Ep 3 Waiting Thread - Oct 25th on PC, iOS, PSN NA, Xbox One/360; Oct 27th PSN EU
Release Dates
- PC - October 25th
- Playstation 3&4 North America - October 25th
- Xbox One - October 25th
- Xbox 360 - October 25th
- iOS - October 25th
- Playstation 3&4 Europe and Australia - October 27th
- Other platforms TBA
October 24th
October 21st
October 12th
October 10th
October 7th
October 4th
- Tweet from Nathan: Got to get a peek at Batman Episode 3, holy cow! I wasn't sure this series could get any more tense, but the BatTeam keeps ratcheting it up.
September 29th
Tweet from Emily Garrison: Batman episode 3 is going to be fantastic. I am so freaking proud of our entire team. Can't wait to let this one out into the wild ❤️
Tweet from Emily Garrison: Batman ep 3 is also my first Telltale Game as episode lead designer. PREPARE YOURSELVES.
September 27th
- Activity on Steam Database
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Now that was a damn fine episode. Even though episode 2 was paced VERY well. I hope we stick with 90 minute episodes for the remainder of the season.
Nice to see your first official waiting thread as a moderator @dojo32161
I was going to post this earlier in the episode 2 thread but it contained some clips from episode 2 which could be classed as mild spoilers so i will post it here.
Thanks, tell me if there's anything that needs adding, now I'm off to give the episode a whirl.
Now we wait
The waiting begins.
I dont know if I can Telltale... please come back quickly!
Hopefully they continue to stick to monthly releases. They made good progress on that front for a while with Michonne and Episodes 1-4 of Minecraft. I was really excited when they had made that initial push.
I'd rather they aim for around 2 hours or 2 hours/15 minutes like they did with Borderlands and Thrones. I think episodes of that length are good for being played in a single sitting while still not feeling quick in pacing. We want to spend time more time with these characters, and I wish Telltale would give us more time to do so.
I'm just aiming low so I don't get disappointed, but episode 2 was superb. I Can't really complain if its paced well.
All I want is for the Episodes to be longer.
I just want there to be no technical issues, from what i heard on the disc people are having trouble downloading episode 2, telltale needs to get it together seriously
People are waiting for episode 3 while a lot of us here haven't gotten to play episode 1.
Get it together, telltale!
Well if Telltale keeps their word of the game ending before 2017, then I guess that would be an episode a month, hoping that keeps up for every Telltale game for now on!
Right there with ya...
Weird that's there 3 waiting threads active.
Still, exciting!
Telltale say they read the forums and social media for feedback, so it's probably for the better to just be upfront and direct about what you would like instead of settling, because they might take it as us legitimately wanting 90 minute episodes rather than "wanting" 90 minute episodes if you catch my drift.
I'd personally rather have longer, (genuinely) monthly episodes (as in exactly 4 or 5 weeks apart) if all we lost out on were fan revisions of a large/notable scale. I think fan revision works better in smaller, more moderate amounts.
I just hope we don't get to four or five active threads!
Id also like the episodes to be longer, however the quality of this episode was still amazing although it was short, kinda like Cry Wolf, which was also about an hour and 15 mins.
Unlike Michonne, where the quality and quantity was honestly pretty low for both.
Ok here are the Tuesdays in October (because it should come in October telltale said all the episode would be out before 2016 ends)
The 4th (not happening)
The 11th (small posibilty)
The 18th (maybe it could happen)
No later than the 25th
So I'm betting on the 18th or 25th.
I'm betting Oct 25th at the very, absolute earliest. With the exception of Minecraft Ep 2 coming out two weeks after Episode 1, even the quickest Telltale episodes from their earlier series are usually four weeks apart.
Well. time to wait. I'll check back in a week or so and see if there is any news.
Considering they got voice work already all recorded for the third episode (that was like 2-3 weeks ago). I can see it releasing the 18th at the earliest with the 25th at the latest. There really wasn't much info we were given with episode 8 of story mode to go off of, but voice recording already being completed is a pretty good sign it will be releasing in the month of October, especially since Walking dead could release the 1st of November (Just based on speculations of course)
And the wait continues.
I agree with wanting longer episodes. That said despite episode 2 being rather short I thought it was well paced and amazing nonetheless. Personally I would be fine with the remaining episodes all being around 1 hr 45 minutes, anything closer to 2 hours is fine too I just don't want to feel like the episodes are stretching themselves out.
Well, I certainly don't miss these threads.
Let the wait begin...
I don't know about everyone else but I had 0 crash problems in episode 2! Looks like Telltale is back on track!
The game ran well enough in this episode. While still not perfect, it is very enjoyable and exactly what I wanted in the first episode.
While I have enjoyed Minecraft: Story Mode and Michonne, Batman is the Telltale game that I am totally invested in right now. Finally something that is filling the void left by Tales from the Borderlands and Game of Thrones.
I thought Episode 2 was pretty great, and I'm curious to see if Episode 3 can top it.
Exactly the first one felt slow to me (but I can't blame it it's the first episode it's an introduction)
But episode 2 just wow I don't even watch batman movies much but that episode was amazing! Wonder what will happen to Selina/Harvey if you did not save one of them.
Well neither of them died, I'm assuming that the one who you didn't save hates you for the whole game. Selina looked pretty mad at Bruce as she was escaping, and Harvey was just.... fucked up. I personally saved Selina.

I feel so empty right now
Wow that was REALLY quick. I wonder when they'll post it? Mid October maybe.
That's weird - when they've done the Batman Unmasked episodes in the past, the next Batman Telltale episode would come out two weeks later. I doubt that is the case here, but it's interesting timing anyways.
TV commercial?