Batman in Episode 8??

eric stripe said "Its A busy bat-filled start" and we know they made The Batman Games so then that means there might me a reference to batman like the youtubers


  • I think he was talking about the Batman game, But they did do a The Walking Dead reference so they might.

  • OzzyUKOzzyUK Moderator

    Eric is also working on the Telltale Batman game which is what he was talking about.

  • I'm sure there's going to be a Batman reference. Eric Stirpe also said on Instagram (I think) that Episode 8 will have an Undertale Easter Egg.

  • Genocide?
    Bad times?
    Deaths n feels?

    ^^^Lil UT Sinner ovah there

    JimMate789 posted: »

    I'm sure there's going to be a Batman reference. Eric Stirpe also said on Instagram (I think) that Episode 8 will have an Undertale Easter Egg.

  • Heh yeah, I wonder what the easter egg's form will be in.

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