The Vent/Help Thread



  • That's pretty shit man, a lot of terrible shit seems to be going on with you. I'm not exactly one to talk, like, ever, considering my mental state, but I'd like to help out any way I can. I may not be good for taking care of myself, but helping others who need it is kind of my thing.

    It's a rough thing with your brother man, it really is. I hope he rests in peace, and I definitely hope that the situation with the priest gets less dicey.

    As for hurting people on the forum, we all hurt people, it's a part of life. I've hurt so many people I cared deeply about and never wanted anything bad for them, but it happens. You may not ever get over it and you may blame yourself forever like I did, but you're just gonna hurt people along the way, intentionally or not. That's just life my dude, it's shit, but there are people hellbent on helping you get through it, people who really want to.

    Also, if your girlfriend breaks up with you over a reboot that's mediocre at best, then she didn't ever deserve you in the first fucking place. You're a cool dude from what I've seen, and a really nice guy. If she breaks up with you over a movie, then you deserve so much better than her and she doesn't know what she's missing out on. That's a ridiculous reason to break up with somebody, trust me man, you're better than that, you deserve better.

    Your sister sounds incredibly talented (considering she's building a house) and her boyfriend sounds like a fucking tool, but I won't comment on that too much since I can only form so much info from that sentence.

    Take it from me man, I've attempted suicide 7+ times in my life, it is just not fucking worth it. There are people out there who care about you and need you, and whether you want to realize/accept it or not, it's a reality, it's true. Be it family, friends or somebody you may have not met yet, somebody needs you, and giving up not only ruins your legacy as a human being, but it hurts them as well.

    My best friend had a fucking mental breakdown the last time I attempted and he swore at me and got so pissed at me for even thinking about it, he had never been so worried about me and shocked at my decisions ever, he genuinely cared, and I'm 100% sure you have somebody like that out there. Shit, I'd be really fucking sad if you killed yourself, that's just another life with so much potential, so much goodness in it, wasted because the world is just cruel. You don't deserve to be a wasted opportunity because you are important.

    If you ever, and I mean, EVER need to talk to somebody, hit me up in the PMs. I may not be the most respectable human being alive, and I may be an asshole, but I take this shit very seriously, I've lost too many good people to suicide just to sit by and watch somebody else's world unravel without somebody reaching out to them. I got your back man, in any possible way I can.

    joriandrake posted: »

    so my older brother died a while ago he is meant to be buried and get rites by the priest who abused him as child, but got off due to lac

  • If you believe in God, pray and trust that He understands the situation, and your brother's soul will be safe. (And if you don't believe in God, then it's just a ceremony.) If you are not able to get a priest other than the questionable one on short notice, consider having the rites done a second time by another priest at a later date.

    If your sister's boyfriend is beating her, then you have to do something. If he's not beating her, but seems to be controlling her, it's typically caused by attacking her self-esteem and making her believe she can never be in a better situation except with him. In that case, the best move is to counter those feelings, by making her feel valuable and good about herself. If none of this applies (her self-esteem is just fine, and she's happy in this relationship), then it's her choice to make, and you should respect it.

    I'm pretty sure your girlfriend didn't break up with you because you didn't want to see Ghostbusters 2016 again. That just had to be the last straw. The question is, do you want to make amends and get her back? She might be back anyway, after she cools off. If you want to fix things with her, you'll need to make an effort to do so. If not, well, maybe you'll find someone else who shares your taste in movies.

    There's an art to writing on the Internet without offending anyone, and nobody's perfect at that 100% of the time. You can get better with practice, though. Just look at what you wrote before sending it, and imagine how the person receiving it is going to feel when reading it. If it's bad, and it doesn't need to be said, press that Cancel button, even if it took you 30 minutes to write.

    Don't kill yourself. There's still too much to do.

    joriandrake posted: »

    so my older brother died a while ago he is meant to be buried and get rites by the priest who abused him as child, but got off due to lac

  • I dont know what to say, you just have to keep going. Keep moving forward and love yourself.

    Its awful what happened to your brother there aren't any words for it.

    joriandrake posted: »

    so my older brother died a while ago he is meant to be buried and get rites by the priest who abused him as child, but got off due to lac

  • edited September 2016

    my brother was an atheist, and wanted to be cremated, his ashes thrown into the Danube
    my family opposed this idea, now I consider how I could still make it happen

    edit: this is a vent thread and as such I threw everything I had at it, while I did consider suicide in the past I don't intend to do it, in the past I avoided thinking about it by simple things like even in worst case a light summer breeze or flowers may be enough reason to live for, but right now I just feel overwhelmed by everything that happens around me and that last sentence/line was my gathered frustration and (I guess) depression that I let out

    That's pretty shit man, a lot of terrible shit seems to be going on with you. I'm not exactly one to talk, like, ever, considering my mental

  • Youtube gets worse all the time since Google bought it

    YouTube's new guidelines have restricted strong language, offensive content (blood, gore) and suggestive (not actual content, but anything t

  • I'm pretty sure your girlfriend didn't break up with you because you didn't want to see Ghostbusters 2016 again. That just had to be the last straw.

    no friggin idea to be honest, she never complained about anything before, I may have done something but I certainly don't know of it in that case

    she sent me a message apology this morning, but I don't know what to think of all this, I just feel overwhelmed by everything

    WarpSpeed posted: »

    If you believe in God, pray and trust that He understands the situation, and your brother's soul will be safe. (And if you don't believe in

  • I am sorry for you being in this kind of a situation.

    Do not take your life, do not. Do not. Do not. There will always be people who care, just right now even we, internet strangers, care about you. Wanna a small reason to keep on fighting and living? Live for a good day. You are fairly young and you won't feel like this forever, don't give up on yourself. If you give up, who else will carry out your life?

    You hurt someone. You regret it. You apologize. You try to never hurt someone again. You will fail, and you will succeed.

    I could write a novel here, so if you wanna talk about yoir problems and if you ever feel so shitty you might as well give up -- PM immediately. I'd love to talk to you buddy.

    joriandrake posted: »

    so my older brother died a while ago he is meant to be buried and get rites by the priest who abused him as child, but got off due to lac

  • YouTube has always had issues, but this is drawing the damn line.

    joriandrake posted: »

    Youtube gets worse all the time since Google bought it

  • That clears up a few things. Either way man, just remember to contact me if you ever need anything. I'm willing to help any way I can.

    joriandrake posted: »

    my brother was an atheist, and wanted to be cremated, his ashes thrown into the Danube my family opposed this idea, now I consider how I co

  • Well, 80% of the YouTubers are fucked.

  • 80% is way too low. I'd say 98%.

    RhysAndLee posted: »

    Well, 80% of the YouTubers are fucked.

  • I drew the line when they forced Google Plus on all of us a couple of years ago.

    I didn't think they could get worse.

    I truly didn't think that they could top the Google Plus saga.

    I have never been so wrong in my entire life.

    YouTube has always had issues, but this is drawing the damn line.

  • It sounds like you need to have a talk. You hinted that she's been feeling shut out of your life since your brother's death. Maybe that has something to do with it.

    joriandrake posted: »

    I'm pretty sure your girlfriend didn't break up with you because you didn't want to see Ghostbusters 2016 again. That just had to be the las

  • edited September 2016

    Now that's.... NOT funny.

    I swear Youtube/Google just went to worst position of all... Konami levels of screwing people bullshit with a sense of political correctness as the topping. Every youtuber I watch swears and has violence/gore and suggestive themes. Markiplier, H20 Delirious, AlphaOmegaSin, Cartoonz, and so on. Everyone. You bet Youtube's genitals that no youtuber will stand for this. They either need to stop the bullshit or all the youtubers will go somewhere else and leave a truly dead site in it's wake, leaving Google and Youtube profitless.

    I'm feeling very sad for all the youtubers now. This is not right at all. This is subjugation.

    YouTube's new guidelines have restricted strong language, offensive content (blood, gore) and suggestive (not actual content, but anything t

  • There are good things and bad things about them. Right now, they're not very good or reliable. Some day (in a few decades), I'll get too old to drive safely, though, and they'd be really handy by then if they work out.

    The manufacturers aren't targeting old people, though. They're hoping younger, richer people will find it more convenient not to have to drive themselves, so they can spend all their time texting or something instead. I don't think they talked to any younger, richer people before deciding this.

  • 2016, the year of stupidity and traumatic bullshit. Can't wait for the year to end.

  • edited September 2016

    tfw 2k16 sucks and you're sick of shit

    enter image description here

    2016, the year of stupidity and traumatic bullshit. Can't wait for the year to end.

  • enter image description here

    MarijaaNo7 posted: »

    tfw 2k16 sucks and you're sick of shit

  • I just want to say thanks for not 'Liking' my vent post

    such cases always made me feel awkward and I'm happy it didn't happen in my own case

    joriandrake posted: »

    so my older brother died a while ago he is meant to be buried and get rites by the priest who abused him as child, but got off due to lac

  • Quite likely, as you already need a google account to post comments and the older non-google one doesn't allow it

  • Right, not even the year my dad died was as terrible as 2016

    2016, the year of stupidity and traumatic bullshit. Can't wait for the year to end.

  • So my family members really enjoy not paying attention to where they walk, sit, and lay at. Forwarding this, some-fucking-body accidentally sat on my bag containing my 200 dollar school provided laptop, which obviously damaged the internals that work the screen. But then they PROCEEDED to hang it up on a hook (where it "belongs") and went on about their day like they were innocent. I'm 80% sure everyone in my family knows I had that computer in there.

    I reported it to my grandparents, and OOHHHH it's my fucking fault I didn't put it up; Sorry I come home from high school (which I'm sure many people will back me up as it not being some stroll in the park) and forgot to place my bookbag somewhere that'll excuse your lack of common sense to look where you're going. Really, I do sincerely apologize.

  • They gotta show profit somehow.

    YouTube's new guidelines have restricted strong language, offensive content (blood, gore) and suggestive (not actual content, but anything t

  • I have always thought so too. But were it not for the Warriors there would be no MadMax. No MadMax means no FuryRoad. As for drugs,they are terrible..... and pretty much like craft services in Hollyweired even today.

    wdfan posted: »

    Was gonna make a thread about it but I think this might be the right place: Man, just saw one of the most disappointing (and awful) movie

  • edited September 2016

    Dude I don't know if you're just paranoid or something but you make a lot of these posts about you and your girlfriend, not saying that's bad, and I'm not trying to be rude, but maybe you should consider evaluating the relationship as a whole.

    People who love eachother wouldn't even consider that the other is cheating until the time comes, why are you so unsure about someone you should know the inside and out of? It's kinda worrying on your part. Just my thoughts from what I've seen you post...

    Kenny/Lee posted: »

    A couple of nights ago, my girlfriend and a friend of hers, went out to a bar to see a band that I had mentioned I was playing there. Her

  • This is going to make them LOSE money, dude. Some of their biggest money makers are channels that completely abuse said guidelines and make content that crosses them. JonTronShow, RoosterTeeth, LeafyIsHere, PewDiePie, Markiplier, VideoGameDunkey, Jacksepticeye, each and every one of them make YouTube a fuckload of money purely by existing and having ads on their videos. In doing this, they are fucking themselves out of MILLIONS of dollars. Billions even. The more these videos get striked, the less money they make.

    They gotta show profit somehow.

  • Every single time you leave a comment I just agree with you so much. Yeah, this entire thing is bullshit and I'd even go as far to saying YouTube is WORSE than Konami at this point. I'm somebody that rarely participates in YouTube drama, and when I do it's usually only for a day. I don't tweet about it, I don't make videos about it, I leave it be. But I got so fucking pissed off that I actually halted my vacation and spent 3 hours editing a video purposely saying "Fuck YouTube" and making fun of their new rules. I wouldn't ever even stoop that low with Konami because they aren't worth my time.

    And the YouTubers ARE being fucked over now. Think of Night Mind, who just started a patreon to turn YouTube into his full time job, and after reaching that goal within mere hours, he made a video on tumblr crying about that what he loves is his career now and how much it means to him. Well sadly for him, the entire Tribe Twelve explained series has the word fuck in it over and over, EverymanHYBRID explained has a fucking implied rape scene and blood and gore. He does videos based on controversial subjects sometimes and he primarily covers horror. This guy, who now has his entire life ahead of him and is so grateful, is at risk of losing it all, and then feeling like shit because all of the donated money through patreon would go to waste, and he'd beat himself right up over that.

    Think of all the other people who have this as their fucking living. LeafyIsHere just turned 21, if he gets fucked out of this he's out in the real world with no job and no solid foundation. Markiplier, Jack and PewDiePie put fucking hours of effort into everything they do and lose plenty of sleep over it. Sure if they get banned they'll probably get put back up because they're the 3 top dogs, but think of what that'd do to their sanity if they had to stop making content for their viewers and change up their entire life schedule because of this. I Hate Everything,, h3h3 Productions, Pyro, Cinemasins. All of them make satirical and sarcastic content that can come off as negativity and bullying, they'll lose everything.

    In the end, it's not just the viewers getting fucked here, but it's the YouTubers getting fucked out of their entire lives and YouTube itself fucking themselves out of millions because people got triggered and YouTube decided "Well shit, we should make content based around that shit and be family friendly"

    Now that's.... NOT funny. I swear Youtube/Google just went to worst position of all... Konami levels of screwing people bullshit with a s

  • I entered onto the YouTube scene (that sounds egotistical as fucking hell) right after the Google Plus update, so to me it was just YouTube, my entire experience started with that G+ incident and it didn't bother me, but I know people who it did bother, and that's straight bullshit of YouTube to pull shit like this.

    I drew the line when they forced Google Plus on all of us a couple of years ago. I didn't think they could get worse. I truly didn't think that they could top the Google Plus saga. I have never been so wrong in my entire life.

  • W A K E
    M E
    U P
    I N S I D E

    MarijaaNo7 posted: »

    tfw 2k16 sucks and you're sick of shit

  • We only got 4 months left man. Between now and then we have Halloween, Thanksgiving and Painful Memories: The Holiday. I mean, Christmas. Halloween will be pretty kickass because Halloween is always kickass. Fuck what people say, I don't care if I'm 17 or 4, I'm gonna dress up on Halloween and do shit because I hate literally every other holiday. Plus, Thanksgiving has pie. The road ahead of us won't be too much more rough, that is unless Hillary gets elected or the other countries decide that they don't very much care for us anymore. Then we'd better prepare to put skills learned in Fallout 3 and 4 to good use.

    But in all seriousness, 2016 was ass, and it's still ass. I'm sorry that bad shit happened to you, you're a cool dude and you don't deserve that shit. Cheers to 2017 at least. Lot's of good shit happening next year so far.

    2016, the year of stupidity and traumatic bullshit. Can't wait for the year to end.

  • HOW can someone that kills 2 people by driving dangerously under the influence of drugs and alcohol, will only get 6 years and an 8 year driving ban...

    My sisters friend was the car in front of this horrible crash... fortuntely she there to call the police but in this case they died there and then, that must have been a horrible sight for her. I know she must be shaken up.

    RIP to the couple who died

  • edited September 2016

    Every single time you leave a comment I just agree with you so much.

    "Great minds think alike" as they say. ; )

    Hmm.... rest of the comment cuz that's a lot to quote. lol

    Ya know, for a while, I used to have absolute hatred (still do) and thought a good portion of the community was the worst of the site, but then the company itself proved me wrong. They're worse than them. As they have the power and are using it to destroy thousands or even millions of careers in one fell swoop. There's literally hundreds of vids about this now, and there will be more if this doesn't stop. And the fact they've had this around since last year and steadily demonetized videos behind the content creators' backs too before they came out of the open about these rules? I hope Youtube are the ones who lose their jobs if they continue on with this. If many youtubers end up broke/go homeless, I hope Youtube suffers.

    Youtube forgets what made it what it was. Their community is what put it on the map, much like Youtube put its community on the map. Both sides feed each other. If one gets screwed over, the other does too. EVERYONE gets screwed over. Well, except for official media channels and government channels, they'll pay youtube off to stay monetized. Cuz that shit never happened before, eh? The only way Youtube will listen enough are by two scenarios A)Voice your opinion as much as possible in defiance to the rules and hope it results something like the Fine Bros incident end in. B)All Youtubers work together, threaten to leave to another potential good monetized vid site, forcing Youtube to listen since their wallets will become empty if that were to happen. Used by the hashtag (I don't personally like those but they get the word spread) #FixYourShitOrWeAbandonShip.

    Anyway, this is a video that makes a pretty good argument too. It also gives insight of what may have influenced Youtube into making these rules.

    Every single time you leave a comment I just agree with you so much. Yeah, this entire thing is bullshit and I'd even go as far to saying Yo

  • Nah, I haven't went through a lot of tough shit compared to many others, it's the many who suffered this year that made me want this year to end. I just had a few personal problems, and a near death experience of me choking on a piece of chicken the size of a big gum ball (or was that last year?).

    Then we'd better prepare to put skills learned in Fallout 3 and 4 to good use.

    Naw, man. We need shit like Overwatch.

    Here's to a better future.

    enter image description here

    We only got 4 months left man. Between now and then we have Halloween, Thanksgiving and Painful Memories: The Holiday. I mean, Christmas. Ha

  • Now all I can think of is Tracer busting into the oval office, saying "Cheers love, the cavalry's 'ere!" and then beating the shit out of Hillary. That's fucking hilarious.

    Nah, I haven't went through a lot of tough shit compared to many others, it's the many who suffered this year that made me want this year to

  • I disagree.

    This is going to make them LOSE money, dude. Some of their biggest money makers are channels that completely abuse said guidelines and make

  • What? How can you disagree with factual information on how YouTube works and how it gains money?

    I disagree.

  • edited September 2016

    The dislike button on comments don't even freaking work on youtube, it does nothing, why even have it?

    RhysAndLee posted: »

    Well, 80% of the YouTubers are fucked.

  • Because I don't think the big youtubers are going to stop posting videos on youtube. They are going to still be making good money, they are just taking a pay cut. Youtube rolled out their twitch-like sub program and then cut away ad revenue from whoever they want. Do you really think they didn't anticipate the backlash? With all the bullshit melodrama that takes place on youtube, do you really think the execs looked at all their finances and did this expecting no one to shit a brick? Where are the youtubers going to go to post their videos? Are they all going to make their own websites and only post videos there? That is fine, there are hoards of wannabe youtube stars that will gladly take their place.

    What? How can you disagree with factual information on how YouTube works and how it gains money?

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