Our Minecraft themed Telltale Talks Podcast is coming up! We need your questions!

Volunteer Mod Edit:

To spare any further confusion, they are not interviewing Telltale staff about Minecraft. This podcast seems to just be fans talking about what they think about the game, and they are asking other fans for things to discuss on their fan podcast. - Blind Sniper

Ladies and Gentlemen of the Telltale Forums.

For those of you who do not know, my name is Jackoooist. On these here forums I refer to myself as IllusiveBroker, but in truth I run a Telltale orientated YouTube channel, with YTP's and Let's Plays of the company's titles.

I don't normally post on here in regards to my YouTube channel but in this case I believe this is a truly justified thread!

You see, me and a fellow YouTuber Stephen's YTP's have started a brand new podcast! Where we as simple fans sit down and talk about the latest Telltale release in a hour long podcast. This time our podcast is Minecraft related as it will be in regards to Episode 8 which will be releasing this Tuesday!

We need YOUR questions! As we are going to be doing a Q&A session using questions submitted by our viewers and other fans!

All you need to do is submit your questions here in this thread, they can be related to anything as long as it links to either our channels and content or Minecraft Story Mode (Although we would prefer if they would be Minecraft related)

So if you feel like supporting us! Please be sure to reply with some questions and we'll do our best to answer them in our Q&A spot!

Thank you all so much!

Telltale Talks!


  • Do you plan on doing the podcast before or after the release of episode 8?

    Anyways, here's a simple one. What's your guys favorite episode of Story Mode and why?

  • After! :)

    Thanks for the question!

    Do you plan on doing the podcast before or after the release of episode 8? Anyways, here's a simple one. What's your guys favorite episode of Story Mode and why?

  • Which is your favorite episode?

  • How did you planned episode 5 before the Portal arc?

  • I'm sorry? Could you explain the context of the question?

    Forcer99 posted: »

    How did you planned episode 5 before the Portal arc?

  • Thank You! :)

    Which is your favorite episode?

  • Are we allowed two questions?
    1. What did you like most about the game? The music? The story? Voice acting?
    2. How do you think Jesse and the gang met up?

  • Love that idea, it's simply amazing!
    Anyway, my questions are simple, I don't know if you're gonna make it before the release of Ep8 but I'll just ask:

    • Did you expect that Ep5 was the last one (before the Portal arc come) ?

    • Do you think this is the end of Jesse and his/her friends adventure?

    • Which character you think it shows more development in the Whiter arc?

    Well, that's all I've got, can't wait to see it :)

  • He said what would happen if the portals were not there in episode 5

    I'm sorry? Could you explain the context of the question?

  • We'll usually just pick one, but if we have a bit more time during the session we'll be sure to answer both your questions. Thanks again :)

    lucariolu5 posted: »

    Are we allowed two questions? 1. What did you like most about the game? The music? The story? Voice acting? 2. How do you think Jesse and the gang met up?

  • Thanks! We might have to pick one of your questions if we're short on time but if not we'll be sure to answer as many of them as possible.

    XxMaxinexX posted: »

    Love that idea, it's simply amazing! Anyway, my questions are simple, I don't know if you're gonna make it before the release of Ep8 but I'

  • Wat wold u b doing if Minecraft dint exist?

  • It's okay, I just put some options ^^

    Thanks! We might have to pick one of your questions if we're short on time but if not we'll be sure to answer as many of them as possible.

  • Will Reuben come back?

  • No.

    inweblood posted: »

    Will Reuben come back?

  • You know he won't.

    inweblood posted: »

    Will Reuben come back?

  • Reuben's dead! You don't understand?

    inweblood posted: »

    Will Reuben come back?

  • Will there be a season 2 at one point?

  • Just a suggestion for the podcast. Can you guys try to stay a bit more on topic with the main subject. I Wasn't really huge on the whole jabbing at Erin Yyvette for 10 minutes.

  • I know but I miss rueben, he was my favorite. And I won't bring him up anymore.

  • Jabbing? We weren't jabbing at her, we are big fans of hers! We were merely pointing out her appearances in each of the games. As for staying on subject, we do try to. Our main topic of discussion is the episode in theory, but for in whole the show is about Telltale and the work we ourselves do on our channel.

    But your feedback is highly appreciated, thank you.

    Just a suggestion for the podcast. Can you guys try to stay a bit more on topic with the main subject. I Wasn't really huge on the whole jabbing at Erin Yyvette for 10 minutes.

  • Hey dude it's okay, we appreciate you'd ask us that. I myself cried like a baby when he died, and I do miss that little pig. There's no shame in missing him :)

    inweblood posted: »

    I know but I miss rueben, he was my favorite. And I won't bring him up anymore.

  • Thank you dude

    Hey dude it's okay, we appreciate you'd ask us that. I myself cried like a baby when he died, and I do miss that little pig. There's no shame in missing him

  • Is there something between Jesse and Petra?

  • Did you always plan to have DLC, or was that a choice made later on in development?

    I'm sorry? Could you explain the context of the question?

  • edited September 2016

    [Comment Deleted]

  • dude, its not Telltale answering just two dudes with a Telltale podcast.

    Tohabath posted: »

    [Comment Deleted]

  • Zombie-sized chickens or chicken-sized zombies?

  • edited September 2016

    I have a question; "What made TellTale change their mind about Lukas?"

    Lukas (main): http://imgur.com/gallery/rAEJN

    Lukas (old): http://imgur.com/gallery/xRK2F

  • They are not interviewing Telltale; they are just asking for your questions so they can find topics of discussion among themselves.

  • Blind SniperBlind Sniper Moderator
    edited September 2016

    What do you guys think about the change in theme and episode format from Episodes 1-4 to Episodes 5-8?

    EDIT: Also, which format do you like more? Thirdly, how do you feel about the more self contained episodes in 5-8?

  • If you could change the plot of episodes 5-8, would you change anything? If so, what would you change?
    (Ex: Kill off character, more/less appearances of a character, plot twist, etc.)

  • Thanks Blind, I probably should have made this a bit more clear in the original post. Thanks for your edit though.

    They are not interviewing Telltale; they are just asking for your questions so they can find topics of discussion among themselves.

  • Don't worry, it wasn't the fault of your post. I think it's just younger users misinterpreting things. Your post was fine.

    Thanks Blind, I probably should have made this a bit more clear in the original post. Thanks for your edit though.

  • they might have jesse get external servers in ep.8 because of PAMAS heart

    what other key would it be
    isnt it ironic that they are portal hoping and all a sudden petra picks one and they find a way to get out

  • Well episode 1-4 was done by various writers and 5-8 was done mainly by eric

    What do you guys think about the change in theme and episode format from Episodes 1-4 to Episodes 5-8? EDIT: Also, which format do you like more? Thirdly, how do you feel about the more self contained episodes in 5-8?

  • I know; I was asking for their opinions on how the episodes felt different between 1-4 and 5-8.

    Well episode 1-4 was done by various writers and 5-8 was done mainly by eric

  • Would you want a Season 2, and why?

  • Right folks! That is it!

    The submission period for questions is now OVER!

    Any questions submitted anytime after this post will not be eligible I'm afraid.

    Thank you all so much for your questions! I never expected to get so many replies, again, many thanks to all of you! I will post the Podcast in a new thread later this week.

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