The racism problem.
Something that has been eating away at me lately, and that is how bad the hatred and whatnot between the races has been growing in this country.
I don't believe that things like BLM are gonna help ease the issue, but instead serve to exasperate it. I believe that such movements only further serve to separate us, instead of uniting us.
When people work together that they are strong, and that is when we are a force to be reckoned with.
And I don't believe that white Americans should be made to feel guilty about the slavery that existed here in the 19th century.
And the reason why is because all of the white slave owners, and the black people that were enslaved, both are dead and gone. They all ended up in a cemetery somewhere, and we don't even remember their names anymore.
And let's not forget that black people were not the only ones who were enslaved in this country. There white people brought over here from England and Ireland as slaves.
Also slavery itself is not a new concept, but rather has been around for millenniums, going as far back to the time of ancient Egypt.
Not to mention, but the black race is not the only race to have ever been persecuted.
The Jews were persecuted for thousands of years, starting when they were slaves in ancient Egypt according to the Bible.
Then they were later enslaved or taken as captives by the Assyrian, and Babylonian Empires - the latter actually destroying Jerusalem.
And then they were under the control of the empires of Persia and then later Greece.
And then they were under the rule of Rome - who ruled with an iron fist - and who later outright destroyed Jerusalem in 70 AD - just as the Babylonians had done centuries earlier.
And then 40 years after entering the 20th century, they were nearly exterminated by the Nazis. Three million Jewish men, women, and children lost their lives, thanks to Adolf Hitler and his insanity.
So for some in the black community who like to play the role of the victim because of what happened to their ancestors, their argument really doesn't stand up in the light of scrutiny, nor does it make their case special, nor entitle them to special treatment.
And think about this, as human beings we all have the same basic thoughts, hopes, feelings, desires, concerns, and fears, regardless of what race or country we come from.
The only thing that really makes us different in a unique way, is our own individual personalities and gifts. We all have something unique that we can offer society.
So really, how does the difference in a person's skin pigmentation, make him either superior or inferior?
And for those of you who are Christian, think about this: Jesus didn't turn away people because of their being of a different nationality than him. Rather he talked with people of different nationalities, and from all levels of society.
So if Jesus was not a racist, than why are there such things as "All Black" Churches, for example? Or how can groups like the KKK for example claim to be Christians, when the way that Jesus spoke and lived his life contradicts the idea of racism, and ethnic pride?
All these things are just many reasons why I don't understand the idea behind racism, nor do I approve of it. Nor do I understand why people have to keep bringing it up?
I personally don't care what your race, or ethnic background is. Personally I think that all human beings are intrinsically valuable, and that we also give ourselves value.
Nor do I feel that race has anything to do with how successful a person is. One's like Morgan Freeman, James Earl Jones, Denzel Washington, Eddie Murphy, and Chapelle Williams are all great examples of black men who became successful. Their race and skin color did not determine how successful they became, but rather their choices and decisions did.
And personally I would love to see a time when we have moved past things like racism. When we all start working together to create a better future for the next generation.
But the only way that will ever happen is if we choose to quit bringing the issue of racism up. We have to choose to let it go.
Neighborhoods and schools are almost as segregated now as they were in the 60's, and you think that BLM and black victimhood are the big impediments to racial harmony? Give me a break. BLM is a natural consequence of present conditions, plain and simple. that's not even getting into what a miserable little abstraction the "unity" you speak of is in the first place.
To what end?
To be honest, I've been seeing a lot more white boy victimhood lately, than black victimhood. Professional blacks who get off on making white liberals squirm are annoying, sure. But how many have you personally dealt with? It's been maybe 4 or 5 for me and I involve myself in circles these people tend to haunt.
The irish slave myth' has been soundly debunked. Keep that malarkey on right wing Facebook groups where it belongs.
Yes, so?
Judaism isn't a race. Regardless, this argument isn't very strong. Yes, bad things happened to many cultures. Does that somehow cancel out what happened to African Americans under slavery and Jim Crow.
Lol, dude... People in black communities have way more to be upset about than slavery. Let's list some...
Jim Crow
Crumbling, de-facto segregated inner city schools.
A drug war that's turned neighborhoods into warzones.
Police that treat neighborhoods like occupied territory and pad out arrest quotas by nailing poor blacks for petty shit because they can't legally defend themselves.
etc etc etc
Simply not true. Our context shapes us. Class, culture, education, home environment all play a pivotal role in how we view the world, who we associate with and how our lives progress. We are neither atomized individuals nor cookie-cutter copies, which you seem to imply.
Not gonna bother with the stuff about Jesus, cause I don't care. I just want to point out that all-black churches exist because blacks were excluded from white congregations. Black churches have their own unique cultures and have long served as the bedrock of black communities. Besides, I live a few blocks from an all-Korean church, would you begrudge them that?
Yes, and most scary "black militants" would agree with you on that.
nobody's forcing you to write long diatribes about, y'know.
If you think the only way to end racism is to make the victims shut up about it, you're part of the problem.
It being a consequence of "enter excuse here" doesn't make it a justified movement. After all, slavery was just a consequence of "enter excuse here." Plain and simple. And why is it things have regressed to the level of segregation found in the 60s?
We must be living two extremely different lives.
With a title like "How the Myth of the "Irish slaves" Became a Favorite Meme of Racists Online" this ought to be fucking hilarious. 1. based on the work of one very biased man. 2. holy shit the rhetoric is abrasive to my brain. 3. he notes the Irish were indentured servants, not slaves, when they were more than likely both. 4. i just want to note again how thoroughly bias and rhetoric based this article is. . . take it in with the utmost skepticism.
EDIT: The video isn't funny because it makes valuable points, it's funny because of how dumb it's examples are.
EDIT 2: You edited a large portion of your post. I'm going to leave my comment as it was (in response to your original post).
I don't know how to explain this, but I'll try. You've seen how BLM acts being shown on media. However, you don't know behind the cameras. They always show BLM when a white cop shoots a black man, and I've read things about how or why BLM doesn't protest about Black on Black crimes. When in actuality, they do. There are rallies and protests about Black on Black crimes; however, the media never show these events because they know it won't get that much attention compared to the White and Black crimes. Notice how the media always focus more on the negative things than the positive. If the media showed more positive than the negative, they would not get a lot of views and money. Now about the white guilt situation. I agree with you on it is wrong for some blacks to blame whites for slavery. However, we should not stop talking about slavery. I've actually heard people say that others should stop talking about slavery because it was in the past. But what some people need to realize is that it is apart of American history. Some blacks get angry about slavery because they've read and seen portrayals about it and they become furious because of what their ancestors went through. However, I think blacks shouldn't be angry but acknowledged how the slaves and civil rights leaders struggled for their descendants to have a better life and that they don't go through what they went through. Now about the segregation in the communites. I remember I read abouts blacks moving in white neighborhoods and that whites would move out and vice versa. That's why there are a lot of black communities, white communites, etc. A lot of Americans have been taught this mentality and it is still going on today. Just think about it: America wouldn't be racist if it wasn't taught. And it can be stopped, but if people keep teaching children that one particular race is superior or inferior to another race, racism will never end.
Edit: I've proof read this thing and some things are kinda worded badly, so I apologize. I hope you guys understand what I'm trying to say because I don't feel like fixing the sentences.
Because it's in our nature. The urge to dominate the other is natural to humans. So it's obvious that certain race will make their country to fit them not others. If the minirities gets in they either have to fit in, leave or fight.
It's happening all around the world and US is nothing exceptional. It's extremly rare for people of various races and faiths to live in peace without any conflits whatsoever and recently those tensions are higher than ever.
If people would simply acknowledge that fact instead of forcing everyone to think that all is dandy and all cultures are equal there would be way less problems.
It's a fact that the various races want to dominate each other? I think we define "fact" differently.
So you're saying that well...all our history of conquest and subjugation everything that stood in certain races/nations path are not in your definition of a fact? Pray tell then what is a ,,fact" to you?
Black males make up the vast majority of those shot and killed by the police despite being unarmed.
Black males generally get longer sentences for the same crime.
Black males are more likely to get arrested for non-violent drug offences despite similar rates of use - crimes which nontheless carry mandatory minimums and in many states are subject to three strikes legislation.
This is either the world's biggest strawman or its biggest non-sequitur.
not really 26% if the article is correct people killed by police are black 50% are white
Edit: Maybe they should make a White Lifes Matter movement....oh wait that's racist...
Didn't say it was justified, though I think it is. Just saying the outburst of animosity didn't happen in a vaccum and won't go away because white people are complaining about how mean BLM is.
It's complicated. Residential segregation stems from a bunch of different things, admittedly, having more to do with class than race.p. White flight, gentrification, tenant discrimination, hostility in some black communities toward people who leave, etc.
School segregation is caused by aforementioned housing discrimination. Also playing a role is cessation of busing programs and poorer blacks being priced out of alternatives like private schools.
I'm sure we are.
SPLC is a watchdog group that also prosecutes hate groups (or at least did). Biased? Maybe, but abrasive rhetoric doesn't invalidate points. If you think the Irish were chattel, by all means, put forward credible sources and I'll give them due consideration..
Sorry, I found it topical and humorous. Just a placeholder anyway until I could get around to finishing the post.
Thank you for solving racism.
[This post is not aimed at Kenny/Lee (the original poster of this thread), but rather, towards certain responses made to this thread.]
Just a reminder to keep your posts constructive and civil. If you want to make hateful and bigoted posts with offensive generalizations, this forum is not the place for hate speech. If that bothers you, find somewhere else to post.
"People will always be animals. Vicious, marauding, violent animals that feel as though because we have a voice, that that makes us better. It doesn't, it makes us much much worse."
Conquest also happens racially internally, it seems to have little to do with race and much more with accumulation of power (in whatever form that takes).
Black males make up the vast majority of aggressors against police officers.
Repeat offences? In relation to demographics in the same population centers?
In relation to demographics in the same population centers? And are they breaking the law? (Though I do not agree with the law, it's still the law.)
When the argument usually boils down to "Because black people were enslaved" it's really not all the weird of a question.
Of course it didn't come from no where. It came from the uneducated seeing statistics clearly noting black people are over-represented in many negative situations and concluding it must be racism. It won't go away by pointing out how BLM is, but neither will the remnants of the KKK. Go figure, stupid dogma persists through thick and thin.
Boom. Nailed it. Class based, not race based. If BLM were a poor man's movement it might make some valid points, draping it in black victimization makes no sense.
Hate groups as labeled by who?
Will do.
I found it very humorous, but probably for notably different reasons. I think everything they talked about was funny because it it was drenched with satire, not because the points put forward were worth a moments notice.
K, I'll start with this. I'm white....I get what your trying to say. But its tone is a bit,judgemental. (He said, understanding that he too is passing judgement.) As long as there is money people will fight each other for it! Your list shows this truth! It's power money and greed that should be our focus. These are the key points that have started every war the earth has ever seen. And certainly rational voices have always been undermined. The formation of BLM comes from a very real and present raceism in our country. My grandfather in the 1980's had a Cross burned in his yard because I invited my black friend over to play Nes. Trust me I don't like BLM, but I do get why its happing. Sometimes you just have to punch an Idiot for burning a Cross. Sometimes its the only way it stops!
Humans are pack animals and are wary of others that aren't in our pack thats just animal instinct I guess.
Im not american so I dont understand what its like over there but what I will say is as an outsider I see america as a extremely racist country not just white vs black but also asians and mexicans, well anyone really, are poorly treated. A person like trump wouldn't be allowed to stand up and say the racist things he says in many countries.
I find it odd that black people living in america aren't called american they are called african american even though they could be of caribbean decent and could have a longer history of being in that country than many white "americans"
I'm still a bit bewildered why society continues to divide different races - we're all people, I've never felt that the color of our skin or where we come from really mattered at all. I guess some people still don't focus on who the person is and only focus on what they look like?
Only there are actually genetic differences it isn't just skin tone there is a reason there are campaigns to get minorities donating blood and organs, the main differences and where the tension probably comes from is cultural.
Yes, of course, if we stop talking about the problem it will just go away! Magnificent, why didn't anyone think about this option before.
Well it is a great option, since the problem statistically doesn't exist anymore. People still persist to bring race into everything, maybe it will fade once we stop breathing more life into the problem.
Thank you for defending this thread. When I make a controversial thread, like this one, I work very hard to try to make it dignified and respectful as possible.
I always try to give every group of people that I mentioned in a controversial thread their human dignity.
And I thank you for not shutting this thread down, all because of what others my say.
I know that others are not going to perhaps appreciate what I've tried to do here, because they are perhaps maybe not aware of how hard I had to work to try to express my message in a way that is dignified, and yet makes the point I want it to make.
And the point that I wanted to make it is that yes racism is indeed a problem, but it is not one that is unique to America. Every single country in the entire world, and every nation that has ever existed, has had issues with racial intolerance.
The other point that I want to make it says that in a country like this one, a person's race and ethnic background does not inhibit their success.
What either promotes, or inhibits a person's success, is the choices that they make.
If you make good choices and good decisions, then you're more than likely going to experience good consequences as a result.
For example if your young man, and you invest your time and resources into getting an education, and continually trying to improve your intelligence, both your emotional intelligence and your intellectual intelligence, as well as developing a good work ethic, and being honest, that will lend itself to you being successful.
However if you make poor decisions, like taking drugs, lying, joining gangs, robbing liquor stores, or even just something as simple as not pursuing your education, and developing a good work ethic, then you will experience bad consequences as a result.
There's an old saying: "You reap what you sow." - Jesus. And that principle is still just as true today, when Jesus said it, nearly two thousand years ago.
And while it's true that a person cannot control the actions of other people, they can be intentional however about who they are, they can be intentional about their character.
Statistically, huh? Did you find a bar graph saying racism is all gone now?
This reminds me of a point that I think I failed to articulate in my post, The racism of us peons (real and imagined) is pretty inconsequential in the grand scheme of things. Yes, it is very degrading and hurtful when it occurs, but most of us lack the capacity or desire to directly cause oppression (though I think we have the ability to put an end to it).
If minorities, especially poor ones, have an oppressor, it's the same institutions that purport to aid and protect them. They have a police bureaucracy that treats the communities they """serve""" with contempt and schools where learning is almost impossible. They're sometimes uprooted from old neighborhoods in the name of 'progress' and those who want to stay are crushed by skyrocketing rent, 'code violation' abuse or other bureaucratic mischief. They're victimized and treated like stupid children by politicians who think they're fit to give them votes and money, but unfit to make even the most basic decisions about how their communities ought to Be run.
Teaching people to not be racist probably isn't going to help much. Pretending it doesn't exist is going to help either, nor is pretending that blacks are the only ones being oppressed. And the political and economic elites who contribute to the worst kinds of pseudo-racist oppression have some nerve to suggest that fake unity Or policing everything we say will make things better. I disagree that racism is mostly dead. I think it's just another consequence of the class war that the political and economic elites are waging against the rest of us.
I don't think it's possible for racism to be vanished completely, like ever.
Me neither, I was being facetious.
No, you're absolutely right. I never said it can vanish completely. Rather that it is so rare these day in such tiny amounts that you can't even notice it, except for racism against white people of course, but who cares about that right?
Funny guy. say, have you found a bar graph saying that racism is still a huge problem in Western society?
Never said racism is all gone, what I said was that the amount of actual tangible racism is so small, that it practically doesn't even exist anymore.
We're not talking about bar graphs here, we're talking about real stats and examples that go against the whole racial bias epidemic.
My father was a kangaroo, and my mother a giraffe. What race am I?
I see everything.
A racist white bigot?
Well, you couldn't be a racist black bigot. They don't exist.
comedy gold.
In addition to being civil, please keep your posts constructive as well. Irregardless of where your opinions lie, please try to make an effort to keep your posts well articulated, civil, etc. Good examples of constructive posts that contribute to the discussion can be seen some of the earlier posts from DillionDex, happylovelyperson2016, and a few responses from Kenny/Lee. For threads that discuss more serious social issues, please make an effort for more articulated and constructive discussion as opposed to posting ironic responses or potential personal attacks towards other users. It's not a strict requirement, per say, to have super well articulated posts or anything, but the effort is definitely appreciated.