A a actually all an and and and as be be can catch course decode don't don't each example fun game give give have hate hate hopefully I I'll… more in it'll jumbled just keep keep let's like long might now of of of on people people play rest say says sentence sentence sentences something that the the the the their them though to to too translation try trying us us us want what whatever wheel where who who word word writes you you.
A a actually all an and and and as be be can catch course decode don't don't each example fun game give give have hate hate hopefully I I'll… more in it'll jumbled just keep keep let's like long might now of of of on people people play rest say says sentence sentence sentences something that the the the the their them though to to too translation try trying us us us want what whatever wheel where who who word word writes you you.
.oiraM oiraM, retcarahc emag yradnegel fo rotsecna eht osla si eH. sdad fo tsednarg eht eh si yob dna, dad s'enotstneelF 'nikcuf derF si eh, retcarahc yradnegel a si daD dnarG ?si daD dnarG ohw wonk ouy oD
A House Divided.
.oiraM oiraM, retcarahc emag yradnegel fo rotsecna eht osla si eH. sdad fo tsednarg eht eh si yob dna, dad s'enotstneelF 'nikcuf derF si eh, retcarahc yradnegel a si daD dnarG ?si daD dnarG ohw wonk ouy oD
Dوнt уnدэrاсtيмaت дa دиfفиcةлlتй oف фiجюrىнg اуt ذиs پуzزлe
"How did you figure it out?"
54h 77h 6Fh 20h 63h 61h 6Eh 20h 70h 6Ch 61h 79h 20h 74h 68h 69h 73h 20h 67h 61h 6Dh 65h 21h
Please give me coke?
Is this a joke?
Cake the a lie is
No one is ever gonna get this one!
Right On
Tfw you mix Russian, Arabic and English.
And taco cat backwards is taco cat
A lie, the cake is.
How you do it depends on your browser, the site, etc. You need that actual link that ends with .gif.
I think it translates " Da vai rush B, cyka blyat!".
... Close enough...
As a wise man once said:
million small a dollars a loan of
A small loan of a million dollars. I win!
Congratulations, you've been accepted in 2nd grade of elementary school!
Trump is proud of you, son!
Trump and Pence are bae?
Ha, better than you son!
So you are my mother now?
Cheese who the cut?
Who cut the cheese?
If there was a "Did" in that sentence, I would say "Cut the cheese, who did?"
Divided A House
Divided A House
Oops, sorry for triple post.
You must have divided the house into three.
Is good plan, no?
Чики брики
raises hand
I'm sorry, I'm new to CS:GO. I don't speak it very well.
Did you say "cheeky brickey"?
Ofc. Mother Russia !!
A House Divided.
.oiraM oiraM, retcarahc emag yradnegel fo rotsecna eht osla si eH. sdad fo tsednarg eht eh si yob dna, dad s'enotstneelF 'nikcuf derF si eh, retcarahc yradnegel a si daD dnarG ?si daD dnarG ohw wonk ouy oD
... .--. . .- -.- / -. --- - / - .... . / .-- .- - -.-. .... . .-. ... --..-- / -.. .-. .- .-- / -. --- - / - .... . / .-- .- - -.-. .... . .-. ... --..-- / .-- .-. .. - . / -. --- - / - .... . / .-- .- - -.-. .... . .-. ... --..-- / ... -.-. ..- .-.. .--. - / -. --- - / - .... . / .-- .- - -.-. .... . .-. ... --..-- / ... .. -. --. / -. --- - / - .... . / .-- .- - -.-. .... . .-. ... --..-- / -.-. .- .-.. .-.. / -. --- - / - .... . / .-- .- - -.-. .... . .-. ... .----. / -. .- -- . .-.-.-
)- .... .- - .----. ... / -. --- - / . ...- . -. / -- --- .-. ... . / -.-. --- -.. . .-.-.-