Episode 8 Waiting Thread -Out Now on PC/Mac, Xbox One/360, Mobile, PS3/4 NA&EU



  • the ep8 still didn't came in gog.com :/

  • one more day for PS4 europe , telltale please if u don't release it tomorrow i won't pay 5 euros for this episode.

  • Enjoy everyone. Us EU PS4 players hope you enjoy yourselfs today, for us it's one more gruelling day of waiting, I'm going to try my best to not let this anger I have towards Telltale for such a poor show on their part in relation to this particular episodes release date ruin my experience with the episode.

    This has been an amazing season, and I don't want it to end.





  • I haven't checked but I guess it is out in Xbox one thank god I already played it on IOS because I couldn't be patient and man this was one really good game :).

  • Honest, me neither. I'm a bit nervous to play it after school today.

    But hey, enjoy this grand finale yourself when it comes out for you!

    Enjoy everyone. Us EU PS4 players hope you enjoy yourselfs today, for us it's one more gruelling day of waiting, I'm going to try my best to

  • I doubt if it sells there-- does it?

    veermdy posted: »

    the ep8 still didn't came in gog.com

  • Yeah. Simple as that, my man!

    So, it's basically out but you have to dig around a little bit to find it?

  • Well, at 10:45 last night, I was scrolling through these forums on my phone. I see those posts that say that it's out (finally) and I get up to check. Needless to say, I woke up my parents during my little celebration (which wasn't all that little.).

  • Hey Microsoft fix minecraft episide 8 and I just download it right now.

  • If they release series 2 i will be back but if they don't this is good bye and thank you telltale i think this is the best game i brought you are the best




  • edited September 2016

    I guess that ends your nagging for it then :)

    Jb211 posted: »

    If they release series 2 i will be back but if they don't this is good bye and thank you telltale i think this is the best game i brought you are the best THANKYOUTELLTALE MAKESERIES2PLZ Bye.

  • I'll probably leave the forums for a while now guys, bye :'(

  • Well I finished it, a little confused at the ending. It would have been better if we got to play it on the actual release date because I was a little bummed playing it so late, but atleast glad we got it soon enough.

  • edited September 2016

    Just about to play it!
    I loaded up the screen and the music played and I swear to jebus I'm crying now. Im just sad that this is the last ep and I just don't want it to end ;(

  • This Was The Best Series!!!!!!!

  • but how is she an old builder?

  • edited September 2016

    Just finished Episode 8 and after I watched the Easter egg ending it went back to this screen: http://prnt.sc/cidkx0
    Now I feel really sad.
    At least I have another save that I can play Episode 6-8 on.
    edit: lool just noticed my calendar was still on August oops

  • OzzyUK You should definitely change the title so it says "Out Now on PC/Mac, Xbox 360/One, Mobile and PS 3&4 Sep 14th NA16th EU

  • Please do not overuse large letters. Thanks.

    Jb211 posted: »

    If they release series 2 i will be back but if they don't this is good bye and thank you telltale i think this is the best game i brought you are the best THANKYOUTELLTALE MAKESERIES2PLZ Bye.

  • we still need to wait untill tomorrow , after that MCSM is over .

  • Another great series telltale never disappoints (accept when Xbox was delayed but I'm able to forgive them). Now onto batman and the walking dead.

  • You couldn't do that even if you wanted to.

    ASaltLick posted: »


  • And then we sit on our XBOX and wait 'til the 15th of September

    No one has ever got anywhere without patience

  • Alright, this is probably one of my last comments until more Story Mode, as I am here just for Minecraft, bye people.

  • It does. That's where I bought it, too. And, yep, us GOG users are still waiting...

    I doubt if it sells there-- does it?

  • This is a greatest history i have ever played. I hope there was a second season because i'm sad now

  • Good bye everyone

  • i played the episode 8 , it was fantastic , goodbye MCSM.. i will miss Jessie, Harper, Ivor , Lukas , Petra, Axel and Olivia..

  • edited September 2016

    Byeeee :)

  • I guess that's it. Awsome trip about a year still and it's sad that coming to a close. : (
    Anyways meet you all in season 2 episode 1 waiting thread soon
    Or at batman episode 3 thread

  • I don't want it to be over :(

    enter image description here

  • So i guess thats it storymode is over for now but what do we do that storymode is over do we just sit and wait for news or get on with or lives

  • Well I'm going to be waiting for news on telltales other games like the walking dead and batman.

    vickytonner posted: »

    So i guess thats it storymode is over for now but what do we do that storymode is over do we just sit and wait for news or get on with or lives

  • It was a good run, and a better game than I expected.

  • We also have an off topic section where people can stick around and discuss other things besides whichever Telltale game(s) you played. You guys can stick around and get to know the others if you like - the more the merrier! :)

    vickytonner posted: »

    So i guess thats it storymode is over for now but what do we do that storymode is over do we just sit and wait for news or get on with or lives

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