The Vent/Help Thread



  • Tell the inspector then. If someone suspects its you just say you don't know who it is and act "dumb" they wont think it's you.

    Which teacher would you tell? Our head teacher will not be at school on Monday because it is her birthday, though I can contact our maths te

  • There are always guys that will support that kind of a guy because they believe it is "cool", "alpha af", "unbothered". So yeah, their deal.

    Wow, things have been very tough to him. :( Still, actions stay actions and let's hope he calms down.

    We had a guy in school who would sometimes bring knife, once he also had a gun iirc. So yeah, it can get worse.

    I have a bit of hope that the school counselor and the external therapist that he is visiting will do some good, though, Marija. But it is c

  • No need to be hostile! Mary Jane just wants to be your best bud

  • Ah yes, you left out that part. I wondered how you were able to get him to stop doing it. I still feel that reporting this behavior is not going to change what the teachers are going to do, from what else they know about him, and it's best that you keep it to yourself, unless word gets out in some other way and a teacher asks you about it.

    Alas, the exact wording of the radical freedom protest literature is lost to the ages. The writing style resembled what you can find paranoid anti-government conspiracy theory groups writing about today. What was impressive was that it was written in really high quality form and posted in the school hallways. I mean, it was on super good paper, in embossed red, white, and blue (this was the U.S.A.), with raised flags and everything. It turned out the guy who was running for prom queen had a father with a professional printing business. Of course, when the event was reported in the local paper (this was a small enough town that things like this made it into the newspaper), he denied any involvement. Yeah, sure.

    In my experience, soccer balls—also called footballs—are used to play soccer—also called football. It honestly didn't look like he was throw

  • If you think that's bad, my profile feed is the one that gets flooded with the spam. :p

    Jokes aside, for what it's worth, we will update the topic title if there are any notable Season 3 announcements. The Walking Dead community gets easily excited and/or antsy sometimes, so even if you see a crapton of new posts but the thread title is not updated, just assume that it's people posting randomly to pass the time.

    I really hate when I see the Season 3 thread has many new comments so I get all excited but it turns out being all the redundant gifs the people derailed the thread with.

  • enter link description here

    This is a pic of me from the selfie thread. Lolita is a japanese fashion style it involves knee length dresses or skirts with big peti coats its influenced by old fashioned european dresses but looks very japanese, the idea is you dont show much skin shoulders are always covered up.

    MarijaaNo7 posted: »

    How do you wear a lolita isnt that a book about the girl /seriouslywhatsthat

  • Oh so thanks! You hair is so cool girl

    enter link description here This is a pic of me from the selfie thread. Lolita is a japanese fashion style it involves knee length dresse

  • I liked it but I am pretty surprised Rockstar made a game of it.

    wdfan posted: »

    Was gonna make a thread about it but I think this might be the right place: Man, just saw one of the most disappointing (and awful) movie

  • edited August 2016

    I'm on 'vacation' at my grandparents place for a week. I like being here, it's a nice place, there's always family around, but... There's nothing to do. Literally nothing. After lunch my grandparents and my parents go to the local cafe. I don't like going to the cafe because there's... people! * shivers * I usually stay at home with my sister doing... literally nothing. I literally spend my afternoons resting on the sofa going 5 to 5 minutes to the kitchen just to find the same food I had seen 5 minutes ago and get back to the sofa. I'd sleep but the heat doesn't let me. I'd go outside but the heat doesn't let me. I don't really have internet, only my mobile data that's extremely limited so I can't really watch videos or my series. It's summer so I don't have anything to study and I don't even have a computer to play anyhting. Me and my sister were going to make some crepes but... my grandparents don't really have nonstick skillet. I feel my mind slowly frying because of the heat, the lack of sleep, the letargia and the boredom.
    H E L P M E

  • edited August 2016

    Don't your parents have unlimited mobile data on their phones, by any chance? If that is the case, you could perhaps ask one of them to lend you their phone under the explanation that you ran out of data already.

    I'm on 'vacation'

    This made me laugh.

    I'm on 'vacation' at my grandparents place for a week. I like being here, it's a nice place, there's always family around, but... There's no

  • I believe that there's no such things as unlimited data packages in my country : (

    And actually, it's them that usually 'borrow' my mobile data xD

    Don't your parents have unlimited mobile data on their phones, by any chance? If that is the case, you could perhaps ask one of them to lend

  • my profile feed is the one that gets flooded with the spam.

    enter image description here

    You poor soul. I don't know how you deal with that. My feed is stuck at 55 but when I see it above 60 I get excited. Though most times it's just a million edits one person made to their comment when they replied to me.

    How come you don;t use your "NotSoBlindGuy" account to make these busy threads??

    If you think that's bad, my profile feed is the one that gets flooded with the spam. Jokes aside, for what it's worth, we will update th

  • I do use it for busy threads that are not related to Telltale (like Whatever's On Your Mind, Whatever Makes You Laugh, etc) but for Telltale related threads, I figure it's better to keep tabs on stuff even if it gets kinda spammy at times.

    my profile feed is the one that gets flooded with the spam. You poor soul. I don't know how you deal with that. My feed is stuc

  • Ahh, makes sense.

    I do use it for busy threads that are not related to Telltale (like Whatever's On Your Mind, Whatever Makes You Laugh, etc) but for Telltale related threads, I figure it's better to keep tabs on stuff even if it gets kinda spammy at times.

  • It was a great game at the time

    RhysAndLee posted: »

    I liked it but I am pretty surprised Rockstar made a game of it.

  • Try checking using the term "all you can eat data"

    I believe that there's no such things as unlimited data packages in my country : ( And actually, it's them that usually 'borrow' my mobile data xD

  • Still is in my opinion.

    It was a great game at the time

  • At some point, you and your sister are going to have a food fight, because that's apparently all that's there.

    Back in the olden days before the Internet, our choices in these situations involved either reading books or creating something. Either of those sound appealing?

    I'm on 'vacation' at my grandparents place for a week. I like being here, it's a nice place, there's always family around, but... There's no

  • So WWE is bringing in 7 new pay-per-view events on top of the 12 they already have. Maybe I'd enjoying watching WWE more if they spent as much time developing some actual storylines instead of recycling the same generic shit.

  • Mary...Jane?

    BigBlindMax posted: »

    No need to be hostile! Mary Jane just wants to be your best bud

  • Take a walk, uh, prank people, think about my name, take a walk, make a tent (the best thing to ever do in your life, probably).

    My grandparents live at village so I pretend I am on Discovery lol.

    I'm on 'vacation' at my grandparents place for a week. I like being here, it's a nice place, there's always family around, but... There's no

  • Well, when the time comes, she won't stand a chance!

    Actually, writting something does sound appealing. I'll take that advice!

    WarpSpeed posted: »

    At some point, you and your sister are going to have a food fight, because that's apparently all that's there. Back in the olden days bef

  • think about my name

    How did I not think about this before!? How could I forget about the latest form of entertainment that is thinking about how MarijaaNo7's name resembles the word marijuana! Genius!

    MarijaaNo7 posted: »

    Take a walk, uh, prank people, think about my name, take a walk, make a tent (the best thing to ever do in your life, probably). My grandparents live at village so I pretend I am on Discovery lol.

  • One of the reasons why I stopped watching. Their stories always are crappy, if they're good they end in a crappy way.

    So WWE is bringing in 7 new pay-per-view events on top of the 12 they already have. Maybe I'd enjoying watching WWE more if they spent as much time developing some actual storylines instead of recycling the same generic shit.

  • It's been a string a bad luck these two days. Yesterday the pancakes I've been cooking for an hour had bugs in them by the time I was on my plate. Now today, my brother found out he lost his wallet since yesterday's shopping when he and I put our money together, also Sis has been driving me nuts since my brother left to look for his wallet.

    enter image description here

    And now I have to go and not talk to my friends, ffs.

  • Mari-jaaN does look a bit like Mary Jane... (The Word, Not the person.)

    MarijaaNo7 posted: »


  • ...Ugh, I had a bug in my sandwich earlier, I know how you feel... Except I didn't spend an hour preparing it...

    It's been a string a bad luck these two days. Yesterday the pancakes I've been cooking for an hour had bugs in them by the time I was on my

  • The doctors hate me! I always think of MarijaaNo7 before my sleep and I never get wrinkles, worries, taxes nor sadness.

    think about my name How did I not think about this before!? How could I forget about the latest form of entertainment that is thinking about how MarijaaNo7's name resembles the word marijuana! Genius!

  • Yeah

    on other what note I hope people know how to pronounce Marija ha!

    Acheive250 posted: »

    Mari-jaaN does look a bit like Mary Jane... (The Word, Not the person.)

  • They occasionally do something good, but they're so focused on giving us more wrestling that it ends up being really shit. They should bring the writers from the 90's back. At least they had some creativity.

    One of the reasons why I stopped watching. Their stories always are crappy, if they're good they end in a crappy way.

  • The bandwagon fans that liked Pokemon Go for the first 2 weeks and since abandoned it are now harassing people who try defending it, since you know-that's the cool thing to do.

  • A couple of nights ago, my girlfriend and a friend of hers, went out to a bar to see a band that I had mentioned I was playing there.

    Her friend is a guy, who is also a roommate of hers. She has told me that he is like a brother to her, that he's like family. And I have decided to trust her, especially because she has made a very big deal about me being honest with her and whatnot, which I'm trying to be.

    Anyway, we were having a good time there, and I went on to the dance floor, and then after having been there for about 20 minutes, I saw her and her friend rushing towards the door real quick, and I asked her what was wrong, she said they were leaving.

    She said that the smoke in the bar really bothered her, which I can definitely believe that she has shown a strong aversion to cigarette smoke before.

    However, if I hadn't caught up to her, I would never even known that they were leaving. If I did not know any better, I would almost swear that they were trying to ditch me.

    However after I left her house that night, she texted me in the morning and asked if I was mad at her, to which I said no and I asked her why she would even think that way?

    We talked, and everything was cool. I later showed up at her home, and we just ended up spending time together.

    But here's the thing, that is the second time that her roommate has accompanied us on an outing, and it was her idea that he come.

    And I must admit that I am a little bit confused by it, and I do plan to talk to her about it, especially if he comes with us a third time.

  • ugh back to getting up early for work. Yaaaaaaaaaaaay

  • How would you feel if that friend of hers was a female?

    Look, you have no evidence or a reason to believe she is cheating on you with him, or she likes him romantically, just because she brings him to hang out third time. It's not as if you 3 are all together every day lol.

    It is obviously her idea, it's not as if the dude's just gonna ask her to hang out w/ her and her bf. But whatever, your life your decision, but since you shared it online I believe I have a right to comment on this,

    date =/= hang out, although she or he should have told you about leaving the bar.

    Kenny/Lee posted: »

    A couple of nights ago, my girlfriend and a friend of hers, went out to a bar to see a band that I had mentioned I was playing there. Her

  • If the school system where you live is like mine, then I doubt anything will happen. Tones of students in my year level disrupt the class all the time and the teachers can't do anything but give them warnings or kick them out. No wonder so many students in my year level (plenty of whom are old enough to start driving) act like children.

    I will admit that laying back sounds tempting. The problem is that it all has reached a level where the flow of our courses is being affe

  • I decided to keep quiet about what happened, for now.

    If the school system where you live is like mine, then I doubt anything will happen. Tones of students in my year level disrupt the class al

  • If he was sleeping with his roommate (your girlfriend), he would definitely not want to hang out with you.

    So let's say she was overpowered by the smoke and really had to get outside right away. He could have tried to find you as she stood outside, but then, a woman standing outside a bar alone isn't always safe.

    So the next thing they might have tried to do was text or call you as soon as they got outside, but you saw them before it got to that point.

    So basically, no big deal.

    Why were you on the dance floor for 20 minutes without her, though?

    Kenny/Lee posted: »

    A couple of nights ago, my girlfriend and a friend of hers, went out to a bar to see a band that I had mentioned I was playing there. Her

  • edited August 2016

    so my older brother died a while ago

    he is meant to be buried and get rites by the priest who abused him as child, but got off due to lack of evidence

    my sister builds a house, where her boyfriend is absent and basically just takes her money, and I go to help at the construction (am not a physical worker type, rather a weak computer guy)

    I already messed up earlier when due to my mood I hurt people on the forum

    further evidence we had disappears, likely 'our' lawyer got bribed by the priest, denies it even existed

    brother is likely getting buried elsewhere, not with family, to avoid that priest unless we can get another do it here

    I return from house construction place today again, back aches, girlfriend complains I don't do much with her since the death of my bother, wants me to watch the goddamn Ghostbusters 2016 reboot which I already saw once and hated, I say no, she rushes off telling me she breaks off with me

    go inside home, see forum messages, read them, probably messed up in PM replies once again hurting someone on forum, yay me

    someone please shoot me, gun laws too strict here and I have no rope, and am afraid of heights

  • edited August 2016

    YouTube's new guidelines have restricted strong language, offensive content (blood, gore) and suggestive (not actual content, but anything that suggests it's sexual) sexual content. All 3 of which are in like 90% of both my channel's videos (blood and gore in the form of video games, suggestive content from the fact I talk about dicks a bunch), So first off, Fuck YouTube. Second, I'm totally going to get banned. Jesus fucking christ it's like every time YouTube tries to get better they do nothing but get worse.

    I woke up this afternoon to see my entire Walking Dead series has been demonetized. All of it. Because the characters in the game say fuck and there's blood. 4 of my videos have been taken down, Most of my Silent Hill playthrough has been demonitized. Lot's of my favorite creators are getting slam dunked by this shit. What the fuck is wrong with YouTube? It's like every time they update to "fix" things, they make shit worse. They take out the good shit, AND THEN THEY LEAVE THE BAD SHIT THERE

    So now, content creators who put hours upon hours of effort into their work and they curse, are being taken down over dumb ass fucking reactionists, WHO LITERALLY SIT THERE, WITH A BLANK FACE, AND WATCH THE VIDEO, WITH NO THOUGHT.

    They are being taken down over people ACTUALLY HAVING SEX ON YOUTUBE.

    They are being taken down over 9 year olds who claim they work for FFFFFUCKING ISIS.

    They are being taken down over Killer Memestar who SWATS. AND DOXES. PEOPLE.

    They are being taken down over Onion Boy who, I really don't need to explain why he should be taken down.

    All of this shit that legitimately goes against ALL of YouTube's guidelines are staying up, and the good shit that has effort is being taken down because people might get triggered by bad words????? FUCKING WHAT??? Look, I know this might not mean a lot to most people, and it's 100% understandable if it doesn't, they probably feel no direct involvement in this, that's fine. But as a content creator who puts hours into his work, and a viewer who is so fucking thankful for the beautiful content and quality entertainment that the community creates, this is fucking disgusting.

    This pisses me off, this outrages me. And I bet the only fucking REASON they did this was because a few tumblr cunts got triggered over people saying rude words and video game boobies showing up on the screen, IN THE GAME'S MAIN STORY WHICH IS 100% UNAVOIDABLE. And now, content HAS to be created to swerve around everyone. It has to be user friendly. It has to be tame, And if it isn't, then content creators won't make money

    People like Leafy, IHE, Pyro and h3h3 are going to continue making their content because it is the content that they love, and they'll put their fucking feet in the ground to defend it, they'll be brave. And instead of being fucking REWARDED for that, they won't be able to make money off of their job, by dOING THEIR FUCKING JOB. And I know what you might say, "Noah, they're people you don't even know. Like, get the fuck over it", but it's not that simple. I love these creators, their content is funny, well edited and great.

    They always get a laugh out of me. And it's not just those four either, so many other content creators on YouTube make things that I consider to be absolutely flawless entertainment. The Slenderverse series, Game Grumps, JAR Media, RoosterTeeth, Iron Pineapple, etc, etc. YouTube is taking away everything that is great about YouTube, it's destroying everything about it and ruining the community, and that is 100% not okay with me. They need to start fucking doing the right thing and stop ruining the good shit.

    And even if the people who are getting hit didn't affect me, it STILL affects me because I'M a content creator too, I put fucking hours of effort into everything I make. If I get hit, then every single ounce of effort I put into both of my channels is 100% worthless, and then what does that make me? What does that make all of the hard work I did to get to the point I am? It makes it all fucking worthless.

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