The Whatever's on Your Mind Megathread



  • For assistance with your problem, feel free to consult the Telltale Support Center. From there, you can search for the solution to your problem depending on which Telltale series you are playing as well as the platform you are playing on.

    If you still need further assistance, you may also try the following:

    RedSquirrel posted: »

    Episode 2 would not download. Said it had, but it had not. Check on downloads page. Menu said it was INSTALLED on server but XBOXONE had no

  • Do you have a Google account? Try finding a way to upload it onto the Cloud. You can also try emailing it to yourself and download it later when you need to retrieve it.

    BeyondEnder posted: »

    I just spent 3 hours making a PowerPoint presentation, just to find out my USB flash drive doesn't work.

  • Maybe you could make a sticky thread in Telltale talk about the different size text, the emojis and stuff like how to post a picture (having to to right click, choose "copy image location" etc.), or maybe add it to the Rules of Thumb thread. Basically every special feature or whatever they're called.

    Using multiple hashtags decreases the size of large text, for each one added. For the most part, it makes posts look better organized and le

  • do you mean like this? In that case, put an asterisk * at the beginning and end of the text you want to look like that.

    How do some people get the funky looking text. One that has different style lettering.

  • ████ that ████.


    Fuck that shit.

  • Thanks. I had already emailed them. Seems I have lost SEASON PASS too! Found several places where SEASON 2 issues mentioned. Hope they get it sorted. Happens again won't by TELLTALE again.

    For assistance with your problem, feel free to consult the Telltale Support Center. From there, you can search for the solution to your prob

  • My dad got me a pint of Halo Top... IT WAS HEAVENLY.

    He made me stop after I'd eaten half of the pint. Said I'd "make myself sick". I think he's bitter that he can't have it (the sugar alcohol makes him sick).

  • Oh fuck off.

    Ekelund21 posted: »

    ████ that ████. FTFY

  • Ugh, I just eat cardboard... (Not really, it was stale chips)

  • I hope not, I haven't seen any of that yet and I hope not to.

    Telltale forums in a nutshell

  • gonna go hang myself now rip.

    papai46 posted: »

    Fuck off, we are not your pals. (Just a joke, mods).

  • Aight, I'd be glad to have you on there either way!

    Hmmm... I'll think about it.

  • Honestly I feel the same. The current channel I made is the only one I'm in because discord is too fucking much for me.

    But hey, it's better than Skype.

    being in one discord channel is already too much for me

  • Way better than skype.

    Honestly I feel the same. The current channel I made is the only one I'm in because discord is too fucking much for me. But hey, it's better than Skype.

  • Been working for 3 days on a review for Sister Location and it's finally done and rendering! Super excited to post it!

  • The best thing about print, as a medium, is that you no longer have to specify that you're not talking about sheep when you say:

    I love you.

    It's so tedious.

  • K this is random. But I must rant about 2k17 My Team. 2k is ripping ppl off with this mode now. The most recent "patch" basicly removed the abilty for a less skilled players to play, let alone win this mode. There is a single player mode which is suposed to help you advance your skills but the AI never misses even if you foul. A pay to win model this broken can kill a series! Luckly My park is'nt broken. I suck at it but there I don't feel like I was robbed. My team is so broken it needs to be scrapped and rebuilt. Listen 2k its not enough to copy what EA did with Madden then Somehow make it worse. The point is to make us want to come back and buy cards right? Then don't lock "normal" game play behind a 50-105 dollar pay wall. Madden. FiFa and NBA live ALL do this better! FIX YOUR GAME 2K! Rant over Dragonfire out!

  • edited October 2016

    Hey pal, I'm just trying to give others the some useful tips. From what I have seen, most users on here seem to be teenagers, so I'm giving them the benefit of experience, so maybe they don't make the same mistakes.

    If you do not care for what I have to say, nobody is forcing you to comment. But if you do decide to comment, the only thing that I would ask is that you please be respectful.

    Thank you!

    papai46 posted: »


  • It's just a principle, smart-ass!

    what's with you and dating jesus

  • Thanks! It's nice when someone sticks up for you.

    Acheive250 posted: »

    C'mon, don't be mean, he's just trying to help.

  • What the hell are you talking about? Because I don't know what the fuck you're saying, but I know it's all bullshit.

    Telltale forums in a nutshell

  • Oh ████ off.

    Oh fuck off.

  • Just finished the "War Stories" campaign for Battlefield 1. I enjoyed it a lot (Particularly Episode 2, with Episode 4 being the weakest)! It's the best Battlefield campaign since Bad Company 2. Still has some ridiculous stuff happening, but it wouldn't be Battlefield without the ridiculous stuff.

    This is great for the new Battlefield. Not only is the multiplayer fantastic but the singleplayer's pretty good too! Hopefully future titles will be able to continue this trend.

  • If I could change my username, I'd probably change it SalSpeaks or NoahTYT. Either that or ShadowMoses.

  • I got a nba game through ps plus and it is hands down the most shoddy broken excuse for a game I ever had the misfortune to play every time you load the fucker up your character or progress is wiped in one way or another one day its your stats next its your custom mc then all your story progress- no patches no apologies just a shitty shitty game

    K this is random. But I must rant about 2k17 My Team. 2k is ripping ppl off with this mode now. The most recent "patch" basicly removed th

  • OzzyUKOzzyUK Moderator

    I don't normally bother with Battlefield's single player campaigns but i have heard good things about the Battlefield 1 campaign so i might give it a try, i have played the multiplayer and i am really enjoying it so far.

    lupinb0y posted: »

    Just finished the "War Stories" campaign for Battlefield 1. I enjoyed it a lot (Particularly Episode 2, with Episode 4 being the weakest)! I

  • edited October 2016

    EDIT: NVM, there are 13.

  • This is true. I switched to mypark and proam waiting until they fix this mess.

    K this is random. But I must rant about 2k17 My Team. 2k is ripping ppl off with this mode now. The most recent "patch" basicly removed th

  • I wonder if this thread ever hits 10000 pages.

  • Getting a tattoo on Thursday. Hope I don't cry like a baby xD

  • What are you getting a tattoo of?

    Getting a tattoo on Thursday. Hope I don't cry like a baby xD

  • Are these health bars accurate?

  • Only if you watch your fucking profanity

    Oh fuck off.

  • edited October 2016

    Considering the thumbnail shows Superman with nearly half is HP gone and Bats with no damage taken, I'm gonna say no.

    EDIT: Whoops, the punch visual effect got in the way, I guess Batman did lose some health. But Supes losing more than Batman? Fuck outta here with that my dudes.

    Are these health bars accurate?

  • Superman won tho. :p

    Considering the thumbnail shows Superman with nearly half is HP gone and Bats with no damage taken, I'm gonna say no. EDIT: Whoops, the p

  • RIP Batman.

    Superman won tho.

  • Ripperoni in pepperoni.

    RIP Batman.

  • I just watched this:

    and I've gotta say... I'm impressed, it's a pretty good trailer. And I love the music.

    Now I'm even more excited to play episode 4!

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