The Whatever's on Your Mind Megathread



  • Basically I am homeless.

    Johro posted: »

    An open letter to no one in particular(people upset with the changes on this forum): Dear users, The last two forums I was a part of b

  • I've only recently started talking about it a lot because all I've done for the last 2 days is cry, feel like shit, watch Caddicarus and play that stupid fucking game.

    lupinb0y posted: »

    Man, you talk about the series more than the fans do. Maybe deep down subconsciously, you secretly enjoy the games but hate the fact that you do.

  • edited August 2016

    Well, for one, memes are meant to go in the "laugh" thread and two, in two pages, that thread didn't go anywhere besides pointless profanity.


    Johro posted: »

    Well, for one, memes are meant to go in the "laugh" thread and two, in two pages, that thread didn't go anywhere besides pointless profanity

  • All good, I get you.

    Yeah, I suppose they shouldn't shut a thread down based on assumption, but you're not understanding here. A thread, dedicated to nothing but

  • I feel that way right now(forum-wise). I truly do. I'm welcome elsewhere, but not comfortable and I'm comfortable here, but not very welcome. At least video games don't betray me... usually.

    MarijaaNo7 posted: »

    Basically I am homeless.

  • You could have, you know, not played the "stupid fucking game"? If you are as depressed as you say you are, you'd think it'd be a pretty good idea to not do something you hate for 11 hours straight.

    I've only recently started talking about it a lot because all I've done for the last 2 days is cry, feel like shit, watch Caddicarus and play that stupid fucking game.

  • True, but I'm doing this for my own personal reasons and goals as mentioned above

    lupinb0y posted: »

    You could have, you know, not played the "stupid fucking game"? If you are as depressed as you say you are, you'd think it'd be a pretty good idea to not do something you hate for 11 hours straight.

  • Not much of goal if you hate yourself for doing it honestly :/

    True, but I'm doing this for my own personal reasons and goals as mentioned above

  • Oh no, I hate myself for reasons that have nothing to do with this "game"

    lupinb0y posted: »

    Not much of goal if you hate yourself for doing it honestly

  • Well, just so you know there are people on this forum who can and will talk to you if you need to.

    Oh no, I hate myself for reasons that have nothing to do with this "game"

  • Oh God, I really shouldn't have eaten that footlong meatball sub :S

  • That's somewhat helpful to hear, thanks.

    lupinb0y posted: »

    Well, just so you know there are people on this forum who can and will talk to you if you need to.

  • edited August 2016

    Harambe died twice. He didn't deserve any of this.

    Chilled posted: »

    There was absolutely no need for this to be shut: I understand the thread

  • FNaF is not that hard.

    The first fucking dumb, bullshit, dumbshit, fuckin' awful, god damn annoying, stupid ass fucking Five Nights at Freddy's game.

  • They are the best! Only thing I get from subway.

    lupinb0y posted: »

    Oh God, I really shouldn't have eaten that footlong meatball sub :S

  • Well I couldn't care less whether I am welcome or anythingat all on internet, so my comment was a pun lol.

    Johro posted: »

    I feel that way right now(forum-wise). I truly do. I'm welcome elsewhere, but not comfortable and I'm comfortable here, but not very welcome. At least video games don't betray me... usually.

  • That can have different meanings if you look hard enough..

    lupinb0y posted: »

    Oh God, I really shouldn't have eaten that footlong meatball sub :S

  • Yeah I like them too. But I got full halfway through it but decided to down the rest anyway. Didn't help that I also ate bowl of fries with it.

    Chilled posted: »

    They are the best! Only thing I get from subway.

  • No, but it IS tedious and poorly designed

    BeyondEnder posted: »

    FNaF is not that hard.

  • edited August 2016

    I had a really weird dream last night, and Carley from TWD S1 was in it...

    Me and a couple of other people (Can't remember who they were, possibly my family) were driving my grandmother's cat and dog somewhere (My grandmother doesn't even have any pets...)

    And we got arrested for driving with animals in the car...

    They brought us to prison, and the prison cell was... a car... and Carley was in there, i think she might've been with us when we were driving the pets but I can't remember..

    Yeah, that was a really crazy dream... I don't know why I posted this...

  • ( ͡° ͜ʖ ͡°)

    MarijaaNo7 posted: »

    That can have different meanings if you look hard enough..

  • One of the reasons I'm still here is because there's people I enjoy talking to. So it feels like a home for me. : 3

    But then one of them has been banned recently so... ;-;

    Johro posted: »

    An open letter to no one in particular(people upset with the changes on this forum): Dear users, The last two forums I was a part of b

  • Ah good old weird dreams. I remember one dream where I was captured in a helicopter but then I farted out an explosion that allowed me to escape unscathed. haha

    Acheive250 posted: »

    I had a really weird dream last night, and Carley from TWD S1 was in it... Me and a couple of other people (Can't remember who they were,

  • Spoiler

    Here's my review of Call of Duty Modern Warfare 2. Spoilers ahead. Enjoy!


    A very enjoyable story I must say, it's a huge step up from MW1's story (the only issue was that it can be easy to miss details, but it's not that big of a deal). There was a bit of mystery in it involving both antagonists of the game which is nice to see in a war story. One was a mastermind that ignited the war on America, a man most of the world never knew of. The other was a vengeful general wanting blood on the Russians and would do anything to make himself look like a hero. Things were actually more gray this time, both sides of the war saw the other as the enemy for the death of their people.

    Starting as soldier teaching recruits was a nice touch from the old rookie learning to fight routine, then responding to a battle in some town while under the watchful eye of Shepard to be recruited into the CIA was interesting. But then we go to into the snowy airbase as Roach (who has his own badass moments I might add) following a guy we played, Soap, was pretty cool. Finally to the conspiracy of the airport massacre definitely was a shocking moment of the game that was poignant to the following story. It was interesting to see some views on the antagonist's side of the story. From there we go the awesome missions of two vastly different but connected stories of Roach (Squad 141 on the search to find Makarov as well as unknowingly finding Captain Price in the Gulag) and Ramirez (Rangers fighting to defend Washington from some very angry Russians). When we get to act three, things went so crazy. From the EMP, to Shepard's cold hearted betrayal to the climatic showdown as Soap once again with Price hunting down Shepard as wanted men was just... extroadinary is all I can say. MW2 has one of my most favourite stories in war themed games (which btw I only have played a handful of).


    I feel they did a better job with the characters this time around. Sure a lot are still generic and simple and identiable, but the ones that are revisited as well as some of the new got some good character development.

    Finally we got to see how Soap is as a person and he's enjoyable as a character. He gives a bit of an action hero feel and many of his missions are both heavily action packed and also heavy on stealth. My only issue is tha we never got his personality in the first game and when we play as him in this one he goes mute again. I HATE THAT.

    Price became a much more unhinged guy since being in the Gulag, and the missile launch made me absolutely surprised when I first played it. This guy trusts no one and will do anything he can to end the war, no matter the sacrifice. An interesting parallel to Shepard actually.
    Speaking of Shepard, he was a good antagonist. His morality was like a dark gray tone. Angry about losing so many of his Marines, wanting to get pay back at the Russians, but also so selfish as to allowing a war to ignite and to become a hero by tying up any "loose ends".

    Makarov, just by seeing his face I knew he wasn't a friendly chap. Plain ruthless and cunning, completely aware of his surroundings. Another good antagonist. He's supposedly not patriotic to his country but he said once "For Zahkaev.", so that's a mystery. Even at the end, there's still so little to know about him. But you know if he is present, and behind the scenes he's trying to manipulate history as much as he can, much like Shepard.

    As for Ghost, simple but pleasing design. But goddamn with the same voice of Gaz I think he's like the ghost of Gaz. lol

    The same goes for Sgt. Foley, I think of him as Andersen from Mass Effect with that voice of his and military commando character idea.
    For the last honorable mention, Nikolai is a smug bastard when he's piloting and I love him. haha


    Much like the previous, they got the atmosphere down on this one. The battles and calmness before the storms are handled well. Not only that but the two sides of the game's story gives off different vibes. For the Ramirez segments I feel like I'm in a war film, but with the Roach/Soap segments I feel like I'm in a damn espoinage/action movie. I love it!


    Very well done like before. The choreography is top notch and with the added vehicle chase sections made it even more thrilling. Not much else to say. To be frank some missions are rediculously hard, you get killed over and over because of how many you have to fight alone (looking at you Favela mission).


    I feel like it's improved from the last game. The feel of gunplay has improved and with, as mentioned, the vehicle segments where you drive, it's a step on expanding the gameplay. Also, the glitches a less noticable. I say that because I haven't noticed any honestly and I don't get insta-killed by frozen enemy NPCs this time. lol Also I should mention, the Side Ops missions are a blast but damn hard.

    Favourite Moments

    Honestly the game was so enjoyable it's hard to pick. But I definitely enjoyed the Cliffhanger mission, the oil rig and Gulag, Washington battle, the EMP bits, and the climax of the game where you go after Shepard (before the boat and throughout).


    9.0 out of 10 Loved the shit out of it. It's just easy to miss out on some details and can be rediculously difficult at some moments regardless of difficulty settings.

  • The Modern Warfare Campaigns. Good times, man. Good times

  • Why do YouTube videos that are shorter than 10 minutes buffer on 720p, but videos that are longer than 10 minutes don't buffer on 720p?
    Why YouTube, why?

  • Ive given up on her completely now shes acting bitchy and sarcastic all the time so yep i need a better girl one that cares

  • No comment.
    enter image description here

  • Did you play multiplayer? It was awesome.

  • edited August 2016

    I've never played any multiplayer of the CoD series actually (with the exception of local multiplayer in WaW at my former best friend's house), mainly because I lacked online multiplayer at the time and I enjoy playing games alone more. What is written here are based on my experiences with mainly story mode and a smidge of Spec/Side Ops. Although I do plan on trying online multiplayer on MW3 even though I'm extremely late to the party.

    Menofthe214 posted: »

    Did you play multiplayer? It was awesome.

  • If the "gang" ever wants to come back here, they're welcome to. Of course, Telltale and the forum software are not what they once were, which is why they left in the first place. We're not all in high school, though, and truthfully, most of the kids here are a cut above the ones they might have had experience with in other settings.

    Johro posted: »

    An open letter to no one in particular(people upset with the changes on this forum): Dear users, The last two forums I was a part of b

  • I meant to put school after "High" sorry.

    TheFurryOne posted: »

    High Schedule I prefer to get high when I feel like it.

  • edited August 2016

    Pretty ironic that comment saying something was posted many times got posted many times.

    BeyondEnder posted: »

    No comment.

  • In my opinion MW2 Multiplayer is more fun then MW3 Multiplayer.

    I've never played any multiplayer of the CoD series actually (with the exception of local multiplayer in WaW at my former best friend's hous

  • edited August 2016

    ''The winner of over 800 awards, including more than 250 game of the year awards,''
    over 800 AWARDS!! 0_0 what did I miss?


    Chilled posted: »

    There was absolutely no need for this to be shut: I understand the thread

  • You missed over 800 awards.

    joshua007 posted: »

    ''The winner of over 800 awards, including more than 250 game of the year awards,'' over 800 AWARDS!! 0_0 what did I miss?

  • edited August 2016

    -________- oké editing now

    Pipas posted: »

    You missed over 800 awards.

  • First day of Year 11 tomorrow.

    enter image description here

  • Yes thank you. But I must stress the point that the first Quantum Computers are real. They are not a hypothetical. The youtube speaker I saw was very clear on how these are used saying that the machines "access other plains of existance to increase computing power of each bit of the chips used" So according to Nasa,Google and Berkly not only is the "Many Worlds" therory correct,but mankind can now interact in some way with these other worlds! We can't travel to these "other worlds" . We can only connect to devices similar to the ones we've made . Think more Inter-dimintional Cloud server, less Sliders or Quantum Leap/Fringe. At present people can't travel between dimintions,but info aparently can. Just Google:Nasa Google D-wave. Amazing stuff. So I ask,if info can be transfered in this way. How do we know all we get back is what they expect? We tend to do really dumb things with new tech. Just look at Nuclear power as the gauge on this. Within a few years of its first rumbling tests,humans had made a weapon of it. Not sure we could with this. After all we most likley wouldn't know if........wait your right Mandela couldn't exist any changes would appear as if they always were! Silly me:)

    Johro posted: »

    I don't really agree with The Mandela Effect, but I'm also a very psychological person. I believe varying factors contribute to group misre

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