Details that people might forget, don't notice or just don't know about The Walking Dead



  • edited March 2017

    EDIT: Ughhh, yellow face!!!


    Is it the fact that they're totally doin it offscreen?:joy:

    EDIT: I completely ignored the Commie thing.

    Nah she doesn't shoot Jane, I just had to swap the Dying Kenny animations for his original killing Jane animations, otherwise we wouldn't be

  • Impressive! You deserve the User Of The Year award for this!

    Everybody go and like the fuck out of his post!

    Since my sister confided me her computer, I was able to get hold of the game files and figure out (kinda) how the original Kenny vs Jane fig

  • edited September 2016

    Woah! That is an amazing find! I honestly don't know which I would prefer. I think I slightly prefer it as is, but I think I kind of liked the way the struggle was shot before Clementine's choice. I feel like the in-game one was a little more tense, but I don't know. I am seriously freaking out right now. Great work!

    Since my sister confided me her computer, I was able to get hold of the game files and figure out (kinda) how the original Kenny vs Jane fig

  • The one we got is definitely better. It looks like Jane is winning so it'd be a bit odd for Clem to shoot Kenny in that scenario.

    Since my sister confided me her computer, I was able to get hold of the game files and figure out (kinda) how the original Kenny vs Jane fig

  • DeltinoDeltino Moderator
    edited September 2016

    Honestly, the one we got is a better situation that's more easily readable. Shooting Kenny in this one looks unintentionally hilarious; it looks like you're shooting the guy that's getting killed, rather than the person doing the killing. The only thing I like more is the way Kenny kills Jane in this original version. Looks more brutal than just putting a knife through her chest, even in spite of the fact that it's obviously an unfinished animation, and it might even make people second guess choosing not to do anything.

    But overall, I still think the current version is better. They both accomplish the same thing like you said, just in a much clearer, and if you ask me, more tense manner. Having the timer ticking down while you watch Kenny hold a knife over Jane, just inches away from killing her makes for a much more intense moment. It also makes it look much more one-sided having Kenny over Jane; you know exactly what's going to happen if you don't do anything. In the original version though, it seems more up in the air; will Jane just choke Kenny out? Will Kenny break free and kill her? And it makes the fight look a bit more even/ambiguous, which I personally think is for the worst, and takes some of the tension out of the scene. It just doesn't look right to me. Then again, it's pretty clear that these aren't finished animations, so maybe it's not fair to judge them too harshly.

    Since my sister confided me her computer, I was able to get hold of the game files and figure out (kinda) how the original Kenny vs Jane fig

  • Jesus, it's an audio file name and people were jumping all over Telltale for it. It's a name of an audio file, calm the fuck down.

    I remember this! I thought it was hilarious. A thread was made about this a few years back. Believe it or not, a majority of the forum

  • And it's not like the files names are even really meant for public use. They're meant for the audio/sound team. There's probably all kinds of little inside jokes in the file names, because using generic file names and labels all the time can get pretty damn boring. Why not spice it up a little by giving something a funny name every now and again?

    Honestly, half of the arguments people had over Sarah and the questionable treatment of her character were pretty ridiculous, if you ask me. A few of them were valid, but most of it just seemed like a bunch of people getting upset and/or offended over nothing. Seriously, there's a point where enough is enough. And the whole Sarah debacle reached that point about two minutes after it left the starting line.

    Jesus, it's an audio file name and people were jumping all over Telltale for it. It's a name of an audio file, calm the fuck down.

  • lol I remember having the screw you guys option and saying it, I actuality never noticed that its only because you were not friends with Sarah.

    Like, not saying that I told Sarah I wasnt her friend...or like...anything...

    NOHATCLEM posted: »

    * Something I didn't know until now was in All That Remains, if Sam starts to bark at the zombie and you prompt Clementine to grab the frisb

  • edited September 2016

    Like I said not to long ago, It's taintin, man. Even the fact that it's called a bitchslap--an inherently funny word-- wasn't gonna escape it.

    Jane is a terrible person for plenty of other reasons, but that was unfortunately the first undeniable strike. The Sick Little Brother's Bully Syndrome, man!

    Deltino posted: »

    And it's not like the files names are even really meant for public use. They're meant for the audio/sound team. There's probably all kinds o

  • Clem doesn't see Kenny killing Jane, I asume.

    I can't be sure if 'Look Away' was even an option really, I'm only showcasing the unused animation. I have no idea how the choice was presented.

  • I also noticed something else, but nothing to do with Ep1. Both Lee and Omid injure their legs around the time they first meet Clem, and Lee is in/directly responsible for Omid hurting his leg. Maybe this symbolises Lee passing down his responsibility of looking after Clem over to Omid? Maybe the pain of their damaged legs is a symbol of how the two are willing to sacrifice everything for Clem, and eventually their lives.

    So you're basically saying Clem is a pain in the leg? Nice... metaphor?

  • I also noticed something else, but nothing to do with Ep1. Both Lee and Omid injure their legs around the time they first meet Clem, and Lee is in/directly responsible for Omid hurting his leg. Maybe this symbolises Lee passing down his responsibility of looking after Clem over to Omid? Maybe the pain of their damaged legs is a symbol of how the two are willing to sacrifice everything for Clem, and eventually their lives.

    So you're basically saying Clem is a pain in the leg? Nice... metaphor?

  • Double trouble.

    I also noticed something else, but nothing to do with Ep1. Both Lee and Omid injure their legs around the time they first meet Clem, and Lee

  • Lee always reminds me of a fish in this poster :joy:

  • edited September 2016

    In S2 Ep5 at the scene where the group is at the radiator, if you don't convince Kenny to rejoin the group, at the part when Arvo screams "LEAVE ME ALONE" at Mike, Kenny will punch Arvo in the face knocking him out. I didn't know this.

  • Actually, he beats him over the head with his gun. I'm pretty sure someone mentioned it here, plus I mentioned it in my old Arvo topic. Good job finding out, though!

    In S2 Ep5 at the scene where the group is at the radiator, if you don't convince Kenny to rejoin the group, at the part when Arvo screams "LEAVE ME ALONE" at Mike, Kenny will punch Arvo in the face knocking him out. I didn't know this.

  • Someone had to shut him up
    I suppose. Kid obviously wasn't thinking about walkers that could have been around

    DabigRG posted: »

    Actually, he beats him over the head with his gun. I'm pretty sure someone mentioned it here, plus I mentioned it in my old Arvo topic. Good job finding out, though!

  • When you pull up Ben from the tower he just says "why"

  • Someone had to shut him up

    He shuts himself up pretty well when our group shows compassion and sympathy—there was no need for violence.

    dan290786 posted: »

    Someone had to shut him up I suppose. Kid obviously wasn't thinking about walkers that could have been around

  • Meh. A simply smack across the cheek should calm him down long enough to explain the situation. As I said before, a pink cheek is better than a fractured skull for everyone.

    Someone had to shut him up He shuts himself up pretty well when our group shows compassion and sympathy—there was no need for violence.

  • Considering he told you to just forget about him and let it go, it's an understandable query.

    When you pull up Ben from the tower he just says "why"

  • enter image description here

    Seriously though, I'm inclined to agree with @BetterToSleep in this situation. Violence was not necessary here. Yeah, Arvo did have to quiet down, but the length at which Kenny went to was a little much.

    dan290786 posted: »

    Someone had to shut him up I suppose. Kid obviously wasn't thinking about walkers that could have been around

  • edited September 2016

    I don't know whether this was poetic or Telltale just got lazy.

    Petition to make this TellTale's new moto. Who's in?

  • DeltinoDeltino Moderator
    edited September 2016

    To be fair, at least Kenny himself actually seems taken aback by what he does here. Even he seems to think he might have crossed a line.

    Not that that justifies him pistol whipping someone into unconsciousness and giving them a possible concussion, but at least he realizes for once that he went overboard, and seems to agree with everyone else that it wasn't the right course of action.

    Someone had to shut him up He shuts himself up pretty well when our group shows compassion and sympathy—there was no need for violence.

  • There's no time to explain! Run!

    When you pull up Ben from the tower he just says "why"

  • I do keep this in mind!

    Deltino posted: »

    To be fair, at least Kenny himself actually seems taken aback by what he does here. Even he seems to think he might have crossed a line.

  • edited September 2016

    You know what's funny is that Jane wasn't trying to kill Kenny here. If you choke someone, they don't die instantaneously--first they'll just pass out from lack of oxygen, but otherwise they'll be relatively unharmed. (If you continue to cut off the air supply after they pass out though they're in danger of suffocating.) You'd think if Jane wanted to kill Kenny in the situations above where she's choking him, she'd have gone for the knife instead.

    ...Similarly in the final version of the game, (purely from her actions) Jane never seems to want to explicitly kill him but rather maim him. You'd think when she has him at her mercy while plunging her fingers into his eye that she'd go for the knife to slice his neck or something, but again, she never does.

    Since my sister confided me her computer, I was able to get hold of the game files and figure out (kinda) how the original Kenny vs Jane fig

  • Honestly, I don't think she's trying to choke him at all. It seems like she pushing him away trying to make stop him fr stabbing her with the knife. The original camera angle would probably be different so this would be more evident.

    Anyways, as you said, it would make very little sense to have Jane just sudenly try to kill him when up until that point she had been trying to stop the fight.

    sialark posted: »

    You know what's funny is that Jane wasn't trying to kill Kenny here. If you choke someone, they don't die instantaneously--first they'll jus

  • You'd think when she has him at her mercy while plunging her fingers into his eye that she'd go for the knife to slice his neck or something, but again, she never does.

    Honestly, I don't know how anyone could see that as anything BUT a sadistic streak at that point.
    "Hows that fuckin feel, huh? You like that?"

    Yeesh, don't let her get near you with the flogger.

    sialark posted: »

    You know what's funny is that Jane wasn't trying to kill Kenny here. If you choke someone, they don't die instantaneously--first they'll jus

  • Tbh Kenny deserved it at that point. But that's my opinion and I'm not gonna argue with you about it here.

    DabigRG posted: »

    You'd think when she has him at her mercy while plunging her fingers into his eye that she'd go for the knife to slice his neck or something

  • He assumed he was a burden to the group. He had just told Kenny that he's responsible for the bandits coming to the Motel, and told Lee not to save him.

    When you pull up Ben from the tower he just says "why"

  • Either way, he was still stupid for screaming and i suppose Kenny did what he did because no one else would have done it.

    I stand by what i said though. I'm not saying his violence was needed or good but i just cannot understand how the others could be sympathetic and compassionate to a guy who not long before was involved in an ambush to rob them and possibly kill them, especially Jane after she even threatened him at the observation deck. Sure he lost his sister but wait...everyone's lost someone in the apocalypse riiiight guys??!

    Might sound shitty of me but Arvo was the worst thing to happen in episode 4 and 5 IMO. They should have left him and headed to the town they never got to explore instead of the garbage we got in episode 5

    Someone had to shut him up He shuts himself up pretty well when our group shows compassion and sympathy—there was no need for violence.

  • edited September 2016

    Just a few screen shots to add for interesting discussion:

    photo C16DCBC9-3D03-4161-A57E-5721CD604002.png

    I'm not defending what Kenny did but if Mike hadn't gone over there then Arvo would not have screamed causing Kenny to do what he did.

    photo 3496E5ED-258B-4C0C-BA14-641B3A973AAD.png

    And Kenny replies:

    photo 07468183-31DD-4538-8A28-47DC5E977102.png

    And i have to ask, what does Arvo being tied up have to do with him shouting loudly causing the group to be in danger?

    He explains why he did what he did:

    photo ECFC2588-C606-4539-A285-9F67111D6BA1.png

    And more so here:

    photo 098380AC-7424-47E0-8053-1B71E27A9692.png

    And by him saying he didn't want Arvo hurting anybody, he obviously didn't mean that in the physical sense (as he was tied up) but because as i said above, he was putting them in danger with his screaming. Also he could have meant hurt as in upsetting people with his screaming.

    At least as @Deltino said, Kenny showed regret for what he had done as clearly shown here:

    photo F39CD2E4-F89B-4EFD-96F6-ED32554E0CB6.png

    Have to say, it's great being able to upload pics to add to the conversation :)

    Someone had to shut him up He shuts himself up pretty well when our group shows compassion and sympathy—there was no need for violence.

  • edited September 2016

    Someone had to shut him up
    I suppose. Kid obviously wasn't thinking about walkers that could have been around

    Right?? I mean, the kid just lost his sister in front of his own eyes! He's not allowed to be emotionally unstable in a time like that, he needs to be completely sane and respect the people who he thinks just murdered his sister. And if he steps out of line? He deserves to be pistol whipped by Kenny.

    I mean, it's not like kenny did the same exact thing an episode before that when he witnessed Sarita die, then yelled in Clementines face saying it's her fault. He wasnt attracting walkers that could have been near by with his yelling, because its kenny! Kenny was grieving, hes hurt! He deserves your support, not to be pistol whipped!

    dan290786 posted: »

    Someone had to shut him up I suppose. Kid obviously wasn't thinking about walkers that could have been around

  • edited September 2016

    Thank you for that. There was no need for being horrible through sarcasm but you seem to think that im defending Kenny which i'm actually not on this occasion because yes Kenny could have attracted walkers too after they escaped the herd and I don't defend him for that.

    But hey thanks for that lovely post mate,. Always nice to be criticised :)

    Someone had to shut him up I suppose. Kid obviously wasn't thinking about walkers that could have been around Right?? I mean, th

  • First of all, thank you for taking the time to upload the screenshots. All of that process can be tedious sometimes.

    I suppose I didn't make it clear in my initial comment, but I do understand why Kenny reacted how he did. My point was that you said somebody had to shut him up, and I was debunking that, because if Kenny doesn't hit him with a pistol he calms down and remains quiet, without violence. Of course, Kenny could not have known this.

    dan290786 posted: »

    Just a few screen shots to add for interesting discussion: I'm not defending what Kenny did but if Mike hadn't gone over there then A

  • Ok i'll rephrase what i originally said.

    I suppose someone had to do something about him and the noise had he not have kept quiet and as you said, Kenny wasn't to know if he would have stopped the noise.

    And again, not defending what he did to him but if there was a form of defence, then if Mike hadn't gone over to Arvo, he wouldn't have screamed, thus there would have been no violence at that time

    First of all, thank you for taking the time to upload the screenshots. All of that process can be tedious sometimes. I suppose I didn't m

  • I don't think Dan was trying to say that Arvo deserved to be pistol whipped, nor was he trying to justify what Kenny had done. He was just pointing out why Kenny had done what he did and his intentions behind the act.

    Someone had to shut him up I suppose. Kid obviously wasn't thinking about walkers that could have been around Right?? I mean, th

  • Sorry but how am I being horrible if I didn't disrespect anyone in anyway? I don't recall using any direct pronouns to make sure that it doesn't looks like my comment is targeted to you, it's merely about the scene.

    And I was agreeing with you. I was merely rephrasing what you're saying in a different way. I did this so people could see the irony of the situation and kenny's hypocritical actions. People shit on Arvo and defend Kenny for the wrong reasons. There's nothing wrong with trying to get a point across with sarcasm.

    I wasn't criticizing you, I was criticizing the scene. Don't take everything so personal.

    dan290786 posted: »

    Thank you for that. There was no need for being horrible through sarcasm but you seem to think that im defending Kenny which i'm actually no

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