The Whatever's on Your Mind Megathread



  • edited October 2016

    Just a couple of days ago, I finished replaying the Uncharted trilogy. I haven't played The Last of Us yet, but I do own it.

    As for Telltale, once I've finished Season 2 of TWD, I'm hoping to get a copy of TWAU, then TFTBL, and probably GOT and BTTF later on. (Of course, I'll be getting TWD S3 as soon as it comes out though)

    Now I'm gonna be replaying Game of Thrones to be ready for a season 2, then I'll be playing Wolf Among Us, then Tales from the Borderlands,

  • ;tired_face;

    School just can't end quicker enough...

  • :tired_face:

    FTFY. You need to use colons instead of semicolons.


  • has anyone seen "the neon demon"? i just did and i cant believe wtf i just watched. weirdest and most disturbing movie ever! :O

  • Thanks :kissing_heart:

    Here is what I think most if not all of the smilies are: If you are on a Computer, you can hold your cursor over the smiley to see what I typed to get it to display.

  • And let's not forget :p once again.

    Any chance this could be added to one of the closed sticky posts as an easy reference?

    Here is what I think most if not all of the smilies are: If you are on a Computer, you can hold your cursor over the smiley to see what I typed to get it to display.

  • I'm watching SpongeBob.

  • I wish she was awesome like in the comics.

    I had forgotten how much I hated Walking Dead show Andrea.

  • Any chance this could be added to one of the closed sticky posts as an easy reference?

    It's a bit cluttered with four threads in Telltale Talk already, but I did add a guide to the original posts of both Whatever's On Your Mind and Whatever's On Your Mind for exposure. I also added it to the first page response I made for my Walking Dead New Frontier Episode 1 Waiting Thread, for a bit more exposure.

    WarpSpeed posted: »

    And let's not forget once again. Any chance this could be added to one of the closed sticky posts as an easy reference?

  • Comic Andrea is amazing. Hence why I dislike tv andrea, ruined her completely

    I had forgotten how much I hated Walking Dead show Andrea.

  • @ClemyClooAndBabyboo

    Have you checked out the new Clear Lakes reboot/continuation yet?

  • I think the new law that The President must be naked at all times, for their whole term, might be juuuuuuusssstt enough for Americans to vote for a third party

  • nothing like a gears sponge

  • edited October 2016

    Great ways to destroy a relationship.
    I am sharing these with you so that if you have a girfriend, or ever do have one, you will know what behavior to avoid.

    1: Lying.

    Lying is relationship SUICIDE! Once you lie to somone, they will never trust you again.

    2: Being habitually late for dates.

    Constantly being late is rude and inconsiderate. And eventually, people will develop contempt for the person doing it.

    Now granted sometimes things do legitimately causes people to be late, like being stuck in traffic, for example.

    But when you are habitually late, that is just as I said before plain rude, and people are just simply not going to put up with it.

    And if you have lied to somebody, even when things do legitimately come up to make you late, they have absolutely no reason to believe that you're telling the truth.

    3: Not paying attention to the other person when they are talking.

    Not only does it require giving the other person your full and undivided attention. It doesn't just require listening to what they have to say, but it also requires looking them right in the eye when they say it.

    If you're say listening to somone, but at the same time doodling on your phone, the other person is going to take that as you not really giving a damn about what they have to say, especially if they're trying to tell you something personal.

    So put the phone away. Turn it completely off if you have to, and give the other person your full and undivided attention.

    4: Acting weak and needy.

    A woman wants a man who is strong, and confident. Also constantly wondering if she still likes you will also make her feel a distaste for you real fast, because it projects weakness. So if you're acting like a needy little bitch, she's gonna get sick of it real fast.

    5: Acting Jealous.

    Acting jealous does two things.

    First, it makes you look weak and insecure. It makes you look like you don't consider to be very desirable to be with. And the funny thing about human psychology is that people will often assign the same value we assign to ourselves.

    The second thing it will do is make you look possessive. A person wants to be able to feel secure, and yet free at the same time. And if you're acting possessive with her, she's gonna feel smothered, and as a result want to get away from you.

    We'll now that I have shared with what behaviors to avoid, what kind of behavior should you be projecting?

    1: Confidence.

    Confidence is not only sexy, but is also reassuring. When you are confident, it makes her feel that if she is going through something bad in her life, that you can be that pillar she can lean on.

    2: Being kind.

    The art of being kind is something that human seem to be forgetting, especially nowadays.

    Being kind and considerate shows that you are not just looking out for yourself, like so many people tend to do these days.

    And not get religious on you, but Jesus Christ put very simply: "There is more happiness in giving than in receiving."

    Not only is the act of giving good for your emotional well-being, as well as for the person you are giving to, but also makes you look good to whomever might be watching.

    Though that is not to say you should only give to others to look good, or so that you can get something back in return, for then it is not genuine.

    3: Being a hard worker.

    Again, this is another art that seems to be going down the drain. People seem to be forgetting that in order to have anything in life, you have to be willing to work for it.

    Nobody is attracted to somebody who is lazy, unmotivated, or even worse - entitled. In fact, if the other person is highly motivated and highly productive, the former type of person will only serve to annoy and piss them off.

    So if you are lazy, and unmotivated, my advice is to get up and move, and start accomplishing things.

    I know motivation can be a problem, but the truth is is that you will NEVER feel like doing anything. If you wait until you feel like doing something, it's never going to happen.

    You have to MAKE yourself do what you know you need to do. In fact, that's what a man does, he does what needs to be done, whether he wants to or not.

    4: Being well dressed and well groomed.

    I'm sorry, but no girl out there is going to attracted to someone who looks dirty and unkempt.

    That doesn't mean you have to wear a suit and a tie everywhere you go, but it does mean that your clothes should be clean, pressed, coordinated, and well-fitting.

    Same goes with your body. You should always be clean, your hair should be combed nicely - which doesn't mean you have to put any hair product in it if that's not your thing - but your hair should still be combed and neatly trimmed - regardless of length.

    And if you have any type of facial hair, it should be defined, and well trimmed.

    And this should go without saying, but make sure to bathe daily - use deodorant, brush your teeth daily, and if you need to, carry breath strips with you, for body odo and/or bad breath and dirty teeth is a MAJOR turn-off.

    Also, your fingernails should be clean and clipped. No girl alive is gonna be attracted to somone with long and dirty fingernails, but rather they will be repulsed.

    5: Being knowledgeable.

    The more you know, the more interesting you will be to talk to. Nobody wants to be romanced by a buffoon.

    Not only does being knowledgeable help with being a good conversationalist, which is essential in dating, but also talking in terms of the other person's interest.

    6: Now this not critical, it is more of a sidenote, but can still be very important.

    Knowing how to dance can be very important. Not only is dancing a great way to connect with somone, but a lot of times a girl will judge how good a guy is in bed, by how good he is on the dance floor.

    Now that might not seem fair, but a lot of times that is the case.

    So you may want to consider learning how to dance. Now mind you dance lessons are very expensive, so I would advise making sure you have a job and the cash to spend, before you invest.

    Now I could go into even more, but time doesn't allow me to at this point.

    With everything that being said, the time that you should start developing these positive behaviors that I just listed, is now.

    When you prepare for a natural disaster, you cannot start preparing once the storm hits, you gotta do so beforehand.

    Now the same principle is true when it comes to dating, before you ever even think about dating, you should work at making these positive traits a part of your personality now.

    And on a final note, no woman can ever love a man that they can't respect.

    The way you build respect, is you be honest, be true to your word, being a hard worker, and be punctual. Also standing up for your beliefs and your principles, even when they perhaps not popular.

  • edited October 2016


    Kenny/Lee posted: »

    Great ways to destroy a relationship. I am sharing these with you so that if you have a girfriend, or ever do have one, you will know what

  • Yo, I just spent 2 hours setting up a big ol' discord for my pals and shit. Idk if this is something to advertise on here and if it isn't then a mod can delete this if they want. But anywho, if any of my buds on here want to join a discord chat thing to just chillax and talk about stuff, reply and I'll send you a PM and shit. I'd love to see you peeps on there.

  • edited October 2016



  • edited October 2016

    Fuck off, we are not your pals. (Just a joke, mods).

    Yo, I just spent 2 hours setting up a big ol' discord for my pals and shit. Idk if this is something to advertise on here and if it isn't th

  • [removed]

    Kenny/Lee posted: »

    Great ways to destroy a relationship. I am sharing these with you so that if you have a girfriend, or ever do have one, you will know what

  • what's with you and dating jesus

    Kenny/Lee posted: »

    Great ways to destroy a relationship. I am sharing these with you so that if you have a girfriend, or ever do have one, you will know what

  • Using multiple hashtags decreases the size of large text, for each one added. For the most part, it makes posts look better organized and less distracting to use smaller versions of large text.

    You did, however, use them in a proper way by labeling sections, which is okay.

    It makes the different between this:

    One hashtag

    ...or this

    Two hashtags

    Three hashtags (bold text)

    Four hashtags (bold text)

    Kenny/Lee posted: »

    Great ways to destroy a relationship. I am sharing these with you so that if you have a girfriend, or ever do have one, you will know what

  • Get yourself a Swarm beast today! They're super absorbent! :^D

    nothing like a gears sponge

  • She was very annoying for most of her run but she ended up growing on me throughout the 3rd season. I ended up teary eyed in her last scene.

    I had forgotten how much I hated Walking Dead show Andrea.

  • How do some people get the funky looking text. One that has different style lettering.

    Using multiple hashtags decreases the size of large text, for each one added. For the most part, it makes posts look better organized and le

  • Hmmm... I'll think about it.

    Yo, I just spent 2 hours setting up a big ol' discord for my pals and shit. Idk if this is something to advertise on here and if it isn't th

  • Blind SniperBlind Sniper Moderator
    edited October 2016

    Some websites have generators where you can type in text and have it come out weird, and you can (in some cases) copy and paste it onto your forum posts. I'm no expert in that so you'll have to Google it or ask someone else, but that is not a forum feature - that is just people copy and pasting weird text that was created from other websites.

    How do some people get the funky looking text. One that has different style lettering.

  • edited October 2016

    Well, shit. I am now in a wheelchair.

    My doctor said my stress fracture was so bad that I have to stay off my feet until he calls again.

  • being in one discord channel is already too much for me

    Yo, I just spent 2 hours setting up a big ol' discord for my pals and shit. Idk if this is something to advertise on here and if it isn't th

  • I just spent 3 hours making a PowerPoint presentation, just to find out my USB flash drive doesn't work.

  • Telltale forums in a nutshell

  • Damn...

    I hope you make a full recovery.

    Well, shit. I am now in a wheelchair. My doctor said my stress fracture was so bad that I have to stay off my feet until he calls again.

  • I hope you get better soon.

    Well, shit. I am now in a wheelchair. My doctor said my stress fracture was so bad that I have to stay off my feet until he calls again.

  • C'mon, don't be mean, he's just trying to help.

    papai46 posted: »


  • Fuck that shit.

    Telltale forums in a nutshell

  • enter image description here

    Acheive250 posted: »

    C'mon, don't be mean, he's just trying to help.

  • A video I made how I feel about damn killer clowns

  • Episode 2 would not download. Said it had, but it had not. Check on downloads page. Menu said it was INSTALLED on server but XBOXONE had no such install. So, went online where told to delete it all and reinstall. Now it will NOT download SEASON pass already installed before. Have disc and box for XBOXONE. Already lost 4 hours over this. WTF is going on?

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