TOP 5 Telltale games of all time
Title explain itself.
For me:
1) Tales From the Borderlands (soundtrack, history, introducing me a universe I didn't know before... Love the characters. All of them)
2) The Walking Dead S1 (Soundtrack, VERY emotional history)
3) The Wolf Among Us (Everything about it. It's not second mainly because of the TWD ending)
4) Minecraft (I was veeeery skeptical about this one. But, it did surprise me. The game is great.)
5) Game of Thrones (Not veeeery good. But not bad either.)
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Now I have not played every Telltale game, so my Top 5 based on what I've played would be:
Mine would me... (Haven't played TWAU yet)
Hey great list @sheriffmiraforrester!
For me it is
1.Tales from the Borderlands (It is such an amazing game, still thinking about the end, awsome Charakters... Season 2 please! )
(Big space)
2.The Walking Dead season 1
3.The Walking Dead season 2
(Just finished today...liked it a lot)
4.Game of Thrones season 1
And thats it...
Next i am going to play the Wolf amoung US... (-;
I'v only played one game and that is..... MINECRAFT STORY MODE!!
jumps off bridge
Represent classic telltale instead of giving up.
I did. Edited it after.
Batman is currently fighting for #3, but I'll reserve judgement til the end xP
take it slow and enjoy EVERY BIT OF IT
But...they're all so good...don't make me choose!
Gonna be a loser and do this
Telltale Holy Trinity: The Walking Dead S1, The Wolf Among Us, Tales from the Borderlands
after that Walking Dead Season 2
And finally GoT (However Im really digging Batman, and if it keeps it up I can see it easily getting on here)
1) The Walking Dead (Season 1)
2) Tales from the Borderlands
3) The Wolf Among Us
4) The Walking Dead: Michonne
5) The Walking Dead: Season 2
I haven't played Game of Thrones or Batman yet.
Out of the ones I've played:
1: The Walking Dead: Season 1
2: The Walking Dead: Season 2
3: Back to the Future
4: Tales from the Borderlands
5: The Wolf Among Us
Fellow older fans may notice I left off a game that is usually in these lists. Strong Bad just never meshed well with me. I just never really got into it and I finished Hector(which is only 2/3 a TTG).
In terms of choices Id say
Good taste, Johro. Good taste.
Even though I heard of this games, ("Sam & Max"'s and Tales of the Monkey) I've never played. It's a classic point and click, if I'm not mistaken, right?
I will play it someday... I'm guessing it's compatible with pc?
How could I forget Back to the Future? DAMN! Forget about Game of Thrones. My "5" on the list is Back to the Future, of course.
Great list you guys! I can see some "oldschool" telltale players here. Well, some years from now I will be one of you, I guess.. Only started at 2012.
Anyways, I'm curious about the old games (Sam & Max, especially). Hope I can play someday.
Telltale doesn't sell all of their older titles directly from their own site yet after the July site update (they still need to add game pages for games like Monkey Island and Seasons 1-3 of Sam and Max), but you can still buy their older titles on other stores like Steam, Humble Store, etc. However, keep in mind - some of their older titles have compatibility issues with Windows 10 if that would happen to be a potential concern for you.
Thanks for the info!
And no, I don't have Windows 10. The notebook is 7, and the pc is XP. So, I could play in both, I'm guessing.
It's a blend, sort of. Not directly "classic" point and click, but certainly much more involved than modern Telltale titles. Way more hubs and puzzles, for sure, but the puzzles are more abstract than modern Telltale games so it won't be as quick in pacing (episodes last around 3-5 hours on average).
All of Telltale's titles are on PC at bare minimum (ignoring Telltale Publishing games), but some of the older titles have compatibility issues with Windows 10 last I heard.
As far as I know, you should be able to. As I said in my other post, the older games are puzzle based - you will still have cut-scenes and hub areas where you select dialogue (and unlike modern Telltale games, the hubs are actually more extensive in comparrison and not timed/limited in scale like modern games where you only have two or three things to click on), but the focus will be on solving puzzles to progress through the story and not making choices. Puzzles in older games will have abstract logic, so keep that in mind.
I strongly recommend starting with Devil's Playhouse and skipping Seasons 1/2. Seasons 1/2 are good, but Season 3 is more friendly for newer players (both in story and gameplay) and it has production qualities that are much higher than the earlier two Seasons. It's kinda like Walking Dead: New Frontier - the third Seasons of both games are soft reboots that are more friendly for new players and also have higher production qualities.
I can confirm that Sam & Max Season 1 works with Windows 10(DVD version. Not sure about Steam). The GOG versions are apparently fine and I would hope the direct version would be same.
Edit: mixing up my S&M games.
This game had an issue with save files. IE) It wasn't creating them. I managed to fix it, but I do not recall what I had to do. I have no compatibility set on the executable, so it wasn't that. I have a feeling that I had to manually create the normal save file folder and subdirectory as the game was unable to navigate and create them itself through Windows 10. They seem to work fine after I did this. I should point out that I have my OS and the game files on separate drives and this may have been my problem and not Windows. I don't know.
I agree. While I love the first two seasons, they both have at least a couple puzzles that resemble old adventure game logic and that's not something you want to jump into head first before getting used to how much looser science is in adventure games.
Wait. TWD3 is going to be MORE user friendly?! Oye. I don't think I want to know really.
Tales from the Borderlands. 10/10 (I love everything about it. And im a big Borderlands fan.
The Wolf Among Us. 9.5/10 (I just love the Style and the characters and it was extremely well structured, even though it was obviously rewritten at some point.)
The Walking Dead Season 1 9/10 (My First contact with Telltale Games. Pretty emotional.)
The Walking Dead Season 2 8,5/10 (Even though the writing was not as good as in the First season, i still loved it a lot.)
Game of Thrones 7/10 (It had interesting ideas and delivered them in some way, but it has flaws in terms of its Performance. Still fun to play.)