Season Two AU by Badgershite (Fan-made)



  • I noticed you did a reference to the TWD Season 2 finale ;)

    Anyway, I vote to help Aaren. Someone's gotta stand up to these cowards.

    JakeSt123 posted: »

    Part 3.24 The choice... it cometh.

  • Man... I don't see a fight going down well. Logically I don't see them winning but if Talia helps maybe Ebbert will get involved. I'm hoping that Alanna thinks Torrhen won't allow Ebbert to be hurt.

    So yeah, I pick help

    JakeSt123 posted: »

    Part 3.24 The choice... it cometh.

  • Heh, I should've known that Alanna was being too nice for herself... And yet, I don't quite understand that outburst of hers. Aren't a couple of practice swords, a lonely dog & a forgotten piece of dropped food something you can find in every courtyard of every house in Westeros?

    Also, is that last one of Brandon's lines a reference to Vitali from twdg?) And could you tell us what the rest of his lines in Old Tongue stood for? I'm curious.

    Now, speaking of the poll. Cast your stones this way people, I chose to stay hidden. Alright, maybe Talia will show up & won't instantly get captured (I expect Namond to come to our guys' rescue) - but the Whitehills will know where she is now. Undoubtedly, they'll come to Timberwatch, and it'll be a "Rillwater Crossing Attack 2.0", except worse this time. Torrhen isn't the type of man to take kindly to people repeating mistakes - and that's exactly how this'll look for him. With the state of house Greyson - not a single person there will be safe.

    Still, I believe people are going to choose the opposite, but that's my opinion. I wonder whether it'll make as much difference as I imagine it will, but, as always, there is no telling. Also - this is probably the hardest choice of the au for me so far.

    JakeSt123 posted: »

    Part 3.24 The choice... it cometh.

  • Heh, I should've known that Alanna was being too nice for herself... And yet, I don't quite understand that outburst of hers. Aren't a couple of practice swords, a lonely dog & a forgotten piece of dropped food something you can find in every courtyard of every house in Westeros?

    It'll make sense next time we see Torrhen.

    Also, is that last one of Brandon's lines a reference to Vitali from twdg?

    Yep. Shout out to TWDG2, the game that suuuuuucked but had characters speaking in an accent I could pass off for Old Tongue lol.

    And could you tell us what the rest of his lines in Old Tongue stood for? I'm curious.

    It's pretty straight forward in this post, as I just wrote it to follow the English sentence structure:

    "Wu" is drawn from "Wo", German for "Where"

    "Itt" is drawn from "Ist", German for "Is"

    "Den" is just a made up word for "The"

    and "Maden" -> "Maiden" -> "Girl"

    So he's asking "Where is the girl?!"

    Then "TAH-LEE-AH VOR-IST-URR" is just him trying to say "Talia Forrester" in his accent.

    Krapinka posted: »

    Heh, I should've known that Alanna was being too nice for herself... And yet, I don't quite understand that outburst of hers. Aren't a coupl

  • Part 3.25

    Help Aaren won the poll.

    But who will intervene to help him?

  • ARGH! That was great, Ebbert's got guts. And Alanna's shit comment XD

    I didn't realize Roslin had any sort of relationship with Torrhen's brothers.

    JakeSt123 posted: »

    Part 3.25 Help Aaren won the poll. But who will intervene to help him?

  • ARGH! That was great, Ebbert's got guts. And Alanna's shit comment XD

    Torrhen and Ebbert have a positive relationship, if a bit strained thanks to Ebbert leaving, but Alanna knows that if she even touches him and Torrhen hears of it there'll be hell to pay.

    I didn't realize Roslin had any sort of relationship with Torrhen's brothers.

    She's had bonds with all of Torrhen's siblings.

    • Gwyn was pretty much her guardian while Torrhen was serving Roose.
    • Karl was kind of distant from her to begin with but I think they bonded a little towards his death.
    • Gryff hates Torrhen he has a soft spot for Ros -- she's pretty much the only person he cares about and he isn't allowed to be near her because of Torrhen.
    • Ebbert is probably the Uncle closest to her. He gave her gifts for her namedays when he was around and probably tutored her a bit when she was young. That letter he sent to Torrhen in part 2? It was probably meant for Roslin, but he didn't write her name because he respects that she needs to be kept secret for her own safety (the same reason Alanna said "Lady Snow" instead of a more obvious name).
    AgentZ46 posted: »

    ARGH! That was great, Ebbert's got guts. And Alanna's shit comment XD I didn't realize Roslin had any sort of relationship with Torrhen's brothers.

  • edited August 2016

    It was cool of Ebbert to help Aaren and stand up to Alanna like that. I'm starting to like this guy.

    JakeSt123 posted: »

    Part 3.25 Help Aaren won the poll. But who will intervene to help him?

  • edited August 2016

    Gryff has a soft spot for Ros -- she's pretty much the only person he cares about and he isn't allowed to be near her because of Torrhen.



    JakeSt123 posted: »

    ARGH! That was great, Ebbert's got guts. And Alanna's shit comment XD Torrhen and Ebbert have a positive relationship, if a bit stra

  • Blame RP, haha.

    Krapinka posted: »

    Gryff has a soft spot for Ros -- she's pretty much the only person he cares about and he isn't allowed to be near her because of Torrhen.

  • How does Roslin feel about Gryff?

    JakeSt123 posted: »

    ARGH! That was great, Ebbert's got guts. And Alanna's shit comment XD Torrhen and Ebbert have a positive relationship, if a bit stra

  • He's actually nice to her, so she likes him. She's never seen him in one of his moods, a bit like how she's never seen Torrhen angry.

    AgentZ46 posted: »

    How does Roslin feel about Gryff?

  • i THANK the rp & my good friend, Gryff's mun, for making this possible. Just curious, how did you plan for Gryff's & Roslin's relationship to be like before roleplaying with her?

    Also, this:

    Karl was kind of distant from her to begin with but I think they bonded a little towards his death.

    Is beyond perfection & one more reason why I'd love to see a fic about Karl's pre-death period, similar to the "glade" fics about Torrhen, Ebbert and Gwyn.

    JakeSt123 posted: »

    Blame RP, haha.

  • And I thought characters were done hating on Namond.

    JakeSt123 posted: »

    Part 3.26

  • i THANK the rp & my good friend, Gryff's mun, for making this possible. Just curious, how did you plan for Gryff's & Roslin's relationship to be like before roleplaying with her?

    It's entirely a creation of roleplay, so I have Gryff mun to credit for that.

    Is beyond perfection & one more reason why I'd love to see a fic about Karl's pre-death period, similar to the "glade" fics about Torrhen, Ebbert and Gwyn.

    I'd probably leave that to peggyoung as she RP'd Karl for a bit and did a way better job with his character than me.

    Krapinka posted: »

    i THANK the rp & my good friend, Gryff's mun, for making this possible. Just curious, how did you plan for Gryff's & Roslin's relati

  • Part 3.27

    A little tie-in to show what point in the show we'd be at.

    I'd say Torrhen has balls to refuse that particular call to arms but he kinda has more pull with Roose than Ludd did.

  • This part kinda makes me wonder how Torrhen would deal with Ramsay. When he said "He's nothing, if not patient. He'll understand." I was all "Torrhen's gonna hate season 6."

    JakeSt123 posted: »

    Part 3.27 A little tie-in to show what point in the show we'd be at. I'd say Torrhen has balls to refuse that particular call to arms but he kinda has more pull with Roose than Ludd did.

  • I don't think Torrhen and Ramsay have ever actually met - Torrhen traveled south with Roose during the War of the Five Kings while Ramsay was always up in the North from what I can tell, but Roose has probably spoken to him about Ramsay.

    Chances are if the Whitehills were to take part in the BOTB, Torrhen would send someone in his stead. Right now he's refusing to go to Winterfell to fight Stannis because he has the Forresters to deal with (and Greta is grieving because she's returned from House Bole's keep where her dad just died).

    AgentZ46 posted: »

    This part kinda makes me wonder how Torrhen would deal with Ramsay. When he said "He's nothing, if not patient. He'll understand." I was all "Torrhen's gonna hate season 6."

  • I thought the Boltons were out of the Ironwood business.

    JakeSt123 posted: »

    Part 3.27 A little tie-in to show what point in the show we'd be at. I'd say Torrhen has balls to refuse that particular call to arms but he kinda has more pull with Roose than Ludd did.

  • The Boltons aren't in the Ironwood business, they're just customers.

    Menofthe214 posted: »

    I thought the Boltons were out of the Ironwood business.

  • Part 3.28

    The guards have started coming home.

    (Also that scar isn't fresh, I just retconned the character's appearance).

  • So they can just maim anyone they want, is that it? Just you wait my Whitehill friends, just you wait.

    JakeSt123 posted: »

    Part 3.28 The guards have started coming home. (Also that scar isn't fresh, I just retconned the character's appearance).

  • That's kind of the Bolton manifesto. Under them you're free to hurt who you want, go to war with who you like, and former Stark bannermen are your punching bag.

    So they can just maim anyone they want, is that it? Just you wait my Whitehill friends, just you wait.

  • Part 3.29

    It's about time a certain someone showed their face again.

  • Yay! It's Gwyn, I love her so much.

    Torrhen either knows or he finds it amusing.

    JakeSt123 posted: »

    Part 3.29 It's about time a certain someone showed their face again.

  • Ah, Gwyn. So nice to see her again.

    I'm assuming that she is now past grieving over Asher, right?

    JakeSt123 posted: »

    Part 3.29 It's about time a certain someone showed their face again.

  • Before the mention of Stannis, I though they would say that Roose Bolton was poisoned by his enemies. :3 Great part though.

    JakeSt123 posted: »

    Part 3.27 A little tie-in to show what point in the show we'd be at. I'd say Torrhen has balls to refuse that particular call to arms but he kinda has more pull with Roose than Ludd did.

  • Thankfully, that dickface Hullen is gone for now (hoping that Torrhen will do something about his men is really just a waste of my hope)(at least ser Arys is there to smack him, good job, ser Arys, I always knew you were a cool bro). Instead, we have Gwyn once more... And I'm starting to feel, that she's slowly working her way back in my good graces. Even though some stuff she says is problematic (telling TORRHEN to check up on GRYFF - really, Gwyn??), the sole fact she brought this up is encouraging. Although, I'm not sure why she'd say "your brother" instead of "our" - does she no longer consider Gryff a brother of hers? By that logic, it's even weirder to tell that he is Torrhen's bro.

    Also, she kinda disregards the fact Rod's been killing their men - ignoring it & letting him go on is the opposite of the long-desired peace, isn't it? Anyway, it's good to see her, because I do love her character after all. And, you know, lately I've been feeling that the more Whitehills au's part has - the better it is. I don't mean to offend any other characters, but all the Whitehills are just so complex & well-written, I can't help but look forward to seeing them :)

    Also... We've been promised some whitebole, right? ( ͡° ͜ʖ ͡°) I do hope it'll happen soon, cuz Greta's is essentially one of the best people of the au.

    JakeSt123 posted: »

    Part 3.29 It's about time a certain someone showed their face again.

  • I feel like she truly grieved for him (and their relationship) when he was first exiled. She didn't really do much after Asher died except send a letter that put the shits up everyone at House Forrester, and in Asher's version of events it's pretty clear to me that they don't really have feelings for each other. They did once, but with their arranged marriage it's just an attempt to 'make it work'.

    Ah, Gwyn. So nice to see her again. I'm assuming that she is now past grieving over Asher, right?

  • Thankfully, that dickface Hullen is gone for now (hoping that Torrhen will do something about his men is really just a waste of my hope)(at least ser Arys is there to smack him, good job, ser Arys, I always knew you were a cool bro).

    Unfortunately some of the best fighters are often the scummiest people, because they've been getting in fights for the longest time. If Torrhen keeps them close, he can keep them more in line. They'd be far worse if left to their own devices. And there's a reason Arys is the leader of the Elites.

    Although, I'm not sure why she'd say "your brother" instead of "our" - does she no longer consider Gryff a brother of hers? By that logic, it's even weirder to tell that he is Torrhen's bro.

    It's less that she doesn't consider him her brother and more that she knows Torrhen doesn't consider him his, so she constantly reminds him.

    And, you know, lately I've been feeling that the more Whitehills au's part has - the better it is. I don't mean to offend any other characters, but all the Whitehills are just so complex & well-written, I can't help but look forward to seeing them :)

    The Highpoint scenes are some of my favourite stuff to make. They started off as an "ooh, this'd be cool and I could make the master-at-arms, castellan and maester" thing but now it sort of serves to make them more human and expand the house and the relationships within it. We check in on the Whitehills every now and then because it's fun to do and I feel like it slowly makes them more human. The original game had them be a bit too much "these are the bad guys. hate them." I want to make the AU whitehills feel more like a parallel family and house to the Forresters with similarly complex relationships.

    Also... We've been promised some whitebole, right? ( ͡° ͜ʖ ͡°) I do hope it'll happen soon, cuz Greta's is essentially one of the best people of the au.

    You have to keep in mind I'm like a month in advance so when I post stuff like "ooh, I'm gonna add this in the scene I'm making" I'm talking like 30-40 posts down the line (thanks Part One Redux for putting me so far ahead). You wouldn't recognise the AU if I showed you the posts I'm making right now haha.

    Krapinka posted: »

    Thankfully, that dickface Hullen is gone for now (hoping that Torrhen will do something about his men is really just a waste of my hope)(at

  • Oh lol, I literally only just saw this right now?! xD Thank you for correcting me, Badger .D I assumed that bc Ludd said "their share has been taken from then" & "they had no choice but to harvest what was left", making me think that was how things went chronological-wise & that squandering was the direct result of most of their wood being taken.

    JakeSt123 posted: »

    No, you don't know that. Show me some facts that "squandering their share" happened after Thorren retaked their groves. I can confir

  • Part 3.30

    Anyone got a maester to hand? Think that needs looking at.

  • Sorry if this is blatantly obvious to everyone else, but what did he do to himself???

    JakeSt123 posted: »

    Part 3.30 Anyone got a maester to hand? Think that needs looking at.

  • He murdered his brother and nephew, and decided to take the punishment for it. He didn't have to be punished considering he's lord of House Warrick now and could have weaseled his way out, but he has some sense of duty.


    Well... His face has certainly seen better days.

    JakeSt123 posted: »

    Part 3.30 Anyone got a maester to hand? Think that needs looking at.

  • And the badass looking guy has upgraded to badass looking guy V2.

    This does not come cheap, to get version two you must kill your family and then burn your face. :) And by not cheap I mean, It's completely free! (as long as you're a-ok with killing ya family members).

    JakeSt123 posted: »

    Part 3.30 Anyone got a maester to hand? Think that needs looking at.

  • OHHH Right, i thought he might have killed himself instead or like exile himself. Although, that would be expecting too much of him since he is a Warrick at the end of the day

    JakeSt123 posted: »

    He murdered his brother and nephew, and decided to take the punishment for it. He didn't have to be punished considering he's lord of House Warrick now and could have weaseled his way out, but he has some sense of duty.

  • Part 3.31

    Huzzah! Gared's first POV scene : D

  • Yes! Gared's here!

    JakeSt123 posted: »

    Part 3.31 Huzzah! Gared's first POV scene : D

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