The Vent/Help Thread



  • Ive never posted on imgur but some of the stuff thats actually good gets downvoted

  • I've impulsively ripped out a chunk of my hair over the past several stressful months and now i have a bald spot on the side of my head.

  • Time to start ripping chunks out of the other side!

    AAA_Jane posted: »

    I've impulsively ripped out a chunk of my hair over the past several stressful months and now i have a bald spot on the side of my head.

  • Lol well I said it wrong it's at the top of my head where my hairline is and if i pull anymore people are going to think it's just me going bald. I think I might shave my head though.

    AAA_Jane posted: »

    I've impulsively ripped out a chunk of my hair over the past several stressful months and now i have a bald spot on the side of my head.

  • I'm not down to give that kind of personal info.

  • That's OK, here's another Jane we can pretend is you.

    enter image description here

    AAA_Jane posted: »

    I'm not down to give that kind of personal info.

  • Get a new impulse like smoking or public masterbation that will save your hair :P

    I have a similar impulse with my eyebrows I have no idea why, its a little better now. Try doing your hair in a style so awesome your afraid to touch it for fear of fucking it up, or wear mittens or fake nails. im considering wigs because they are so cute and ive always wanted to look like a drag queen I actually have a couple but haven't worn them out other that to a con but I will and I will own it just like you will sista ♥♡♥

    I hope you are a girl or this would be awks

    AAA_Jane posted: »

    I've impulsively ripped out a chunk of my hair over the past several stressful months and now i have a bald spot on the side of my head.

  • Even relatively good memes get downvoted. >:(

  • I feel really bad for telling people off for thinking dumb kids wouldn't invade the forums with the release of MCSM. I really cannot tell whether or not the people in that section are trolls or not, it's so fucking abysmal. And you know, I don't have any problems with the individuals themselves, I'm sure they're great. My issue is with some of the really just... just downright incredibly dumb things they say. Do their parents not monitor their time on the computer at all? Like, seriously. They either curse like sailors or post some insanely weird and really dumb things/ideas. I hate being rude and mean and such, I especially hate being that way towards children, but there's a line that needs to be drawn man, and I had to vent somewhere.

  • You can apply that to literally any online media sharing site. You could post a heartfelt 9/11 tribute on YouTube and it'd get 40,000 dislikes and multiple people making horrible 9/11 jokes. Imgur isn't the only site with shitty people.

  • Examples plz

    I feel really bad for telling people off for thinking dumb kids wouldn't invade the forums with the release of MCSM. I really cannot tell wh

  • Just check the entire Minecraft: Story Mode section. There's some really big examples in just the first few threads.

    Examples plz

  • If I'm being honest, I've debated commenting something like this too. I had faith that they would heed the rules and not be irritating, but many of them go all Lord of the Flies and act like they own forums (threads are literally being named "official" like what the what?)

    I feel really bad for telling people off for thinking dumb kids wouldn't invade the forums with the release of MCSM. I really cannot tell wh

  • It kind of is in a lot of other places. The reason it's so much more bullshit in Imgur is because that's where the memers breed.

  • edited September 2016

    When it comes to life I think the three most important quality person can have is Self-control.

    Self-control is really the cornerstone of a successful life. Without self-control, a successful life is NOT possible.

    Having good self control, will benefit you in business, and in personal Pursuits. You'll find yourself having better results at your job, and that results in your relationships with other people.

    And the thing is, to really benefit from having self-control, you need to develop it in ALL areas of your life.

    And just as a quick note to anybody on here who might be thinking about getting married, one thing that a friend of mine who has been married for over 30 years, told me that the one thing you cannot have when you enter into marriage, is a bad temper.

    Lack of self-control, which includes not having a good handle on your anger, will destroy everything in your life, everything it's worth keeping that is.

    So do yourself a favor, and develop self-control.

  • Believe me, I've been trying to tell myself this for years. Good thing I don't plan on getting married.

    Kenny/Lee posted: »

    When it comes to life I think the three most important quality person can have is Self-control. Self-control is really the cornerstone of

  • edited September 2016

    I'm completely terrified to get into a relationship because I have absolutely no experience, and I have no idea what his intentions are. I barely even know my own.

  • Embrace uncertainty. :)

    In all seriousness, proceed at your own pace, and stop if you feel uncomfortable at any point. Actually tell him to stop. Don't stay quiet and assume he'll know you don't want to do something. If you're quiet, he'll assume you like what he's doing. You'll know when you're ready.

    I'm completely terrified to get into a relationship because I have absolutely no experience, and I have no idea what his intentions are. I barely even know my own.

  • (threads are literally being named "official" like what the what?)

    To be fair, people do that in the Walking Dead and Borderlands sections a lot too. Somebody in the Borderlands section made an "Official Season 2 Waiting Thread" for example that I eventually renamed.

    bigdogg0821 posted: »

    If I'm being honest, I've debated commenting something like this too. I had faith that they would heed the rules and not be irritating, but

  • I know mods there are like "Oh yeah that's what they say before the game is out but after they play the game oh lala everyone loves it"

    Not really. I recognize that not everybody likes Minecraft, which is entirely fine. Not everybody has to like or play every game that Telltale makes. We just ask that people from other forums don't go into the Minecraft section and troll them.

  • Blind SniperBlind Sniper Moderator
    edited September 2016

    My issue is with some of the really just... just downright incredibly dumb things they say. Do their parents not monitor their time on the computer at all? [...] I especially hate being that way towards children, but there's a line that needs to be drawn man, and I had to vent somewhere.

    Yeah, I especially get concerned when children get on and post threads like these for example:

    I feel really bad for telling people off for thinking dumb kids wouldn't invade the forums with the release of MCSM. I really cannot tell wh

  • Blind SniperBlind Sniper Moderator
    edited September 2016

    Oddly enough, the community was more or less normal like any other Telltale series for the first four episodes and things only changed around Episode 5 and the announcement of the DLC. After that, some of the threads became more random and users started wanting more episodes. I guess the long wait for Episode 5 must have given some people Cabin Fever. :p

    Just check the entire Minecraft: Story Mode section. There's some really big examples in just the first few threads.

  • From past interactions, I'm actually pretty sure Talimancer is at least 17. Which is extra angering because you wouldn't expect some kind of moral standard from young children, but you would from someone older.

    My issue is with some of the really just... just downright incredibly dumb things they say. Do their parents not monitor their time on the c

  • Yeah, I did notice that too. That's why I didn't post anything about it until much later because at the beginning it wasn't that bad.

    Oddly enough, the community was more or less normal like any other Telltale series for the first four episodes and things only changed aroun

  • The only way to gain experience is experimenting. Just don't do something you'll regret.

    I'm completely terrified to get into a relationship because I have absolutely no experience, and I have no idea what his intentions are. I barely even know my own.

  • Ive been waiting for a package since Wednesday Im stuck inside just waiting for 3 days now I cant take it any fucking more im going crazy ya hear me CRAZY!

  • Ask them to use a tracking number next time. :)

    Actually, there's one nice thing about the U.S. Postal Service. They have a "My USPS" portal that lets me see every tracked thing coming to my address, even if the sender didn't give me a tracking number. I've caught unexpected packages in advance with that before. Doesn't help much in the U.K., though.

    They'll probably come when you're in the bathroom, anyway.

    Ive been waiting for a package since Wednesday Im stuck inside just waiting for 3 days now I cant take it any fucking more im going crazy ya hear me CRAZY!

  • Royal mail dont surprise you with handling fees like the american companies do sometimes every time I order from overseas I pray ups dont get their greedy mits on it but yeah the tracking number is convenient and sometimes fun I love ordering stuff from far away and tracking the journey

    WarpSpeed posted: »

    Ask them to use a tracking number next time. Actually, there's one nice thing about the U.S. Postal Service. They have a "My USPS" por

  • edited September 2016

    I'm gonna ask a question here:

    A man and a woman are dating, but they are not in a commitment - like boyfriend/girlfriend.

    In that case, is it ethically wrong for them to see other people, given that they are not commited?

    Or does it still make them a two-timing jerk, even though they are not commited to each other?

  • edited September 2016

    I don't see it as ethically wrong if both parties are aware of the circumstance. In this scenario, honest communication is key. If one person wasn't aware that they were in a more open relationship, then that is a potential problem. Additionally, if someone claimed they were okay with their date seeing multiple people, but they really weren't, then right there is another issue. As long as both halves of the couple are aware of their level of commitment, and as long as they are completely honest regarding their thoughts and feelings to the dating "terms", then there really shouldn't be any problems.

    Also, you might want to take this advice with around three tons of salt. I probably shouldn't have replied, considering who I am.

    Kenny/Lee posted: »

    I'm gonna ask a question here: A man and a woman are dating, but they are not in a commitment - like boyfriend/girlfriend. In that cas

  • Two people should understand if their relationship is exclusive or not. It should be especially clear if they're having sex with others as well. If they haven't communicated this and there's a misunderstanding that results in hurt feelings, well, it's both their faults for not communicating.

    Kenny/Lee posted: »

    I'm gonna ask a question here: A man and a woman are dating, but they are not in a commitment - like boyfriend/girlfriend. In that cas

  • It arrived and it was fucking vacuum packed the bastard fit through the letter box I didn't need to wait in at all

    Royal mail dont surprise you with handling fees like the american companies do sometimes every time I order from overseas I pray ups dont ge

  • Ive never understood american dating culture it seems like its encouraged to look for loopholes and talk in riddles

    Why dont you just ask if your exclusive, just communicate.

    Kenny/Lee posted: »

    I'm gonna ask a question here: A man and a woman are dating, but they are not in a commitment - like boyfriend/girlfriend. In that cas

  • Where do you come from?

    Ive never understood american dating culture it seems like its encouraged to look for loopholes and talk in riddles Why dont you just ask if your exclusive, just communicate.

  • Fuck dude making friends is hard.

  • Okay, so something bad happened to me today.

    I went to a sports center with an indoor swimming pool, and when I got there, I cannonballed into a 4-foot pool, and then I sprained both of my goddamn ankles.

    Haaaalllp maaaahhh.

  • Did you get video?

    Just kidding, hope you feel better soon!

    Okay, so something bad happened to me today. I went to a sports center with an indoor swimming pool, and when I got there, I cannonballed into a 4-foot pool, and then I sprained both of my goddamn ankles. Haaaalllp maaaahhh.

  • I wish I had better self confidence. I joke around saying "Oh I have the self confidence of a blob fish in a mirror house" but it's almost to the point where if someone were to ask me out or complement me, I would just assume it's a joke to screw with me. 10 years of public school wears someone down I guess. Everyone thinks that I wear everything on my sleeves but it's actually the opposite. Every relationship I've had (romantic or not) have all ended on shitty terms, or stopped before they got anywhere. I'm just waiting for college to get out of this stupid cycle.

  • I think he has some kind low functioning autism. Only logical explanation i can come up with.

    From past interactions, I'm actually pretty sure Talimancer is at least 17. Which is extra angering because you wouldn't expect some kind of moral standard from young children, but you would from someone older.

  • Either that or he's just rude as shit on purpose.

    papai46 posted: »

    I think he has some kind low functioning autism. Only logical explanation i can come up with.

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