Details that people might forget, don't notice or just don't know about The Walking Dead



  • edited September 2016

    Then that's fine and I apologise for taking it the wrong way. I saw it as a sarcastic response in making fun of what i said in my post which seemed like you were implying that i was wrong and also wrong for defending Kenny which I wasn't doing so on this occasion.

    As @OneWayNoWay said, I wasn't saying Arvo deserved to be hit, I was pointing out the reason why Kenny struck him.

    Sorry but how am I being horrible if I didn't disrespect anyone in anyway? I don't recall using any direct pronouns to make sure that it do

  • Alright. It's cool.

    dan290786 posted: »

    Then that's fine and I apologise for taking it the wrong way. I saw it as a sarcastic response in making fun of what i said in my post which

  • I love how I hit the reply button to comment on that situation, but just ended up wanting to complement those screenshots you took. Good job!

    dan290786 posted: »

    Just a few screen shots to add for interesting discussion: I'm not defending what Kenny did but if Mike hadn't gone over there then A

  • Ben: Let me go!

    Lee: [pulls Ben up]

    Ben: Why?

    Lee: We're short on one emotional moment for the finale.

    When you pull up Ben from the tower he just says "why"

  • Yeah, seriously. When I unintentionally let Oberson drag Ben down on my second playthrough, the episode felt noticeably bare without him.

    Ben: Let me go! Lee: [pulls Ben up] Ben: Why? Lee: We're short on one emotional moment for the finale.

  • Already more change to the dialogue tree than just about anything season 2 offered...

    AgentZ46 posted: »

    In S1 EP2, in the scene that you meet Jolene, if you pick silence at a certain point Danny will say "Forget it Lee she's bat shit loco" and

  • Did you know that the name Kenny is Irish and translates to mean 'handsome.'

    enter image description here

    Well then...

  • A short-tempered and violent redneck with a drinking habit also happens to have an Irish name...enter image description here

    Did you know that the name Kenny is Irish and translates to mean 'handsome.' Well then...

  • edited September 2016

    Hang on, isn't the connection literally that they're both called William?

    Doesn't that seem a bit flimsy? There are so so so many character called Bill/William. A single shared common name in two different Zombie games is quite broad :P

    RhysAndLee posted: »

    Maybe already pointed out but I realized a similarity in names of two zombie survivors, one from this series, and a second from a popular on

  • But he is handsome

    handsomely fucked up

    Did you know that the name Kenny is Irish and translates to mean 'handsome.' Well then...

  • Yass Luke is light! :3

    Kenny726 posted: »

    Am I not allowed to comment twice in a row if my next comment differs a lot from my previous one? Anyways, I'm somewhat sure that these c

  • Thanks man

    DabigRG posted: »

    I love how I hit the reply button to comment on that situation, but just ended up wanting to complement those screenshots you took. Good job!

  • edited September 2016

    Yeah because after all Jane was noooo way at fault either (sarcasm) but hey i'm not gonna argue about it here

    EDIT: actually i want to ask, why exactly did Kenny deserve it at that point? Obviously i know why you think he deserved it but wasn't Kenny actually backing off from Jane outside the rest stop after she followed him outside? Wasn't Jane the one who willingly charged at Kenny without actually being provoked (outside the rest stop, not referrring to inside before getting confused) and as they both fell to the ground, Jane then raked at his face? I'll refer to my reply below. BOTH characters deserved what they got due to BOTH of their actions and the problems it caused and not just one person.

    sialark posted: »

    Tbh Kenny deserved it at that point. But that's my opinion and I'm not gonna argue with you about it here.

  • Not slamming your opinion by the way but obviously i disagree with it when both of them were at fault and if i was to be picky, i'd say both of them deserved it

    sialark posted: »

    Tbh Kenny deserved it at that point. But that's my opinion and I'm not gonna argue with you about it here.

  • [removed]

    dan290786 posted: »

    Yeah because after all Jane was noooo way at fault either (sarcasm) but hey i'm not gonna argue about it here EDIT: actually i want to as

  • To be fair, editing doesn't bump the threads themselves, so he was likely just changing what he meant as he thought about it. I didn't even know about the feeds until just last week myself!

  • Ohhh well im soooo sorry about that! I actually didn't know it spams peoples feeds by editing! Fuck sake calm down!

  • When you fight off Danny in the barn, it's possible for Kenny to step in with the sickle instead of Lilly.

  • Kenny steps in if you help kill Larry, Lily steps in if you don't.

    DabigRG posted: »

    When you fight off Danny in the barn, it's possible for Kenny to step in with the sickle instead of Lilly.

  • Oh, okay. I tried to save Larry on my first playthrough and did nothing for the heck of it on my second.

    Kenny steps in if you help kill Larry, Lily steps in if you don't.

  • When you fight off Danny in the barn, it's possible for Kenny to step in with the sickle instead of Lilly.

    I dont see how one of the two options in that scene is a detail people might not know

    DabigRG posted: »

    When you fight off Danny in the barn, it's possible for Kenny to step in with the sickle instead of Lilly.

  • Because I didn't. And I assumed other people probably didn't either.

    When you fight off Danny in the barn, it's possible for Kenny to step in with the sickle instead of Lilly. I dont see how one of the two options in that scene is a detail people might not know

  • You helped revive Larry every time?

    DabigRG posted: »

    Because I didn't. And I assumed other people probably didn't either.

  • The first time anyway. The second time, I noticed the timer at the bottom and decided to wait and see what happens: Kenny pushed me.:neutral:

    You helped revive Larry every time?

  • Fun fact, if you go with just Kenny and Ben in episode 5, you miss out on some an A+ scenes

  • Room for one more?

    Nah. Its worded perfectly. ( ͡° ͜ʖ ͡°)

  • DeltinoDeltino Moderator
    edited September 2016

    Video missed out on one other scene (I should know, since it's actually my video... totally not a shameless plug)

    [In the elevator shaft]

    Kenny: We're going to have to climb as quietly as we can.
    Kenny: [Turns to Ben]
    Kenny: Try not to get anyone killed.
    Ben: [Looks away sadly]

    Poogers555 posted: »

    Fun fact, if you go with just Kenny and Ben in episode 5, you miss out on some an A+ scenes

  • Man, poor Ben. Kenny gives him too much shit. :D

    Poogers555 posted: »

    Fun fact, if you go with just Kenny and Ben in episode 5, you miss out on some an A+ scenes

  • Am I the only who notices how low-res/naked Ben's face looks in the first minute or so?

    :joy: Though I do like the somewhat intelligent banter before they cut off Lee's arm and while their on the roof. Less of a bitter slap in the face and more of a legitimate bump of vitriol.

    Also, holy shit, Ben! Insensitive much?(2:36) Beware the Nice/Quiet ones, indeed! :lol:

    Poogers555 posted: »

    Fun fact, if you go with just Kenny and Ben in episode 5, you miss out on some an A+ scenes

  • Ha, I cant believe I havnt seen some of these

    Poogers555 posted: »

    Fun fact, if you go with just Kenny and Ben in episode 5, you miss out on some an A+ scenes

  • (I should know, since it's actually my video... totally not a shameless plug)

    I'd like to know what inspired your username.

    Deltino posted: »

    Video missed out on one other scene (I should know, since it's actually my video... totally not a shameless plug) [In the elevator shaft]

  • I used to use my real name, but that was pretty boring, so I decided to spice things up and changed it to Beastly Ab Workout instead

    Or I think that's how it went

    I don't know, I've had so many throwaway youtube accounts (and email addresses) over the years I honestly can't remember the story behind most of them

    (I should know, since it's actually my video... totally not a shameless plug) I'd like to know what inspired your username.

  • ...what in God's name?

    DabigRG posted: »

    A short-tempered and violent redneck with a drinking habit also happens to have an Irish name...

  • I remember one interaction (can't remember the prerequisites) where if you talk to Ben - Lee says: Good thing there's no hatchet holding that door.

    Ben: Oh, shut up. (rolls eyes)

    Well something like that.

    Poogers555 posted: »

    Fun fact, if you go with just Kenny and Ben in episode 5, you miss out on some an A+ scenes

  • Just found out about this: Do you remember the bags of supplies that Arvo had at his unfinished house? They are the same type as the ones that are given out by Edith.

    Wellington is real!

  • You know how Kenny was calling Arvo and the Russians "Commies" as a racist insult? Well...

    Buricko has an Nazi iron cross (along with numerous other patterns) tattooed on his skinhead. This could indicate that he could have been a supremacist, a bratva, and/or even a Neo-Nazi before the apocalypse.

    Not So Different, indeed.

  • Not So Different, indeed.


    DabigRG posted: »

    You know how Kenny was calling Arvo and the Russians "Commies" as a racist insult? Well... Buricko has an Nazi iron cross (along with

  • :lol: Originally, I was gonna comment that Kenny was right for the wrong reasons but then I realized that it'd be funnier to point out the consistent irony of Kenny having something in common with the villains.

    In this case, apparently they're both racist!

    Not So Different, indeed. ಠ_ಠ

  • Ah... you better... lol

    DabigRG posted: »

    Originally, I was gonna comment that Kenny was right for the wrong reasons but then I realized that it'd be funnier to point out the consist

  • Dave Fennoy, voice actor of Lee did not get credited for his work in episode 205 No Going Back.

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