Who enjoys Minecraft: Story Mode?

To be honest, I really dislike the game because it isn't for me. But I wanna see who enjoys the game and why.


  • I enjoy it because it's based off a game I used to enjoy, and there's actually some decent episodes. 1-4 are meh, 5 is great, and I love Ep 6. I just was so excited the first time I played it, knowing the white pumpkin could show up at any minute, and also knowing that the white pumpkin could be anyone. It was just one of the concepts I loved about TWAU.
    Episode 7 was the worst of 5-7, but beats 1-4.

    It's overall pretty good for the telltale series. Although, TWAU beats it by a milestone imo.

  • It's good, but it's not the greatest. It's definitely closer to the older style of Telltale's games, but the characters are nothing special and I just don't like Minecraft.

  • I like it because I stoped playing minecraft awhile ago then I realized telltale was releasing this and I play almost every telltale game so I gave it a chance. After episode 4 it actually inspired me to play minecraft again and found it was better than I thought.

  • edited January 2017

    I haven't played Minecraft but after I heard about Minecraft: Story Mode from my friend, I decided to try MCSM and I really like all the episodes, they were fun and some had the feels. I can't wait for episode 8 to come.

  • I love the game. Good story, awesome characters and really good plot twists.

  • I think it's a cute little story and it's a fun play. Definitely doesn't have the best of narratives and the story is pretty poor, but it's interesting and has some cute moments, so I enjoy it.

  • I enjoy the game because it has a story behind it. You see, in Minecraft, there's no story at all.

  • I'm pretty sure everyone knows that already. Minecraft isn't some foreign thing, even people who have only played story mode and never played the actual game know what it is.

    I enjoy the game because it has a story behind it. You see, in Minecraft, there's no story at all.

  • edited August 2016

    Thank you all of you for your feedback.

    I may actually play a few more episodes because I was about to refund the game on Steam.

    May not be as bad as I thought.

  • edited August 2016

    TBH (and if any of you have read my previous comments you'll know that this is nothing new from me), MC:SM mainly felt like an experiment, which of itself works like a double-edged sword. On the one hand, I feel like TellTale has been able to try a lot of new things with this series, and for the most part this has paid off, especially when they've learned from their mistakes and rectified them in later episodes. The downside is that mistakes were, in fact, made- inevitable, yet still disappointing.

    I enjoyed a lot of the experience, but I almost never felt as though I were playing an actual game- it felt more like a demonstration of a project still in development, or an open beta. There were a lot of nice touches, and the components of a groundbreaking narrative are clearly present. The potential is traceable in all the right areas, from voice-acting, to character design, to the music (my favorite element), to all of the cool "builds" integrated into the final product. All these aspects combine in a unique way to make for a playthrough variant from most other games on offer- even from Telltale's other titles. This is the main reason why I enjoyed the game, but at the same time why it's not one I often think about returning to. By the time most of the wrinkles are ironed out, the series concludes, making it feel to some slight extent like a missed opportunity. I like this game, but more as a step in the right direction than a leap to the destination.

    Sorry if this comes across as more critical than I meant it. For all its faults, it's still an interesting creation that I think TellTale should be proud of. :)

  • I love watching people play the game, Especially StampyCat and GamingwithJen

  • edited August 2016

    I found out it was by Telltale an so I went to the store and bought it for my brother. (But I play it anyway)
    I like it because:

    The story line in most episodes
    Lukas. 100%
    The soundtrack is pretty awesome
    Telltale's touch... It's hard to explain, but Telltale has that certain vibe in it's games, and that's why I love them so much.

  • I enjoyed the game but TWD, TFTB, TWAU and GOT is far superior because I am a lot more immersed into their story.

    With that said, Minecraft grew on me over time as the story got better and the characters and dialogue become a lot less cliche. My favorite episode so far is Episode 5.

    I definitely enjoy the Adventure Pack storyline more than the Nether Storm story.

  • "I'm pretty sure everyone knows that already." Well, I did say why I liked the game.

    I'm pretty sure everyone knows that already. Minecraft isn't some foreign thing, even people who have only played story mode and never played the actual game know what it is.

  • Yeah, that's true I suppose. It's just that you phrased it weird.

    "I'm pretty sure everyone knows that already." Well, I did say why I liked the game.

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