Episode 8 Waiting Thread -Out Now on PC/Mac, Xbox One/360, Mobile, PS3/4 NA&EU



  • Around 500 I didn't pay attention. The episode had always been 400-600 mb.

    Can you tell me size Of episode?

  • edited September 2016

    Why is their no gameplay on youtube i keep looking every second

  • My curiosity is killing me I can't stay away from YouTube someone HELP ME

  • Why won't you? Yes, I'm trying to avoid spoilers but for the people who do want to see it. Does streaming affect game play at all?

    Lol. No. I am not a youtuber. It's out on ps4. I won't stream it.

  • Make a SPOILER discussion page

    I finished the episode. It was nice, I can't express myself without spoiling so. Yeah, nice episode.

  • same i cant stop looking on youtube i really wanna watch gameplay of the episode

    MegaXD posted: »

    My curiosity is killing me I can't stay away from YouTube someone HELP ME

  • Me Too !

    vickytonner posted: »

    same i cant stop looking on youtube i really wanna watch gameplay of the episode

  • Ahem why no gameplay video on YouTube?

  • Okay,the trailer is either coming in an hour or tomorrow.......(I am so hyped that my patience has literally dissapeared,sorry I can't complete the challenge)

  • Tomorrow is the great release!!!

    But I am sad about the game is ending

  • I have to wait till 8:00pm tommrow UK time to download episode 8 so i have to wait even loger to play the episode

  • I think the trailer should be released today. It should be released earlier but they didn't release it. And I think no one will die because eveyone is in the last image

  • Oh my gosh, are you from Brazil too? :D

    AnaSantos posted: »

    It would be nice to be the game out tomorrow in Brazil

  • edited September 2016

    Okay so , I may not have been commenting much recently , because , i've been working on 16 more avatars (like mine) for 16 of the new characters in story mode episodes 5-8. If you want to use these , you will have to use gravatar.

    Here's the download link:


  • The australian gameplays of episode 7 was loaded to youtube the day before episode 7 released on USA (İm from turkey) so the same will be at episode 8


  • I live in the UK and I get it around 6:00pm on steam

    vickytonner posted: »

    I have to wait till 8:00pm tommrow UK time to download episode 8 so i have to wait even loger to play the episode

  • Still no gameplay on youtube i cant bare the wait anylonger

  • I guess Noone is steaming in Australia in midnight


  • The capture video it will crash if I stream. I don't play on tv. I use pc and a video capture to play the ps4.

    Super1710 posted: »

    Why won't you? Yes, I'm trying to avoid spoilers but for the people who do want to see it. Does streaming affect game play at all?

  • I'd assume either the trailer is coming in 20 mins or later today, so far they have always released the trailer the day before the actual episode, so maybe perhaps later today if not in 20 mins. Even if the trailer doesn't come out at all today, just be patient. They promised a release of the actual episode tomorrow.

  • I can't wait, but it's definitely sad for such a good story to come to a close :(

  • Not always. Episode 5's trailer released the same day. Might be the same for episode 8.

    I'd assume either the trailer is coming in 20 mins or later today, so far they have always released the trailer the day before the actual ep

  • Oh yeah, forgot about that. Well at least we know it's either coming today or tomorrow and we know 100% that the episode will be released tomorrow. Unless something bad happens.

    Not always. Episode 5's trailer released the same day. Might be the same for episode 8.

  • It's getting sad can't wait anymore

  • I need to see some gameplay before i go insane

  • im on steam too

    shaytale posted: »

    I live in the UK and I get it around 6:00pm on steam

  • I agree but episode 6 trailer was out 1 day before

    Not always. Episode 5's trailer released the same day. Might be the same for episode 8.

  • We'll have more to share with you in the lead-up to release next week!

  • edited September 2016

    This is what I'm assuming from the images here:

    Those people in green and yellow armor, (not Jesse or any of the heroes) they must be minions or something like that and the leader must be the big guy in the black armor and shield. From reading the email it shows that the heroes have to do games in order to get back to their world. What I see on the first picture is obviously them playing Spleef, not sure if this means anything but Petra is holding a golden sword, possibly trying to cheat and then bad things happen. But what I'd assume for the end is two things, for sure in my opinion, they will be fighting the guy in black armor and the shield and the old man gives him armor to fight him, it'll either end up in them fighting for two things, possibly the guy in black armor scammed them and lied when he said that if you complete these games I'll let you go back to your hometown and then they end up fighting, or maybe the last 'game' that they play is fighting him. In the second image it's obvious it's one of those lava fall traps and you have to slide under fast, they did that a lot in MCSM previous episodes. And then those 2 in the background are the minions I assume trying to delay them so they can't get through the lava so they lose the game, but as it seems, they manage to slide under the lava just in time.

  • edited September 2016

    Any minute now!
    Edit:If it is not obvious,I am talking about the trailer

  • For what?

    Chris06 posted: »

    Any minute now! Edit:If it is not obvious,I am talking about the trailer

  • Nvm,I thought the trailer was going to be uploaded by now :(

    For what?

  • Wait! Is the episode out anywhere? Or is it just troll

  • No because telltale are not online on YouTube

    Chris06 posted: »

    Nvm,I thought the trailer was going to be uploaded by now

  • I don't think so,if it would be the media would explode with spoilers and videos should appear no matter what

    Wait! Is the episode out anywhere? Or is it just troll

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