What do you think of the story of Adam and Eve?
Most of us all know the story - God created Adam, and then later Eve, and set them in a garden.
He said that there they would have everything they wanted, all the good food they could eat, have dozens of children, and would never grow old, and that all they had to do was not eat from a particular tree. Adam and Eve however did exactly that, and got kicked out of Eden.
Do you think Adam and Eve really existed?
( I wanted to post something, and this was all I could think of.)
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No. That said, this has given me a great out of context quote.
"all the good food they could eat, have dozens of children"
Your move artists.
Well, I guess, cause we're aren't given an explanation of how we were created, though its pretty weird how we came from dirt.
They could have everything they wanted except for fruit from a particular tree? I don't remember precisely what occurred but I feel as though they were tricked to eating the fruit from that particular tree were they not?
As for whether they were real or not - whose to say?
The tree of knowledge... because ignorance is bliss apparently.
As real as any fairy tail your mother used to read to you before sleep.
if it was true, then we all product of incest... adam and eve sick..
If my memory's correct, I think Satan disguised as a snake and tricked them into eating the fruit from the tree.
Plot twist: It was Adam and Steve
Yes, the Devil, in the form of a snake, tricked Eve into eating the apple, and She in turn convinced Adam to do the same.
If they actually exist, they were idiots. The person who created you told you not to eat from one particular tree out of the entire garden. But instead of listening to this all knowing creator, you decided to listen to a snake (thinking about it, I think god trolled them. He knew this would happen but put that tree in the garden anyway).
Also, on behalf of women, I'd like to personally say: fuck you Eve. You are the reason why every woman on this planet is cursed and must go through a monthly cycle and be the bearers of children.
It's also funny that the snake was the main culprit in all this mess but its punishment was it was to slither on its belly for the rest of its days. Maybe I'm wrong, but I don't think the snake really mind that punishment.
Well only men anyway. Women came from the rib of men.
No I'm pretty sure that's just women discharging the lining that was supposed to be used to provide nutrients to an embryo, a fairy tail character has nothing to do with it. Menstruation also occurs in animals such as apes, monkeys and other primates.
There's merit in it as a story, but I don't believe it to be true. Though as I recall, the Book of Genesis is meant to be metaphorical - an allegory of sorts. Still that puts into contention future works, since if Genesis is false (and there was no original sin, inherited from Adam due to the Fall of Man), Jesus had no problem to fix in the first place, therefore he was false, and the bedrock of their faith was false, by their own admission, so it's very confusing. Or it is to me.
No, I don't believe they did - but even if they did, they can't have been the first and only two people because there was Lilith (again, by their own admission), it also doesn't adequately set up--in my mind--a foundation that got us to this point, for reasons I could continue to ramble on about but I won't, because it's just not that interesting a subject matter, in my opinion.
Ah yep, you're right. Had to skim back over the verse. But the increase in childbirth pain is stll BS.
I'm Christian, I don't believe it to be true. I can say that for a lot of the Old Testament, but there is a lot of stories that teach good morals and values. I like this story but I think it's more of a lesson than a recount.
Since Eve was made from Adam's rib-cage through God would that mean.... Oh my
Here's the question: who put the tree in the garden? Who gave humans the sensation of temptation?
Women are living ribcages.
All true! Except Adam and Eve weren't human, they were dinosaurs.
(come on, we've got to meet somewhere in the middle)
...So God's a dick?
More of a troll, if you ask me. I mean he is all knowing right? He knew what was going to happen.
Feel sorry for the guy, pretty small leaf
You, as a Christian, don't believe the story that caused God to send Jesus Christ to Earth is true? He was meant to die for our sins, after all, and those sins were committed by Adam and Eve, as per Old Testament canon.
I'm certainly no expert on Christianity, so do correct me, but can someone credibly believe in Jesus Christ as portrayed through Christian lore, without believing in the tale of Adam and Eve, which in turn led to Jehovah's magical impregnation of Mary? In short, it's a bit like having your cake and eating it too, is it not?
It was probably just cold in the Garden of Eden.
I always understood it this way:
Adam and Eve were put in the garden of Eden- a place where they knew no pain, misery, or discomfort. Paradise to you or me, but meaningless to them, for in that place they could never feel happiness or comfort either. God told them that they could eat of the fruit of every tree except for the tree of knowledge over good and evil, for if they did, He told them, they would die. The fruit of this tree was the only way they'd be able to have children and begin the course of God's plan for mankind, but until He could prepare them He didn't want them to partake just yet. So He left them, saying He would return soon to give further instruction. Then satan came and spoke to Eve, saying that God was holding out on her and Adam- that they wouldn't die if they ate the fruit, but would become as gods. Eve, lacking faith, ate of the tree. Adam, not wanting to be separated from her, ate also. Because of their disobedience, they were forced to leave the garden and were stricken with mortality. From then on, they served and trusted the Lord, who had a way prepared so that man could one day become whole again and return to live with Him. There's more, obviously, but that's the jist of it. As you've probably guessed by this point, I am Christian, so yes, I believe this old story.
well i meant that if they were the only human beings, they populated earth... i mean Eve would have to be a goddamn rabbit to pop out that many children, but even then... those kids would have to, you know.. mate.. so you know. unless there was something else with that sotry, like god decided to make another adam and eve to see if they would pass his test, and when that didnt happen he just sent those to other ones and then that kept on going until he finally gave up.
What? I don't think you know what you're talking about. This doesn't even make sense.
And no, I also believe in science, and evolution, and dinosaurs, and for Adam and Eve to be real this cannot happen. Just like how Noah somehow managed to fit two of all the earths creatures on one boat...The Old Testament is largely metaphorical and tells moral lessons. It was not written by God, or Jesus, but normal people, maybe thousands of years later, based on word of mouth....and it took centuries.The Old Testament was literally passed down by word. 'Oral tradition'. Their aren't many sane Christians who take it word for word.
Who's Jehovah?
I don't see what Adam and Eve has to do with Mary. I would try to correct you but I can't make sense of what you are saying. Sorry mate.
Also, yes, I consider myself a Christian, but I question it all the time. I still don't even fully understand what I believe in and I've been Christian all my life, so I don't expect others too based on articles they read on the internet. It's a very broad and diverse topic, and a few paragraphs on an Internet forum don't do it justice.
Me when my teacher says the big bang is bullshit and God created everything in seven days:
A nickname for God used by the Hebrews.
Do you live in Mississippi by chance?
He's a grower not a shower.
The number one argument against marriage equality for homosexuals lies within a fable of two fucking morons that talked to a snake, rubbed a branch, and ate an apple.
It does, even though my wording is a bit convoluted. I'll simplify: God sent Jesus Christ to die for mankind because they were sinners. However, they were only sinners because of Adam and Eve who started the concept of the original sin, which then passed to every person after them. So in essence, Adam and Eve caused Jesus to be born, because they created the problem he came to solve. To disbelief one somewhat cancels out the other because they are linked... unless you happen to disbelieve most of the stories regarding Jesus as well, in which case that's a more justifiable position.
Right, I was acting under the assumption you were far more religious than that, and in the business of 'picking and choosing' parts of the bible as you saw fit, which always annoyed me, being someone who grew up in a relatively religious environment... but that isn't the case here, clearly.
Jehovah is the Hebrew name for God as @TheAutisticGamer said, but functionally serves the role of the Holy Spirit, and thus conceives Jesus within Mary... done because humanity were conflicted with the original sin inherited from Adam and Eve, their common ancestors. That's what it has to do with Mary.
Well I was only looking for clarity as it's been some years since I've studied Christianity and I was curious, so thank you for your answer anyway.
Brazil, everywhere is like Mississipi here.
Very interesting
If you think about it, Adan and Eve were the first two humans on earth, acording with the myth. That means all children that were born would be their children. And sooned or later they would reproduce. Between them. With their siblings and parents.
So, God aproved Incest? Or is it just a storytelling mistake in the Bible or something?
From a factual perspective it's quite fucking retarded. God, talking snakes, making people from sand, making people from a rib, two humans that led to every other human, no pain during childbirth, never a want, it's quite unbelievable (and I mean unbelievable in the least poetic way).
From a narrative perspective I find it quote interesting. God the oppressor, betrayed by his favorite angel so that the angel could be knowledge of what is and is not moral to the ignorant people, all at an immense cost to himself. I find Lucifer to be quite the downtrodden hero. A shame the book tries to make God out to be the good guy (emphasis on tries).
Edit to the original: "From a narrative perspective I find it quite interesting. God the oppressor, betrayed by his favorite angel so that the angel could teach the ignorant humans of what is and is not moral, and all at an immense cost to himself. I find Lucifer to be quite the downtrodden hero. A shame the book tries to make God out to be the good guy (emphasis on tries)."
"Edgelord says Satan is a hero cliché" Ding
Is that a cliche? The only place I've seen him honestly envisioned as the hero of the tale is in The Club Dumas. The book does a wonderful job of showing Lucifer as a "man" going against the powers that are for the good of the innocent and naive. Like, a man standing in front of the executioner and still having the desire to say and do what is right.