What is/was your favorite Pokémon?

in General Chat
Replaying Pokemon Red made me think of this.
Most of us have one, or a least had one when we were kids. A lot of the fun of the franchise was comparing your favorites to those of your peers and laughing at the nerds who preferred Digimon.
So, which Pokemon is your favorite? Alternatively, which did you like best back in the day?
I'll post mine later.
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Specifically Ash-Greninja
Growing Up:
Charizard, Pikachu, Gengar
I really like Infernape. I got mine to Level 100 and man, was he awesome. I also have a little thing for Arceus. Dragonite is great too. Charizard as well. There's a lot of them, I don't think I can have a favorite. I really like Fire/Fighting types, yeah.
I dunno why, but I always really liked starly
I don't know much about Pokémon, but I do know Ekans is the most legit because his name is snake backwards.
Agumon is best pokeman
Real cool kids watched digimon.
My personal favorites are Cubone and Marowak.
Sure, it's not the best or most badass Pokemon, but it's the ultimate underdog. In a wold of fire-breathing lizards and ninja frogs, Cubone is just a prey mammal that defends itself with the bones of its own mother. It also has a lot of character development; starting off as a little pup crying over its mother's death and ending up as a ferocious, bone wielding badass with a skull that's literally fused to its head. It also doesn't hurt that I got my first Elite Four win more than a decade ago after the Marowak I caught in Victory Road 1 Hit KO'd Lance's Dragonite with an Ice Beam.
It never got much love in the games or anime, which is a shame.
Pictured above: Marowak, knocking Pikachu's bitch ass out.