How did you feel when you found out about Minecraft: Story Mode?

When I first found out about Story Mode, I was so eager to play it since the setting was in an original Minecraft world. I also felt amazed at how 1 game has combined another game that doesn't even have a story behind it.

How did you feel?



  • I was hype and I thought it would be awesome. Telltale didn't disappoint I LOVE MC:SM! I couldn't wait it's sooo good! I was ecstatic and hype.

  • At first I was putting it off, even though I heard about it. At the time, however, I didn't know that Telltale made it. As soon as I realized it was a Telltale game, I went to Target and bought it for my brother's PS4.

  • I watched the Minecon trailer live, and like many others I was like "What the hell?" Don't know what I was expecting, but it just looked odd to me.

  • I found out about it on the Telltale forums. I still remember the day of the announcement here. Needless to say, it was a shitstorm.

    To be honest, I was pretty disappointed by the announcement as well, but after playing it, I had to say that it wasn't so bad. Sure, nowhere near the TWD/TWAU/TFTB level, but still not the abomination most people make it up to be.

  • edited August 2016

    To be honest, I fucking hated it. Pipas said there was a shitstorm when it was announced, and I was the fucking leader of it. I saw it as a waste of Telltale's efforts, making a game based on one of the most overrated games ever created, a game whose purpose is to not have any story, and try to make something out of literally nothing. To call their announcement ridiculous, idiotic, and a blatant cash grab was putting it lightly. Honestly, no amount of words right now can ever fully capture the vitriolic hatred I had for this game when Telltale announced it. I'm sure if you go digging for some of the old Minecraft threads, you will surely see my comments that will give you an idea.

  • edited August 2016

    So you have anger issues, is what you're saying?

    To be honest, I fucking hated it. Pipas said there was a shitstorm when it was announced, and I was the fucking leader of it. I saw it as a

  • Blind SniperBlind Sniper Moderator
    edited August 2016

    Grab some popcorn and read the threads linked above if you want to see some old school reactions from right after the announcement.

    BONUS: This thread linked below was made way after the announcement, but it's amusingly terrible and childish so I wanted to include it here for prosperity anyways because why not. :)

  • Thanks Bro! This made me laugh. XD h

  • Yeah, but I knew that already, I listen to metal for God's sake, that's the angriest music on the planet.

    fancies posted: »

    So you have anger issues, is what you're saying?

  • Really disappointed. I feel like one of the biggest factors was definitely wanting Wolf Among Us Season 2 as it ended that Summer, and Telltale began teasing another game so getting hyped for the possibility of Wolf Among Us just to hear it was Minecraft Story Mode was very disappointing.

    After playing Im enjoying it, but its definitely not my favorite. However, I actually am started to get nervous that Telltale is planning to release/announce a season 2 pretty soon while some of Telltale's other games COUGHtwauCOUGHtftblCOUGH still dont have a season 2 or known plans for one. If that does happen, I dont think id ever be disappointed like that ever again.

  • I'm not that big on Minecraft. It's not a bad game, it's just, not for me.

    However, I wasn't disappointed at all to hear that this was Telltales next game. Surprised, yes. Confused. Definitely. I really had no idea what the motivation behind it was, or if it was going to be something different than what we're used to from Telltale, like less story based on more gameplay based, but in the end it was awesome.

    Props to Telltale. I never doubted that whatever they did with it, it would be a great game, and it was. It stuck to the Telltale style of interactive story based games, and gave the world of Minecraft life that I never expected. While I still don't play Minecraft, I definitely view it more fondly now, and I'd rate MCSM one of the top 3 games the company has ever made.

  • "telltale's minecraft? are they serious? jesus christ i'm sorry but this is just plain bad and now we are gonna get the 12 year olds coming here D:"

    "Hahaha and this proves that they can make a My Little Pony game XD. Thanks TTG's for making it possible. Now young one's have games to play instead of adults all the time."

    Yeah, I'm surprised there's not 17,000 10 year olds here, so at least that's a plus. h

  • Why do people have to judge a game by its cover. Minecraft isn't even bad. They just have no imagination like TTG does to actually make an awesome game/story like this. They probably never even tried MCSM to see that it's not even a bad story or game. I love it. If they don't like it then they can leave, leave no trace super simple. Just ignore it. What they don't realize is that they'll get what they want like TWD and stuff. Why can't they be open minded to allow this game in their vicinity and to be talked about without so much crap? h

  • These threads (minus the bottom one) were made when the game was just first announced, which was almost a good year or so before it came out. People didn't have any information or facts to base their fears or optimism on, beyond past experience with other Telltale games.

    Saiyan_Wolf posted: »

    Why do people have to judge a game by its cover. Minecraft isn't even bad. They just have no imagination like TTG does to actually make an a

  • Yes, I see but it still saddens me that people just blindly hate a game based on what it's about or its setting. I think telltale executed this well like the Witherstorm, amazing boss and super cool!!!! The story is full of mystery and there's a lot behind it especially now with the old builders. (I think Portal builders would sound cool too :P) TBH I don't think that the MC community is that bad though I haven't seen too much of the newer base?

    These threads (minus the bottom one) were made when the game was just first announced, which was almost a good year or so before it came out

  • I'm glad you tried and that you like it!! I love it!! Haha :) the soundtrack is great too. It really sets the mood. The story is really good as well.

    Ryanoo posted: »

    I'm not that big on Minecraft. It's not a bad game, it's just, not for me. However, I wasn't disappointed at all to hear that this was Te

  • I first heard about the game on GameInformer about a week before it was released, and I knew it would turn out great, then. The game at present is better than my first thought.

  • I was impartial but hopeful - I didn't want to blindly judge something I haven't even seen/played yet.

  • I was SO happy...

  • Thin why did you post a commit on MINECRAFT STORY MODE COMMUNITY?!?!?!?!??

  • edited September 2016

    Sorry if i was mean

  • I have to admit, at the start I wasn't very interested in MC:SM. I saw DanTDM play the first episode and didn't think much of it. I decided to pick it up and loved it. Now it's one of my favourite Telltale games! :3

  • It's okay..I'm new too, but he was just sharing his personal opinion.

    Sorry if i was mean

  • Yeh. You never played it. Admit.

  • At first I didn't notice that it was from Telltale and thought: Who the hell would make a game about Minecraft?? To that, I don't really like Minecraft that much and when i saw that it was for 6 years olds (atleast in Germany), i had even less interest in it. But after I saw the game on the ttg webside, I totally changed my mind, because all their games are just awesome and I had no doubt that it would be great.

  • MCSM came out on my birthday lol.

    I felt like this was the game for me.

    I got it.

    Pretty good.

    TWAU is the game for me.

  • Yeah i'm really sorry he was just sharing his opinion

    It's okay..I'm new too, but he was just sharing his personal opinion.

  • It was announced, surprisingly, after a short period i played Jurassic Park: The Game with my brother (i loved this game). When i found out it was being made by Telltale, i got so excited and couldn't wait for it.

    I'm glad i got to know JPTG before playing this, otherwise i could be disappointed this was only a point and click game.

  • edited September 2016

    I was curious to see how it was going to work, and got more curious as info started coming out. By the time they showed off the first 10 minutes of the episode at PAX(?) I was sold on the idea.

    My Original reaction I think

    Oh look a new thread. I hope people aren't too upset with the idea.


    enter image description here


    enter image description here

    I'm not actually keen on the idea but I'm intrigued to say the least. You can talk shit when you've actually PLAYED the game but right now a lot of people are just being fucking childish.

  • I was pretty much meh and had no intentions of buying it, but when my brother bought it me for Christmas 2015, I just fell in love with it. It was my first telltale game.

    I'm so glad he bought it.

  • Ive been a telltale fan for awhile my first telltale game was the walking dead and I played many others then they announced minecraft story mode I wasn't to sure because I did not really play minecraft I only played it like 2 years before story mode was announced but since it was telltale I gave it a chance and loved it and it kind of got me into minecraft again.

  • No its not okay i'm really sorry i'll never do it again!

  • It's the best game I've ever bought since Alien: Isolation. It even beat my purchase of the Back To The Future series.

    I first heard about the game on GameInformer about a week before it was released, and I knew it would turn out great, then. The game at present is better than my first thought.

  • Pretty excited. But then I saw the threads and became dissapointed with some of the comments. It seemed like every Telltale fan hated it. Like come on. Minecraft is imagination, building, and surviving. No one finds that fun? I agree I got bored of Minecraft a while ago but the hate seemed really stupid in my opinion. It was the exact same reactions when TWAU, TFTBL, and GoT got announced. Even though MCSM didn't live up to my expectations and hype, it was still alright.

  • I was disappointed at the announcement because, "Why a kid's game made by Telltale?" But then when I played it, it was cool.

  • I'm so excited, even i told the whole school about this XD

    I saw DanTDM playing this and starting to get excited. Its almost same like normal Minecraft, but unlike the normal ones, we can't fully explore the map. The storyline is pretty good, about the new kid, found something wrong... Terrible, and tried to save the World. But in Episode 4 i cried and almost throw my Phone (I also played it on Mobile Devices). Its fun and interesting, the Minecraft Logic still maintained (such as: Survival, Crafting, Building, imagination, explorations, and more). The characters is also interesting

  • I was pretty mixed, but considering how I started out having mixed opinions about Tales from the Borderlands and how wrong I was for misjudging it, I decided not to judge this game until it was out.

  • edited September 2016


  • Wait, so you wanted a reason to download it?

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