Details that people might forget, don't notice or just don't know about The Walking Dead



  • Larry's so cute when you tell mark hes just looking out for Lilly and give him the apple

    Deltino posted: »

    Neither of them saying anything if you fed them both. However, Doug himself will say something

  • Sorry (it seems to be below though), its my "canon" playthrough where I make the decisions I think make the story make the most sense or tell a more interesting story, already at around every corner. That said I did change one thing more to see what happens over both seasons, I see it as pretty non canon in my opinion but I always wanted to see the result in future episodes and wanted a play through where it happened.

    [chant] Do it! Do it! Do it!

  • You said that it wasn't out of character for Jane to abandon a newborn to die in a car, and I said that it was in character for Kenny to knock Arvo out after the latter screamed his lungs out.

    There is an enormous difference.

  • "A new frontier" *

  • What's Dateline?

    dojo32161 posted: »

    You don't know Chris Hansen from Dateline?

  • edited September 2016

    Why not shoot it? cough cough Troy cough cough

    Deltino posted: »

    Yeah guys A kick to the dick is way better than a punch

  • Me too?!

    DabigRG posted: »

    I always thought that's what is supposed to happen. It's what happened on my 2nd playthrough at least.

  • Sarah and Sarita technically have the same name. Both mean princess.

    :flushed: ...What you tryin to tell me, TellTale?

  • That both will be killed of uselessly.

    DabigRG posted: »

    Sarah and Sarita technically have the same name. Both mean princess. ...What you tryin to tell me, TellTale?

  • Define uselessly. Because I'd argue for Sarita and Sarah's first time.

    That both will be killed of uselessly.

  • Sarita and Sarah's first time

    this could be worded better

    DabigRG posted: »

    Define uselessly. Because I'd argue for Sarita and Sarah's first time.

  • A-IBRAHIM0702A-IBRAHIM0702 Banned
    edited September 2016

    Nah. Its worded perfectly.
    ( ͡° ͜ʖ ͡°)

    Deltino posted: »

    Sarita and Sarah's first time this could be worded better

  • A-IBRAHIM0702A-IBRAHIM0702 Banned
    edited September 2016

    Clementine's outstanding emotional attachment to Sarita and Sarah's amazingly well written second death.

    DabigRG posted: »

    Define uselessly. Because I'd argue for Sarita and Sarah's first time.

  • this could be worded better

    Whadduya mean?

    Because I'd argue for Sarita and Sarah's first time.
    Sarita and Sarah's first time
    and Sarah's
    first time

    Oh.... Giggity?

    Deltino posted: »

    Sarita and Sarah's first time this could be worded better

  • Not as bad as Becca and Rebecca. Or Pete and Pete.

    DabigRG posted: »

    Sarah and Sarita technically have the same name. Both mean princess. ...What you tryin to tell me, TellTale?

  • To be fair, Pete and Pete are from completely different games.

    Becca and Rebecca was kinda weird at first, though.

    Joe_Momma posted: »

    Not as bad as Becca and Rebecca. Or Pete and Pete.

  • Well, Sarita was always Kenny's anchor, which meant that Clementine played a role in causing him to lose that.

    Her reaction to Sarah's "canon" death is one of the two things that make it unforgivable.

    Clementine's outstanding emotional attachment to Sarita and Sarah's amazingly well written second death.

    1. Something I didn't know until now was in All That Remains, if Sam starts to bark at the zombie and you prompt Clementine to grab the frisbee, she'll ask if he wants to play. Instead Sam will continue to bark at the walker and Clementine will say something along the lines of "Fine. It's your decision. Do what you think is right".
    2. If you refuse to be friends with Sarah in All That Remains, you get the "screw you guys" option after the walker shed fight.
  • enter image description here

    DabigRG posted: »

    To be fair, Pete and Pete are from completely different games. Becca and Rebecca was kinda weird at first, though.

  • ...Why does that dick have a face?:neutral:

  • In S1 EP2, in the scene that you meet Jolene, if you pick silence at a certain point Danny will say "Forget it Lee she's bat shit loco" and Jolene will say "The crazy lady in the woods brings fresh meat to the farm" then Danny will get mad and shout "You shut it now!" So when Danny shoots her, Lee gets an extra dialogue option.

    Lee: "She said she brought you meat."
    Danny: "She did?"
    Lee: "Yeah and you got pissed."

  • Yeah, she was referring to herself in third person. She was trying to rile Danny up.

  • "The Final Empire"



  • Not really relevant, but I was always sorta under the impression that Danny and Jolene really did know each other at one point, given his reaction to her death.

    Maybe even...personally...

    AgentZ46 posted: »

    In S1 EP2, in the scene that you meet Jolene, if you pick silence at a certain point Danny will say "Forget it Lee she's bat shit loco" and

  • It's a book.

    A good book.

    So good.

    It has some daddyfication.

    Like n TWD, TLOU and Bioshock Infinite

    Their names are Vin (the "daughter") and Kelsier (the "daddy")

    And it's sooo original #Sarcasm

    the "daddy" died TT_TT


    (idk they said "The Final Fronter" and the first thing that came to my head was "The Final Empire", and that's the name of the book and nw I'm crying again DAMMIT, KELSIER, WHY DID YOU HAVE TO LEAVE VIN! AGAIN! NOW SHE HAS WHO? ELAN? THAT RICH SHITBIRD KID? F*CK THAT, KELSIER!)

    (am i gonna get banned? plz i don't wanna be banned plz squids forgive me for being a little shit plz)

  • It's pretty clear that she knew the St Johns. IMO Danny more than Andy. He seemed more familar with the save lots and the people who gathered there.

    DabigRG posted: »

    Not really relevant, but I was always sorta under the impression that Danny and Jolene really did know each other at one point, given his reaction to her death. Maybe even...personally...

  • Maybe already pointed out but I realized a similarity in names of two zombie survivors, one from this series, and a second from a popular one.

    William Bill Overbeck from the Left 4 Dead series.

    William "Bill" Carver.

    I'm trying to decide if this is a coincidence or not.

  • If Overbeck is an antagonist, then it's no coincidence.

    RhysAndLee posted: »

    Maybe already pointed out but I realized a similarity in names of two zombie survivors, one from this series, and a second from a popular on

  • But...but...Bill Spoiler himself.

    RhysAndLee posted: »

    Maybe already pointed out but I realized a similarity in names of two zombie survivors, one from this series, and a second from a popular on

  • Clementine definitely has grown up since the outbreak.

    S2 EP1--When walking to the river, Pete asked Clementine, "Anyone teach you how to shoot? By that I mean taught proper." One of the replies was, "Just not a rifle." He mentioned how powerful it was, but the kickback would knock her down, foreshadowing what happened in EP2.

    And now? Clementine appears quite capable of using a rifle, as the art for S3 shows.

  • Great find!

    Mi-So-Do posted: »

    Clementine definitely has grown up since the outbreak. S2 EP1--When walking to the river, Pete asked Clementine, "Anyone teach you how to

  • So, apparently the soundfile for when Clementine saves Sarah from the trailer is called
    enter image description here

    There's something crudely amusing about that.:lol:

  • lol

    DabigRG posted: »

    So, apparently the soundfile for when Clementine saves Sarah from the trailer is called There's something crudely amusing about that.

  • I remember this! I thought it was hilarious.

    A thread was made about this a few years back. Believe it or not, a majority of the forum didn't think this was funny at all and they were "disappointed" in telltale. Here is a link if you'd like to check it out. No necrobumping, please. ;)

    DabigRG posted: »

    So, apparently the soundfile for when Clementine saves Sarah from the trailer is called There's something crudely amusing about that.

  • That's where I found it!

    I think the reason it wasn't funny at the time was because the wound about Sarah's treatment in that episode was still fresh. As someone who just played the entire season back in June, I can find it funny because I lack some of the context and also because I know that Clementine doing that to Sarah was because she cared. :sob:

    I remember this! I thought it was hilarious. A thread was made about this a few years back. Believe it or not, a majority of the forum

  • Just before Carver pushes Reggie off the roof, Clementine actually runs forward to help Reggie.

  • Oh yeah, I did notice that. It's why she's there to see his body immediately afterwards.

    AgentZ46 posted: »

    Just before Carver pushes Reggie off the roof, Clementine actually runs forward to help Reggie.

  • Since my sister confided me her computer, I was able to get hold of the game files and figure out (kinda) how the original Kenny vs Jane fight would play out. The gifs we had before showed Jane holding Kenny's neck and we assumed she was strangling him. She was, in fact, trying to push him away since he was about to stab her with his own knife. The choice would be the same, 'Shoot Kenny' or 'Look Away' (or do nothing and watch, of course). Shooting Kenny would result in the same thing that happens in the original game with the only difference being that Clem would shoot his back. Doing nothing resulted in Kenny overpowering Jane and slitting her throat, killing her immediately.

    There are two animations named, 'sk54_kennyFinalShot' and 'sk55_janeFinalShot'. I haven't figured out what this is, but I think that animation is Kenny's animation of getting shot by Clem after killing Jane. Could this mean that Jane could be shot after the fight too?

    Oh and there's a file called 'kennyPunchesArvosCommieFace'.

    enter image description here

    Here are the original fight videos. (I don't know how to mess with camera angles so I was unable to show the whole animation :S.)

    Shooting Kenny

    Doing Nothing

    Cool, right? Do you think this scenario would've been better? Do you think it would suck? I think it's worse than the one we got, but not bad. The message is the same, Kenny is trying to kill Jane, Jane is strugling to stp him from doing so, I just think it's more unclear on the original one.

  • edited September 2016

    Duh FUCK!?! I was hoping there would be a shoot Jane option just to make it even, but Kenny kills her EITHER WAY?! Oh, THAT's horseshit and a hal...

    EDIT:WAITAMINUTE! SHE SHOT JANE! Is there just no text option programmed into the game? I thought you said Kenny kills Jane? Duh FUCK?!

    Since my sister confided me her computer, I was able to get hold of the game files and figure out (kinda) how the original Kenny vs Jane fig

  • edited September 2016

    Nah she doesn't shoot Jane, I just had to swap the Dying Kenny animations for his original killing Jane animations, otherwise we wouldn't be able to see him stabbing her neck because of the camera angle. Since I'm lazy, I didn't swap the rest of the animations like Clem shooting Kenny, the blood coming out of nowhere, etc. The aftermath also shows Jane alive of course.

    I'm sure there's a way to see the text of the original choice but that's beyond my skill : s. The fact is that there's no shoot Jane animation anywhere so I asume that wasn't an option.

    EDIT: Ughhh, yellow face!!!

    DabigRG posted: »

    Duh FUCK!?! I was hoping there would be a shoot Jane option just to make it even, but Kenny kills her EITHER WAY?! Oh, THAT's horseshit and

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