The Whatever's on Your Mind Megathread



  • Damn, you'se a celebrity Wolf.

    Welcome back, btw.

    enter image description here

    i loled when i saw @Wolfenus54 in this vid at 1:20 in the video [Mod edit: Just copy/paste the YouTube URL directly for videos to display (as of the site update back in July).]

  • I'm disgusted, Leafy dicklicker.

  • edited September 2016

    I see how it is, Papai.

    people these days smfh

    Edit: Nice avatar, you iDubbbzTV dicklicker smfh x100.

    papai46 posted: »

    I'm disgusted, Leafy dicklicker.

  • Haha, yeah. ;^))

    Thanks, it's good to be back. ^-^

    Damn, you'se a celebrity Wolf. Welcome back, btw.

  • My uncle's been rushed to hospital, his health has been slowly deteriorating over the years so I'm kind of worried.

  • The english dub wasn't too bad, though I have no idea why they translated the title as Prawn Srars.

    Finally, an anime for memes like me.

  • The only bad thing about getting a new desk and a new PC, is the cleaning. Ugh.

  • I hope he's ok.

    TheFurryOne posted: »

    My uncle's been rushed to hospital, his health has been slowly deteriorating over the years so I'm kind of worried.

  • It's over? Watchthisdotzip is fucking over already?! Dude! It just started to get good! It was actually creepy and really cool, and it's over! What the fuck?!

  • And before you leave school.

    in the future keep your skinny jeans in your backpack and put them on after you leave the house.

  • At least Edupes doesn't bully autistic people.

    Wolfenus54 posted: »

    I see how it is, Papai. people these days smfh Edit: Nice avatar, you iDubbbzTV dicklicker smfh x100.

  • Well since WTDZ is over, I'm gonna give in to so many suggestions and watch Bojack Horseman.

  • edited September 2016

    Leafy did it like one time and wasn't even aware, and then took down the video and made like 30 apologies for it. All of his other videos are harsh criticism on people who deserve it. I don't think I need to explain why Misha or Jacob Sartorius deserve to be called out on their ridiculous shit or why Fouseytube needs to be called out for being a hypocrite. And while Keemstar is absolutely fucking hilarious with how bad he is, he's still hurting people in some of the worst ways, so Keemy deserves to get called out.

    I'll admit Leafy has done some distasteful stuff and the video he made on the guy with autism is absolutely inexcusable and he definitely should have done a ton of research first, apology or not. But his entire career is not built off of "Bullying" people. It's criticism and satire comedy. The worst you could say about him outside of the autistic guy that is actually factual are his annoying clickbait titles/thumbnails. I love the guy to bits and that shit gets on my nerves big time. As it does when anybody else fucking does it.

    papai46 posted: »

    At least Edupes doesn't bully autistic people.

  • Back at it again. As @ClemyClooAndBabyboo said, he didn't even know that person had autism. If he knew that, he would never make that video. Besides, Leafy apologized for doing that video anyways.

    And as for his other videos, I have to admit that some of the people that are taking harsh criticism from him actually deserve it. Trisha Paytas was getting all too personal, has misleading thumbnails and titles etc. Marina Joyce, while she didn't start the whole "kidnapped" situation, it seemed like she took a part on it. She acted like she was a slave or some shit and the whole "Hope Everybody Loves Pancakes" tweet.

    Oh boy, I can continue this longer, but I don't feel like doing so on my phone.

    (Also, sorry for any typos, still didn't get used to type on phone).

    papai46 posted: »

    At least Edupes doesn't bully autistic people.

  • edited September 2016

    Welp, my sisters iPhone 6 finally broke. Serves her right. She should have taken better care of it.

  • Hope he's doing well, man.

    TheFurryOne posted: »

    My uncle's been rushed to hospital, his health has been slowly deteriorating over the years so I'm kind of worried.

  • It saddens me how many animals has to go through shit like this.

  • It's raining so damn hard and lasted more than a minute for once lol But damn, internet gone slow as a turtle.

    Also, feeling a lot better than I did. : )

  • I'm having a bit of an issue with my computer. I keep getting the "0xc000007b" error for The Sims 3 whenever I try to play. I'm running Windows 10.

    Would anyone be able to explain to me how to fix this in simple terms? I don't speak computer technician (I'm a 15 year old girl... Most don't) and I really don't feel like bothering RL people with my issue.


  • It is horrible I wish we life in a world were this things never happen... A man can dream:(

    It saddens me how many animals has to go through shit like this.

  • Were you sick?

    It's raining so damn hard and lasted more than a minute for once lol But damn, internet gone slow as a turtle. Also, feeling a lot better than I did. : )

  • It does make me nostalgic

  • Me and hour ago: Eh, I want some coffee. makes 16 oz. of coffee

    Me right now: is vibrating

  • @EddieMaiden Saw Sabaton last night in Baltimore with Huntress and Trivium, and it was fucking amazing. Got elbowed in the face while in the most pit, but it was worth it.

  • telltale's Twitter seems to be a little Minecraft themed recently due to the release of Episode 8, I wonder how long that'll last until they move onto Batman.

  • That's one of those errors that could be caused by lots of different things. The error is officially "The filename, directory name, or volume label syntax is incorrect." but that doesn't help you much, because it's not telling you what it's looking for.

    If you just search the Internet for "Error 0cx000007b", lots of things come up, but of course, some of them are from sketchy sites that want you to install nasty programs that will blow up your computer. If I add "The Sims 3" to the search, one of the links is:

    Of the suggestions in this thread, the Visual C++ Redistributable Packages for Visual Studio 2013 installation suggestion is a good one (it's the Microsoft link). I cannot vouch for the CCleaner suggestions, so do that at your own risk.

    Updating Microsoft .NET is also a possibility that is not mentioned in the above thread.

    You will need to be able to use your computer as an Administrator to do any of the above. If your parents have control and have locked you down, you'll need to bug them about it.

    I'm having a bit of an issue with my computer. I keep getting the "0xc000007b" error for The Sims 3 whenever I try to play. I'm running Wind

  • For a while. Stuffed up nose, phlegm, and dry throat. Ugh, made it hard to do shit.

    joshua007 posted: »

    Were you sick?


    Johro posted: »


  • Fortunately, I DO have admin access (shh... Don't tell anyone). I will try and see if this works. Thank you very much!

    WarpSpeed posted: »

    That's one of those errors that could be caused by lots of different things. The error is officially "The filename, directory name, or volu

  • I'm not even that big of a fan of Twenty One Pilots, but I do have to admit that Heathens is pretty catchy... Damn you, brain.

  • TOBI! YES! Yeah, I saw through tumblr! I'm excited!

    Hey, welcome back! Nothing much though, a lot of random stuff here and there. Walking Dead S3 is coming out in November though!

  • I was going through the old videos of a deceased Youtuber and was reminded of this.

    Johro posted: »


  • Ugh, okay, none of them are working. I'll keep looking.

    WarpSpeed posted: »

    That's one of those errors that could be caused by lots of different things. The error is officially "The filename, directory name, or volu

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