The Whatever's on Your Mind Megathread



  • Honestly, I'd probably milk it until I had enough money to just retire and go somewhere nice.


  • Shit, there goes my Golden Globe.

    lupinb0y posted: »

    You forgot the laugh track after every line.

  • That sounds lovely actually. I'd probably milk it to a point where I can spend time to create an amazing game that's Skyrim quality and then settle down with my family in a nice mansion in Canada. That way when I tell my fans to fuck off and I stop making games, I'll at least leave them with a great experience.

    MichaelBP posted: »

    Honestly, I'd probably milk it until I had enough money to just retire and go somewhere nice.

  • Does what to you all the time? Responds to you in a negative manor? Because if so, literally everyone on this site does this, man.

    And besides, if I wasn't edgy...I'd be nothing.

    That's not true, you'd be my pal and a super Spider-Man expert. That's two things right there.

    I'm talking about in general. He does this to me all the time, and I'm sick of it. And besides, if I wasn't edgy...I'd be nothing.

  • Yeah fuck Frank.

    Franks a twat tbh

  • [removed]

    Yeah fuck Frank.

  • edited October 2016

    You know what rhymes with Frank?


    Edited section

    Don't murder the litter of pups! I'm sorry!

    Edited section

    Had to correct a typo.

    Yeah fuck Frank.

  • edited October 2016

    Does what to you all the time? Responds to you in a negative manor?

    No, he's just really nosey. Here's an example:

    A month or 2 ago, I was talking about my brother Josh, and then he was like 'yeah, I'll just talk about my brother to some random people, because why not?' Like there's a problem with that. Why would he care if I was talking about my brother?

    It's my life! I can talk about whatever I want.

    That's not true, you'd be my pal and a super Spider-Man expert. That's two things right there.

    Aww shucks, that means a lot. Thanks bruh.

    Does what to you all the time? Responds to you in a negative manor? Because if so, literally everyone on this site does this, man. And

  • There's also prescription medication for this, but try the diet/water adjustments first. And of course, don't watch gross things before bed.

    lottii-lu posted: »

    I think I see the problem is with my diate and the fact I rarely drink water, so I will take your advice and thanks!

  • I made an episode of the Big Bang Theory. Can I have my Golden Globe now?

  • Definitely a joke. For both situations.

    Kenny/Lee posted: »

    I'll paint you a scenario, and tell me what you think. A guy and his girlfriend go out to sing Kareoke. The guy gets up to song a song, b

  • I'm not sure what kind of final game I would make. Probably more of a linear game that has set pieces that will melt peoples faces off.

    That sounds lovely actually. I'd probably milk it to a point where I can spend time to create an amazing game that's Skyrim quality and then

  • I am already socially awkward and I cannot handle public shaming in real life, even if a joke. It's not within my control; I panic.

    I'd settle a line, explain to her, and distance myself if she continues. I would not even have the decency to break up.

    Kenny/Lee posted: »

    I'll paint you a scenario, and tell me what you think. A guy and his girlfriend go out to sing Kareoke. The guy gets up to song a song, b

  • No... Seriously, STOP with the stupid ark jokes. How would you like it if I kept making fun of your name?

  • edited October 2016

    Hinami Fueguchi from Tokyo Ghoul

    Start to finish on computer. (few mistakes and crappy colouring but otherwise im happy) I did this using a mouse too (annoying af)

    enter image description here

  • How would you like it if I kept making fun of your name?

    Quite honestly, I'd feel indifferent, because I do not care about other people's opinion on my name and I did not choose it in the first place. I know that nothing's wrong with any names.

    By the way, good luck with that—I'm making sure you don't know mine.

    Acheive250 posted: »

    No... Seriously, STOP with the stupid ark jokes. How would you like it if I kept making fun of your name?

  • edited October 2016

    and I did not choose it in the first place.

    Yeah, but he asked you to stop.

    By the way, good luck with that—I'm making sure you don't know mine.

    Even if I did know your name, I wouldn't make fun of it. I was just asking how you'd feel if someone if someone was always making fun of you.

    Sorry if I was a bit mean.

    How would you like it if I kept making fun of your name? Quite honestly, I'd feel indifferent, because I do not care about other peo

  • It's a harmless joke, and it should be treated as one.

    Kenny/Lee posted: »

    I'll paint you a scenario, and tell me what you think. A guy and his girlfriend go out to sing Kareoke. The guy gets up to song a song, b

  • party pooper

    it's obviously a joke, i'm sure he isn't offended by it

    Acheive250 posted: »

    No... Seriously, STOP with the stupid ark jokes. How would you like it if I kept making fun of your name?

  • I just got a fucking blister on my finger.

  • He has asked a couple of times before to stop making ark jokes, but no one will listen. I'm sure he doesn't like it.

    party pooper it's obviously a joke, i'm sure he isn't offended by it

  • okay shining knight

    Acheive250 posted: »

    He has asked a couple of times before to stop making ark jokes, but no one will listen. I'm sure he doesn't like it.

  • So I just became in collaboration with a professional male tattoo model. I draw what he wants me to draw, then he posts it on his multiple 200k follower account's. So the promotion and publicity is his form of pay and honestly I can't complain. My phone has been going insane ever since I began working with him and I have gained so many followers. I've also got a long wait list for commissions so I'm gonna get some money real soon. Reeeeally excited.

  • That's really great, I hope all goes well.

    So I just became in collaboration with a professional male tattoo model. I draw what he wants me to draw, then he posts it on his multiple

  • Good stuff. Your drawings are great, so it's well earned.

    So I just became in collaboration with a professional male tattoo model. I draw what he wants me to draw, then he posts it on his multiple

  • Nice, you deserve it.

    So I just became in collaboration with a professional male tattoo model. I draw what he wants me to draw, then he posts it on his multiple

  • Hey, what are all of the emojis people on the forums can use? I'm just curious.

  • Since Bob Dylan will be getting the Nobel Prize in litterateur, does that mean a movie or video game writer also could win it?

  • edited October 2016

    So I was at a bar watching the football game a couple of weeks ago. A friend I know texted me and asked how my day was going.

    I told him it was going good and that I was watching the game. He told me what he was up to, and asked if I might like to get together and watch the game.

    I told him where I was at and that I was gonna watch the game until half time and go home. He then told me he'd be by soon.

    When he got there, I confessed to him that I hadn't invited him, and he told me that when I texted him my location, he took that as an invite.

    Now if he had asked he could've joined me, that would have been one thing. But he didn't. He just assumed I was inviting him, and showed up.

    I am not really sure what to make of him right now. He's a nice guy and all, but to invite himself like that, that ain't cool. You don't just invite yourself to someone else's party. You ask if whether or not you may join them, and depending on they respond, you act accordingly.

    But then again, that's the first time he has ever done this. I don't wanna thinK badly of him, but with what he did, I don't know. What do you think?

  • :) :D B) :| :( ;) D:

    I think that's all.

    Hey, what are all of the emojis people on the forums can use? I'm just curious.

  • There's also: >:)

    papai46 posted: »

    I think that's all.

  • and @BigBlindMax @CrazedRabbit Thanks! Hopefully I get twitter famous or something that would be cool.

    Acheive250 posted: »

    That's really great, I hope all goes well.

  • :) XD 8) :I :( ;) :O
    How do you make the rest of them?

    papai46 posted: »

    I think that's all.

  • Bars are more casual environments, so that probably plays into why he invited himself. Had it been someplace else, I could see what you mean, but since you were in a more casual environment, I guess you can say... the bar was lowered.

    [Crowd throws tomatoes at Blind Sniper]

    Kenny/Lee posted: »

    So I was at a bar watching the football game a couple of weeks ago. A friend I know texted me and asked how my day was going. I told him

  • Blind SniperBlind Sniper Moderator
    edited October 2016

    XD is :D without the space. Here is what he typed for all of his smiles (ignore the spaces)

    : ) 
    : D
    B )
    : | 
    : ( 
    ; ) 
    D :

    and here is how you get >:)

       [ignore this text] >: )
    Ekelund21 posted: »

    XD 8) :I :O How do you make the rest of them?


    Sometimes, I like to write things. I wrote this today when I was in English class. Come check it out.

  • edited October 2016

    enter image description here


    That's it?!??? Here I was thinking it was closer to 700-1000 calories!

    ... I could eat one of these and still not go over my maintenance!

  • enter image description here

    [HelloWorld awkwardly cleans up the tomatoes in the background]

    Bars are more casual environments, so that probably plays into why he invited himself. Had it been someplace else, I could see what you mean

  • With imgur links, you have to link to the image directly. Right click the image, and select "Open Image In New Tab" - I fixed it for you here, but that's just a general tip. ;)

    screeches That's it?!??? Here I was thinking it was closer to 700-1000 calories! ... I could eat one of these and still not go over my maintenance!

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