Why is telltale not representing other characters in this game?

Why are the key art and trailers only depicting white male Jesse? Why don't they represent different gender and races interchangeably?

Like, female Jesse has never been in key art or a trailer. I think this might be to get more customers, from recognizing Patton Oswalt, but I also noticed something else...

There's 3 male Jesse avatars, but only one female? Why not offer the other 2?

Maybe I am putting too much thought into this, but I've just been realizing that.


  • edited September 2016

    Because white male Jesse is the default one. And female Jesse was actually in the Ep 3 and Ep 4 trailers.

    But yeah, that there is only 1 avatar of female Jesse (and especially the one with that horrible lipstick) is a bit head-scratching. Then again, their choice of which character will have an avatar and which won't is a little weird in general. There's a lot of random background characters, but they still haven't added Asher (one of the main characters in GoT) avatar for example.

  • Like, female Jesse has never been in key art or a trailer

  • edited September 2016

    Because that's the default, generic Jesse. Also, there's 2 trailers with female Jesse. One where it switches back and forth between the two, and the episode 4 trailer which features just female Jesse.

  • Play at 0:29

    Like, female Jesse has never been in key art or a trailer

  • Then again, their choice of which character will have an avatar and which won't is a little weird in general. There's a lot of random background characters

    enter image description hereenter image description here

    Don't you be talkin' bad about the Usher, now

    Pipas posted: »

    Because white male Jesse is the default one. And female Jesse was actually in the Ep 3 and Ep 4 trailers. But yeah, that there is only 1

  • edited September 2016

    Sounds like you're trying to get offended by this. Female Jesse has been in the trailers by the way, she's in the very beginning of the Episode 4 trailer, and in Episode 3's trailer, I didn't even re-watch the whole trailers, I just skimmed through a few and didn't check the whole thing. What are you even trying to say, by leaving out the two other F!Jesses Telltale is being sexist? That they just decided not to put them there because they are misogynists? Of course not! How can everyone just take these random details and manage to link it to sexism, racism, fat shaming. Can we keep all of this in Tumblr please?

  • edited September 2016


  • No, never accused anything. Just was wondering.

    Anyway, my main concern was not representing all races.

    Excuse me for the false statement of female never being in a trailer...just less often in one

    Super1710 posted: »

    Sounds like you're trying to get offended by this. Female Jesse has been in the trailers by the way, she's in the very beginning of the Epis

  • I've never had a tumblr. Lol.

    It's funny, people like you associate me with that site, but I've never had one. From what I know, all you do is repost memes. Sounds stupid.

  • Why is Aunt Greenleaf not in TWAU's avatars yet the child is? Lol.

    Pipas posted: »

    Because white male Jesse is the default one. And female Jesse was actually in the Ep 3 and Ep 4 trailers. But yeah, that there is only 1

  • Because white male Jesse is the best Jesse imo.

  • There's 3 male Jesse avatars, but only one female? Why not offer the other 2?

    enter image description here

  • edited September 2016

    They meant the profile picture selection on the forums.

    BeyondEnder posted: »

    There's 3 male Jesse avatars, but only one female? Why not offer the other 2?

  • edited September 2016

    There does seem to be some alternative box art, showing the female Jesse on the other side of the paper, but it's unused.
    The side with Female Jesse shows "NOT FOR RESALE" but the one with Male Jesse has a normal barcode.

    Sorry about the bluriness of the pictures - I took them on my phone and I dont have the steadiest hand!

  • There actually is Auntie Greenleaf avatar.

    enter image description here

    fancies posted: »

    Why is Aunt Greenleaf not in TWAU's avatars yet the child is? Lol.

  • Ooh, those are neat!

    From the looks of how the spine bends, I think Female Jesse's cover is the reverse side of the retail cover, which means we get 2 covers on the same slip. I think that's pretty cool of telltale to do, especially since reversible covers for video games are a rarity.

    There does seem to be some alternative box art, showing the female Jesse on the other side of the paper, but it's unused. http://prnt.sc/cd

  • [removed]

    fancies posted: »

    No, never accused anything. Just was wondering. Anyway, my main concern was not representing all races. Excuse me for the false statement of female never being in a trailer...just less often in one

  • Yeah I have the season pass disc too and I noticed female Jessie on the back. It's good that telltale still remembers about the female (or males playing as female Jessie) players. I just randomly switch between both just for fun.

    There does seem to be some alternative box art, showing the female Jesse on the other side of the paper, but it's unused. http://prnt.sc/cd

  • [removed]

    fancies posted: »

    I've never had a tumblr. Lol. It's funny, people like you associate me with that site, but I've never had one. From what I know, all you do is repost memes. Sounds stupid.

  • Also, have you noticed that the MC:SM profile pictures are litterally just cropped from the cover? The Female Jesse profile picture has that same wierd/annoying lip stick on it.

    Ooh, those are neat! From the looks of how the spine bends, I think Female Jesse's cover is the reverse side of the retail cover, which m

  • edited September 2016

    Rude? you're the one bringing tumblr into this thread when it has nothing to do with it, hypocrite, lol. Don't go bringing random details in this. I just noticed how certain avatars were less represented.

    I had no idea that because of that I fit in to tumblr? Honestly, can you please go bug someone else?

    I'm just gonna ignore you. Trolls, sigh...

  • Oh, I'm stupid then.

    Pipas posted: »

    There actually is Auntie Greenleaf avatar.

  • you're the one bringing tumblr into this thread when it has nothing to do with it, hypocrite, lol.

    Tumblr was already related to the discussion. In fact the comment you originally replied to was related to tumblr, and you talked about tumblr youself.

    She's been on tumblr for too long.

    I've never had a tumblr. Lol.

    And if you're saying my first comment mentioning tumblr isn't related to the discussion you really need to re-read my comment.

    The only thing I can agree with you on is that communicating with someone of low intelligence is hard.

    fancies posted: »

    Rude? you're the one bringing tumblr into this thread when it has nothing to do with it, hypocrite, lol. Don't go bringing random details in

  • You're just telling me that I belong on tumblr, when I just posted about a realization...how is tumblr related to this?

    You're thinking about this too hard. I never said that Telltale was racist or sexist, you're jumping to conclusions.

    Super1710 posted: »

    you're the one bringing tumblr into this thread when it has nothing to do with it, hypocrite, lol. Tumblr was already related to the

  • You need to re-read my comments. I have already addressed both of these things.

    If you aren't accusing them of anything and you believe they're innocent, why does this thread exist when OP him or herself believes what they wrote in this thread means nothing at all. You do believe telltale are sexist and that those two details listed above are them trying to denounce women and non white people.

    How can everyone just take these random details and manage to link it to sexism, racism, fat shaming. Can we keep all of this in Tumblr please?

    And if you want more context just fully read the comments again instead of reading my quotes.

    fancies posted: »

    You're just telling me that I belong on tumblr, when I just posted about a realization...how is tumblr related to this? You're thinking about this too hard. I never said that Telltale was racist or sexist, you're jumping to conclusions.

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