Well, IMO (even though he isn't a bad character by any means), Deadpool. I mean, he's really funny and he kills people, but..to me, that gets old really quick. He's just too over the top and personally I'm just...not a fan of his.
not really... she banished him because she found out he was spying on her from the beginning and basically fed Robert info that led to her assassination attempt. yes he saved her, he totally changed his mind but you have to understand her view. she put all her trust to him and then she found out he wasnt really what she thought he was. again yes he gave up all of that but if you cant see her point its really hard to explain.
Handsome Jack - he was an awesome character in Borderlands 2. Not good morally but he was a refreshing take on a video game villain. His portrayal in Pre-Sequel along with the new Tales from the Borderlands fanbase that saw him as a swell guy and shipping material for Rhys has made him unbearable for me now, and he's everywhere.
Kenny - I don't hate the guy; my decided on ending for Season 2 was even a Wellington one. But I will never understand why so many players, even casual players, are so ride or die with his character. He's a flawed human being and I see why that has its appeal, but his flaws are also dangerous as hell and can get very old very quick.
Jane - On the flipside, I don't see why so many people flock to Jane's side either. She didn't seem like a particularly strong or convincing character in my opinion. She was hard to get a grasp of in the few episodes she was involved in. Perhaps she has the same flawed human appeal as Kenny does, but again they're dangerous flaws that get old.
Any character from Life is Strange - Because overall I thought they were all about as interesting as cardboard cutouts. The only characters I found remotely interesting were Kate, Joyce, and Chloe, and only Chloe after the whole "alternative universe" scenario.
Stannis Baratheon and Dany Targaryen from Game of Thrones - Lumped them together because my opinion is based on the same reason: I have never really been convinced that they're the best ruling material. Better than the Cersei Lannister or her children? Sure. But Hodor would be a better ruler than Cersei Lannister and her children, it's not hard to do. I still understand why Dany has a following, but I was pretty baffled by the fanbase Stannis still had after what happened to Shireen (sans book readers).
Asher Forrester - Don't get me wrong, I LOVE Asher. I cried when I left him behind, and I even copied my save file so I could have an identical playthrough only with the alternative of Asher as my lord. I was just pretty frustrated how the forums handled the determinate death after the episode, with so many defending Asher over Rodrik as if it was stupid to choose anything else, especially with the crippled argument. I will also tack Royland onto this as well, because I thought Duncan and diplomacy was still a valid choice.
Mike from Until Dawn - I totally agree with you about Mike. It seems because he's portrayed as a hero type that the player overlooks a lot of shitty things he can do (like directly murdering Emily with no proof). He has some funny phrases but otherwise I can't stand him.
Daryl Dixon - I liked Daryl's character arc up until Beth's death. Then I just kinda... stopped caring. He doesn't really even say anything anymore but the fan base will still turn rabid over the suggestion he could die. Also, I don't really understand why so many women find him incredibly attractive? Because I'm a straight female and I don't see it myself, personally.
Kylo Ren from Star Wars - I like the concept of Kylo Ren, and I like speculating where they will be taking his character further into the franchise. What I don't like is seeing piles of shirtless emo pictures of him on tumblr even sometimes shipped with Rey.
Bucky Barnes from Captain America movies - I like him. That's about it. Don't really understand the people that obsess over his "potentially gay" relationship with Steve, but it's whatever. But then again I can pretty much call any Avenger overrated. Personally my favorite is Ant-Man: very underrated, needs more visibility, can't see him, oh wait he's just too small.
I think one of the most overrated is Rosalina from Super Mario Galaxy
They're putting her into every game and I will admit the galaxy games in my opinion were good and I do like Rosalina. But I only think she's getting attention since she's one of the strongest in Smash
Ventus Kingdom Hearts Birth By Sleep I'm a big Kingdom Hearts fan hell this December it's 10 years ago I played my first Kingdom Hearts game and I will celebrate it with cake yum yum but why do I think this kid is overrated? He is so obsessed with Terra in his life that it feels like he will try to hook up with the guy and if Terra wanted to hook up with him and Ventus don't. He will not say no at all and say he got raped!
"No Ven, It's too dangerous"-Terra
"Ven no, You're going to get hurt, We need to take you home."-Aqua
He is something in the age of 15 years old and acts like a 8 year old that cries alot.
While his story is a good one his character makes me hate him.
Ezio Auditore Da Firenze Wait!
I don't really hate the dude not at all I enjoyed my time with him but I think he is overrated.
AC2 Ezio Auditore is a family man which I respect and doesn't like people cheating... But the hole playboy thing doesn't suit me at all and everybody I know in real life complains about going to hookers BUT! when they see Ezio or read the Brotherhood novel that he went to courtisane partys at young ages it's all fucking right and they are proud!
Half his family getting killed before him doesn't seem to affect him that much, he doesn't grow as a character except in the last few sequences. He is 40 years old and still acts like a damn horny 12 year old from the start. I thought at the end of AC2 he will pull the middle finger towards the Assassin's because he had killed every Templar he wanted (except that one guy).
It was a cliche character with no depth in 2... Atleast the sequels tried to change this which I'm really glad with and Brotherhood he was looking for Justice which was great and I can relate with but in Revelations he doesn't seem like he has a place their (he was also trying to figure out his part in the world so that is forgiven and the ending was great).
But his character progress from Brotherhood to Revelations seems so extremely random to humanize him that I was wondering I was playing the same character.
He is so calm in Revelations but kills the guards in the most brutal way possible 0_0.
No hate I enjoyed my time with him but after all these new games I think the nostalgia is really hitting hard now.
Chloe Price My dad dies so I'm gona turn into a fucking bitch and his my dad as a excuse, Max how dare you not to listen I COULD KEEP GOING... Voice acting was good though. Enough posts here about her and it's tiresome to see so much Life is strange posts IMHO.
Joker He is just some psycho with good story's but he is just overrated to me and him appearing in Arkham Knight was stupid and dumb, could've maybe be good but the script wasn't their.
Ellie TLOU:)
She acts like a dumb kid, I was forged to be with her at moments, is she 12? don't see why people like her can somebody fill me in here please!?
Daenerys Targaryen - I still like her character overall but come on. She has had it so easy compared to other Game of Thrones characters and her little win streak she has going on bothers me. That completely goes against the entire narrative of the series and its just plain...boring to me. Any time it cuts to her story line I just go "Oh boy, how is she gonna magically come out of this alive like she does everything else?" The worst things that have happened to her are minor inconveniences and her lover biting the dust. Sure, its cool to watch her become a ruler, but she is so naive once it comes to just that. "Well, we can just do this and this and- blah blah blah, so on and so forth." No, Dany. You can't. That's not how this works. That's not how ANY of this works.
Negan- Yeah, that's right. I said it. Negan is overrated. Crucify me, stone me, do whatever you want. It won't change my view. "But that just means you're not over Glenn, TheSloaningDead." Not true. I got over that fairly quickly. My eyerolling for Negan isn't from the death of Glenn. Far from it. Don't get me wrong, his dialogue and charisma are very entertaining to watch/read, and he's fucking hilarious, but his plot armor is bothersome to me. Do you REALLY think that he'd still be alive under any other circumstances? Fuck. No. Rick should have killed him at the end of All Out War, but Negan is alive thanks to Rick's 180 flip on his entire character. The smart thing to do would have been to kill him right after that amazing shitstorm. He's helping Rick in the Whisperer War, sure, but Negan can't be trusted. Negan's number one priority in this world is himself. Which I suppose I could understand in his shoes, but that makes him very untrustworthy from everyone else's perspective in the books. Negan may hate Rick, but he hates The Whisperers more. For that reason I predict that he won't betray Rick for a while. And if he doesn't? Good. That damns this entire paragraph to Hell and I was wrong. In this case, I want to be wrong. Rick and Negan teaming up and STAYING a team would be awesome. It would actually justify his overrated status and plot armor. They'd be unstoppable together. Don't let me down, Negan. Please.
i can probably think of many characters, but the one that's off the top of my head is garrus vakarian from mass effect. i never found myself caring for him all that much, and felt all the friendship/bromance was forced after everyone went apeshit over him. everyone's insistence on having to like him makes me dislike him more, as petty as it is.
Thanos definitely. After reading the infinity gauntlet comics I liked him at first but then seeing that he is an alien and might be the biggest boss that the Avengers will face is disappointing to me. I mean there isn't really a good backstory for Thanos. How he was comrades with Adam Warlock ( I hate that this alien has a human name) and then how he left and fell in love with the mistress of death. And that he can control the universe with all five stones is lame. I wish Marvel had a more better, experienced, and developed character that everyone could relate to. I don't know about anyone else but I can't relate to Thanos that well. They should instead have a human hold the gauntlet with the five stones. Now for me that would be interesting.
Season 2 Clementine. I feel like I'm gonna get hate for this but just hear me out. I like how she's a badass child who's had one of the worse experiences in an apocalypse. I don't think that the writers gave Clementine enough time to give her character more personality. While yes you can control Clementine and her personality, I don't think that they put it to the full extent. I wanted to see more of Clementine's emotions and personality based on our choices. I don't think we got enough of that.
Doug from TWDG. I don't know why more people want to save him now then before. His character feels useless honestly. Whereas Carley is way more useful and she also knew about Lee's past. Doug was willing to sacrifice his life for Carley.
Lily from TWDG. I don't know why people want her to return in S3. I'd rather have someone less triggered like Christa return rather then Lily. Let remind you that Lily killed Carley or Doug on accident(when she was trying to kill poor old Ben). Yes her father died BUT you can still control yourself. Clementine's parents were both gone and she didn't get triggered. I never liked how Lily treated everyone and how she defended her dad.
Kenny from TWDG. I just hate how people on youtube hate people that shoot Kenny and say "omg you killed Kenny you bastard". I don't know why he gets so much praise. I mean he DID get tempered from time to time and ignore people. I liked Kenny from the beginning but over time he just started getting angry.
Thanos definitely. After reading the infinity gauntlet comics I liked him at first but then seeing that he is an alien and might be the bigg… moreest boss that the Avengers will face is disappointing to me. I mean there isn't really a good backstory for Thanos. How he was comrades with Adam Warlock ( I hate that this alien has a human name) and then how he left and fell in love with the mistress of death. And that he can control the universe with all five stones is lame. I wish Marvel had a more better, experienced, and developed character that everyone could relate to. I don't know about anyone else but I can't relate to Thanos that well. They should instead have a human hold the gauntlet with the five stones. Now for me that would be interesting.
Season 2 Clementine. I feel like I'm gonna get hate for this but just hear me out. I like how she's a badass child who's had one of the worse experiences in an apocalypse. I don't think that the write… [view original content]
True but from the threads I've seen people are gonna change their choice from saving Carley to saving Doug.
Edit: If he really is underrated then I might remove him.
No, trust me, it's only a few people. It's only, like, 5 or 10 people (myself included).
The stats today are still 70 to 30, with Doug in the 30 (I replayed Episode 1 a month ago and saw the stats).
Same thing for the TWD S1. For some reason it says more people saved Doug then Carley (which I hope is false). But when I say hasn't been updated I mean they are not current. I'm still pretty sure that 70% of people or more cut off her arm.
Kind of surprised I haven't left a comment on this thread yet. I have all SORTS of overrated characters I want to shit on!
The Slenderman - 4 years after his first huge rise to popularity, this mythical creature that started as a mysterious and amazing horrific monster, is now nothing more but an overused, washed up creepypasta with one of the most cancerous fanbases on the internet. With 300+ games, an entire YouTube universe created in his name, countless stories and a fucking crime where 2 little girls MURDERED THEIR FRIEND for him, I think it's safe to say the Slenderman should have died a long time ago. Now, that's not to say great things haven't been made with this story. The aforementioned Slenderverse is impressive and creepy, the first Slender game wasn't half bad the first few runs through, and when he was first released he had a lot of mystery and great ideas surrounding him. But the guy is a fucking overrated mess and he's spawned dozens of awful things from his run.
Ornstien and Smough - Ahhhh, yes, I said it! Hate me! Hate me! Let your salty tears flow! Ornstien and Smough are overrated as shit. Their lore is the least interesting out of all the major bosses in Dark Souls 1, their designs are bland and uninteresting, the run up to their boss fight is fucking awful, and the boss itself isn't even that hard. It was horribly overhyped for me and so upon getting there I was terrified, but it only took me 2 tries to take them out. Ornstien and Smough are pretty big and scary looking, but when it comes down to it they're just another two pieces of lore and another road block on your way to Gwyn.
Max Caulfield - As much as I love Life is Strange, Max is, for lack of better words, a fucking garbage character. I really don't get the love and praise she gets honestly. Throughout the game I could love and relate to nearly every character, and the characters I was supposed to hate I did hate. But I just don't get what makes Max so special. Her voice actress sounds uninterested and tired, her dialogue is poorly written, she always wears the same ugly jacket, she talks to herself way more often than Lee Everett (and this is about pointless shit) and her moral dilemma is non existent. She has no issues with being nice or being bitchy. It's only when she's in the Vortex Club in Episode 3 when she even seems mildly upset with who she's become. Max Caulfield is a super bland character and I just don't get why people love her so much.
Pyramid Head -
Okay okay okay, hear me out on this one. I do love Pyramid Head, I do love what he represents and I do think he's a little creepy. However... I do not think he's as great as most Silent Hill fans make him out to be. Honestly, in a game series with characters like Heather Mason, James Sunderland, Dr. Fitch, Lisa Garland and Vincent Wolf, Pyramid Head just doesn't compare. All of the mentioned characters go through deep mental trauma and have an interesting story that's told, but Pyramid Head just represents James' want for punishment. While that is an amazing idea, it's not that fantastic! Not to mention how overused he is in media, the fanbase and the series itself.
The first movie:
That one shitty rip off of him in Origins:
That one shitty rip off of him in ResE 5 and ResE Retribution:
That one shitty rip off of him in Downpour:
The actual PH in Downpour:
Book of Memories:
This disgusting bullshit they tried to pass off as a movie:
And so on and so forth.
People use him so much because they love him, but I just don't get the hype. He was a one-off monster in a great SH game. He's not even as interesting as the other characters! Maria, Eddie, Laura and Angela all represent something far more interesting than Pyramid Head, AND they have the character development to back it up! I hope you see my point now.
And here are some honorable mentions since I didn't want my comment to go on forever.
Soul of Cinder, Dark Souls III: Badass fight, awesome design, literally barely any background story or development other than Gwyn's story.
Sonic the Hedgehog: I really don't need to explain it. But in case I do, look up some of the fan praise for the Dreamcast Sonic games.
Darth Maul: The dude was a one-off sith lord and had nothing special about him what-so-ever. (minus the fight on Naboo)
Clementine: Yeah I said it. Hang me. She's an uninteresting character and I strongly dislike her right now, but I hope S3 changes that.
I think one of the most overrated is Rosalina from Super Mario Galaxy
They're putting her into every game and I will admit the galaxy gam… morees in my opinion were good and I do like Rosalina. But I only think she's getting attention since she's one of the strongest in Smash
Well, IMO (even though he isn't a bad character by any means), Deadpool. I mean, he's really funny and he kills people, but..to me, that gets old really quick. He's just too over the top and personally I'm just...not a fan of his.
this thread is gonna be fun. im posting before reading, i bet is a bunch of Joel and ellie and my guess Kenny and/or Lee, Clem. lol
not really... she banished him because she found out he was spying on her from the beginning and basically fed Robert info that led to her assassination attempt. yes he saved her, he totally changed his mind but you have to understand her view. she put all her trust to him and then she found out he wasnt really what she thought he was. again yes he gave up all of that but if you cant see her point its really hard to explain.
and i dont get this...
Handsome Jack - he was an awesome character in Borderlands 2. Not good morally but he was a refreshing take on a video game villain. His portrayal in Pre-Sequel along with the new Tales from the Borderlands fanbase that saw him as a swell guy and shipping material for Rhys has made him unbearable for me now, and he's everywhere.
Kenny - I don't hate the guy; my decided on ending for Season 2 was even a Wellington one. But I will never understand why so many players, even casual players, are so ride or die with his character. He's a flawed human being and I see why that has its appeal, but his flaws are also dangerous as hell and can get very old very quick.
Jane - On the flipside, I don't see why so many people flock to Jane's side either. She didn't seem like a particularly strong or convincing character in my opinion. She was hard to get a grasp of in the few episodes she was involved in. Perhaps she has the same flawed human appeal as Kenny does, but again they're dangerous flaws that get old.
Any character from Life is Strange - Because overall I thought they were all about as interesting as cardboard cutouts. The only characters I found remotely interesting were Kate, Joyce, and Chloe, and only Chloe after the whole "alternative universe" scenario.
Stannis Baratheon and Dany Targaryen from Game of Thrones - Lumped them together because my opinion is based on the same reason: I have never really been convinced that they're the best ruling material. Better than the Cersei Lannister or her children? Sure. But Hodor would be a better ruler than Cersei Lannister and her children, it's not hard to do. I still understand why Dany has a following, but I was pretty baffled by the fanbase Stannis still had after what happened to Shireen (sans book readers).
Asher Forrester - Don't get me wrong, I LOVE Asher. I cried when I left him behind, and I even copied my save file so I could have an identical playthrough only with the alternative of Asher as my lord. I was just pretty frustrated how the forums handled the determinate death after the episode, with so many defending Asher over Rodrik as if it was stupid to choose anything else, especially with the crippled argument. I will also tack Royland onto this as well, because I thought Duncan and diplomacy was still a valid choice.
Mike from Until Dawn - I totally agree with you about Mike. It seems because he's portrayed as a hero type that the player overlooks a lot of shitty things he can do (like directly murdering Emily with no proof). He has some funny phrases but otherwise I can't stand him.
Daryl Dixon - I liked Daryl's character arc up until Beth's death. Then I just kinda... stopped caring. He doesn't really even say anything anymore but the fan base will still turn rabid over the suggestion he could die. Also, I don't really understand why so many women find him incredibly attractive? Because I'm a straight female and I don't see it myself, personally.
Kylo Ren from Star Wars - I like the concept of Kylo Ren, and I like speculating where they will be taking his character further into the franchise. What I don't like is seeing piles of shirtless emo pictures of him on tumblr even sometimes shipped with Rey.
Bucky Barnes from Captain America movies - I like him. That's about it. Don't really understand the people that obsess over his "potentially gay" relationship with Steve, but it's whatever. But then again I can pretty much call any Avenger overrated. Personally my favorite is Ant-Man: very underrated, needs more visibility, can't see him, oh wait he's just too small.
I think one of the most overrated is Rosalina from Super Mario Galaxy
They're putting her into every game and I will admit the galaxy games in my opinion were good and I do like Rosalina. But I only think she's getting attention since she's one of the strongest in Smash
Ventus Kingdom Hearts Birth By Sleep I'm a big Kingdom Hearts fan hell this December it's 10 years ago I played my first Kingdom Hearts game and I will celebrate it with cake yum yum but why do I think this kid is overrated? He is so obsessed with Terra in his life that it feels like he will try to hook up with the guy and if Terra wanted to hook up with him and Ventus don't. He will not say no at all and say he got raped!
"No Ven, It's too dangerous"-Terra
"Ven no, You're going to get hurt, We need to take you home."-Aqua
He is something in the age of 15 years old and acts like a 8 year old that cries alot.
While his story is a good one his character makes me hate him.
Ezio Auditore Da Firenze

I don't really hate the dude not at all I enjoyed my time with him but I think he is overrated.
AC2 Ezio Auditore is a family man which I respect and doesn't like people cheating... But the hole playboy thing doesn't suit me at all and everybody I know in real life complains about going to hookers BUT! when they see Ezio or read the Brotherhood novel that he went to courtisane partys at young ages it's all fucking right and they are proud!
Half his family getting killed before him doesn't seem to affect him that much, he doesn't grow as a character except in the last few sequences. He is 40 years old and still acts like a damn horny 12 year old from the start. I thought at the end of AC2 he will pull the middle finger towards the Assassin's because he had killed every Templar he wanted (except that one guy).
It was a cliche character with no depth in 2... Atleast the sequels tried to change this which I'm really glad with and Brotherhood he was looking for Justice which was great and I can relate with but in Revelations he doesn't seem like he has a place their (he was also trying to figure out his part in the world so that is forgiven and the ending was great).
But his character progress from Brotherhood to Revelations seems so extremely random to humanize him that I was wondering I was playing the same character.
He is so calm in Revelations but kills the guards in the most brutal way possible 0_0.
No hate I enjoyed my time with him but after all these new games I think the nostalgia is really hitting hard now.
Chloe Price My dad dies so I'm gona turn into a fucking bitch and his my dad as a excuse, Max how dare you not to listen I COULD KEEP GOING... Voice acting was good though. Enough posts here about her and it's tiresome to see so much Life is strange posts IMHO.
Joker He is just some psycho with good story's but he is just overrated to me and him appearing in Arkham Knight was stupid and dumb, could've maybe be good but the script wasn't their.
Ellie TLOU:)

She acts like a dumb kid, I was forged to be with her at moments, is she 12? don't see why people like her can somebody fill me in here please!?
That was it for today
Daenerys Targaryen - I still like her character overall but come on. She has had it so easy compared to other Game of Thrones characters and her little win streak she has going on bothers me. That completely goes against the entire narrative of the series and its just plain...boring to me. Any time it cuts to her story line I just go "Oh boy, how is she gonna magically come out of this alive like she does everything else?" The worst things that have happened to her are minor inconveniences and her lover biting the dust. Sure, its cool to watch her become a ruler, but she is so naive once it comes to just that. "Well, we can just do this and this and- blah blah blah, so on and so forth." No, Dany. You can't. That's not how this works. That's not how ANY of this works.
Negan- Yeah, that's right. I said it. Negan is overrated. Crucify me, stone me, do whatever you want. It won't change my view. "But that just means you're not over Glenn, TheSloaningDead." Not true. I got over that fairly quickly. My eyerolling for Negan isn't from the death of Glenn. Far from it. Don't get me wrong, his dialogue and charisma are very entertaining to watch/read, and he's fucking hilarious, but his plot armor is bothersome to me. Do you REALLY think that he'd still be alive under any other circumstances? Fuck. No. Rick should have killed him at the end of All Out War, but Negan is alive thanks to Rick's 180 flip on his entire character. The smart thing to do would have been to kill him right after that amazing shitstorm. He's helping Rick in the Whisperer War, sure, but Negan can't be trusted. Negan's number one priority in this world is himself. Which I suppose I could understand in his shoes, but that makes him very untrustworthy from everyone else's perspective in the books. Negan may hate Rick, but he hates The Whisperers more. For that reason I predict that he won't betray Rick for a while. And if he doesn't? Good. That damns this entire paragraph to Hell and I was wrong. In this case, I want to be wrong. Rick and Negan teaming up and STAYING a team would be awesome. It would actually justify his overrated status and plot armor. They'd be unstoppable together. Don't let me down, Negan. Please.
i can probably think of many characters, but the one that's off the top of my head is garrus vakarian from mass effect. i never found myself caring for him all that much, and felt all the friendship/bromance was forced after everyone went apeshit over him. everyone's insistence on having to like him makes me dislike him more, as petty as it is.
Thanos definitely. After reading the infinity gauntlet comics I liked him at first but then seeing that he is an alien and might be the biggest boss that the Avengers will face is disappointing to me. I mean there isn't really a good backstory for Thanos. How he was comrades with Adam Warlock ( I hate that this alien has a human name) and then how he left and fell in love with the mistress of death. And that he can control the universe with all five stones is lame. I wish Marvel had a more better, experienced, and developed character that everyone could relate to. I don't know about anyone else but I can't relate to Thanos that well. They should instead have a human hold the gauntlet with the five stones. Now for me that would be interesting.
Season 2 Clementine. I feel like I'm gonna get hate for this but just hear me out. I like how she's a badass child who's had one of the worse experiences in an apocalypse. I don't think that the writers gave Clementine enough time to give her character more personality. While yes you can control Clementine and her personality, I don't think that they put it to the full extent. I wanted to see more of Clementine's emotions and personality based on our choices. I don't think we got enough of that.
Doug from TWDG. I don't know why more people want to save him now then before. His character feels useless honestly. Whereas Carley is way more useful and she also knew about Lee's past. Doug was willing to sacrifice his life for Carley.
Lily from TWDG. I don't know why people want her to return in S3. I'd rather have someone less triggered like Christa return rather then Lily. Let remind you that Lily killed Carley or Doug on accident(when she was trying to kill poor old Ben). Yes her father died BUT you can still control yourself. Clementine's parents were both gone and she didn't get triggered. I never liked how Lily treated everyone and how she defended her dad.
Kenny from TWDG. I just hate how people on youtube hate people that shoot Kenny and say "omg you killed Kenny you bastard". I don't know why he gets so much praise. I mean he DID get tempered from time to time and ignore people. I liked Kenny from the beginning but over time he just started getting angry.
Uhhh, what? If I recall the stats from Season 1, more people today save Carley more than they save Doug.
He's underrated if anything.
True but from the threads I've seen people are gonna change their choice from saving Carley to saving Doug.
Edit: If he really is underrated then I might remove him.
No, trust me, it's only a few people. It's only, like, 5 or 10 people (myself included).
The stats today are still 70 to 30, with Doug in the 30 (I replayed Episode 1 a month ago and saw the stats).
The stats haven't been updated since day one. Same with TWAU and TWD S2.
Actually, they have.
For example, in TWD S2 E3, cutting off Sarita's arm was a 90-10, and now it's a 55-45.
Same thing for the TWD S1. For some reason it says more people saved Doug then Carley (which I hope is false). But when I say hasn't been updated I mean they are not current. I'm still pretty sure that 70% of people or more cut off her arm.
Nathan Drake...Laura Croft did it better
Master Chief
Captain Kirk
That character is very overrated. I never got the hype of him being a super soldier and all.
Kind of surprised I haven't left a comment on this thread yet. I have all SORTS of overrated characters I want to shit on!
The Slenderman - 4 years after his first huge rise to popularity, this mythical creature that started as a mysterious and amazing horrific monster, is now nothing more but an overused, washed up creepypasta with one of the most cancerous fanbases on the internet. With 300+ games, an entire YouTube universe created in his name, countless stories and a fucking crime where 2 little girls MURDERED THEIR FRIEND for him, I think it's safe to say the Slenderman should have died a long time ago. Now, that's not to say great things haven't been made with this story. The aforementioned Slenderverse is impressive and creepy, the first Slender game wasn't half bad the first few runs through, and when he was first released he had a lot of mystery and great ideas surrounding him. But the guy is a fucking overrated mess and he's spawned dozens of awful things from his run.
Ornstien and Smough - Ahhhh, yes, I said it! Hate me! Hate me! Let your salty tears flow! Ornstien and Smough are overrated as shit. Their lore is the least interesting out of all the major bosses in Dark Souls 1, their designs are bland and uninteresting, the run up to their boss fight is fucking awful, and the boss itself isn't even that hard. It was horribly overhyped for me and so upon getting there I was terrified, but it only took me 2 tries to take them out. Ornstien and Smough are pretty big and scary looking, but when it comes down to it they're just another two pieces of lore and another road block on your way to Gwyn.
Max Caulfield - As much as I love Life is Strange, Max is, for lack of better words, a fucking garbage character. I really don't get the love and praise she gets honestly. Throughout the game I could love and relate to nearly every character, and the characters I was supposed to hate I did hate. But I just don't get what makes Max so special. Her voice actress sounds uninterested and tired, her dialogue is poorly written, she always wears the same ugly jacket, she talks to herself way more often than Lee Everett (and this is about pointless shit) and her moral dilemma is non existent. She has no issues with being nice or being bitchy. It's only when she's in the Vortex Club in Episode 3 when she even seems mildly upset with who she's become. Max Caulfield is a super bland character and I just don't get why people love her so much.
Pyramid Head -
Okay okay okay, hear me out on this one. I do love Pyramid Head, I do love what he represents and I do think he's a little creepy. However... I do not think he's as great as most Silent Hill fans make him out to be. Honestly, in a game series with characters like Heather Mason, James Sunderland, Dr. Fitch, Lisa Garland and Vincent Wolf, Pyramid Head just doesn't compare. All of the mentioned characters go through deep mental trauma and have an interesting story that's told, but Pyramid Head just represents James' want for punishment. While that is an amazing idea, it's not that fantastic! Not to mention how overused he is in media, the fanbase and the series itself.
The first movie:
That one shitty rip off of him in Origins:
That one shitty rip off of him in ResE 5 and ResE Retribution:
That one shitty rip off of him in Downpour:
The actual PH in Downpour:
Book of Memories:
This disgusting bullshit they tried to pass off as a movie:
And so on and so forth.
People use him so much because they love him, but I just don't get the hype. He was a one-off monster in a great SH game. He's not even as interesting as the other characters! Maria, Eddie, Laura and Angela all represent something far more interesting than Pyramid Head, AND they have the character development to back it up! I hope you see my point now.
And here are some honorable mentions since I didn't want my comment to go on forever.
Max Caulfield and Chloe
She got a baby version
how can anyone say mike from until dawn is overrated? he is best character ever created!
i think clementine is overrated. i like her, but amount of obsessed fans she has on this website is not realistic.
Lolwut. I think you misunderstand what overrated is my boy.