"Telltale should make a ____ Series": Post your ideas for a new Telltale Series here. (Unofficial)




    Mercyva posted: »

    AAAAAHHHHHH YES! btw Stranger Things Is A Drama,Mystery,Supernatural & Horror series that is an Netflix Original, it starts When a young


  • Just no.


  • Make a Sin City game, Lots of characters/story to make up.

  • So, what's it going to take for Telltale to do Sterling Archer? It's practically writing itself, I can see it now. Telltale clearly has a remarkable ability to score all sorts of big licenses. Archer's lack of concern for danger and consequences could easily put a strange spin on the quick-time combats.

  • Dragon Ball Z would have some interesting QTEs

  • edited August 2016

    The Nutshack - A Telltale Games Series

  • I want a 'the 100' game!

    That would be awesome!

  • Do one for Gunsmoke and Sons of Anarchy

  • I recently had the idea about possible telltale game. What do you think about interactive quest in the universe of the X-Files? Think of how much audience was watching TV series in the '90s. Just imagine a drawed young agent Dana Scully, confident Agent Mulder, evil Smoking Man or impulsive Deputy Director Skinner, and your imagination will make you worry about their fate in the investigation of classified material ... you will chose the answer that can not only affect the relationships, such as team-mate to himself, but also to solve the crime. Is that cool? Tell me what you think about and would you buy this game if it released?

  • I liked the new episodes, the man-lizard was my favorite.

    Rednaxell posted: »

    I recently had the idea about possible telltale game. What do you think about interactive quest in the universe of the X-Files? Think of how

  • edited September 2016

    I'd love to see something like the old Dime Western as a franchise Billy The Kid and the regulators things like that.
    Things from history any war any time period in history, James Bond would also be good.

  • edited September 2016

    American Horror Story.

  • enter image description here

    MichaelBP posted: »

    The Nutshack - A Telltale Games Series

  • Harry pooter

  • edited September 2016

    Thread: Next Game

    if you could choose a story for telltale what would you choose?
    1.Sherlock holmes
    4.mr. robot
    5.any thing else in your mind

  • Well, you know what the fuck I'm gonna say...

  • Spider-man sounds cool, maybe that... or Portal (I know it probably wouldn't work...)

  • 5.any thing else in your mind

  • Guys, since Overwatch doesn't have story mode and the story behind the game it's marvelous I think it would be good if telltale created one, it's one of the most played game nowadays so it would probably be a huge success, what do you think?


  • edited September 2016

    Nevermind what my favorite games, tv-shows, films and books are. Most of those wouldn't really make sense as Telltale games anyway.
    But these would: Discworld and Firefly. They'd both be perfect for TTG.

  • An X-Files Telltale game? If they could capture the look/feel of seasons 1 - 5....Shut up and take my money.

    Rednaxell posted: »

    I recently had the idea about possible telltale game. What do you think about interactive quest in the universe of the X-Files? Think of how

  • Roblox Story mode

    but top Prior is

    Shrek Story mode
    Play as shrek and decide your story

  • on minecraft story mode telltale make ep 9 TEENTITANS

  • spider man

  • Minecraft story mode season 2!

  • I don't know if it's already been said but definitely Lost!

  • The Last Of Us Telltale Series Or Breaking Bad

  • Toy story a telltale games series nuff said XD . No but seriously I would like to see a star wars series I actually don't watch much Star Wars myself but I wonder how telltales way would play out.

  • Breaking Bad would be epic.

  • edited September 2016

    Thread: Wouldn't Spongebob work perfectly with the Telltale Games formula?

    I dunno, what are your thoughts? I think point and click adventure style would very well suit the Spongebob universe, especially if the writing was closer to its first three seasons. There's lots of good potential story ideas in Spongebob, y'know? It could potentially reinvigorate the franchise.

  • [Give Plankton the Krabby Patty formula]
    [Let Mr Krabs die]

  • edited September 2016

    Thread: Can we get "Trailer Park Boys: A Telltale Game Series" at some point before I die?

    Lol any other fans of the show that would love a game from telltale? It offers alot of source material for them to go off of.

  • Sorry, but no. It would probably end up rated MA 15+.

    Also, there are already Spongebob point and click games on the PC.

    Thread: Wouldn't Spongebob work perfectly with the Telltale Games formula? I dunno, what are your thoughts? I think point and click adv

  • Sorry, but no. It would probably end up rated MA 15+.

    Just because Telltale became popular because of Walking Dead, it doesn't mean everything they make has to be mature and gritty. They made lots of light hearted games prior to Walking Dead.

    Acheive250 posted: »

    Sorry, but no. It would probably end up rated MA 15+. Also, there are already Spongebob point and click games on the PC.

  • Assasins' Creed, Pokemon and Bioshock.

  • edited September 2016

    Harry Potter !!!

  • Yeah, I know. but MC:SM is the only game after TWD that isn't MA 15+ or R 18+.

    Sorry, but no. It would probably end up rated MA 15+. Just because Telltale became popular because of Walking Dead, it doesn't mean everything they make has to be mature and gritty. They made lots of light hearted games prior to Walking Dead.

  • I would personally love to see some nostalgic cartoon series get the TellTale treatment like Animaniacs, Tiny Toon Adventures, Inspector Gadget, Scooby-Doo, etc. Or maybe some kind of connected universe plot with Cartoon Network characters or Nicktoons characters like Nicktoons Unite or Punch Time Explosion but much better if anyone agrees then i'm not alone

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