Favorite Holidays
What is everyone's favorite Holidays? mine are:
4.St Patrick's Day
5.4th of July
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What is everyone's favorite Holidays? mine are:
4.St Patrick's Day
5.4th of July
Any holiday that lets me stay at home and sleep xD
My top three are Halloween, Valentine's Day, and Thanksgiving.
Labor day.
I enjoy Easter, Christmas, and Thanksgiving the most, mainly because of all the increased time with family and the refreshing break from life. I tend to utilize the additional free-time to focus on a wide vary of personal issues/growth, and that's just another thing that can't be beat. I love seeing family, but I also love my extra quiet time. Or isolation time, whatever you'd like to call it works just fine.
EDIT: This comment made me sound like a fake sappy personal guru, didn't it?
Halloween without a doubt.
First of all, candy. Secondly, it's a reminder not to take yourself too seriously. Be a slutty Ghostbuster if that's what you want, damn it.
Lastly, candy. Especially when it goes on sale the day after.
Halloween for sure. I hope this year I'll finally enjoy it.
I love Christmas too.
Christmas. Halloween's pretty cool too but sadly we don't celebrate it here, we only have a shittier version of it that happens at a completely different date.
I heard in Iran it's their favorite Holiday. They play bowling with Twin Tower shaped Bowling Pins, while wearing Death to America T-Shirts. Greatest Holiday of the Year, very festive. 10 Degrees of Sarcasm
Halloween and Christmas are about the only ones I find interesting. Personally any Holiday that exist to bring smiles to children and adults alike just seem to be the best.
Christmas. If it only actually snowed for a change...
I know how you feel.
IKR. Damn climates...
I remember snow in April, so impossible now. xD
Tell me about about your shitty halloween
What? No, never. If they did it would of been in the same way the USA aided in committing mass genocide against Iranians by Rooting Mr Saddam and and even giving him Chemical Weapons technology. Trust me, Iran has a lot of good reasons to hate the USA, and I'm making fun of footage recorded of Iranians in the street the day after 9/11 Cheering, and honestly I can't blame them, if I was Iranian I likely would of as well.
Kids paint their faces and go door to door asking for money and pancakes. Obviously no one's going to give you pancakes, and they're not just going to give away their hard earned cash, so the kids just go by ignored.
Well, I live the southeast, so snow is rare for me here...
Any particular reasons?
Because there's nothing good about it. People say it's the "land of the free", but I think that's total bullshit.
I know there are worser countries in the world like North Korea, Syria, Saudi Arabia, etc, but I absolutely fucking hate this one.
Would you mind going into more detail as to what is not good about it? Genuinely curious.
This article should tell you.
Good/Evil doesn't exist. Everything is in shades of Gray. Support a Dictator to remove a Radical Government the US doesn't like, sounds reasonable right? Then that Dictator uses WMDs we helped them develop against Iranians in a long war that the US Sponsored. It's a shared guilt in short. USA Bad? I wouldn't say so, the politics, and foreign policy is horrific on the other hand. Forcing regime changes, and nation building, it's a very dangerous game. Using other regimes, financing or economics to destroy economies of enemies. What do you think made WWII go from a series of smaller conflicts into a massive world war? It's a dangerous game, and every major super power in history plays it.