strong textWill MCSM continue?

So, I've been thinking about MCSM and all... and I thought to Myself.... Is it REALLY over?


  1. Ivor ran off and said "ADVENTURE!"
  2. They mentioned Reuben in a BUNCH of episodes for no reason
  3. We've never seen Harper's real home or anything
  4. Soren ran off in Episode 4 "A block and a hard place" and We've never seen Him since!
  5. We're so close to 10 episodes.. Why would they just end on 8?

So. What do You guys think? Will there be more MCSM? or will it just end like that?



  • edited September 2016

    Make sure to vote in the comments! :)

  • They mentioned Reuben in a BUNCH of episodes for no reason

    That's because they wanted to show that Rueben's death was not ignored by the characters in game.

    We're so close to 10 episodes.. Why would they just end on 8?

    Most Telltale series are only five or six episodes. They would not extend a series to ten episodes just to even things out. The fact that Minecraft already got three extra episodes is already special treatment as it is.

    That being said, they do seem to be hinting at the possibility of more eventual Minecraft episodes someday. Perhaps we'll get a second Season in a few years or so.

  • I think that the hints at more to come ie. Ivor running off on a new adventure simply implies that the adventure never ends. That's what Minecraft is, basically. That's what this season was all about. Jesse and his pals will end up on another adventure. And that's the case whether or not there's another season. I think that's why there's a question mark on the end of the title. It's a fitting ending, really.

  • I hope so. It'd be pretty upsetting if masterpieces like Wolf, Sam & Max and possibly Tales don't get a continuation but something as mediocre as this does.

  • We don't know. There may be a second Season to the game.

  • Well it being mediocre is like your opinion man

    I hope so. It'd be pretty upsetting if masterpieces like Wolf, Sam & Max and possibly Tales don't get a continuation but something as mediocre as this does.

  • Meh, that's fair.

    zeke10 posted: »

    Well it being mediocre is like your opinion man

  • I was expecting an argument now i'm disappoint :(. lol jk

    Meh, that's fair.

  • RIP

    zeke10 posted: »

    I was expecting an argument now i'm disappoint . lol jk

  • I hope we get a season 2 based on a different story line and i would like it too have new charaters not jesse ,petra,olivia ect and set in different world

  • I felt it ended well. I dont want it to continue. I mean, another adventure? No please.

    I want a story going through the episodes and leaves you thinking and where you can feel the characters.

    None of those are in MCSM

  • It's likely that it's not over, but telltale need to focus on other things now. If there's a Season 2, it'll likely come in a long time.

  • I could see MSCM ending at that episode, but I could also see it continuing. We'll never know I guess.

  • Well on the episodes menu i can see "Thanks for buying all the episodes of the Season 1 of Minecraft: Story Mode" so yeah season 2 incomming

  • I think I found some hints for season 2

    In the first episodes, when Ivor told Jesse the Order of the Stone used a command block to move the Ender Dragon away, I thought they would fight the Ender Dragon in Episode 8.

    Do you remember when Soren and Ellegaard (or Magnus) disappeared? I also thought they would reappear somehow and help fight the Dragon in Episode 8. Which leaves a gap of mystery that would make no sense to never be revealed.

    Also, Mojang has put an article in their website, saying episode 8 is "potentially" the very last episode in MCSM.

    Most important of all, THE QUESTION MARK. In the title "A Journey's End?" There's a question mark! There's still hope it won't be the last of MCSM.

  • I'm thinking that season 2 will come in about a year or two, and it will come out of nowhere, and i'll be like "WOW! i love that game"

  • I don't think so
    Because one friend he says "The the game will be ended in 2 years"
    And we have to be positive!!!!!!!!!!!!!

    Make sure to vote in the comments!

  • Just because it says "Season 1" doesn't mean there's a Season 2, but I do want a Season 2.

    DFKKiLLeR posted: »

    Well on the episodes menu i can see "Thanks for buying all the episodes of the Season 1 of Minecraft: Story Mode" so yeah season 2 incomming

  • Just really hope it does, i mean if there are portals there are an infinity of ideas to explode in a bunch of new episodes.

  • I feel if we do get a season 2 it will be about different characters the voice actors for this game are very well known so they have a lot of stuff to work on too so you need everyone to be available for a new season.

  • *both of the tales

    I hope so. It'd be pretty upsetting if masterpieces like Wolf, Sam & Max and possibly Tales don't get a continuation but something as mediocre as this does.

  • Uh, no? I was referring to Tales from the Borderlands?

    *both of the tales

  • Tales of Monkey Island is a masterpiece too.

    Uh, no? I was referring to Tales from the Borderlands?

  • Oh shit, I completely forgot about Monkey Island. Yeah, that one was pretty great.

    Tales of Monkey Island is a masterpiece too.

  • Minecraft story mode has a few keywords around. One of them is "Story mode" and Lukas' "book", in which told Jesse's and co's journey. If there is going to be a second season, I think it will only feature Lukas and new heroes? But that is for 2019 or smth.

  • We're also waiting for a season 2 that will probably never come for that one.

    Oh shit, I completely forgot about Monkey Island. Yeah, that one was pretty great.

  • edited September 2016

    Yeah, cliffhanger also got me left some questions.. But i kinda think the ending felt easy to stop an season. They just got back and then Ivor is gone. Then Ivor say's 'Adventure' and you 'Decide' what to say/do. That's all. It also felt like it will continue. But we can't decide it's up to Telltale. I really would love more episodes or an Season. I loved the hyped feeling for when they released an episode, lol!

    anyway i don't know why they make the games but i think they do is because what's the most popular atm. Like:

    Original Minecraft sold millions of copies. So i think also that's why there are 8 episode's in MCSM because it's an highly popular game? I dunno.
    just like the walking dead games from Telltale. Season 1,2, and 3 coming. +Michonne. Also high view rated series.
    Now batman? also an very old and classic Hero

    Likewise we can just hope. And i'm voting for more MCSM
    PS, Sorry for my english

  • Unless a new game designer has ocd and needs to put ten episodes! :p

    They mentioned Reuben in a BUNCH of episodes for no reason That's because they wanted to show that Rueben's death was not ignored by

  • I just noticed something. Why would Harper remember your last action in the ending if this is the last? Wouldn't that hint another season?

  • No. In a TWD game the "_____ will remember that" but then proceeded to get shot in the face 2 seconds later. It doesn't mean anything.

    I just noticed something. Why would Harper remember your last action in the ending if this is the last? Wouldn't that hint another season?

  • enter link description here
    Click link above to vote! Vote started sept 21 and ends December

    I'm thinking that season 2 will come in about a year or two, and it will come out of nowhere, and i'll be like "WOW! i love that game"

  • Wow guys.. I really didn't expect to get this many replies... Thank You guys alot! :D

  • I honestly have a bit of a hard time believing that was a Telltale season finale. Don't get me wrong, I actually get that that's it for the season at least. However, it didn't have that amazing Telltale Finale intenseness... I love Telltale, and basically every game they've made, but that episode just didn't seem finale-ish. That's why I'm wondering if MSCM is done, or they'll make another season or DLC.


  • Here's what I've been thinking about since episode 4: the command block was used to blink the enderdragon out of existence, not kill or destroy it. When the command block is destroyed, so are the wither storms. So I feel like it's only fair that everything that the command block has done or had an effect on must have been undone when it was destroyed. And that means that the enderdragon has to come back. And the real Order of the Stone will get to destroy it for good.

  • I agree with DFKKilleR because saying "thanks for getting all the episodes for Season 1" seems a bit redundant because they could of said just MCSM. I am pretty sure TWD did not say "Season 1".

    DFKKiLLeR posted: »

    Well on the episodes menu i can see "Thanks for buying all the episodes of the Season 1 of Minecraft: Story Mode" so yeah season 2 incomming

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