the beauty of Blacklist is you can play however you want to play. Stealth, all out action etc
Conviction, Double Agent and Chaos Theory are like that as well, and yet those, in my opinion, are infinitely better games. Both story wise and gameplay wise.
they just didn't know how to play, I'm assuming you're the same based on your comment.
Wow. Haven't you ever heard the saying "Assume makes an ass out of you and me"? I've played it, I've beaten it. Didn't have a lot of trouble other than some of the shitty vision modes on the goggles (Conviction didn't do it any better though). I have played it and I know how to play, but it's gameplay is not Splinter Cell to me, it's Metal Gear Solid. Not that I have a problem with that as I love MGS, but Splinter Cell should be Splinter Cell.
I played through complete stealth using hardly any bullets at all, and hardly being detected, the next play through I went all out and got a completely different experience. That's the beauty of Blacklist and why it is a highlight of my time gaming.
I agree, that's pretty cool, and it's impressive that Ubisoft, despite how shitty it is, has managed to make that style work so well. The issue is that it's already been done 3 times, it's nothing new to the Splinter Cell formula, and if you play the 3 games prior to Blacklist, you'd notice that Blacklist does not do it as well as the others. That's my opinion at least though, but the play style feels so much better in the previous ones.
plus Spies vs Mercs was awesome as well.
I actually can't argue with you on that one. Spies Vs Mercs fucking killed it and saved the game from absolute hatred for me. Pandora Tomorrow, Chaos Theory and Double Agent all had awful SVM modes that sucked really badly, and Conviction's extra modes are better played in Single Player considering a lot of online players take Conviction as CoD instead of Splinter Cell so it's hard to get a good game. Blacklist however fucking killed it with SVM and I have to applaud the shit out of them for that.
I really disagree with people who say that, the beauty of Blacklist is you can play however you want to play. Stealth, all out action etc, m… moreany people criticised the game for being action orientated when it wasn't at all, they just didn't know how to play, I'm assuming you're the same based on your comment.
I played through complete stealth using hardly any bullets at all, and hardly being detected, the next play through I went all out and got a completely different experience. That's the beauty of Blacklist and why it is a highlight of my time gaming. It's an easy 9/10 for me, plus Spies vs Mercs was awesome as well.
EA just can't win. They are constantly criticised for having an "anything to make a buck" attitude and the one time they don't, people lose their shit over it in anger. Of course I'm taking about EA stating that a Mass Effect remaster won't happen as long as Bioware remains disinterested. You should read all the anger. It's glorious.
The irony is that the gamers are more selfish than the companies and always have been, they want what they want and when they want it.
People tire over the creation of these games but the community won't have a bar of it.
It's incredibly selfish, the only company I can think of where this 'hate' is valid, is Konami.
EA just can't win. They are constantly criticised for having an "anything to make a buck" attitude and the one time they don't, people lose… more their shit over it in anger. Of course I'm taking about EA stating that a Mass Effect remaster won't happen as long as Bioware remains disinterested. You should read all the anger. It's glorious.
Just watched the premiere of watchthisdotzip. Not a bad first episode, had some good atmosphere, interesting visuals and it's a good foundation for something more from the series. It's really short though, but the first few entries from Marble Hornets were 1-4 minutes long and that series became a pinnacle of horror media for many people, so my confidence in this series is still high.
I think I can name a few companies off the top of my head deserving of genuine hate, other than Konami. But you're absolutely right, a lot of gamers are selfish and self entitled, and when they get what they've been bitching about for so long, they bitch about that. Yeah, I guess you could call me a hypocrite because I constantly shit on FNAF or Undertale, and I make a lot of snide remarks about certain sequels to certain game franchises, but I'm also joking 90% of the time I talk shit on those things, or at the most I'm exaggerating.
Some people out there genuinely say some awful shit about things and mean 100% of it. Which is sad considering what people actually say. Sending death threats to Hello Games, Talking shit on EA and hoping death upon company members even though they're improving, Getting a game that's exactly what they've been bitching for and then bitch about it saying it wasn't what they were bitching for, Being absolutely greedy and asking for unrealistic things out of games, etc.
I miss the times where I could just pull out my PS2 on a saturday, line up my favorite games, (which usually consisted of Jak and Daxter, Splinter Cell: Chaos Theory, Silent Hill 3, DBZ Budokai, Midnight Club 3, etc) play an hour of them each and while playing, say "Well shit, I fuckin' love video games. Video games are just a dang old gosh darn diddily good time and I appreciate them." ~ Me at age 6 probably.
Now, that's not to say that there aren't some games that need to be bitched about. Resident Evil 6 is a trainwreck. Sonic 06 is unacceptable on nearly every level. Silent Hill: Book of Memories is... I'd really rather not bring SH into this shitstorm, it's dead enough already. Metal Gear Survive is... holy shit Konami what the fuck were you thinking on that one? Chester Cheetah's Too Cool Too Fool is just... a disaster of insane mass. There are games that need to be shat on, that need to be destroyed, that need to be nitpicked because they are just that bad. But the games that the majority of this self entitled group of the gaming community are picking on are all average at worst. At best they're insanely good.
Those are just my thoughts on the matter though, people can feel differently and that's their opinion. I'm cool with it. But there's just too much hate in the gaming community, it's obnoxious and sad really.
The irony is that the gamers are more selfish than the companies and always have been, they want what they want and when they want it.
Peop… morele tire over the creation of these games but the community won't have a bar of it.
It's incredibly selfish, the only company I can think of where this 'hate' is valid, is Konami.
Hi all, I'm having a bit of a difficult time with my sexual orientation, I have been having these gay fantasies since I was 11, I somewhat enjoy them(They're very frequent aswell) But here is the thing: I can never see myself with another guy, when I think about it, I never had a crush on a another dude. Girls however is different, I have always seen myself being with a girl, someday having a wife with kids. I have dirty fantasize everyday with every attractive girl I seen. Please note I only have gay fantasize when I am extremely tired. But when I am awake I can't get aroused to the thought of dudes kissing, etc. I am 14 Years old and I also have OCD, if that makes any difference. What is going on?
Hi all, I'm having a bit of a difficult time with my sexual orientation, I have been having these gay fantasies since I was 11, I somewhat e… morenjoy them(They're very frequent aswell) But here is the thing: I can never see myself with another guy, when I think about it, I never had a crush on a another dude. Girls however is different, I have always seen myself being with a girl, someday having a wife with kids. I have dirty fantasize everyday with every attractive girl I seen. Please note I only have gay fantasize when I am extremely tired. But when I am awake I can't get aroused to the thought of dudes kissing, etc. I am 14 Years old and I also have OCD, if that makes any difference. What is going on?
"Pax West Revelmode Signing" is starting in a few minutes and I don't know on which stream on Twitch it is
Edit: Turns out they are not streaming that... FUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUU!
Hi all, I'm having a bit of a difficult time with my sexual orientation, I have been having these gay fantasies since I was 11, I somewhat e… morenjoy them(They're very frequent aswell) But here is the thing: I can never see myself with another guy, when I think about it, I never had a crush on a another dude. Girls however is different, I have always seen myself being with a girl, someday having a wife with kids. I have dirty fantasize everyday with every attractive girl I seen. Please note I only have gay fantasize when I am extremely tired. But when I am awake I can't get aroused to the thought of dudes kissing, etc. I am 14 Years old and I also have OCD, if that makes any difference. What is going on?
I mean... I fantasize some weird shit when I'm tired, and I also have weird ass hallucinations when I'm tired. It's probably that you get so tired that your body and mind are both confused. Your mind imagines gay dudes making out and your body is like "aw shit my dude das good shit" and there it is. That's probably you being tired. Or you could be bisexual and leaning more towards females than males, but you don't have an issue with either of them.
Hi all, I'm having a bit of a difficult time with my sexual orientation, I have been having these gay fantasies since I was 11, I somewhat e… morenjoy them(They're very frequent aswell) But here is the thing: I can never see myself with another guy, when I think about it, I never had a crush on a another dude. Girls however is different, I have always seen myself being with a girl, someday having a wife with kids. I have dirty fantasize everyday with every attractive girl I seen. Please note I only have gay fantasize when I am extremely tired. But when I am awake I can't get aroused to the thought of dudes kissing, etc. I am 14 Years old and I also have OCD, if that makes any difference. What is going on?
I mean... I fantasize some weird shit when I'm tired, and I also have weird ass hallucinations when I'm tired. It's probably that you get so… more tired that your body and mind are both confused. Your mind imagines gay dudes making out and your body is like "aw shit my dude das good shit" and there it is. That's probably you being tired. Or you could be bisexual and leaning more towards females than males, but you don't have an issue with either of them.
Well I think the only way to find out is to test myself. I just made myself look at pictures of Gay guys, didn't get aroused. Looked at Gay guys kissing I also didn't get aroused. A part of me believes this is just phase that will probably be over by the time I am 16 or I possibly have HOCD.
You could be bisexual and heteroromantic, and it's a lot less absurd-crap-tumblr-invents than it sounds. It means that you are able to feel sexual attraction toward both sexes but you can only be involved romantically with people of the opposite sex.
I would like to say something to cheer you up but I can't come up with anything the only thing I can say is I'm sorry. I know these aren't the best words but I just want to say something nice and with compassion
My sister passed away when I was a teenager. I wish I could tell you I have all the answers, but I don't. There will be good days and there will be bad days. You'll deal with things in your own way. Mine was inside. I never wanted to talk about it, but forums weren't really around then. I hear the anonymity helps, so we're here if you ever want to say anything. I ended up getting a tattoo in homage. Any way, you'll be okay. It just takes time.
Reminiscing is worth the sadness it brings. I can tell you that much.
Conviction, Double Agent and Chaos Theory are like that as well, and yet those, in my opinion, are infinitely better games. Both story wise and gameplay wise.
Wow. Haven't you ever heard the saying "Assume makes an ass out of you and me"? I've played it, I've beaten it. Didn't have a lot of trouble other than some of the shitty vision modes on the goggles (Conviction didn't do it any better though). I have played it and I know how to play, but it's gameplay is not Splinter Cell to me, it's Metal Gear Solid. Not that I have a problem with that as I love MGS, but Splinter Cell should be Splinter Cell.
I agree, that's pretty cool, and it's impressive that Ubisoft, despite how shitty it is, has managed to make that style work so well. The issue is that it's already been done 3 times, it's nothing new to the Splinter Cell formula, and if you play the 3 games prior to Blacklist, you'd notice that Blacklist does not do it as well as the others. That's my opinion at least though, but the play style feels so much better in the previous ones.
I actually can't argue with you on that one. Spies Vs Mercs fucking killed it and saved the game from absolute hatred for me. Pandora Tomorrow, Chaos Theory and Double Agent all had awful SVM modes that sucked really badly, and Conviction's extra modes are better played in Single Player considering a lot of online players take Conviction as CoD instead of Splinter Cell so it's hard to get a good game. Blacklist however fucking killed it with SVM and I have to applaud the shit out of them for that.
EA just can't win. They are constantly criticised for having an "anything to make a buck" attitude and the one time they don't, people lose their shit over it in anger. Of course I'm taking about EA stating that a Mass Effect remaster won't happen as long as Bioware remains disinterested. You should read all the anger. It's glorious.
Nah. I wanted to play the closed alpha map but the desert is the only one that's available in the beta
The irony is that the gamers are more selfish than the companies and always have been, they want what they want and when they want it.
People tire over the creation of these games but the community won't have a bar of it.
It's incredibly selfish, the only company I can think of where this 'hate' is valid, is Konami.
Just watched the premiere of watchthisdotzip. Not a bad first episode, had some good atmosphere, interesting visuals and it's a good foundation for something more from the series. It's really short though, but the first few entries from Marble Hornets were 1-4 minutes long and that series became a pinnacle of horror media for many people, so my confidence in this series is still high.
I think I can name a few companies off the top of my head deserving of genuine hate, other than Konami. But you're absolutely right, a lot of gamers are selfish and self entitled, and when they get what they've been bitching about for so long, they bitch about that. Yeah, I guess you could call me a hypocrite because I constantly shit on FNAF or Undertale, and I make a lot of snide remarks about certain sequels to certain game franchises, but I'm also joking 90% of the time I talk shit on those things, or at the most I'm exaggerating.
Some people out there genuinely say some awful shit about things and mean 100% of it. Which is sad considering what people actually say. Sending death threats to Hello Games, Talking shit on EA and hoping death upon company members even though they're improving, Getting a game that's exactly what they've been bitching for and then bitch about it saying it wasn't what they were bitching for, Being absolutely greedy and asking for unrealistic things out of games, etc.
I miss the times where I could just pull out my PS2 on a saturday, line up my favorite games, (which usually consisted of Jak and Daxter, Splinter Cell: Chaos Theory, Silent Hill 3, DBZ Budokai, Midnight Club 3, etc) play an hour of them each and while playing, say "Well shit, I fuckin' love video games. Video games are just a dang old gosh darn diddily good time and I appreciate them." ~ Me at age 6 probably.
Now, that's not to say that there aren't some games that need to be bitched about. Resident Evil 6 is a trainwreck. Sonic 06 is unacceptable on nearly every level. Silent Hill: Book of Memories is... I'd really rather not bring SH into this shitstorm, it's dead enough already. Metal Gear Survive is... holy shit Konami what the fuck were you thinking on that one? Chester Cheetah's Too Cool Too Fool is just... a disaster of insane mass. There are games that need to be shat on, that need to be destroyed, that need to be nitpicked because they are just that bad. But the games that the majority of this self entitled group of the gaming community are picking on are all average at worst. At best they're insanely good.
Those are just my thoughts on the matter though, people can feel differently and that's their opinion. I'm cool with it. But there's just too much hate in the gaming community, it's obnoxious and sad really.
Hi all, I'm having a bit of a difficult time with my sexual orientation, I have been having these gay fantasies since I was 11, I somewhat enjoy them(They're very frequent aswell) But here is the thing: I can never see myself with another guy, when I think about it, I never had a crush on a another dude. Girls however is different, I have always seen myself being with a girl, someday having a wife with kids. I have dirty fantasize everyday with every attractive girl I seen. Please note I only have gay fantasize when I am extremely tired. But when I am awake I can't get aroused to the thought of dudes kissing, etc. I am 14 Years old and I also have OCD, if that makes any difference. What is going on?
That was a trip. I have OCD and I can tell you that has nothing to do with your OCD
I think the reason for the gay fantasize happening to me frequently is because of OCD.
Honestly I think your just at that age you know
Probably, hopefully I snap out of it.
"Pax West Revelmode Signing" is starting in a few minutes and I don't know on which stream on Twitch it is
Edit: Turns out they are not streaming that... FUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUU!
I think has more to do with being tired than being sexually confused.
Why hopefully?
I mean... I fantasize some weird shit when I'm tired, and I also have weird ass hallucinations when I'm tired. It's probably that you get so tired that your body and mind are both confused. Your mind imagines gay dudes making out and your body is like "aw shit my dude das good shit" and there it is. That's probably you being tired. Or you could be bisexual and leaning more towards females than males, but you don't have an issue with either of them.
Well I don't think I'm bi, because I often day dream about myself ever having a relationship with a guy and it doesn't feel natural to me.
Because I fear one of these days, somebody is going to.come in my room and see my boner. Can we delete comments?
It probably doesn't feel natural because someone drilled it into your skull that banging someone of the same gender is bad. Which is completely wrong.
0:25 untill 0:30 my movie of 2016:)
As I said, you could be bisexual with a stronger attraction to the female gender, but you don't think the male gender is awful.
Well my family does look down on homosexuality. That could be the possibility.
Well I think the only way to find out is to test myself. I just made myself look at pictures of Gay guys, didn't get aroused. Looked at Gay guys kissing I also didn't get aroused. A part of me believes this is just phase that will probably be over by the time I am 16 or I possibly have HOCD.
I got my 500th like today! Likes are kind of a meaningless measurement and it is certainly irrelevant to everyone else, but yay!!! Partay!!!

No but you can flag your post, and give the reason as "double-post" and a mod will delete it for you.
Really hope it doesn't disappoint you, you seem quite hyped for this movie.
In the gaming community, instead of saying "I love you" we say "1v1 me m8", and I think that's beautiful.
Ohhhhh, you also chose Sponge Bob gifs when you reached a "like" milestone, that's awesome!
So, why does Minecraft story mode get so many episodes?
You could be bisexual and heteroromantic, and it's a lot less absurd-crap-tumblr-invents than it sounds. It means that you are able to feel sexual attraction toward both sexes but you can only be involved romantically with people of the opposite sex.
I am glad! You seem like a nice and sensible user so far!
Because it's their best series, obviously.
I don't really believe that as I've never even seen 1 minute of its gameplay.
Going to my step sister's funeral tomorrow. Trying not to have a fucking mental breakdown.
I hope you are ok
I'm genuinely not, but thank you for the concern.
Beacuse Minecraft.
I would like to say something to cheer you up but I can't come up with anything the only thing I can say is I'm sorry. I know these aren't the best words but I just want to say something nice and with compassion
So quite on this part of the forum 0_0
My sister passed away when I was a teenager. I wish I could tell you I have all the answers, but I don't. There will be good days and there will be bad days. You'll deal with things in your own way. Mine was inside. I never wanted to talk about it, but forums weren't really around then. I hear the anonymity helps, so we're here if you ever want to say anything. I ended up getting a tattoo in homage. Any way, you'll be okay. It just takes time.
Reminiscing is worth the sadness it brings. I can tell you that much.