I finally got my High School Schedule! All of my classes are spread out throughout the school. I have :
Semester 1:
* English 9 (B A)
* Mix Chorus (Alt day)
* PE/Hlth I (alt day)
* Hrnrs World Hist 1 (B A)
* Algebra 1 (B A)
I finally got my High School Schedule! All of my classes are spread out throughout the school. I have :
Semester 1:
* English 9 (B A)
* Mix Chorus (Alt day)
* PE/Hlth I (alt day)
* Hrnrs World Hist 1 (B A)
* Algebra 1 (B A)
Shit man, Gene Wilder's dead. That's fucking sad. What the fuck 2016, kill people who deserve it not iconic people who act as inspirations to millions.
Moved on to recording the second game tonight. Recording went much smoother and there was a lot less rage. Considering the game isn't based around bullshit luck and actually has more going on at once so it's always interesting, I feel a lot better playing this one. Plus I don't have to worry about the bullshit power. Second game should be smooth sailing, 3rd game will be where I completely lose all hope.
Really? You're going to drink bleach over a trailer of a game that has a shot of being mediocre at best? I mean, I want to drink bleach for petty reasons too, but over a game? I mean shit dude.
Also, despite what people say, Clorox is only second best. Pick up the Great Value brand at Walmart, it's poorly made so it'll kill you faster, AND it's cheaper. Save Money, Die Better. Walmart.
Moved on to recording the second game tonight. Recording went much smoother and there was a lot less rage. Considering the game isn't based … morearound bullshit luck and actually has more going on at once so it's always interesting, I feel a lot better playing this one. Plus I don't have to worry about the bullshit power. Second game should be smooth sailing, 3rd game will be where I completely lose all hope.
Shit man, Gene Wilder's dead. That's fucking sad. What the fuck 2016, kill people who deserve it not iconic people who act as inspirations to millions.
I finally got my High School Schedule! All of my classes are spread out throughout the school. I have :
Semester 1:
This meme never fails to be funny.
oh you are a junior noice have fun

Idgi, those are the only subjects you have? Isn't it supposed to be like 16?
5 classes??? Wow, lucky. I have 7 plus 2 college courses.
What's a junior?
R.I.P Gene Wilder, the master of memes!

Yeah, but this is for the first semester.
Shit man, Gene Wilder's dead. That's fucking sad. What the fuck 2016, kill people who deserve it not iconic people who act as inspirations to millions.
It's death.
He dead? Oh man...
Reminds me that I have to rewatch Star Wars.
Ah yea! I've finally received more likes than I've made comments. This milestone grants a fancy celebration.
Is it wrong to laugh at this right now?
11 days left...
I thought it was intentional…?
One of those fish tank algae decoration must be responsible for this. I've had my suspicions for a while.
Following Gene Wilder's death, Hershey's stock (HSY) dropped 11% after hours.
I'm sure he would have appreciated the irony.
Well, Hershey's shareholders don't, but still.
Clorox is the best one, right?
These fruits are called chom choms from now on.
You need to spread the message.
I have to laugh!!!
lovin my improvement as of recent
platinum boyz lets go
It's kind of odd though, because at my middle school we had 7 Classes.
Moved on to recording the second game tonight. Recording went much smoother and there was a lot less rage. Considering the game isn't based around bullshit luck and actually has more going on at once so it's always interesting, I feel a lot better playing this one. Plus I don't have to worry about the bullshit power. Second game should be smooth sailing, 3rd game will be where I completely lose all hope.
Really? You're going to drink bleach over a trailer of a game that has a shot of being mediocre at best? I mean, I want to drink bleach for petty reasons too, but over a game? I mean shit dude.
Also, despite what people say, Clorox is only second best. Pick up the Great Value brand at Walmart, it's poorly made so it'll kill you faster, AND it's cheaper. Save Money, Die Better. Walmart.
Are you still keeping the title a secret?
The forums are a little quiet lately.
Not really, I just know that people all pretty much know what I'm talking about at this point so it's self explanatory what I'm playing.
Yeah, not nearly as many comments recently from what I've seen. A lot of threads are dying out.
It'll pick up again once we get some news for TWD game Season 3.
I don't know about everyone else, but I just don't believe I can add anything to conversations.
Well uh, that had no context.
It's never wrong to laugh nor is it ever wrong to joke. Don't let anyone tell you otherwise.
All these bleach jokes make me cringe so much.
If I had a mindset like that I'd have 8000 less comments.