
Hey wazzup, im jstu wondring who dafaq is tim? I knoe he defeted the Minecraft Sports thingy or watevaaa but where dos he com from? Is tim oldr than da old buildrs? Liek, mayb tim was a membr of another crew like da ordr of da stone or watevaa. Also, why dat old purple man called adrian or watevaa said jesse dat Tim is faek, then y dafaq he has Timz armor? And btw jesse is the mostest handsome man whit tims armor. Sory 4 mae MLG typin' skillz :P But srsly can somone answer? It will help me so much :D

mod edit: we have a team of our best men working on attempting to translate... whatever this is

their last update was 6 days ago

we're beginning to fear for the worst


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