Details that people might forget, don't notice or just don't know about The Walking Dead



  • edited August 2016

    I have to get this out.

    I love the dialogue of this scene—i.e. the subtitles of the GIF sequence—but the fact that the actress only moves her head and not her body ruins it for me.

    Lilacsbloom posted: »

    What is a leak is the leaked footage of Javier and his siblings in a scene before the ZA. Unfortunately the footage was taken down before I could link it, but I was able to make some gifs of it to show you now:

  • it really makes Kenneth look bad...

    It is in character for him, though, so…

    Yeah, well, I still think that it wasn't something that should've been added in. For one, it was cruel. Two, it made Kenny seem more like a

  • I personally loved that they added that little alternate scenario. It's the only time Kenny seems to be aware that what he did was cruel. He seemed quite shocked/ surprised with what he had just done, like he was telling himself, 'Wow, I really went too far this time, didn't I?'.
    Had this not been in the game I would've thought that Kenny probably didn't regret what he did to Arvo, even in the Wellington ending.
    It also gives Kenny some characterization, which is nice.

    Yeah, well, I still think that it wasn't something that should've been added in. For one, it was cruel. Two, it made Kenny seem more like a

  • He wasn't such a bad guy in the first season, but in the second season they made him almost no better than Lilly (but Lilly actually had REASONS, Kenneth was just being a dink). And it isn't in character for Ken to beat kids senseless.

    it really makes Kenneth look bad... It is in character for him, though, so…

  • Ehhh, he DID seem like he regretted it.... But still, even afterwards he abuses and beats Arvo again; it was near manslaughter what Kenneth did (and I'm not exaggerating).

    I personally loved that they added that little alternate scenario. It's the only time Kenny seems to be aware that what he did was cruel. He

  • It also gives Kenny some characterization, which is nice.

    Yeeeah, "nice"!

    Too bad the other characters the Season should have been focusing on didn't get that niceness.

    I personally loved that they added that little alternate scenario. It's the only time Kenny seems to be aware that what he did was cruel. He

  • Kenny did attempt to punch Ben after the latter confessed to have made a deal with the Save-Lots bandits—he was restrained by Vernon and Lee—and he and Arvo were both teenagers whom Kenny was furious with, so I would say that there is some resemblance from Season One.

    By the way, welcome to the forums! Or, to actual discussing!

    He wasn't such a bad guy in the first season, but in the second season they made him almost no better than Lilly (but Lilly actually had REASONS, Kenneth was just being a dink). And it isn't in character for Ken to beat kids senseless.

  • But it wasn't punching and more like he was gonna try and strangle the kid. And Kenneth's actions WERE justified in that case with Benjamin because his family was killed because of the result of Ben's dealings with the bandits. In season 2, yes, it IS a reflection of the first season but it's far more brutal than it is justified.

    Thanks! ^_^

    Kenny did attempt to punch Ben after the latter confessed to have made a deal with the Save-Lots bandits—he was restrained by Vernon and Lee

  • I think that Kenny were smart knocking out Arvo. I mean, he could have drawn walkers to the group with his screams. I'm sure that Arvo did not mean that because that would be stupid since he was tied, but walkers could have heard that noises.

    Yeah, well, I still think that it wasn't something that should've been added in. For one, it was cruel. Two, it made Kenny seem more like a

  • A simple smack across the face would've worked too. Yeah, that's right Kenny--fracture the skull of the guy leading you to some supplies. That's not a stupid waste of time at all!

    I think that Kenny were smart knocking out Arvo. I mean, he could have drawn walkers to the group with his screams. I'm sure that Arvo did not mean that because that would be stupid since he was tied, but walkers could have heard that noises.

  • More than a waste of time, it is a potential waste of the person who is leading you to temporary shelter and supplies.

    DabigRG posted: »

    A simple smack across the face would've worked too. Yeah, that's right Kenny--fracture the skull of the guy leading you to some supplies. That's not a stupid waste of time at all!

  • I just put them randomly

    DabigRG posted: »

    I didn't know Duck is Molly and Patricia is Gill.

  • And Kenneth's actions WERE justified in that case with Benjamin because his family was killed because of the result of Ben's dealings with the bandits.

    Please explain.

    Did a bandit killed Kenny's family?

    Did Ben bribe the walker to come at the motor inn and bite Duck?

    Did Ben sneak into the woods to kill Katjaa and made it appear as a suicide?

    And most imprtantly, did Ben bite Duck?

    But it wasn't punching and more like he was gonna try and strangle the kid. And Kenneth's actions WERE justified in that case with Benjamin

  • Slightly minor one but anyway

    In starved for help if you have doug you are able to offer him food. If you give him the apple he will accept it however everything else he will refuse saying he still feels lee deserves it more for saving him. In this case Larry will come over and demand dougs food instead as he doesnt want it.

    "Hey if dough boy doesnt want his food hand it this way!"

    "It doesnt work like that, i'll decide who gets the food"

    "Well you'd better choose smart,you dont wanna piss meoff do ya?"

    Anyway I realized on a recent playthrough if you have fed Larry already mark will come over instead

    "Hey if doug doesnt want his food i'll take it"

    "It doesnt work like that, i'll decide who gets the food"

    "Oh yeah sorry your right"

    I never realized this was possible before

  • Huh, nice detail. I wonder what happens if you give food to Larry AND Mark? Will Mark demand more food either way?

    Slightly minor one but anyway In starved for help if you have doug you are able to offer him food. If you give him the apple he will acce

  • A-IBRAHIM0702A-IBRAHIM0702 Banned
    edited September 2016

    Can't say I agree with you. It just doesn't make any sense. If Ben didn't slip supplies to the bandits, they would'd attackes sooner when the RV wasn't fixed and more people would'd died. Ben actually did the group a favor by keeping them off their backs.

    And still, Ken's family was killed by a walker and not a bandit.

    Its just like Kenny blaming Arvo for Luke's death. He was several metres away from him and handcuffed. How come his running off at the end of the lake cause the ice to break at the start of the lake.

    Now, you may say that he was shot. But even if he wasn't shot the ice still would'd broken and he still would'd had a hard time trying to get out if Bonnie/Clem didn't approach him.

    Kenny just likes blaming kids. cough Sarita cough

  • Im not sure, im guessing neither of them come over.

    Pipas posted: »

    Huh, nice detail. I wonder what happens if you give food to Larry AND Mark? Will Mark demand more food either way?

  • A-IBRAHIM0702A-IBRAHIM0702 Banned
    edited September 2016

    But if Ben did not exist the bandits would have most likely never been angry and not attacked everyone

    Good point. But the bandits still would had found the motor inn eventually. They lived pretty close by.

    And Duck was there because?

    A very indirect event from Ben's actions but okay.

    Well if Arvo never told them he could take them to the house then Luke would be alive; it was Arvo's fault

    Its basically telltale's fault for scrapping the old town plot. But we'll go with what we have.

    Any sensible person would try to save his life. Thats why he told them about the house with supplies. It was ultimately the group's decision to go there.

    And Arvo walked confidently on the frozen lake meaning that his group crossed it the same way.

  • You misunderstand - if Benjamin did not make that deal then the attacks would've continued, but at least people would be alive. Duck got bit because a walker got in the Motor Inn, (determinant) Carley or Doug dies because Lilly was paranoid after the raid, Katjaa kills herself because she can't stand to lose her son.

    I'm not being harsh towards Ben, mind you, I'm just generalizing what had happened AS A RESULT of Ben making the deal with the bandits.

    And Kenneth's actions WERE justified in that case with Benjamin because his family was killed because of the result of Ben's dealings with t

  • In Kenny's words, the motel had enough arrow shafts on their defenses that they could dry their laundry. I believe it was clear that the bandit attacks would only have gone up if Ben hadn't worked out a deal with them.

    If anything, Duck wouldn't have been bitten because he would've died to an arrow to the head a week earlier.

    You misunderstand - if Benjamin did not make that deal then the attacks would've continued, but at least people would be alive. Duck got bit

  • Did this community not get that niceness, or should the community have been focused on to a greater degree by Season Two? Or did this community get some characterization, which was nice?

  • [chant] Do it! Do it! Do it!

    Im not sure, im guessing neither of them come over.

  • (?) You and 0.01% of players fed Mark twice.

    Pipas posted: »

    Huh, nice detail. I wonder what happens if you give food to Larry AND Mark? Will Mark demand more food either way?

  • I prefer the expression "You and 0.01% of players fattened Mark up"

    (?) You and 0.01% of players fed Mark twice.

  • Mark will carry a lump on his belly for the rest of the episode!

    I prefer the expression "You and 0.01% of players fattened Mark up"

  • Neither of them saying anything if you fed them both.

    However, Doug himself will say something

    Pipas posted: »

    Huh, nice detail. I wonder what happens if you give food to Larry AND Mark? Will Mark demand more food either way?

  • Hence saying its a waste of time, because the only person who knew where the f@ck we were going is now suffering a serious confusion and is at risk of eventually chewing someone's face off.

    More than a waste of time, it is a potential waste of the person who is leading you to temporary shelter and supplies.

  • In that sense, yes.

    DabigRG posted: »

    Hence saying its a waste of time, because the only person who knew where the f@ck we were going is now suffering a serious confusion and is at risk of eventually chewing someone's face off.

  • No, he's enjoying shoving up where his charm is.

  • In Ep3 of S1 Katjaa can actually go into the forest with duck by herself without Kenny, of course same thing happens in which she kills herself. Kenny assumed that she had done the deed and he will investigate after a while. I don't know if people knew this, but I certainly didn't.

  • I always thought that's what is supposed to happen. It's what happened on my 2nd playthrough at least.

    In Ep3 of S1 Katjaa can actually go into the forest with duck by herself without Kenny, of course same thing happens in which she kills hers

  • How does this connect to what you quoted.

  • I always supported Kenny's plan on leaving the motor inn anyway. It's a shame they didn't leave before the bandits attacked. Ben could have slipped them supplies to keep them quiet then everyone leave before they realise they've left

    In Kenny's words, the motel had enough arrow shafts on their defenses that they could dry their laundry. I believe it was clear that the ban

  • Was he cooling his jets for Rambo too?

    DabigRG posted: »

    No, he's enjoying shoving up where his charm is.

  • enter image description here


  • edited September 2016

    I am positive that Lilly would ultimately have accepted to leave with the rest of the group, had she known that the cease of attacks was only due to a flimsy deal with the bandits themselves.

    dan290786 posted: »

    I always supported Kenny's plan on leaving the motor inn anyway. It's a shame they didn't leave before the bandits attacked. Ben could have slipped them supplies to keep them quiet then everyone leave before they realise they've left

  • You don't know Chris Hansen from Dateline?


  • I'd hope she would have

    I am positive that Lilly would ultimately have accepted to leave with the rest of the group, had she known that the cease of attacks was only due to a flimsy deal with the bandits themselves.

  • what we have to pay to play episode 2 season 1

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