People Stuck in the Past
If you're somebody who's 16 or under, you've probably come across somebody who's justified how much better their childhood was because they were born earlier. Example, the 90s kid master-race. But were things really so much better back then?
"We had so much more fun in the dirt and outside"
"Times were so much simpler"
"All you 2000s children are spoiled"
I honestly think if you come up to me with any of these quotes, you're probably scared of change. Humans evolve, and so do our findings. I'm often told by the PEOPLE WHO RAISED ME that I'm part of some new stupid generation that's the worst thing to come to Earth [it's really not my fault, I mean your master race raised this generation soooo ¯\_(ツ)_/¯ ]
Do you have people stuck in the past? Anybody who needs to educate before they judge-ulate?
Generation Before: Began/continued the destruction of Earth's forests and life forms and gave humanity more advanced technology.
Generation Before to Generation Now: We're blaming you for everything our generation and the past generations began and continued.
I grew up in the 90s it sucked the james bulger case terrified me and most other children. everyone was scared of strangers and "weirdos". the clothes were awful, the toys and cartoons were good I experienced pokemon when it was new and exciting so that was cool. seeing toy story blew me away I couldn't believe a computer was capable of something like that.
This is a actual historical quote " ugg ugg you mudhut generation are spoiled in my day we all slept in caves and it was character building ugg ugg" people have always had this damn whipper snapper mentality its so boring.
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The 80s and 90s brought us some really cool things, but they're easily one of the most cringeworthy decades ever.
I personally wasn't old enough in the 90s to be able to remember it, but all you have to do is listen to 90s pop music, and you'll be grateful you weren't alive in that decade to witness it.
The punk, metal and grunge was good
I was like 4 at the start of 2000, but the 90s have always interested me. Not in terms of events, but in terms of the innovation of new technology and the hype around it. It would be fun to go back to like 1998 as a 20 year old, but I definitely wouldn't want to stay long. Just something I've thought about.
With all due respect I am also a 90s kid. And I'm going to say that in some ways yes things were much better back then.
For example we had a working economy, fuel and gas was a lot cheaper at the gas station. I remember back in 1997, the price for either regular or premium gas was only $1.50 a gallon.
Also back then, we didnt have all this electronic crap that is being shut down the throats of kids and now. Even back then, we went outside and played, we did not stay cooped up for hours indoors on end and let our brains go to rot on things like video games and TV.
Not to mention also that back in the 90s, we didn't have all this texting bull crap that we do nowadays. It seems like it's gotten so bad that people have forgotten to actually have a conversation when sitting across from each other, because you're too damn busy texting to each other on their phones.
If you are sitting across from each other, put the phone down and actually look at the person and talk to them. Or, if they are trying to talk to you, take your face out of the phone, put it in your pocket, look at the person talking to you, and actually pay attention to what they are saying.
Otherwise you are just being rude! And if you do that enough, you're eventually going to drive the other person away, because they're going to see that you're more interested in your stupid cell phone and you are interested in listening to them.
If you want to get ahold of somebody on the phone, instead of texting them, how about actually picking up the phone and calling them? It's not that difficult.
I'm not trying to be offensive when I say those things, but I'm just simply saying that things were better back then.
People didn't have their heads buried in their cellphones 24/7, people actually would talk to each other by articulating words.
Is it any wonder that society's social skills in general have gone down hill? I'm sorry to have to say it, but if we keep advancing in technology, eventually we're going to end up all being a bunch of geeks.
The farther that we progress in technology, the more we lose our Humanity. As we progress farther in being able to electronically communicate, the more we forget how to communicate one-on-one.
So yes things were a lot better back in the nineties, then they are now.
And I'm not saying that kids were born in the 21st century are all bunch of idiots, not at all. But what I am saying is that a lot of you have forgotten how to communicate with each other, how to have a conversation.
And knowing how to communicate one-on-one, and being able to be a good conversationalist, those things are absolutely essential.
Because let me tell you something, you're not going to make any real genuine connections with other people, whether that be friends or a potential girlfriend or boyfriend or whatever, if you don't know how to have a conversation and you don't work and developing interest other and video games and playing on the computer.
So get off the cell phone, get away from the computer screen, and get out in the real world if you haven't already done so. Develop your social skills, and develop skills that you can share with other people, and skills that you can use to support yourself.
Because also back then, we were learning how to work, the admittedly probably not as hard as our parents had to work when they were growing up.
And that's another thing about 21st century people, is that a lot of your growing up and you don't know how to work anymore. You don't know what it's like to have to work for what you get, but instead you're accustomed to having everything handed to you.
And that makes you entitled, and that is a very unattractive trait.
Frankly the whole damn world in general is just gone downhill with all this advancement in technology.
And I'm not saying that all technology is bad, a lot of this technology has proven useful to humanity, especially with the advancement in medicine and whatnot.
But it is the ABUSE of all this technology is what's proving so damaging to society.
I envy the fact that people can just text now. I dislike talking on the phone. Always have.
That's REALLY dependent on where you live, and how you're raised. I live in rural West Virginia where damn near everyone's dad worked in a coal mine at one point or another. By the time a lot of us hit 11 or 12, it seemed like we'd be off to the mines when we got older as well, but that's not really an option anymore. Most folks here plan on moving away because our county is in Great Depression levels in economics. It's damn near pounded into our brain that we NEED a job. People here don't need much convincing on that point.
I disagree with you about things being overall worse everywhere. I think in the grand scheme of things, the Earth as a whole is probably in a better place than it was. When we look back at things, we tend to only look at the positive. 20-30 years from now, I guarantee you'll start seeing people that was born in the 2000's complaining about how everything was better then as opposed to the 2020's or some shit.
I didn't mean to go off about this like I have, but I felt like sharing that. I agree to about people being too eager to bury their noses into their phones, though.
If I was waiting for an urgent text from somebody while sitting across from a friend, of course my head's gonna be buried in my phone. Some person across the street from me can't judge the situation with a single glance. In a more straightforward way, it's really not your business. I could have excused myself to my phone and gave a perfectly legitimate reason to my company as well.
Yes, a double standard is included. If I'm scrolling away at my Facebook timeline while someone is sitting across from me, I could be bored; we could be waiting for somebody. We can't just pull conversation out of our asses for 2 hours while our other friends arrive. If I have means of entertainment, I'm going to use it. Conversation simply can't solve boredom.
I do understand some people just sit on their phones without considering or even acknowledging other people's existence. That's how they feel about it, and I couldn't care less if I'm talking to somebody that's on their phone. As long as they respond to me, it's a conversation.
Alright, everything being handed to '21st century people'. Yeah, I was born in this time period. I get things given to me when I probably don't deserve it. Do I think I deserved it? Am I suddenly unaware of what work is because somebody gifted me something? If anything, it's the giver's fault. Not mine. That's like blaming somebody for getting sick when you coughed in their face.
Honestly, entitlement is everywhere. You feel entitled to take a shit in the bathroom. If you love somebody you feel entitled to hug or kiss them. Entitlement isn't negative.
If you apply logic to all of this, we didn't sprout out of dirt. We were raised by people. Guess who they are? The "amazing" generation before ours! That amazing generation is also responsible for smart phones and computers. Take responsibility before blaming others for simple cause and effect.
Made me think of this, highly recomend watching it.
Every past generation is supposedly inferior to the one before at one point in time. This is nothing new. It's just history repeating itself.
Most of us are guilty of this. Nostalgia is a helluva drug. What I don't are the people who want the 80's back. I mean, I realize it was the boomers golden age, but still. The whole decade was cringey as fuck.
I imagine that's what our kids will be saying about us in the 2040's though.
Golden age of hip-hop too.
The 80's had Freddie Mercury though...
I was glued to my gameboy and playstation, outside was a scary place I guess we grew up in different 90s.
And saying people dont have to work for what they get is actually rude you dont know jack about peoples lives. You need to stop filling in the gaps and making grand assumptions about things and people you know nothing about, your not even that old in fact I think you are younger than me but you come across as a miserable old man stop being so judgmental.
Vince Staples would beg to differ.
Although I don't necessarily disagree with the claim that 90's era hip-hop fronted a lot of genuinely talented rappers, but the time for growth in hip-hop seems to be now after a seemingly long and deep regression of talent spanning the mid 2000's.
Even with a lot of the incestuous nature a lot of talent managers look for, there's so much hunger and pressure now by many MC's to deliver the best bars.
Yeah, it's much better now than say, the early 2000's, but the nineties (more specifically 1993-1997) seems like it was just a steady stream of big hits.
As far as mainstream success and name recognition goes, it was definitely the golden age.
You don't have to be under 16, if you were growing up in the 90s, you had to listen to how much better people in the 70s and 80s had it.
That said, I was born in the late 80s, and I do think that smart phones have ruined civilization, 80s movies are the bomb, and I just realized I'm dating myself by saying something is 'the bomb.'
Now I'm thinking back to fashion, and I have to say, nothing can beat big hair and big red lips on a woman. Hence the legend that is Geena Davis
Wish I wasnt but this damn time machine keeps packing up
That reminds me to ask if you've heard Vince Staples' new EP?
It's pretty good, but whereas his other projects went at a boil, I feel like the subject matter on Prima Donna is so complex the project almost has to be more slow and simmered for it to work.
Nah I gotta check it out. Really liked Summertime.
Maybe it will be more like his pre-Summertime stuff then? He seemed a lot more subdued before that one, whereas he was really intense on Summertime.
We need 1.21 gigawatts!
Honestly, it's even more down-tempo and subdued than Hell Can Wait. What I hope is that much like Summertime '06 expanding on HCW, that his next full length album will do so with Prima Donna cause although it's his strangest release, it still has a certain sinister bleakness to it.
I need to let it sit in more, honestly.
Of course current times are the best, they didn't have Telltale games back then.
When it comes to technology, I'm actually more social than I used to be. I don't think my problems with socializing stem from technology. In primary school and the early part of secondary school (high school in American speak), I found myself not wanting to talk to anyone. I did a lot of reading then, and I was convinced that I'd be fine without friends. Eventually I found myself stressed in school, and frustrated because I had nobody I trusted with this information. This led to me lashing out quite a lot and becoming very unpopular. Over time, I've used technology more, but I don't lash out nearly as much as I used to and I talk to people at school far more. I think technology is a wonderful thing with many benefits for those who can find a healthy balance, and it always irritates me how people are so quick to demonize it.
The 90s were better if only for one reason. It has nothing to do with technology or fashion, music or anything like that. The 90s were relatively peaceful. The cold war was over and the war on terror hadnt started yet. Sure there was desert storm, but it was over quick in comparison.