somehow make a difference in her personality in Season 3. The only really problem I have with this episode is Luke's death... I understand that it was vital to the main plot but there were other ways to kill Luke Telltale.
Amid The Ruins as a … [view original content]
Best Episode a house divided Worst Episode amid the ruins Favorite Moments getting an old friend Kenny,
Endings with Kenny, moment with Kenny in a quite calm night, Kenny kills carver, episode 5 Jane intro, Least Favorite Moment 40% of amid the ruins episode, When Omid Died and Christa got lost, Some Favorite Characters: Kenny, Clem, Omid, Alvin, Pete, Christa, Least Favorite Characters
Arvo, Mike, Jane
Favorite moment - Putting Kenny down before he could hurt Clem, Jane, or the baby.
Least Favorite moment - Kenny assaulting Jane when she's innocent.
Favorite characters - Clem, Jane, and Luke
Least Favorite Character - Kenny
Worst Episode - No Going Back (except the ending i chose)
Favourite Moments - Seeing Omid and Christa with Clem again, Clem talking with Luke at the cabin about Lee and her past, seeing Kenny again, talking to Kenny about Lee/the past, the hostage scene at the lodge (damn it was intense), campfire scene in episode 5, dream sequence with Lee, Wellington ending.
Least Favourite Moments - Omid dying, Christa disappearing/possibly dying, Clem being bitten by Sam and Sam dying, Kenny being beaten by Carver, Kenny blaming Clem, Kenny portrayed as villainous in most of episode 5 and partially episode 4, Jane angering Kenny to prove a point that was uneeded and dangerous, almost every character in the game dying for dramatic effect (bad writing).
Favourite Characters - Clem, Kenny, Omid, Christa, Carver, Mike (before the betrayal)
Least Favourite Characters - Sarah, Rebecca, Troy, Bonnie, Jane, Arvo
Best episode: A House Divided
Worst episode: Amid The Ruins
Favorite moments: Clem sneaking around the cabin for supplies she needed for her bite, befriending Sarah, Carver's introduction, the group planning the escape from Howe's, choosing between going with Mike and Bonnie first, going with Jane first, or (determinately) checking up on Rebecca or Sarah first, the power station scene in No Going Back
Least favorite moment: The flashback in No Going Back, Kenny returning, Sarah and Nick's so called deaths, Omid and Christa being gone the first 15 minutes of the game, the shootout scene, Kenny in Amid The Ruins in general
Favorite characters: Clementine, Christa, Pete, Matthew, Walter, Rebecca, Sarah, Nick, Alvin, and Jane
Least favorite characters: Luke, Carlos, Kenny, Michelle, Mike, Arvo, Bonnie, Carver, and Tavia
Best Episode: No going back. TTG added something "knew" with that multiple endings. By its end, the episode squeeze us into showing our personalities and thoughts. Also, the outcomes of the majority of characters were well worked out.
Worst Episode: Amid The Ruins. Not as thrilled and surrounding as the other Episodes.
Best Moment: Fighting Sam for food. I love that analogy and I was like... I can't describe it guys.
Worst Moment: Pete refusing to cut his leg off. I hate it when people give up, although I understand and respect his decision.
Best Character: Clementine. Clem is simply awesome in this game, I loved playing her, TTG made it, they nicely wrote a child protagonista whose just grows more and more in the players. I usually don't like protagonists (didn't even liked Lee that much) but Clem is amazing and she's Still. Not. Bitten.
Worst Character: Reggie. The man puts up with being slaved.
Pete refusing to cut his leg off. I hate it when people give up, although I understand and respect his decision.
To be fair, he does raise a good point about that: what do you do after he cuts it off? Clementine isn't going to carry him out of there, and he isn't going to be able to move on his own. Clementine could run off and try to find Carlos and the rest and lead them back, but there's a good chance he'd bleed out in the time that would take, or if he waited for Carlos to do it, it might be too late to stop the infection by then. There aren't many supplies in the truck that could help stop the bleeding either, or much of anything that could act as a tourniquet. He didn't necessarily give up, its more of him being stuck in one of those "damned if you do, damned if you don't" kind of situations.
Best Episode: No going back. TTG added something "knew" with that multiple endings. By its end, the episode squeeze us into showing our pers… moreonalities and thoughts. Also, the outcomes of the majority of characters were well worked out.
Worst Episode: Amid The Ruins. Not as thrilled and surrounding as the other Episodes.
Best Moment: Fighting Sam for food. I love that analogy and I was like... I can't describe it guys.
Worst Moment: Pete refusing to cut his leg off. I hate it when people give up, although I understand and respect his decision.
Best Character: Clementine. Clem is simply awesome in this game, I loved playing her, TTG made it, they nicely wrote a child protagonista whose just grows more and more in the players. I usually don't like protagonists (didn't even liked Lee that much) but Clem is amazing and she's Still. Not. Bitten.
Worst Character: Reggie. The man puts up with being slaved.
I didn't like it at first, but its grown on me. To me it would have only made since if Clem were actually dying. Over time I learned that trama, sometimes not even that hurtful, can send a person into a "safe zone" so they can cope with it. But I get why some hate it.
That's exactly what I meant when I said that I UNDERSTAND his decision. However, I must say that despite everything you pointed out, keeping the leg is STILL the worst option.
Pete refusing to cut his leg off. I hate it when people give up, although I understand and respect his decision.
To be fair, he does… more raise a good point about that: what do you do after he cuts it off? Clementine isn't going to carry him out of there, and he isn't going to be able to move on his own. Clementine could run off and try to find Carlos and the rest and lead them back, but there's a good chance he'd bleed out in the time that would take, or if he waited for Carlos to do it, it might be too late to stop the infection by then. There aren't many supplies in the truck that could help stop the bleeding either, or much of anything that could act as a tourniquet. He didn't necessarily give up, its more of him being stuck in one of those "damned if you do, damned if you don't" kind of situations.
Best Episode
IN Harms Way
Worst: Amid The Ruins
Favorite and Least Favorite Moment Best and Worst Moment
Favorite Moment: D… morerinking moonshine, or smoking a cig. Watching Reggie get pushed off the ledge.
Least Favorite Moment: Talking with Jane
Best Character
Favorite character.... I don't really have one.
Least Favorite... Don't really have one. I am pretty indifferent ATM when it comes to the characters of TWDG.
Best episode: in harm's way - I liked that we got to experience what it was like in Howe's, despite it being a bad experience for Clementine
Worst episode: amid the ruins - everything started going to shit
Favourite moment: Clementine's reunion with Kenny (and their hug)
Least favourite: Nick's death - it seemed so rushed and we never actually got to see how he died (if he died in episode 4) It was a waste of potential because Nick was such an interesting character
I wouldn't really call it least favorite moment but.... The return of Kenny. I love Kenny to death but this is cheesy. Unless Kenny had a bl… moreack belt in his prime he's been keeping a secret...
But really, how could anyone escape that?!?! Why wouldn't he shout at Lee when he made it out?
Now whenever I replay that episode I always choose the "Well maybe he did get out" option
Nick's death - it seemed so rushed and we never actually got to see how he died (if he died in episode 4) It was a waste of potential because Nick was such an interesting character
Nick is interesting considering the implications of his death: there were many who just didn't like him before hand and the few that did couldn't help but notice the dramatic decrease in his determinate screentime. However, once he was revealed to have died offscreen and turned, many who flat out hated him got upset because they thought his death was disrespectful to his fans, ironically gaining him hypothetically three times as many as initially. As I mentioned somewhere else, Nick was arguably the Cabin group member I thought about the least. I don't know what it was but despite my attempts to get into him during my second playthrough, something just wasn't clicking for me. So when I found him on my first playthrough, my reaction was a blank "Oh. He died."However, when the episode was over, I realized just he backwards a lot of things in the episode was. However,(and this is probably gonna irk some nerves here) while I hated how offhand his character arc and life came to an end, the one nice thing I could say about it over Sarah's "canon" death was that it fit his character. From what I recall about him, Nick was reckless(both with a gun and with himself), paranoid, and overzealous, but also guilty and protective. So, if I can say anything nice about his canon death, the idea that he would rush out on his own, despite knowing he had a bullet in his shoulder, to look for help for both Sarah(PSTD-esque flashbacks, won't let anyone touch her without freaking out) and Luke(injured ribs, refuses to just abandon Sarah) is something the others would probably say "That sounds like something he would do".
Best episode: in harm's way - I liked that we got to experience what it was like in Howe's, despite it being a bad experience for Clementine… more
Worst episode: amid the ruins - everything started going to shit
Favourite moment: Clementine's reunion with Kenny (and their hug)
Least favourite: Nick's death - it seemed so rushed and we never actually got to see how he died (if he died in episode 4) It was a waste of potential because Nick was such an interesting character
Favourite character: Nick
Least favourite: Jane
Best Episode
"A House Divided"
Worst Episode
"All That Remains" and "Amid The Ruins"
Favorite Moments
* Arrival of Bonnie in Se… moreason Two
* Hostage scene at the Moonstar Lodge
* Hostage scene in the delivery truck
* Escape of Howe's Hardware amidst herd
* Arvo's group standoff
* Group mourns Rebecca
* Jane's story about the group at Washington, D.C.
* Jane carries on plan to ignite Kenny
* Wellington ending
Least Favorite Moment
* Clementine looks for supplies inside cabin
* Second death of Sarah
* Kenny pushes Arvo
* Kenny knocks Arvo out
* Kenny beats Arvo
* Dream sequence with Lee
* Alone with AJ ending
Best Characters
Rebecca, Kenny, Walter, Bonnie, Carver, Jane, Arvo
Worst Characters
Carlos, Sarita, Troy, Mike
Liked Characters
Rebecca, Sarah, Walter, Bonnie, Jane
Disliked Characters
Winston, Kenny, Troy
I'm getting a strong Luke vibe from this one![:D :D](
Oh really? I totally don't love Luke. Oh wait, my comment above? Yeah, it was all a lie... :P
The above quote is what @Sardorim posted on a now closed thread from last year that suddenly reappeared which I wanted to reply to and yep i realise this is also an old thread and I don't normally like restarting old threads but anyway. First of all, what? Jane didn't endanger the baby? Are you a child saying this? I don't intend to be rude but yet again how ignorant is this for you to say? Did you even see what Jane did that put the baby in danger at the end of the game? Regardless of her intentions, what she did was extremely shitty of her using a baby to get a point across.
You need to look up what a psychopath is, again showing your ignorance. A psychopath does not have a conscience, yet we all know Kenny does. Psychos don't usually calm down after doing something bad and they wouldn't care for the wellbeing of others as Kenny shows his caring side for the kids at Wellington. As for Kenny threatening in the car, maybe you should look at the other side of things at the fact that Jane was just as bad as she was constantly trying to annoy him as the conversation got more and more heated. They were both in the wrong
Best Episode - A House Divided
Worst Episode - No Going Back
Favorite Moment - Wellington Ending and Lee dream
Least Favorite Moment - Luke's death
Favorite Character - WAS Jane until Episode 5 but now nobody
Least Favorite Character - Arvo (That Little Slut)
He is a fu**ing liar!
Best Episode: No Going Back
Worst Episode Amid The Ruins
Favorite Moment: The campfire moments at the power station from No Going Back.
Least Favorite Moment: Nick/Sarah/Luke/Rebecca's demises
Favorite Character(s): Clementine, Christa, Pete, Luke, Alvin, Nick, Rebecca, Sarah, Bonnie, Mike and Jane
Least Favorite Character(s): Victor, Ralph, Winston, Carlos, Carver, Troy, Russian Group
Best Episode: No Going Back
Worst Episode: Amid the Ruins
Favorite Moment: Killing Jane
Least Favorite Moment: Sarah's death (observation deck because of Jane and Luke; seriously, fuck those guys)
Favorite Character: Clementine
Least Favorite Character: Jane
Best episode: A House Divided and No Going Back
Worst episode: In Harm's Way
Favorite Moment: Carver getting to the lodge.
Least Favorite Moment: Carlos' death, Arvo and the russian people trying to rob un no matter what i did, Arvo shooting Clem
Favorite Character (besides Clem and Kenny): Luke, Pete, Walter
Least Favorite Character: Bonnie
Best Episode
Best: "No Going Back" The tension was palpable throughout the episode and the ending was well-written, despite the fact that Jane's role as the anti-Kenny should have been given to Luke. "Amid the Ruins" was a snooze fest. The final episode somewhat redeemed that.
Worst: "All That Remains" I didn't care for the the b.s. with the dog. Also Omid and Christa were misused. I know it was a plot device to show us how self-sufficient and mature Clementine had supposedly become, but the writers needed to build toward that. Having Omid's death shown in a flashback and closing the episode with Christa and Clem getting separated would have been more appropriate. Season 2 felt rushed overall compared to Season 1.
Favorite and Least Favorite Moment
Favorite Moment(s): Trimming the tree and having supper at the lodge, Walter confronting Nick (one of the few times the writing really shined and the characters showed believable emotion), Clem and Bonnie bonding in the armoury, the lighthearted campfire conversation.
Least Favorite Moment: everything to do with the dog, being forced to play mediator with Kenny, the constant bickering between Kenny and everyone else, the trailer park events -particularly Nick's death, Sarah's refusal to get a grip, getting shot by Arvo even though I didn't steal from him and defended him, Bonnie acting out of character.
Best Character
Favorite Character: Bonnie. I related to her, honestly. I'm not sure why more people didn't. Most people want to do right and be liked, but struggle with their own selfishness and cave under pressure. There were shades of Ben in her. Honourable mentions are Nick (wasted potential), Jane (can't say I like her, but at least she had a story and some depth), Rebecca (she kind of grew on me), Kenny (it's love/hate with him...dammit Kenny!), Walter (he was naive, but optimistic and warm-hearted. I can't fault him for that.)
Least Favorite: Alvin and Mike, because they did little more than exist, Carlos, because he held Sarah back (when there are men that would rob and rape your daughter and zombies that would eat her, wouldn't teaching her to watch out for herself, use a weapon, and communicate be more important than protecting her fragile disposition??), Kenny (he drove me nuts when I wanted to like him), Carver (wasted potential as a villain)
Best Episode
All That Remains
Worst Episode
In Harm's Way
Favourite Moment(s)
Lee flashback, herde scene and Carver's introduction
Worst Moment(s)
Reggie's death, Clementine shrugging off a bullet, Arvo shootout
Best Character
Honestly don't know because they were all pretty bland...I guess Carver
Worst Character
Reggie (voice acting and only exists to prove a point), Arvo (little shit), certain female
Best Episode: All that Remains
Worst Episode: Amid The Ruins
Favorite Moment: Telling Rebecca, she should be nicer to Clem XD I thought this was a really funny scene.
Least Favorite Moments: Finding Nick, stuck in a fence as a walker. Sarah's unnecessary cruel death-scene's. And encountering Kenny again.
Favorite Characters: Nick / Jane
Least Favorite characters: Bonnie / Kenny / Mike
Best Episode: All That Remains captured the feeling of isolation and powerlessness through the eyes of a child survivor, having been separated from your surrogate mother, attacked by a wild dog, and then being locked up in a shed by strangers who refuses to believe that you weren't bitten by a walker. Personally, this is how the rest of Season 2 should have been.
Worst Episode: Amid The Ruins, without a doubt. The mean-spirited treatment Nick and Sarah had received in that episode were both unnecessary and spiteful, and the utter lack of comment or reaction from their friends when they died had gave me the impression that the writers showed no signs of respect or tolerance towards those who were disabled or clinically depressed, and that we should celebrate their deaths.
Favorite Moment: The fireplace scene in No Going Back, which allowed for the much needed character interaction and development that were thoroughly lacking throughout Season 2, especially with the disappointment that was Carver's community and how lifeless and pointless it was.
Least Favorite Moment: Besides Nick and Sarah's deaths in Amid the Ruins, the betrayal scene in No Going Back was the worst moment for me. Not only did Bonnie and Mike's betrayal come out of nowhere, it had needlessly demonized their characterization for no justifiable reason other than to make Kenny appear justified in how he acted and behaved throughout the entire episode, and the justification in itself was handled so clumsily it had made me feel that anyone who argued against going to Wellington (which at that point no-one knew had existed) were in the wrong.
Favorite Characters: Nick and Sarah, easily. Two characters who deserved better than treatment than what they had. It helped that they were the only new characters that I could relate to the most, and had felt more deserving of surviving and living in Season 2. Their role in Season 2 could have been how those of disability or mentally unwell are easily underestimated and undervalued by people around them, much like in real life, and yet they have the strength to overcome their weaknesses. None of that "the weak cannot and should not ever survive" cliche nonsense.
Least Favorite Character: Kenny. Whatever respect I had for him in Season 1 is utterly destroyed after his behavior in No Going Back. Now, I see him as a wish fulfillment plot device who is grossly overrated, is nowhere near as well-intended and tragic as he is portrayed as, and is glorified to the point where he overshadows other characters who are far more interesting and likable than him.
Best Episode: In Harm's Way.
Worst Episode: All That Remains or Amid the Ruins. (Even though they probably had the best trailers of the Season)
Favorite Moment: Kenny's return and reunion with Clem, Kenny's recovery and revenge on Carver, Kenny's ending. Whenever Clem hugs Kenny. Clem's dream. Can't pick.
Least Favorite Moment: The beginning of All That Remains, half of Amid the Ruins. Luke's death.
Favorite Characters: Kenny, Clem, Luke, Nick, Jane.
Least Favorite Character: Arvo.
And yes, I'm biased, don't judge. XD
Best Episode:
To be honest I loved how 'In Harms Way' progressed, very involving part of the story! I was gripped the whole way through whilst playing through my first time.
Worst Episode:
My least favourite Episode would be 'Amid the Ruins' as it felt rushed and as if TellTale didn't plan how the story should progress. It was especially disappointing by the fact that Carver was built up this whole time as the main antagonist but dies half way through, leaving the game going with no real emotional investment in the story until the end of 'No Going Back'.
Favourite Moment:![:'( :'(](
My favourite moment would either be sneaking into the house and listening into peoples conversations, getting dirt on the characters that you can use later (Such as Rebecca's baby might not be Alvin's etc.) or the Wellington ending, just because of the emotions that leaving Kenny to get safety made me feel
Least Favourite Moment:
The gun showdown at the end of Episode 4 and beginning of Episode 5 that made us all think that loads of people in the group would die, but nope... well Rebecca died but she was turning, not shot. I mean, that was the most unrealistic moment in the whole Season!
Favourite Character(s):
Clemmy (of course), Carver because he was a very menacing antagonist that I legitimately scared of and Alvin because he felt the most human out of all of the cabin bunch.
Least Favourite Character(s):
Arvo was the weakest character in the whole series so far I feel, he did nothing but serve as a plot device to split the group apart for the end of the game. all of the emotional involvement we had with the character was forced upon us, as we literally have no choice but to kill his sister and make him angry with you. Very poor. Along with Arvo I would say Bonnie. I really liked her up until the point where she can completely change her attitude towards you based on one decision (trying to save Luke or not), at least with Kenny in Season 1 his opinion on Lee at the end of the game is based on how loyal he was to him throughout! But with Bonnie she could be you best friend, giving you a coat to keep you warm and then hating you for not jumping in freezing cold water after a dead man!
Might have vented a bit of a rant at the end there. Ahah![:) :)](
Best Episode: A New Day
Worst Episode: No Time Left
Favorite Moment: Clem reuniting with Kenny, Carver getting his face bashed in, Clem's dream of Lee, Troy's demise
Least Favorite Moment: The death of Lee, Luke, Nick and Sarah
Favorite Characters: Lee, Clementine, Luke, Kenny, Omid, Chuck.
Least Favorite Characters: Carver, Troy, Arvo.
Best Episode: A House Divided
Worst Episode: Amid the Ruins
Favorite Moment: Reuniting with Kenny and having dinner at the lodge
Least Favorite Moment: The deaths in Amid the Ruins
Favorite Characters: Clem, Kenny, Pete
Least Favorite Characters: Arvo and Jane
Best Episode: In Harm's Way and A House Dvided
Worst Episode: Amid The Ruins
Favorite Moment: Carver's death (and Clem's face molding from horrified and scared to cold and vengeful) Clementine's face when she looked at her hands, preparing to coat herself in the walker guts, Kenny's intro, walking through the horde
Least Favorite Moment: Nick and Sarah's regardless-of-your-decisions-they-still-get-killed deaths. Pete dying. Walking in on Jane and Luke fucking. Carlos' death ( I was SO FUCKING mad.)
Favorite Characters: Clementine, Kenny, Pete, Walter, Carlos and Luke.
Least Favorite Characters: Jane, Arvo, Troy, and Bonnie.
I hope this thread is still recent enough to avoid thread necromancy(whatever the limit)....
Best Episode
Best: A House Divided(most balanced character focus, most interactive gameplay segments, lots of suspenseful moments)
Worst: Amid The Ruins(inconsistent tone, most uneven character focus, useless deaths of wasted characters, hypocritical morals)
Favorite and Least Favorite Moment
Best and Worst Moment
Favorite Moment: The escape from Howe's Hardware(lots of suspense, character, and action)
Least Favorite Moment: Sarah's "canon" death(one of the only legitimate story screw-ups that I can't bring myself to forgive)
Best Character
Favorite Character: Sarah(Clementine's dopey yet endearing friend/admirer), Luke(Deconstruction of Hero Complex), Michelle(One scene wonder, Debatably the most complex antagonist if you don't count Jane/Kenny)
Least Favorite: Jane(one of the few characters I legitimately hate), Carver(Corny predictable villain, especially in Episode 3), ()
Best Episode
"A House Divided"
Worst Episode
"All That Remains" and "Amid The Ruins"
Favorite Moments
Least Favorite Moment
Best Characters
Rebecca, Kenny, Walter, Bonnie, Carver, Jane, Arvo
Worst Characters
Carlos, Sarita, Troy, Mike
Liked Characters
Rebecca, Sarah, Walter, Bonnie, Jane
Disliked Characters
Winston, Kenny, Troy
Good things:
Bad things:
Favorite Episode: A House Divided (Kenny's return, Carver's introduction, the tension at the end, the pacing, we got some character development)
Least Favorite Episode: Amid the Ruins (Some of the choices with lack of impact, Nick and Sarah deaths, pacing)
Favorite Moment: Kenny's return (I thought it was done well. It was so surreal and emotional to me.)
Least Favorite Moment: Sarah's death (It was just so ugh! It happened so fast, it had no meaning, no one cared)
Best Characters: Clementine, Kenny, Sarah, Jane, and Nick (They all were developed to different degrees, showed promise, relatable struggles, felt "real")
Worst Characters: Troy, Mike, and Sarita (I'm not coming from a likeability standpoint. All of these characters weren't developed, didn't have much of a personality, or seemed inconsistent.)
I've already posted here, but I guess I'll be updating my favourite/least favourite things since they changed a lot.
Best Episode(s):
No Going Back; loved every second of it. All the characters had a little bit of development and backstory which the series overall lack. The conflict within the group was something very well written. Nothing seemed out of character to me and the last conflict was so well crafted that I almost drool when thinking about it. Regardless of what some people may say, they built up this moment. We see that in the progression of Kenny's and Jane's character. All the endings seemed powerful. Each of them builds a totally new personality for My Clementine and I hope that the somehow make a difference in her personality in Season 3. The only really problem I have with this episode is Luke's death... I understand that it was vital to the main plot but there were other ways to kill Luke Telltale.
Amid The Ruins as a close second; extremely underrated episode, imo. Sarah's death (be it the first or the second) was well written. I admit that I was also among the people who wanted Sarah to be this character who would become a badass survivor that would get used to the ZA but looking back at it, she could never be that person. She was mentally ill, her father didn't help her and that resulted on an extremely dependent Sarah. When I look at Episode 3 and see Sarah saying that she wants her dad back even though he wasn't in any danger at the moment makes Sarah's reaction to Carlos' death something believable and something that had a proper build up. (Endless text about Sarah's character that you don't really need to read ahead! (seriously just read the last phrase that you'll get my point anyway :7)) She dying after being saved is something that would happen sooner or later. When presented with a dangerous situation Sarah just froze. Unable to react, she fell with the deck and even after sending someone down to help her, she just stood still crying for her dad. The same thing would've happened if she had survived until the Russian attack. How did people expect Sarah to act when presented with this situation? That's right, I believe she would've stayed still, unable to react once again which would result in her getting shot and dying. Wha about the lake situation? She would see the zombies, panic and she would've either stayed still (which would result in her death) or started running and screaming for her dad (which would result in her death). And now I'm talking about Sarah more than the episode itself! Neat! Long story short, Sarah's second death was almost inevitable. Sarah, unfortunately, wasn't able to survive in that world due to her extreme dependence on her dad which makes her second death something well written (to me) and believable. The episode had good character development for almost everyone (perhaps Mike and Bonnie kinda stood behind, but we still had a nice moment with them : )). The first scene after Sarita got bit was super chaotic and I always appreciate chaotic scenes : ). The overall theme of the episode was good but it wasn't as interesting and well written as No Going Back's. The major con about this episode is Nick's death (that thankfully didn't happen in my playthrough).
Worst Episode:
All That Remains; it wasn't a bad episode, far from it, but most of it was really boring. I wasn't invested in any character at the moment really. The first scene with Omid's (lame) death was stupid. Clem walking around in the woods had me yawning. Finding the medical supplies went for too long and had little plot progression in it. It had some character development for Sarah, established what the Clem-Sarah relationship would be based on our choices and gave us a bit info about Rebecca's pregnancy. Then we get to talk about Season 1 with Luke which had me yawning many, many times (I know, new players needed a bit of info about Lee...). Then there's the final choice between to characters that I barely cared about. It wasn't a bad episode, just a really slowly paced one!
Favourite moment(s):
Episode 5, Kenny beating Arvo if he's not convinced to join the group; I didn't like Kenny beating Arvo, I liked Kenny reacting to his own actions. This was the only moment where Kenny seemed aware that he was doing something bad. He seemed shocked with himself. I like this scene because it gave Kenny some precious characterization.
Episode 5, Kenny vs Jane.
Episode 5, Luke's birthday : (
Episode 3, 4 and 5, every moment with Jane, really, I treasure them all.
Episode 3 and 4, the horde scene/cutting Sarita's arm.
Least Favourite Moment(s)
Episode 5, the ice lake scene.
Episode 1, Omid's death.
Episode 3, Reggie's death.
Favourite/Least Favourite character(s) (I'm going to divide this between the most/least liked and the most/least well written because there's a difference).
Best character(s) (liked): Jane. Honourable mentions to Luke and Bonnie.
Best character(s) (written): Jane, Kenny, Sarah. Honourable mention to Bonnie.
Worst character(s) (disliked): Troy, Kenny, The Stranger (damn you game for reminding me of the existence of such terrible character!).
Worst character(s) (badly written): Troy (plainly bad characters do not amuse me), Reggie.
Favourite track (I had to :^))
No Going Back's original track.
Best slide
No Going Back's (aka Better to Sleep) original slide:
![enter image description here](
No Going Back aka me.
Best Episode a house divided
Worst Episode amid the ruins
Favorite Moments getting an old friend Kenny,
Endings with Kenny, moment with Kenny in a quite calm night, Kenny kills carver, episode 5 Jane intro,
Least Favorite Moment 40% of amid the ruins episode, When Omid Died and Christa got lost,
Some Favorite Characters: Kenny, Clem, Omid, Alvin, Pete, Christa,
Least Favorite Characters
Arvo, Mike, Jane
Did you even understand the game? @Sardorim
Best Episode - A House Divided
Worst Episode - No Going Back (except the ending i chose)
Favourite Moments - Seeing Omid and Christa with Clem again, Clem talking with Luke at the cabin about Lee and her past, seeing Kenny again, talking to Kenny about Lee/the past, the hostage scene at the lodge (damn it was intense), campfire scene in episode 5, dream sequence with Lee, Wellington ending.
Least Favourite Moments - Omid dying, Christa disappearing/possibly dying, Clem being bitten by Sam and Sam dying, Kenny being beaten by Carver, Kenny blaming Clem, Kenny portrayed as villainous in most of episode 5 and partially episode 4, Jane angering Kenny to prove a point that was uneeded and dangerous, almost every character in the game dying for dramatic effect (bad writing).
Favourite Characters - Clem, Kenny, Omid, Christa, Carver, Mike (before the betrayal)
Least Favourite Characters - Sarah, Rebecca, Troy, Bonnie, Jane, Arvo
Best episode: A House Divided
Worst episode: Amid The Ruins
Favorite moments: Clem sneaking around the cabin for supplies she needed for her bite, befriending Sarah, Carver's introduction, the group planning the escape from Howe's, choosing between going with Mike and Bonnie first, going with Jane first, or (determinately) checking up on Rebecca or Sarah first, the power station scene in No Going Back
Least favorite moment: The flashback in No Going Back, Kenny returning, Sarah and Nick's so called deaths, Omid and Christa being gone the first 15 minutes of the game, the shootout scene, Kenny in Amid The Ruins in general
Favorite characters: Clementine, Christa, Pete, Matthew, Walter, Rebecca, Sarah, Nick, Alvin, and Jane
Least favorite characters: Luke, Carlos, Kenny, Michelle, Mike, Arvo, Bonnie, Carver, and Tavia
Best Episode: No going back. TTG added something "knew" with that multiple endings. By its end, the episode squeeze us into showing our personalities and thoughts. Also, the outcomes of the majority of characters were well worked out.
Worst Episode: Amid The Ruins. Not as thrilled and surrounding as the other Episodes.
Best Moment: Fighting Sam for food. I love that analogy and I was like... I can't describe it guys.
Worst Moment: Pete refusing to cut his leg off. I hate it when people give up, although I understand and respect his decision.
Best Character: Clementine. Clem is simply awesome in this game, I loved playing her, TTG made it, they nicely wrote a child protagonista whose just grows more and more in the players. I usually don't like protagonists (didn't even liked Lee that much) but Clem is amazing and she's Still. Not. Bitten.
Worst Character: Reggie. The man puts up with being slaved.
To be fair, he does raise a good point about that: what do you do after he cuts it off? Clementine isn't going to carry him out of there, and he isn't going to be able to move on his own. Clementine could run off and try to find Carlos and the rest and lead them back, but there's a good chance he'd bleed out in the time that would take, or if he waited for Carlos to do it, it might be too late to stop the infection by then. There aren't many supplies in the truck that could help stop the bleeding either, or much of anything that could act as a tourniquet. He didn't necessarily give up, its more of him being stuck in one of those "damned if you do, damned if you don't" kind of situations.
I didn't like it at first, but its grown on me. To me it would have only made since if Clem were actually dying. Over time I learned that trama, sometimes not even that hurtful, can send a person into a "safe zone" so they can cope with it. But I get why some hate it.
That's exactly what I meant when I said that I UNDERSTAND his decision. However, I must say that despite everything you pointed out, keeping the leg is STILL the worst option.
You liked seeing Reggie get pushed off a roof?
Best episode: in harm's way - I liked that we got to experience what it was like in Howe's, despite it being a bad experience for Clementine
Worst episode: amid the ruins - everything started going to shit
Favourite moment: Clementine's reunion with Kenny (and their hug)
Least favourite: Nick's death - it seemed so rushed and we never actually got to see how he died (if he died in episode 4) It was a waste of potential because Nick was such an interesting character
Favourite character: Nick
Least favourite: Jane
Best Episode: A House Divided
Worst Episode: Amid the Ruins, though I liked it more the second time around.
Favourite Moments: Kenny being consumed by rage and fighting with Jane
Wellington ending
Least Favourite Moment: Bonnie being pissed off at Clem after trying to cover Luke
Favourite Characters: Alvin/Walter
Least Favourite: Tavia
Best/Worst Episode
Best: Between All That Remains and A House Divided.
Worst: Amid The Ruins
Favourite/Least Favourite Moment
Fav: Carver attacking the ski lodge.
Least Fav: The lake scene.
Favourite Chracter/Least Favourite Character
Fav: Clem, Pete, Luke, Kenny, Carver (Ep2 mostly), Rebecca, Nick, Sarah
Least Fav: Reggie, Mike, Bonnie, Carlos
Would you shout with a shit ton of walkers near you?
Nick is interesting considering the implications of his death: there were many who just didn't like him before hand and the few that did couldn't help but notice the dramatic decrease in his determinate screentime. However, once he was revealed to have died offscreen and turned, many who flat out hated him got upset because they thought his death was disrespectful to his fans, ironically gaining him hypothetically three times as many as initially. As I mentioned somewhere else, Nick was arguably the Cabin group member I thought about the least. I don't know what it was but despite my attempts to get into him during my second playthrough, something just wasn't clicking for me. So when I found him on my first playthrough, my reaction was a blank "Oh. He died."However, when the episode was over, I realized just he backwards a lot of things in the episode was. However,(and this is probably gonna irk some nerves here) while I hated how offhand his character arc and life came to an end, the one nice thing I could say about it over Sarah's "canon" death was that it fit his character. From what I recall about him, Nick was reckless(both with a gun and with himself), paranoid, and overzealous, but also guilty and protective. So, if I can say anything nice about his canon death, the idea that he would rush out on his own, despite knowing he had a bullet in his shoulder, to look for help for both Sarah(PSTD-esque flashbacks, won't let anyone touch her without freaking out) and Luke(injured ribs, refuses to just abandon Sarah) is something the others would probably say "That sounds like something he would do".
Who was Winston?