Episode 8 discussion

I read what will happen in episode 8, and I thought IT WAS CRAZY!!!! I can't believe that they go to the old builders world, and I think they did'nt tell us everything. I think they left out very very important things. Like how we say SOREN is an old builder. And how rueben may come back. Even though he's now it's floating in the air. So I think they have to have a happy ending and I think maybe Petra or Lucas will die. And I had anothe time crazy theory where at the the end someone kills Jesse and he brings rueben back from heaven with him, and it's a happy ending. Write down below what you think about episode 8.


  • I accidently posted this twice sorry

  • NO! JESSE SHALL NOT DIE but good theory bro

  • I feel if Soren is an old builder (which he most likely is) when the spleen match is getting hard he will steal the Atlas and help Jessie and his friends get home betray is old builder friends. Also in ep 3 you can ask Soren "Who betrayed you?" And Soren says "All of them!" Maybe he had a bad time with the old builders.

  • I know right? But my personal favorite part is when Ivor █████ ███ ██ ███ ████████. Or when Jesse █████ ███████ and █████ to the ██████ █████ ███████ █████ █████ █████.

    On a serious note though, the episode was good. But wait, how do I know? Maybe I don't. Or do I? Nah, I don't. Then again, if I didn't play it, how could I know about ███████ and the █████ ███ ███████ having a █████ ███ ████ ██ ███? Unless I made it up, and that isn't what happens at all.


  • Omg I can't read this aaaaargh

    Deltino posted: »

    I know right? But my personal favorite part is when Ivor █████ ███ ██ ███ ████████. Or when Jesse █████ ███████ and █████ to the ██████ ████

  • Please give us a trailer soon.....

  • Probably Monday ;-;

    inweblood posted: »

    Please give us a trailer soon.....

  • I would say that it would be on Monday or maybe tomorrow if we are lucky

  • Sometimes, Telltale saves trailers for the day of release, so that is a possibility too.

    MegaXD posted: »

    Probably Monday ;-;

  • Yes! Just like in episode 5!

    Sometimes, Telltale saves trailers for the day of release, so that is a possibility too.

  • lets hope that its soon ok

    i would have made it so the they get back to there world and have to start from the beginning and try to find there way back and meet the meet the ever source on the way(because they wouldn't have had to make choice for settlement remember it was like free civilization or ruled by civilization or balanced civilization it would make since so)and they in a cave and get lost and find olivia and axel so they have a cliff hanger and they leave it up to season two or make more episode for this season and get a something pass

  • I think the different color of armour the opponent has, represents their team...and to get the "atlas" you have to win games of spleef. Once you've won spleef, you get access through the nether fence to get the atlas. With the atlas, you find which portal to go through and you get home. :) Hope you liked my theory.

  • Nice theory

    I think the different color of armour the opponent has, represents their team...and to get the "atlas" you have to win games of spleef. Once

  • Thank-you! :)

    inweblood posted: »

    Nice theory

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