Episode 2: Would The Choice Between [Spoiler] and [Spoiler] have been more interesting if...
So when we picked between Harvey and Selina, it's kind of clear at this point that picking Harvey seems to be the right call, given the effect on his appearance if you don't save him first. Selina gets shot and stumbles off, but we know that she's otherwise ok.
...but what if it had been more serious for her. How would you have felt if you saved Harvey and Selina gets critically injured? Like Harvey she isn't dead but hospitalised, maybe even in jail for her previous crimes, and of course that affects her feelings towards you? Basically you've saved Gotham from knowing Two Face but now you have the likelihood of Catwoman remaining more a full on villain?
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It's Telltale. Harvey will be Two Face either way. JK. But in all seriousness, Harvey was a hope to the city and his reign would come to an end when his face is burned half off. Harvey Dent will always become Two Face no matter when you put it in the timeline of Batman. Plus his Dosage of the Toxins will definitely do damage in the long run.
I'm doing everything for Harvey becoming the next mayor. Now that I've saved him, still donate his campaiign and Hamilton Hill is dead, it's the perfect time for Harvey to win campaign and rule over the Gotham. Besides, Telltale confirmed that we can PREVENT someone for being a villain and I'm 99% sure it was about this choice. And don't forget that Telltale is making their own story not based at any other Batman thing so Harvey Dent doesn't have to become Two-Face at all.
I went for Harvey, in ether other batman anything Harvey becomes two face, If I can save him or stop that at all I am more than willing, strange hes actually grown on me a little. I know catwoman will be ok, shes catwoman.
I saved Harvey because I know Selina can take care of herself, for the most part. But Harvey is just an attorney, and he's my friend. Even if I plan on violating the bro code, I'm still going to save him from getting disfigured.
Im hoping some sort of major consequence happens if you didnt save Selina, other wise saving Harvey is just way more obviously the correct choice to make. Im guessing the most drastic thing that could happen to Selina to make not saving her have a consequence not wanted would be she gets caught do to her injuries and is arrested.
Telltale failed to make the choice believable or convincing in any way. There was no reason why Batman couldn't save both of them. If it was like the scene in The Wolf Among Us where you had to choose between the Woodsman or one of the tweedel brothers it would've made sense.
When did telltale say that?
The batman talkshow
As I mentioned in a previous thread, I don't think the choice as presented was difficult at all. However, even with Selena more injured from the encounter, it wouldn't have changed my mind. Selena herself warned Bruce not to trust her. Sure, I would empathize with her injury, but what I don't understand is why I would feel more bad for her being injured than for Harvey getting half of his face melted off. Burns are excruciating.
Bruce has known him for a longer period of time. He supports Harvey's ideals, and vision for Gotham which align perfectly with his own. Yes, Harvey's a jerk sometimes to Bruce, but for the greater good. For the entire population of Gotham, Harvey is undeniably the best choice.
Selena could turn her life around, and become the new side-kick for Batman I suppose. She would make a possible love interest for Bruce ( like they're pruning Vikki for also ), and Gotham would have less burglaries. It just doesn't stack up that well.
Selina was Batman's partner for that mission, a mission she didn't have to volunteer for, and had just been shot. While Harvey was in danger as well he had yet to be injured. Batman also didn't know at that point how seriously she had been injured. IMO Batman had a greater responsibility to first see to the person he had actually partnered up with, and who was the only casualty at that point. You take care of your team first, and then everyone else.
Harvey had also been warned that he was in danger and advised not to go through with the debate, advice that he subsequently ignored. It's not like Bruce didn't try to help him, and Harvey's injuries are sort of his own fault.
That said, Harvey would be the obvious correct choice if it turns out there are no negative consequences for choosing him over Selina. Hopefully Telltale realizes that and gives both choices some impact on the story.
Harvey may be a giant, but yes, I thought the exact same thing. Everything we had seen about Selina suggested she could handle herself (she pretty much did) but Harvey needed our help.
Why? How can Batman do two things at once?
Plus, I think that Catwoman isn't that important as Harvey is. She is a little thief and Harvey is a strong politician who can rule Gotham better than Hamilton Hill. I think that with half of his face being melted off he can dream about the place in City Hall. That is why i kept founding Dent campaign and protected him in the Penguin attack at the debate. I think that this choice was clear : Catwoman got shot, she will be okay and in the "next episode" montage she wasn't even mad at Bruce. Harvey will have his face maimed forever, and most likely will not be the mayor, which will may be the start of becoming the Two Face very soon. That choice was basically picking to save Bruce's best friend who can change Gotham and a woman who can take care of herself and don't even be in life danger.
Absolutely disagreed. ALWAYS save civilians first. I would have saved a random crowd member over Selina too, as much as I like her. Selina knew she was going into danger and chose to anyways. Batman's priority is the innocent citizens of Gotham, not her (particularly since she's a criminal on top of things). Harvey is a civilian.
But... How could I know before the choice how serious it would be for Selina? Sure, I guess in retrospect Harvey would've been the "right choice", but in that moment of choice I had no idea what would happen to Selina if I didn't save her. I knew that Harvey would become Two Face (which I still suspect will happen at some point anyway), but with Selina it could've been anything from fleshwound to death. And I never pause the game to think my choices, so in that moment of making the decision I couldn't take the risk of Selina dying.
Telltale did mention that we would have a chance to redeem a villain in this series, so Harvey becoming TwoFace isn't really inevitable. Admittedly, you couldn't know how serious it would be for either of them as Bruce Wayne before the choice, but the detective side of Batman knows Selena has been in rough situations before. She's been under fire several times before. Harvey, drugged and with no training, looks like he's about to have his head smashed in like a watermelon as heavy as those lights are.
If it had been a choice between a civilian or a civilian, the hesitation would've been much more personal. Even if it had been a moment of choosing between Bruce's methods of politics to help Gotham, or Batman's methods where you do side with Oz after learning the involvement Bruce's parents had and making those involved pay, it would've been more personal - like trying to redeem yourself from the sins of the father situation.
I guess an interesting aspect of it would be - if no one knew anything about the Batman universe ( about Harvey becoming Two-Face or knowing only what you know of Selena through your in-game encounters ) would that have made the decision different, or did they not set up the relationship with Harvey well enough in game to have the sense that he is Bruce's current best friend as Oz once was to feel a connection deeper than an obligation to do what's best for Gotham.
True, they did mention a chance to redeem a villain, I just didn't really think that could mean preventing someone from becoming a villain in the first place. And what comes to Batman being a great detective, I guess it just comes down to the fact that I'm not really Batman
(and as I said, I always make the choices in the heat of the moment rather than pausing to think it through).
Hard to say, but even if Harvey did help us out couple times, and did seem like a pretty good guy, I couldn't help but feel like he was mostly just Bruce's friend to get his backing in the campaign.
The people who chose to save Harvey Dent are screwed either way. We know Telltale doesn't have a good history with branching paths..
So, Rest in Peace, Harvey Dent - Episode 5?
Hopefully Telltale can prove me wrong on this.
Selina knows Bruce is Batman, so she can really harm him if she wants to. Telltale could go this way, too.
On the preview, she seems to be cool with it, but it wouldn't be the first time Catwoman seduced Bruce and then went on her own agenda.
I feel like the preview is wrong, it wouldn't make that much sense if you didn't save her that their relationship would continue to grow and not decline
Just watching the choice in a video was so hard that I paused for longer than what was left. I still couldn't decide by the time I hit play, so I think they did this decision well, all things considered. There were just too many unknowns with both Telltale's history of choices and these new interpretations of Harvey and Selina to completely justify saving one over the other.
It can be wrong, or Selina might be just playing Bruce. She is cunning like that.
Me too! Just replayed it with all the opposite choices than my 1st play through and it was so hard watching Harvey get is face burnt off because I chose to save Selina. Plus, I feel Catwoman is strong. She'll survive this gunshot wound too.