Wither Storm vs PAMA: Which one had the best boss battle?

Both where entertaining and Intense, but which is the best?

In my opinion:

  • Atmosphere: Wither Storm
  • Intensiness: Wither Storm
  • Twist(s): PAMA
  • QTEs: Wither Storm
  • Amount/Variation of choices: PAMA
  • Dialogue: PAMA
  • Emotions: Wither Storm


  • Witherstorm FTW

  • edited August 2016

    I agree Mimo, excellent choices :)

  • I quite enjoyed both honestly, but the Wither Storm did have a lot more build up so I enjoyed fighting that more.

  • edited August 2016

    4 episodes VS a one off episode? I have to go with the Witherstorm, but Pama did have a cool fight sequence.

  • That's a great question, honestly. While I loved both battles, I gotta say that I liked the Wither Storm battle better than PAMA. I don't know, I just loved the build up to this, even after the game pulls a "lol just kidding!" at the end of Episode 3. Admittedly, I loved PAMA's fight. Especially when he says that Jesse would fail, just as he/she failed to save Reuben. At that moment, I swear everyone was like "OKAY THAT'S IT YOU A.I. SON OF A BITCH!" But at the end of the day, Wither Storms make great final bosses than A.I.

  • This was me at the time.

    PAMA: "You will fail Jesse, just like you failed to save Reuben..."

    Me: Game Face!

  • Witherstorm. The fight took a couple of episodes and it was made really good. PAMA wasn't bad though.

  • pama was better because he didnt kill anyone BUT THE STUPID WITHERTORM HAD TO JUST STAY ABOVE GROUND AND NOT WATER! FOR REUBEN!!!

  • The Wither Storm for the win. It was the largest and strongest mob ever!

  • But he was going to let Lukas/Petra and Jesse die as well.

    pama was better because he didnt kill anyone BUT THE STUPID WITHERTORM HAD TO JUST STAY ABOVE GROUND AND NOT WATER! FOR REUBEN!!!

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