Yes, this is likely. Sherryl obviously had plans for it and if it wouldn't have been for Jenna ruining these plans, she would have executed them sooner or later. One important thing is that Jenna would have never learned about Sherryl's intentions for Leonard. Similarly, Leonard wouldn't have known a thing about it, as he never had any real interaction with Sherryl. So, it is possible that whatever scheme Sherryl has in mind for the knights, it would have hit them without warning if Jenna wouldn't have found that death warrant.
100% confirmed dialogue:
"Oh Ser Leonard I have a message for you. You did a great job saving the city, you heroic guy, you. King Gardener wants to give you a keep, a hot wife, and lots of gold."
"Thank you madam. I like the sound of that. " -reads letter- "Seven fucking hells."
Yes, Argella would have done so again. She would have understood that Lucas needs more time to think. Leonard meanwhile... it would depend on other choices in Lucas' storyline in this chapter, but he would have either been really pissed (far more than he is now), or he would be more understanding, seeing it as a choice Lucas has to make for himself. His opinion would have also changed if Argella would have actually succeeded with winning the city for House Durrandon, as he would have (reluctantly) seen her as the one in charge then.
I kind of want to see a really, really, really angry Leonard. We've had a few handful instances of mad Leonard, but blistering with rage is something I always love. Still, I guess Lucas is going to get the best way out.
Hah, so I've noticed I'm not sure if this is actually going to change (because I have the feeling you like Alysanne even less than Jenna, correct me if I'm wrong), but maybe you'll warm up to her slightly. That said, while I am willing to bet that you're going to get a better opinion on some of the characters among your least favourites, I am not so confident when it comes to Alysanne. She is a very divisive character, which I am very glad about.
Yeah, yeah I do. While Jenna is awful, she doesn't kill or injure people I like (so far). Alysanne does. So many precious guardsmen, guardsmen that would have been helpful during this battle. I've never liked any of the assassins. I consider it a less than honorable occupation.
We got lucky, real lucky. Would the death warrant come to play in other ways?
Yes, this is likely. Sherryl obviously had plans for i… moret and if it wouldn't have been for Jenna ruining these plans, she would have executed them sooner or later. One important thing is that Jenna would have never learned about Sherryl's intentions for Leonard. Similarly, Leonard wouldn't have known a thing about it, as he never had any real interaction with Sherryl. So, it is possible that whatever scheme Sherryl has in mind for the knights, it would have hit them without warning if Jenna wouldn't have found that death warrant.
Leonard pleased...yes, yes. Interesting that Argella would offer him a chance to declare his loyalty again. I wonder how mad Leonard would be if he accepted then.
Yes, Argella would have done so again. She would have understood that Lucas needs more time to think. Leonard meanwhile... it would depend on other choices in … [view original content]
Edric, Erwin, Gilbar Cale, Sophey, William Gering, Rhogarn Snow, Aklen Pentas and Yusuf Hillsider
So I guess if there wasn't going to be any new characters until Sadie's storyline came in than these all must be Sadie. Some strange names, but nothing out of the ordinary.
All in all, it will be the first chapter that is going to kill off more characters than it is going to introduce.
It is kind of strange when we make one character do one thing and then make another character try to stop that.
I found that kind of… more strange as well, but I assume that some people either did not notice that John would try to stop Torrence, or that some sympathized with Shortwood over the Stormlanders.
Well, yay? Was Otis a submitted character? I'm very curious if someone actually made him like that.
Oh yes, Otis was a submitted character, probably the most creepy one I ever received. His appearance actually wasn't a description like the other characters have, but a link to a real-life mugshot of a guy that looked a lot like a stereotypical child molester (the link is dead now, unfortunately, but the guy on it looked a lot like Wildling's drawing of him), so that was certainly creepy. He was exactly like I have written him, a nervous, rude guy who is seriously messed up and specializes in torturing and killing children ou… [view original content]
"Oh Ser Leonard I have a message for you. You did a great job saving the city, you heroic guy, you. King Gardener wants to give you a keep, a hot wife, and lots of gold."
"Thank you madam. I like the sound of that. " -reads letter- "Seven fucking hells."
Heh, this is exactly what would have happened if Sherryl's schemes would have taken Leonard by surprise. Actually, trolling him like this wouldn't be too out-of-character for her, so it might indeed be sort of canon.
I kind of want to see a really, really, really angry Leonard. We've had a few handful instances of mad Leonard, but blistering with rage is something I always love. Still, I guess Lucas is going to get the best way out.
I don't want to spoil too much, but your wish will be granted. Leonard is going to be really angry at one point in the near future and he's going to have a very good reason for it. As for Lucas getting the best way out, well, the last word hasn't been spoken on either knight, but things will be dramatic for both of them. Arguably, Lucas is also going to boil with rage pretty soon.
Yeah, yeah I do. While Jenna is awful, she doesn't kill or injure people I like (so far). Alysanne does. So many precious guardsmen, guardsmen that would have been helpful during this battle. I've never liked any of the assassins. I consider it a less than honorable occupation.
Understandable. Very understandable. Alysanne indeed kills people and she has absolutely no remorse for it. She even does it willingly and enjoys it (unlike Kersea). That said, while I agree that an assassin is by far one of the least honourable jobs possible, there are always possibilities to make it more honourable than usual. See Terroma for example, who followed a strict code of honour. That makes me curious, how have you felt about him and how do you feel about Raenna? At least in their past, both have been assassins.
Yes, this is likely. Sherryl obviously had plans for it and if it wouldn't have been for Jenna ruining these plans, she would have executed … morethem sooner or later. One important thing is that Jenna would have never learned about Sherryl's intentions for Leonard. Similarly, Leonard wouldn't have known a thing about it, as he never had any real interaction with Sherryl. So, it is possible that whatever scheme Sherryl has in mind for the knights, it would have hit them without warning if Jenna wouldn't have found that death warrant.
100% confirmed dialogue:
"Oh Ser Leonard I have a message for you. You did a great job saving the city, you heroic guy, you. King Gardener wants to give you a keep, a hot wife, and lots of gold."
"Thank you madam. I like the sound of that. " -reads letter- "Seven fucking hells."
Yes, Argella would have done so again. She would have understood that Lucas needs more time to think. Leonard meanwhile... i… [view original content]
So I guess if there wasn't going to be any new characters until Sadie's storyline came in than these all must be Sadie. Some strange names, but nothing out of the ordinary.
Actually, the first four names are characters who would have appeared in Chapter 7 in Ilish's storyline. They are members of Taenora's troupe and would have appeared if Ilish would have searched the fair instead of the town square. The latter four are indeed characters who are all currently in Maybros and therefore in Sadie's storyline and it is only the question if I manage to show them now or later. Because of the rewrite, some parts of Sadie's storyline are not entirely planned in Chapter 8, safe for a couple of crucial scenes.
Edric, Erwin, Gilbar Cale, Sophey, William Gering, Rhogarn Snow, Aklen Pentas and Yusuf Hillsider
So I guess if there wasn't going t… moreo be any new characters until Sadie's storyline came in than these all must be Sadie. Some strange names, but nothing out of the ordinary.
All in all, it will be the first chapter that is going to kill off more characters than it is going to introduce.
Scary, but understandable.
Well, good luck!
Yes indeed, that will be her next stop. There's going to be more about it, which is going to be revealed in Raenna's next part (either the first or second part of Chapter 8)
I swear, these drawings somehow keep getting better. In terms of detail this group has to collectively be among the best you've ever drawn. The expressions, the detail, the clothes, the weapons, the owl, that's spot on! First of all, I love your take on Maya. Usually, I am hit with a wave of inspiration whenever I see your drawing of a character but with Maya, it's been more like a tsunami of ideas. Now let me just think how I can increase her role in the next chapter, because I think she deserves some spotlight after being a secondary PoV for too long... as for Gregar, I have compared him to one of your earlier depictions of fur clothing (Harmund Hoare's cloak) and it really shows how much you have improved over the past year or so. I love his clothing, it is perhaps the most detailed clothing you've ever drawn for FoT and I love Ember even more. With Torrence, I was really curious for him, considering that you've drawn Edonia a while ago and I see the similarity between them. Well done! Montclair is a badass, that much is for sure. I must say, he is the one that looks the least like I imagined him, but at the same time, I prefer your interpretation over my own and it now officially replaced my former mental image of him. And finally, Emphryus, who was another one I was looking forward for a lot and he is great! He looks super badass and I am amazed by his facial expression. Ah, I can't wait to show all of these characters in the next chapter, because it will be an important one for all of them.
Fun fact: This time, I actually noticed that I made a mistake and I fully admit to it. When I gave you her description, I mentioned that Maya has dark brown hair, though in her submission, she has dark blonde hair (the same goes for fox' old drawing of her). But ah, brown hair suits her very well, I'm really liking her that way and I don't think her hair colour has actually ever been mentioned in the story, so let's just say she's officially a brunette in the story now
Alright then! I had my first day on my new university and one thing I already can say is that I will have less free time than before in the near future. I am positive that this won't affect my writing schedule too much. Expect the usual 2-3 parts a week, I should be able to pull that off, except when I have to do some important assignments, which shouldn't be too much. If I learned anything from FoT, it's how to write a lot in a short time.
Also, you should totally check out WildlingKing's new drawings, right above this post, because they are awesome!
And now, as promised, the choices of past chapters that would have majorly affected this one:
What would have happened...
...if Terroma would have died in Chapter 6?
Through a certain combination of choices, Terroma could have already been wounded when he, Raenna and Samuel got into the skirmish in the labyrinth, while freeing Raenna. In that case, the wounds he received in that fight would have been fatal, if Raenna would have still supported Samuel. He would have managed to get out of the labyrinth, but would have died shortly afterwards. Raenna would have tried to free Ellena not out of any personal feelings towards her, but to honour Terroma. She would have also been in a noticeably bad mood the entire chapter, often snapping at others in her group for minor reasons. Ultimately though, she would have still been more reasonable than Terroma and there would have been another possible path that would have ended peacefully, with Noelle backing down and Marak surviving.
...if the Burned Man wouldn't have been captured?
An alternate path, starting with the choice to spare the fake Butterfly instead of killing him, could have prevented a majority of the drama surrounding Jaron's storyline in this chapter. Instead, an alternative storyline would have revolved around him, Harpy and the Burned Man trying to escape from Oldtown, which would have basically become a death trap for everyone associated with the Burned Man. Depending on your choices, the Burned Man could have died (though Jaron and Harpy would have lived in every case), he could have remained in Oldtown, or he could have escaped. The latter path would have included Samuel, who would have joined up with them to deny Mullendore this triumph. Speaking of Mullendore, Harpy wouldn't have managed to wound him in that route, which would have left him in far better condition.
...if Lunett would have survived Chapter 4?
One of the longest-running scenarios here, though it would have slowly lost importance as of this chapter. During the last chapter, Lucas and Lunett would have ended their relationship, with Lucas being traumatized after Oldtown and Lunett grieving for her father. However, she would have had genuine feelings for Lucas and would have appeared in this chapter towards the end, starting a huge argument with Lucas. During this scene, Argella would have also been present. Lunett would have been quite jealous about this and it would have shown. Argella being, well, herself, she would have reacted rather amused by this, which would have only further angered Lunett.
...if Maya would have tried to use diplomacy with Harris?
In Chapter 5, Maya was faced with the choice to try diplomacy again (Aldrik's way), or to break into the archive (Gregar's way). She decided for the latter and it backfired, thanks to Irving. Well, there wouldn't be much he could have screwed up in the diplomacy route. This means, Gregar wouldn't have been captured and Keat wouldn't have even encountered Maya. Depending on Harris' status in Raylansfair, Maya's second attempt at diplomacy could have actually succeeded, which would have meant that she would gain the documents she is looking for without further trouble. However, in return Harris would have asked for a favour. In exchange for the documents, Maya would have had to spy on Argella and Hobert, to uncover their dirty secrets (of which at least Hobert has several), so that he could blackmail them into leaving his city. This would have arguably been a very exciting storyline for her in this chapter.
...if Arthur would have let Wolfius go in Chapter 5?
This is one choice that would have largely resulted in the same outcome at the end of this chapter, with Wolfius free and on the run. The main difference would have been that this choice would have led to the death of Hackor in this chapter. In the chapter finale, Arthur and Hackor would have cornered Wolfius, though they would have been surprised by Kreep, who would have distracted Arthur long enough for Wolfius to overpower and fatally stab Hackor. The Arthur part in the chapter would have ended with Hackor dying in the presence of his son and Arthur being left with the choice to aid the rest of the guard during the Ironborn attack or to chase after Wolfius.
...if Leonard would have remained in Raylansfair?
This one would have continued to have dramatic consequences. Leonard would have been fully recovered by now, just in time for the Ironborn attack on Raylansfair. By then, he would have assumed a leadership position in Raylansfair, even above Darren Tallwood. Unfortunately, he would have also started to get manipulated by Sherryl. It would have been a major plot point for Jenna in this chapter to find evidence that she is manipulating him, which would have worked similarly as the storyline you actually got, with Jenna sneaking into Sherryl's rooms and stuff. Depending on what you find, Leonard could have potentially been convinced that Sherryl is not whom he thinks she is and he would have joined Jenna and Saerya in their attempt to take her down. However, in this case Sherryl would have never received a death warrant for Leonard, as Leonard would have never drawn the ire of Maron Mullendore.
...if Marak would have had a problem with killing a child?
This choice was very important. It was not only something Marak said to answer to Noelle's question back in Chapter 4, it was something that actually determined his stance on this whole mission. If he would have revealed that he has a problem with killing a child, he would have been far more hesitant to harm Ellena and would have ultimately been left with a choice to outright defect from Noelle and to free Ellena on his own. In such a way, he would have survived and he would have become an ally to Raenna and Terroma. Speaking of, Terroma would have died for sure in this route, although at the hands of Noelle, who would have been noticeably more unhinged in this route. In the end, it would have been Marak who would have been left with the choice to kill Noelle or to spare her life.
Now, I hope to start with Chapter 8 as soon as possible! I'll probably start writing around the weekend, which means I'll close the voting for the chapter finale on Sunday at latest and post the next part shortly afterwards. Stay tuned
Actually, trolling him like this wouldn't be too out-of-character for her, so it might indeed be sort of canon.
I now picture Sherryl as an Internet Troll. It's glorious.
I don't want to spoil too much, but your wish will be granted. Leonard is going to be really angry at one point in the near future and he's going to have a very good reason for it. As for Lucas getting the best way out, well, the last word hasn't been spoken on either knight, but things will be dramatic for both of them. Arguably, Lucas is also going to boil with rage pretty soon.
He's going to learn that the his favorite TV series, Dornish Gone Wild has been cancelled and replaced with Keeping up with the Karstarks.
Understandable. Very understandable. Alysanne indeed kills people and she has absolutely no remorse for it. She even does it willingly and enjoys it (unlike Kersea). That said, while I agree that an assassin is by far one of the least honourable jobs possible, there are always possibilities to make it more honourable than usual. See Terroma for example, who followed a strict code of honour. That makes me curious, how have you felt about him and how do you feel about Raenna? At least in their past, both have been assassins.
I mean I guess Terroma is okay since he's committed to saving someone, but the assassin part doesn't help. Raenna, she's one of those iffy characters for me. I don't really like her, the assassin thing is a real turn-off. Not very trustworthy types of people. I guess since they aren't doing it now it's a little better.
"Oh Ser Leonard I have a message for you. You did a great job saving the city, you heroic guy, you. King Gardener wants to give you a keep, … morea hot wife, and lots of gold."
"Thank you madam. I like the sound of that. " -reads letter- "Seven fucking hells."
Heh, this is exactly what would have happened if Sherryl's schemes would have taken Leonard by surprise. Actually, trolling him like this wouldn't be too out-of-character for her, so it might indeed be sort of canon.
I kind of want to see a really, really, really angry Leonard. We've had a few handful instances of mad Leonard, but blistering with rage is something I always love. Still, I guess Lucas is going to get the best way out.
I don't want to spoil too much, but your wish will be granted. Leonard is going to be really angry at one point in the near future and he's going to have a very good reason for it. As for Lucas getting the best way out, well, the last word… [view original content]
Thanks, man! I definitely always try to improve, so I'm happy that it shows
As for Gregar, I have compared him to one of your earlier depictions of fur clothing (Harmund Hoare's cloak) and it really shows how much you have improved over the past year or so. I love his clothing, it is perhaps the most detailed clothing you've ever drawn for FoT and I love Ember even more.
Yeah, with textures it has really helped to have the tablet, to get some detail into it. I was a bit cautious with Gregar's clothing though, as I wasn't sure if this was anything like you had in mind - because it definitely differs a bit from fox's drawing. But I'm glad to hear that at least you like it, wheter it's what you had in mind or not And Ember was fun to draw, even if I was a bit afraid since I think I've never drawn an owl before
With Torrence, I was really curious for him, considering that you've drawn Edonia a while ago and I see the similarity between them. Well done!
Well, I obviously went back to the Edonia drawing before doing Torrence, and tried to get some similarities there. If it worked, I'm satisfied!
Montclair is a badass, that much is for sure. I must say, he is the one that looks the least like I imagined him, but at the same time, I prefer your interpretation over my own and it now officially replaced my former mental image of him.
Aha, my mental image of Montclair was very unclear, I had just thought of a harsh face and that's about it. So even with the description I felt a bit like shooting in the dark with him. But I'm glad you are still happy with the outcome.
And finally, Emphryus, who was another one I was looking forward for a lot and he is great! He looks super badass and I am amazed by his facial expression.
Emphryus was the one I had the most problems with this time - the face, the armor, and the weapon all were things that I had problems getting right. The face you see now is not the one I had for him originally, but I'm definitely much more satisfied with this than with the one I ended up scratching.
This time, I actually noticed that I made a mistake and I fully admit to it. When I gave you her description, I mentioned that Maya has dark brown hair, though in her submission, she has dark blonde hair (the same goes for fox' old drawing of her). But ah, brown hair suits her very well, I'm really liking her that way and I don't think her hair colour has actually ever been mentioned in the story, so let's just say she's officially a brunette in the story now
Oh yeah, I was wondering why fox's drawing had blonde hair Just assumed that he got it wrong, probably should've asked. Well, changing the hair wouldn't take too much effort, so if you want her blonde, I can do it and post the edited version with the next set
I swear, these drawings somehow keep getting better. In terms of detail this group has to collectively be among the best you've ever drawn. … moreThe expressions, the detail, the clothes, the weapons, the owl, that's spot on! First of all, I love your take on Maya. Usually, I am hit with a wave of inspiration whenever I see your drawing of a character but with Maya, it's been more like a tsunami of ideas. Now let me just think how I can increase her role in the next chapter, because I think she deserves some spotlight after being a secondary PoV for too long... as for Gregar, I have compared him to one of your earlier depictions of fur clothing (Harmund Hoare's cloak) and it really shows how much you have improved over the past year or so. I love his clothing, it is perhaps the most detailed clothing you've ever drawn for FoT and I love Ember even more. With Torrence, I was really curious for him, considering that you've drawn Edonia a while ago an… [view original content]
Through a certain combination of choices, Terroma could have already been wounded when he, Raenna and Samuel got into the skirmish in the labyrinth, while freeing Raenna. In that case, the wounds he received in that fight would have been fatal, if Raenna would have still supported Samuel. He would have managed to get out of the labyrinth, but would have died shortly afterwards. Raenna would have tried to free Ellena not out of any personal feelings towards her, but to honour Terroma. She would have also been in a noticeably bad mood the entire chapter, often snapping at others in her group for minor reasons. Ultimately though, she would have still been more reasonable than Terroma and there would have been another possible path that would have ended peacefully, with Noelle backing down and Marak surviving
An interesting outcome we could have gotten. Ah well, RIP Marak.
...if the Burned Man wouldn't have been captured?
An alternate path, starting with the choice to spare the fake Butterfly instead of killing him, could have prevented a majority of the drama surrounding Jaron's storyline in this chapter. Instead, an alternative storyline would have revolved around him, Harpy and the Burned Man trying to escape from Oldtown, which would have basically become a death trap for everyone associated with the Burned Man. Depending on your choices, the Burned Man could have died (though Jaron and Harpy would have lived in every case), he could have remained in Oldtown, or he could have escaped. The latter path would have included Samuel, who would have joined up with them to deny Mullendore this triumph. Speaking of Mullendore, Harpy wouldn't have managed to wound him in that route, which would have left him in far better condition.
That fake Butterfly choice man, I was so very right on it. Well, I guess since Mullendore is injured and taking longer to go to Raylansfair, that's good.
...if Lunett would have survived Chapter 4?
One of the longest-running scenarios here, though it would have slowly lost importance as of this chapter. During the last chapter, Lucas and Lunett would have ended their relationship, with Lucas being traumatized after Oldtown and Lunett grieving for her father. However, she would have had genuine feelings for Lucas and would have appeared in this chapter towards the end, starting a huge argument with Lucas. During this scene, Argella would have also been present. Lunett would have been quite jealous about this and it would have shown. Argella being, well, herself, she would have reacted rather amused by this, which would have only further angered Lunett.
I think it would be quite funny to see this Lunett-Argella scene. What's Lucas gonna do in that situation? Also funny, despite being broken they have a huge argument anyway. Side note: Lunett in this seems a lot like Ophelia from Hamlet.
...if Maya would have tried to use diplomacy with Harris?
In Chapter 5, Maya was faced with the choice to try diplomacy again (Aldrik's way), or to break into the archive (Gregar's way). She decided for the latter and it backfired, thanks to Irving. Well, there wouldn't be much he could have screwed up in the diplomacy route. This means, Gregar wouldn't have been captured and Keat wouldn't have even encountered Maya. Depending on Harris' status in Raylansfair, Maya's second attempt at diplomacy could have actually succeeded, which would have meant that she would gain the documents she is looking for without further trouble. However, in return Harris would have asked for a favour. In exchange for the documents, Maya would have had to spy on Argella and Hobert, to uncover their dirty secrets (of which at least Hobert has several), so that he could blackmail them into leaving his city. This would have arguably been a very exciting storyline for her in this chapter.
Damnit I voted for his way too. I think I know one of Hobert's secrets. Sounds fun.
...if Arthur would have let Wolfius go in Chapter 5?
This is one choice that would have largely resulted in the same outcome at the end of this chapter, with Wolfius free and on the run. The main difference would have been that this choice would have led to the death of Hackor in this chapter. In the chapter finale, Arthur and Hackor would have cornered Wolfius, though they would have been surprised by Kreep, who would have distracted Arthur long enough for Wolfius to overpower and fatally stab Hackor. The Arthur part in the chapter would have ended with Hackor dying in the presence of his son and Arthur being left with the choice to aid the rest of the guard during the Ironborn attack or to chase after Wolfius.
I can't believe I voted for this (it was a joke, I swear; I'm pretty sure I did vote for it). Well, yay?
...if Leonard would have remained in Raylansfair?
This one would have continued to have dramatic consequences. Leonard would have been fully recovered by now, just in time for the Ironborn attack on Raylansfair. By then, he would have assumed a leadership position in Raylansfair, even above Darren Tallwood. Unfortunately, he would have also started to get manipulated by Sherryl. It would have been a major plot point for Jenna in this chapter to find evidence that she is manipulating him, which would have worked similarly as the storyline you actually got, with Jenna sneaking into Sherryl's rooms and stuff. Depending on what you find, Leonard could have potentially been convinced that Sherryl is not whom he thinks she is and he would have joined Jenna and Saerya in their attempt to take her down. However, in this case Sherryl would have never received a death warrant for Leonard, as Leonard would have never drawn the ire of Maron Mullendore.
Leonard could be confirmed Team Targarygen? That sounds pretty good. Hm, Leonard manipulated Sherryl. Can you elaborate how? She because she's an authority figure?
Interesting what ifs. Here I would go and say that I wished that Jenna died, which we would then get Richard to kill Wolfius, but I'm not, thanks!
...if Marak would have had a problem with killing a child?
This choice was very important. It was not only something Marak said to answer to Noelle's question back in Chapter 4, it was something that actually determined his stance on this whole mission. If he would have revealed that he has a problem with killing a child, he would have been far more hesitant to harm Ellena and would have ultimately been left with a choice to outright defect from Noelle and to free Ellena on his own. In such a way, he would have survived and he would have become an ally to Raenna and Terroma. Speaking of, Terroma would have died for sure in this route, although at the hands of Noelle, who would have been noticeably more unhinged in this route. In the end, it would have been Marak who would have been left with the choice to kill Noelle or to spare her life.
It's hard to think a choice like that this could have changed so much. It seemed sort of minor at the time.
Alright then! I had my first day on my new university and one thing I already can say is that I will have less free time than before in the … morenear future. I am positive that this won't affect my writing schedule too much. Expect the usual 2-3 parts a week, I should be able to pull that off, except when I have to do some important assignments, which shouldn't be too much. If I learned anything from FoT, it's how to write a lot in a short time.
Also, you should totally check out WildlingKing's new drawings, right above this post, because they are awesome!
And now, as promised, the choices of past chapters that would have majorly affected this one:
What would have happened...
...if Terroma would have died in Chapter 6?
Through a certain combination of choices, Terroma could have already been wounded when he, Raenna and Samuel got into the skirmish in the labyrinth, while freeing Raenna. In that case, the wounds he received in that… [view original content]
This could have been a very interesting outcome at least for me
...if Arthur would have let Wolfius go in Chapter 5?
This was an obvious bad choice that could only have lead to obvious deaths!XD
...if Leonard would have remained in Raylansfair?
Leonard at this point could have been a completly different character (and probably he would have much less fans!XD)
...if Marak would have had a problem with killing a child?
Even if it's weird I'm happy that this outcome don't win, one of the best aspects of Marak was that,despite being a character center of some of the most funny parts inside this story (EX:his talk at the tavern with Irving and Alan or his try to hit on Nora),he was a kinslayer ready even to kill kids if it is part of his work.
Alright then! I had my first day on my new university and one thing I already can say is that I will have less free time than before in the … morenear future. I am positive that this won't affect my writing schedule too much. Expect the usual 2-3 parts a week, I should be able to pull that off, except when I have to do some important assignments, which shouldn't be too much. If I learned anything from FoT, it's how to write a lot in a short time.
Also, you should totally check out WildlingKing's new drawings, right above this post, because they are awesome!
And now, as promised, the choices of past chapters that would have majorly affected this one:
What would have happened...
...if Terroma would have died in Chapter 6?
Through a certain combination of choices, Terroma could have already been wounded when he, Raenna and Samuel got into the skirmish in the labyrinth, while freeing Raenna. In that case, the wounds he received in that… [view original content]
I know picture Sherryl as an Internet Troll. It's glorious.
Oh yes, oh god yes, it can't be unseen. Just consider how many people she already trolled in this chapter, from Harris, to Hobert, to Argella.
He's going to learn that the his favorite TV series, Dornish Gone Wild has been cancelled and replaced with Keeping up with the Karstarks.
Oh no, that won't be a problem. He can always watch Yunkai Shore. But there will be other things that are really going to piss him off.
I mean I guess Terroma is okay since he's committed to saving someone, but the assassin part doesn't help. Raenna, she's one of those iffy characters for me. I don't really like her, the assassin thing is a real turn-off. Not very trustworthy types of people. I guess since they aren't doing it now it's a little better.
I suppose that's true, indeed. Though I think it was Terroma who was of a different opinion. If I remember correctly (and it has been a long time ago), he once said that an assassin is, in theory, nothing else than a very specialized sellsword. Of course, there are psychopaths like Clayton who give all of them a bad image. At least with Raenna, she came to the same conclusion, which is why she faked her death to get away from him. With Terroma meanwhile it can probably be safe to say that he does not regret a thing he did during his career (aside from training Clayton), though he justifies his actions with his code of honour.
Actually, trolling him like this wouldn't be too out-of-character for her, so it might indeed be sort of canon.
I now picture Sherry… morel as an Internet Troll. It's glorious.
I don't want to spoil too much, but your wish will be granted. Leonard is going to be really angry at one point in the near future and he's going to have a very good reason for it. As for Lucas getting the best way out, well, the last word hasn't been spoken on either knight, but things will be dramatic for both of them. Arguably, Lucas is also going to boil with rage pretty soon.
He's going to learn that the his favorite TV series, Dornish Gone Wild has been cancelled and replaced with Keeping up with the Karstarks.
Understandable. Very understandable. Alysanne indeed kills people and she has absolutely no remorse for it. She even does it willingly and enjoys it (unlike Kersea). That said, while I agree that an assassin is by far one of the least… [view original content]
Yeah, with textures it has really helped to have the tablet, to get some detail into it. I was a bit cautious with Gregar's clothing though, as I wasn't sure if this was anything like you had in mind - because it definitely differs a bit from fox's drawing. But I'm glad to hear that at least you like it, wheter it's what you had in mind or not And Ember was fun to draw, even if I was a bit afraid since I think I've never drawn an owl before
Well, you did draw a direwolf before and you did a great job with it! I was positive that the same would apply to Ember, but the result is even better. I guess drawing animals is harder, but you did terrific work here!
Aha, my mental image of Montclair was very unclear, I had just thought of a harsh face and that's about it. So even with the description I felt a bit like shooting in the dark with him. But I'm glad you are still happy with the outcome.
Hm, I think I can hardly describe how I have imagined him either, probably because your drawing already replaces my old image of him. I think I have imagined him a bit closer to Daghan in terms of facial features and physique, but well, as I said, I prefer your version now.
Emphryus was the one I had the most problems with this time - the face, the armor, and the weapon all were things that I had problems getting right. The face you see now is not the one I had for him originally, but I'm definitely much more satisfied with this than with the one I ended up scratching.
Hm, well, at least this version is really amazing and I love the facial detail, so I guess it was a change for the better
Oh yeah, I was wondering why fox's drawing had blonde hair Just assumed that he got it wrong, probably should've asked. Well, changing the hair wouldn't take too much effort, so if you want her blonde, I can do it and post the edited version with the next set
Oh no, that won't be necessary! As I said, I actually find this version really intriguing, because it is such a different visual take on the character, compared to what I previously had in mind. So, I like brunette Maya very much and from my standpoint, nothing speaks against it from the canon that has been established in the story, as her hair colour really has never been mentioned (if I'm not seriously mistaken)
Thanks, man! I definitely always try to improve, so I'm happy that it shows
As for Gregar, I have compared him to one of your earlier… more depictions of fur clothing (Harmund Hoare's cloak) and it really shows how much you have improved over the past year or so. I love his clothing, it is perhaps the most detailed clothing you've ever drawn for FoT and I love Ember even more.
Yeah, with textures it has really helped to have the tablet, to get some detail into it. I was a bit cautious with Gregar's clothing though, as I wasn't sure if this was anything like you had in mind - because it definitely differs a bit from fox's drawing. But I'm glad to hear that at least you like it, wheter it's what you had in mind or not And Ember was fun to draw, even if I was a bit afraid since I think I've never drawn an owl before
With Torrence, I was really curious for him, considering that you've drawn Edonia a while ago and I see the simila… [view original content]
Alright, I won't do the blonde Maya then Btw, I'm not sure if you've read the PM yet, but I have now submitted the two new characters, hope you like 'em!
Yeah, with textures it has really helped to have the tablet, to get some detail into it. I was a bit cautious with Gregar's clothing though,… more as I wasn't sure if this was anything like you had in mind - because it definitely differs a bit from fox's drawing. But I'm glad to hear that at least you like it, wheter it's what you had in mind or not And Ember was fun to draw, even if I was a bit afraid since I think I've never drawn an owl before
Well, you did draw a direwolf before and you did a great job with it! I was positive that the same would apply to Ember, but the result is even better. I guess drawing animals is harder, but you did terrific work here!
Aha, my mental image of Montclair was very unclear, I had just thought of a harsh face and that's about it. So even with the description I felt a bit like shooting in the dark with him. But I'm glad you are still happy with the outcome.
Hm, I think I can hardly descri… [view original content]
Another reader who likes Alysanne! This is so unexpected, at least when I consider her original role and my original plans These are certainly some interesting choices in general! Orys and Shortwood as well, as I was not sure if they'd make it to anyone's list. Orys didn't have the largest role (although I guess his involvement was memorable), while I was not sure how Shortwood would be seen. To my pleasant surprise, a majority seems to tend towards liking him.
Yes, indeed. She really grew on me this chapter and I didn't think she would become one of my favorites, but she did. Well done on writing her Liquid And yes, like I said Orys seems like a character that has tons of potential to be one of my favorites, as he seems badass and awesome. Shortwood is just interesting, and the fact that he is very mysterious (and maybe the fact that he appears in the storyline with most of my characters) made me very intrigued.
Especially Otis and Clayton are among my own list as well, that much is for sure. It seems everyone hates them, which is so very expected. Wolfius meanwhile, I do enjoy writing him. Of course, he is a horrible person, but I hope that he is one of these 'love-to-hate' characters, who have a certain sort of intrigue with them and who do cool stuff. He actually has a big backstory, which is going to be revealed soon. Not exactly a justification for his actions, but there is more to him than just being Wolfius the travelling serial killer.
Yeah, I don't even have to explain why I dislike them. Especially Otis, ugh. With Wolfius, you said it perfectly. He's a monster, but he's written very well and without him, the story would be less entertaining. Not saying he is everything obviously, I'm just saying his character adds a lot to the story.
Fair enough. Edrick is indeed the newest PoV, paired with Sadie and unlike her, he had more build-up until his story gains momentum, but there is a lot of stuff coming up for him, so I am confident that you'll grow more familiar with him in time
That sounds good! I don't dislike Edrick, I only chose him because like you said, he was the newest POV and has mostly had buildup. However, I'm sure he'll be one of my favorites in no time
Well, I am afraid there will be a lot more death in the near future. I have gotten to the point where I feel more confident in killing off certain characters and some of them will definitely be super huge, even bigger than Marak and Terroma. But still, I have never been a fan of killing off the entire cast in a story, so as painful as some deaths will be, not all will be bad. I still think the incoming deaths will be very hard for some.
This... makes me excited and nervous at the same time. Obviously I don't like having characters I like getting killed off, but in a story with a theme of Game of Thrones, tons of characters must die. These huge deaths you talk about, I have no idea who they will be or when they will be. But I'm sure they'll be hard to take in nonetheless.
Damn, there were a lot of characters that I liked. Out of the non-POV's and without being biased, I'd have to say Leonard, Argella and Alysa… morenne as they has always been up there. Out of the newer characters, Orys seems awesome and I think he has the potential to be an awesome character. I am surprisingly very intrigued by Shortwood.
Another reader who likes Alysanne! This is so unexpected, at least when I consider her original role and my original plans These are certainly some interesting choices in general! Orys and Shortwood as well, as I was not sure if they'd make it to anyone's list. Orys didn't have the largest role (although I guess his involvement was memorable), while I was not sure how Shortwood would be seen. To my pleasant surprise, a majority seems to tend towards liking him.
Otis by far. He is a suck fuck and I am glad he is dead. Clayton, for obvious reasons. I hate him a lot. You can put Wolfius up there, he is … [view original content]
That fake Butterfly choice man, I was so very right on it. Well, I guess since Mullendore is injured and taking longer to go to Raylansfair, that's good.
Indeed, you have been among the few who called it! But yes, this is not a choice that led to entirely bad consequences, although a majority is objectively bad. Not that I blame the ones who chose to kill him, in their position, without knowing the consequences, I would have probably decided similarly.
I think it would be quite funny to see this Lunett-Argella scene. What's Lucas gonna do in that situation? Also funny, despite being broken they have a huge argument anyway. Side note: Lunett in this seems a lot like Ophelia from Hamlet.
It would have been funny to write indeed, especially since Argella is not the slightest bit bothered by this peasant girl who gets really upset by her presence. Like Sherryl, she can be a bit of a troll as well, so she would have probably enjoyed teasing her a little bit. With Lucas, he would have been really embarrassed by the situation and this would have resulted in an even bigger argument with Lunett. Ultimately, she would have stormed off in tears, leaving Lucas very confused. They would have probably had another talk a bit later, where they would have patched things up between them, at least to the point where they won't be angry at each other anymore.
I can't believe I voted for this (it was a joke, I swear; I'm pretty sure I did vote for it). Well, yay?
I was also very surprised that so many people voted for this choice! If I'm not mistaken, the only thing that saved quite a number of characters there has been some guy who voted only this one time and never again XD But well, in general I expected only a couple of joke votes at most for this, but then there have been a couple of speculations that went into the completely wrong direction (mostly because they involved trusting Wolfius to keep his word) and I was highly relieved when it did not win, because I haven't really put much thought into this alternative route at that time.
Leonard could be confirmed Team Targarygen? That sounds pretty good. Hm, Leonard manipulated Sherryl. Can you elaborate how? She because she's an authority figure?
Well, sort-of Team Targaryen. He would have a similar position as Jenna, not exactly a full member of the team, but someone who has a mutual goal and therefore helps them. With Sherryl, she would have perfectly played the role of a poor woman, left defenceless after Harris' downfall (which she would have partially orchestrated in secret) which alone would have triggered Leonard's knightly instincts. From there on, she would have used a mixture of persuasion and seduction (without actually getting into a physical relationship with him) to convince him that she knows what's best for Raylansfair. The fact that Leonard would have never had a negative encoutner with Maron Mullendore would have also made him more willing to trust her once she would bring up the name. There would have been small benefits for working with her, Sherryl would have delivered valuable information and this would have caused Leonard to see her as a valuable ally in time. For example, she would have provided valuable help in bringing down Harris, which would have been one of Leonard's main goals in the previous chapters.
Interesting what ifs. Here I would go and say that I wished that Jenna died, which we would then get Richard to kill Wolfius, but I'm not, thanks!
Hehe, I think this alternaitve route is the first time where having Jenna around would be seriously beneficial for Leonard. Perhaps it won't remain the only time
It's hard to think a choice like that this could have changed so much. It seemed sort of minor at the time.
Hehe, indeed, that seemed like a minor choice, though if I'm not mistaken, it even found its way into the choices at the end of the chapter, which are almost always important ones. And it changed a lot about the way Marak acted, because a guy who has no problem with killing a child can't possibly be one of the good guys.
...if Terroma would have died in Chapter 6?
Through a certain combination of choices, Terroma could have already been wounded when he… more, Raenna and Samuel got into the skirmish in the labyrinth, while freeing Raenna. In that case, the wounds he received in that fight would have been fatal, if Raenna would have still supported Samuel. He would have managed to get out of the labyrinth, but would have died shortly afterwards. Raenna would have tried to free Ellena not out of any personal feelings towards her, but to honour Terroma. She would have also been in a noticeably bad mood the entire chapter, often snapping at others in her group for minor reasons. Ultimately though, she would have still been more reasonable than Terroma and there would have been another possible path that would have ended peacefully, with Noelle backing down and Marak surviving
An interesting outcome we could have gotten. Ah well, RIP Marak.
...if the… [view original content]
This could have been a very interesting outcome at least for me
It would have been a very interesting outcome, that much is for sure. At the same time, it would have deprived FoT of one of its most gut-wrenching moments. I doubt the Butterfly reveal would have been as strong without Mullendore killing Lunett and he wouldn't be such a universally hated character otherwise. Hated probably, but not on that level.
This was an obvious bad choice that could only have lead to obvious deaths!XD
At least that's what I thought XD
Leonard at this point could have been a completly different character (and probably he would have much less fans!XD)
Hm, I wouldn't be too sure. He would have been a very different character, though some of his key traits that make him such a well-liked character would have also been displayed in the Raylansfair route, through his alliance with Jenna. However, I am sure most people would have been a bit irritated by his possible trust in Sherryl in this chapter.
Even if it's weird I'm happy that this outcome don't win, one of the best aspects of Marak was that,despite being a character center of some of the most funny parts inside this story (EX:his talk at the tavern with Irving and Alan or his try to hit on Nora),he was a kinslayer ready even to kill kids if it is part of his work.
I agree, I think this made Marak a very interesting character, with him having this strong dark side to contrast his more funny side. A villain and a comic relief at once, that is a rare combination and I was glad he ended up this way, even if it ended with his death.
...if Lunett would have survived Chapter 4?
This could have been a very interesting outcome at least for me
...if Arthur would… more have let Wolfius go in Chapter 5?
This was an obvious bad choice that could only have lead to obvious deaths!XD
...if Leonard would have remained in Raylansfair?
Leonard at this point could have been a completly different character (and probably he would have much less fans!XD)
...if Marak would have had a problem with killing a child?
Even if it's weird I'm happy that this outcome don't win, one of the best aspects of Marak was that,despite being a character center of some of the most funny parts inside this story (EX:his talk at the tavern with Irving and Alan or his try to hit on Nora),he was a kinslayer ready even to kill kids if it is part of his work.
PS:I feel the hype for the next chapter!XD
Yes, I have read them and I like them a lot! I'll comment on them in more detail in my next PM, though right now I'm actually about to head to bed again. Man, I hate having a healthy sleeping schedule again
Alright, I won't do the blonde Maya then Btw, I'm not sure if you've read the PM yet, but I have now submitted the two new characters, hope you like 'em!
Wow! This is a serious compliment, especially given the number of parts. I am very happy you enjoyed this part so much
No problem man. Yes, there has been a lot of parts, but this was just amazing. It got me even more invested and appreciative of the story, and I didn't think that was possible.
Oh yes, things will certainly be very different. Marak had been one of the first PoV's even, while Terroma had been here from the beginning of Chapter 2, both of them had so long to shine, so I will definitely miss writing them. Especially Marak has grown into one of my favourite PoV's, while I always enjoyed Terroma.
Yes, they have been here since the very, very beginning and it will suck reading knowing that they were dead. But as the chapter name implied, everyone must die. They have become very liked characters of mine as well, and it makes me sad to see them go.
Unfortunately, they won't remain the only hard deaths in Book 1
I'll summarize this statement in one word....... fuck.
Haha, yes, there will be a lot worse than what you have seen so far. Actually, you know nothing about him yet. He's getting a lot more intriguing and a lot more dangerous very soon.
Once again...... fuck. But I really wanna just unravel everything about this guy. He's pretty much a walking mystery, in my eyes at least. I wanna know what he's all about and I feel like we're gonna get that soon.
I can confirm that if she spares Noelle, Raenna is definitely going to make sure that she won't stab her in the back. However, she also won't drag Noelle with her forever, she's simply going to leave her in her lonely, broken state. It's going to be a slightly cruel mercy, since Noelle herself is absolutely overwhelmed with a feeling of having utterly failed her god because of her own weakness.
That makes me feel a bit better. Noelle better feel that way, because if she somehow does go on and backstab anyone, it'll make me regret this choice very much. It's a big risk, big reward thing in my eyes.
That finale... that was amazing! Definitely one of, if not the best, part ever written so far. I was very excited and hyped for this and it … moredid not disappoint one bit.
Wow! This is a serious compliment, especially given the number of parts. I am very happy you enjoyed this part so much
I expected some death, but Terroma and Marak had been here from the start and even if I liked them or not, it will definitely be different without them now
Oh yes, things will certainly be very different. Marak had been one of the first PoV's even, while Terroma had been here from the beginning of Chapter 2, both of them had so long to shine, so I will definitely miss writing them. Especially Marak has grown into one of my favourite PoV's, while I always enjoyed Terroma. Unfortunately, they won't remain the only hard deaths in Book 1
Also, fuck Wolfius! I like him as a villain, but boy does he piss me off. I was hoping to see him … [view original content]
It would have been funny to write indeed, especially since Argella is not the slightest bit bothered by this peasant girl who gets really upset by her presence. Like Sherryl, she can be a bit of a troll as well, so she would have probably enjoyed teasing her a little bit. With Lucas, he would have been really embarrassed by the situation and this would have resulted in an even bigger argument with Lunett. Ultimately, she would have stormed off in tears, leaving Lucas very confused. They would have probably had another talk a bit later, where they would have patched things up between them, at least to the point where they won't be angry at each other anymore.
Sounds hilarious. Lucas probably would be very confused ("What did I say?"). Ah, I remember when he was freaking out if he got Lunett pregnant, which I guess he didn't? Or maybe he did, and we'll never know, since, well, she's dead. It's hard to believe that was over a year ago...
Well, sort-of Team Targaryen. He would have a similar position as Jenna, not exactly a full member of the team, but someone who has a mutual goal and therefore helps them. With Sherryl, she would have perfectly played the role of a poor woman, left defenceless after Harris' downfall (which she would have partially orchestrated in secret) which alone would have triggered Leonard's knightly instincts. From there on, she would have used a mixture of persuasion and seduction (without actually getting into a physical relationship with him) to convince him that she knows what's best for Raylansfair. The fact that Leonard would have never had a negative encoutner with Maron Mullendore would have also made him more willing to trust her once she would bring up the name. There would have been small benefits for working with her, Sherryl would have delivered valuable information and this would have caused Leonard to see her as a valuable ally in time. For example, she would have provided valuable help in bringing down Harris, which would have been one of Leonard's main goals in the previous chapters.
Very interesting. I had forgotten Sherryl was so young (I briefly skimmed over some other stuff and saw that Arthur had been friends with Sherryl's sister), so I guess seduction would sort of work in combination with persuasion (not along of course, we all know Ser Leonard isn't the biggest fan of that sort of thing). It's very hard to imagine Leonard not being opposed to Maron Mullendore for me after all I've read. Well, interesting.
Hehe, I think this alternaitve route is the first time where having Jenna around would be seriously beneficial for Leonard. Perhaps it won't remain the only time
There's a lot of irony in that I really dislike the characters that help the characters I like. Maybe, maybe I'll change my opinion one day.
That fake Butterfly choice man, I was so very right on it. Well, I guess since Mullendore is injured and taking longer to go to Raylansfair,… more that's good.
Indeed, you have been among the few who called it! But yes, this is not a choice that led to entirely bad consequences, although a majority is objectively bad. Not that I blame the ones who chose to kill him, in their position, without knowing the consequences, I would have probably decided similarly.
I think it would be quite funny to see this Lunett-Argella scene. What's Lucas gonna do in that situation? Also funny, despite being broken they have a huge argument anyway. Side note: Lunett in this seems a lot like Ophelia from Hamlet.
It would have been funny to write indeed, especially since Argella is not the slightest bit bothered by this peasant girl who gets really upset by her presence. Like Sherryl, she can be a bit of a troll as well, so she would have probably … [view original content]
Sounds hilarious. Lucas probably would be very confused ("What did I say?"). Ah, I remember when he was freaking out if he got Lunett pregnant, which I guess he didn't? Or maybe he did, and we'll never know, since, well, she's dead. It's hard to believe that was over a year ago...
Oh yes, Lucas would be very confused by this argument. Angry for sure, but mostly very confused. A highly amused Argella would have outright explained it to him and he still would have a hard time understanding why Lunett got so emotional. And no, I can confirm that he didn't got Lunett pregnant. Of course, he freaked out about it, but he didn't. But oh man, you are right. Chapter 4 ended somewhere in July 2015. Things have been a lot less complicated back then
Very interesting. I had forgotten Sherryl was so young (I briefly skimmed over some other stuff and saw that Arthur had been friends with Sherryl's sister), so I guess seduction would sort of work in combination with persuasion (not along of course, we all know Ser Leonard isn't the biggest fan of that sort of thing). It's very hard to imagine Leonard not being opposed to Maron Mullendore for me after all I've read. Well, interesting.
It was the other way round, Sherryl used to be friends with Arthur's sister, Aditha. She is 25, so perfectly in Leonard's age and at least in terms of looks, she is his type as well. Not so much in terms of personality, but she was always gifted when it came to pretending to be someone else. Eventually, Leonard could have realized his error, though Jenna would have needed to provide a lot of evidence. And this version of Leonard would have probably realized his error eventually, but at least initially, he wouldn't have been hostile towards Mullendore. He wouldn't have really trusted the man, but would have seen no initial reason to distrust him either. Depending on other choices, Lucas could have convinced him of how dangerous that guy is.
There's a lot of irony in that I really dislike the characters that help the characters I like. Maybe, maybe I'll change my opinion one day.
Hehe, I just had to remember how you were convinced that Samantha would try to kill Leonard if she gets sent to Oldtown, when it had been the complete opposite. Though at least with her, you never outright disliked her if I'm not mistaken. But we'll see. Without wanting to spoil anything, in future chapters there will be some events coming up for some of the characters you dislike that might cause you to rethink your opinion. Perhaps immediately with some, though at least with one character it's probably going to be more of a slower proces.
It would have been funny to write indeed, especially since Argella is not the slightest bit bothered by this peasant girl who gets really up… moreset by her presence. Like Sherryl, she can be a bit of a troll as well, so she would have probably enjoyed teasing her a little bit. With Lucas, he would have been really embarrassed by the situation and this would have resulted in an even bigger argument with Lunett. Ultimately, she would have stormed off in tears, leaving Lucas very confused. They would have probably had another talk a bit later, where they would have patched things up between them, at least to the point where they won't be angry at each other anymore.
Sounds hilarious. Lucas probably would be very confused ("What did I say?"). Ah, I remember when he was freaking out if he got Lunett pregnant, which I guess he didn't? Or maybe he did, and we'll never know, since, well, she's dead. It's hard to believe that was over a year ago...… [view original content]
Hello everyone I am Arrodor i have been in contact with Liquid lately and asked if I could do a sub plot of sorts he agreed so let me explain the setting. This story takes place in Yi Ti 15 years before the current events in FoT and it will include Vaasrand during his beast hunting adventures. There will be a few choices along the way, anyway let's get into this
The Serpent and The Slave: Part 1
The night was dark, the wind was cold, as was the forest luscious and unending, the winds were very strong tonight almost seemingly knocking the forest down, that was one of the things Vaasrand hated about Yi Ti, in the day is was a blistering heat, but in the night it was a freezing chill.
Vaasrand was wearing a black hooded cloak, to conceal his hair as many mistook him for a dragonlord, he wore this over a brown leather jerkin, with a single bastard sword sheathed across his back, many questioned why the back the hunter always sighed at this question.
Vaasrand had been in Yi Ti for some time now hunting beasts of all sorts but never had he seen a contract quite like this one. Basilisks, they were a frequent thing in Yi Ti but never had there been so many, there were reports of 20 or so attacking villages all around the empire.
He continued thinking about the contract as he approached the large city of Yin by zorse carriage, Yin was a wonderful and elegant city with its upward roof corners and overhanging eaves, unlike any city Vaasrand had ever seen, on top of that the city was coloured a bright yellow which suited the Yitish very well as they were almost yellow themselves.
The carriage soon stopped as they arrived at the city it was just Vaasrand on the carriage as the god-emperor himself personally requested him for this contract. As Vaasrand stepped of the carriage he noticed the carriage was very similar to Yin practically identical, the carriage wasn't much different from the city since it was bright yellow and shared the same roof corners, just as he took his final step a firework popped right into the sky with a loud bang it went of, "The Festival's already started?" he asked the driver with a toneless voice "Yes indeed it started only a few days ago" Biu replied, to which Vaasrand grunted in annoyance "You think this is bad wait until you enter the city" Biu laughed, the hunter forced a grin and nodded they continued to the entrance of yin.
The carriage driver then led Vaasrand into Yin even though the hunter was ahead of Biu which seemed to sadden him, as they entered the city Biu stopped him "Serpent" he said "May the Maiden-Made-of-Light watch over you" he finished in a tone suggesting he was slightly frightened by Vaasrand, the hunter just nodded in return as they walked their separate ways, Vaasrand was never really a religious man it frankly annoyed him especially the red priests in Asshai, with their damn prophecies.
He had finally entered the city and it was much larger than it appeared from outside, with many men, women and children all over the town dancing to music that Vaasrand found horrible there were fireworks again which were much worse this time.
The city was active tonight far to active for Vaasrand's liking, loud bangs, chants and music could be heard all over and the colours were strange to he was used to the Yitish by now but never had he seen such an assortment of colours. Yellow, Red, Purple, Green and those were only a few so much was happening that Vaasrand tried hard to not focus on the crowd.
He looked to his left past the civilians dancing and saw many, many houses even though this was the lower city, then to his right past the dancers once again which had the whorehouse and the tavern, Vaasrand contemplated heading to the whorehouse as it had been some time. The hunter then looked ahead and could see the port in the far distance, and then he saw the God-emperors palace it was huge almost like a city-within-a-city.
That was where he was headed the palace he'd never seen it before so he was quite excited although he'd never admit it, Vaasrand headed to the palace with a frightening approach to keep all the dancers away from him, of course he walked past many of them but they were mostly scared of him which is what he wanted, whilst he was walking he took a second to look up into the night sky and spotted a few of those shining balls again he never knew what they were nor did most people but they intrigued him, he reached the stairs to the palace and then proceeded to remove his hood so the guards would notice him the palace was heavily guarded too heavily almost there were guards everywhere almost abandoning part of the city to guard the palace.
Currently there were four guards at the lower stairs and six at the top, Vaasrand approached the four guards and they all wore chainmail armor with mixed colouring between red and blue there helmets looked almost like demon faces, he always found there armor odd, they were all carrying spears for weaponry which were all greatly crafted, Vaasrand couldn't see there faces or there skin but he was certain they had the same yellow skin and eyes like the other Yitish, "Serpent" the lead guard seemed to say "Prince Dyon is expecting you" Prince Dyon, Vaasrand thought he had worked under Dyon before but he was the Prince of Tiqui, the hunter thought this contract was under the god-emperor, "Very well" Vaasrand spoke again in an emotionless tone "Lead the way"
The lead guard was the only one who moved, the other three stayed guarding the stairs, the walk up was long the Yitish had a thing for long stairs it took at least two minutes to walk up when they reached the top the lead guard went back down and the six stepped aside in perfect formation on left and right three on each side, the elegance of this slightly impressed Vaasrand, the gate opened to just as they stood aside Vaasrand continued on alone through the gate.
The palace had a dome shape with those same upward roof corners, the outside of the palace was surrounded with garden, trees, flowers of all sorts lilies, roses, bellflower and of course daisies for the overall yellow theme, overall it was very beautiful and even Vaasrand felt at peace being around this place the hunter continued on to the entrance of the palace and spotted Dyon Ror in one of the most elegant windows he had ever seen the man looked frustrated, fireworks and music could still be heard loudly in the city.
He approached the palace at a faster pace now and noticed as he reached the entrance just how tall the building was definitely at least ninety feet you can even see it from the deeper forest, as he entered he was amazed by the beauty of the place the walls looked like they were made of gold the furniture looked top condition it was beautiful, the hunter spotted a woman in very heavy armor, plate it's called, she had bright blonde hair and looked tall, she looked worried, Vaasrand did not approach her instead he turned left into the room with Dyon.
Dyon was very short maybe a little over five feet, he was incredibly gaunt Vaasrand always wondered if Dyon would break if he was flicked, he had yellow skin and yellow eyes although his eyes were hard to see as he always looked like he was squinting like most Yitish, he had extremely elegant clothes they looked like they were made yesterday maybe they were he is a prince after all, of course they were coloured yellow.
"Vaasrand, friend it's great to see you" Dyon greeted him in an amused tone "We've been waiting all night for you, how have you been?" He questioned him, "Alright I suppose Dyon, but I've come to slay a beast not answer your questions." Vaasrand proclaimed, "Ah very well it's fine, but you're exceedingly late Vaasrand, it's past midnight you were meant to be here at dusk" again he questioned him.
"I was preparing, and that festival is all over Yi Ti, you know how hard it is to travel with that." He continued "I came here to accept the contract, now if you keep questioning me I'll just let those basilisks continue their fun"
"Calm down Vaasrand, I was just checking." Dyon cleared his throat before he continued "We have two leads, Ser Marionette Strong, a knight from Westeros and Tsou Krallor, Yins general I suggest talking to them both you may have met Marionette, since she is just outside, but Tsou is deeper into the palace." Dyon finished, "How much is this paying?" Asked Vaasrand "5,000 golden dragons" proclaimed Dyon.
Vaasrand was baffled by that amount and he must have revealed it since Dyon seemed pleased "I accept the contract" Dyon then extended his hand for a shake to which Vaasrand extended his own, Dyon had a very weak grip Vaasrand noticed but the way he looked at him, it made Vaasrand feel odd, "We knew you would" Dyon said in an oddly happy tone.
"I'll go speak with the knight now" Vaasrand finished and then he walked away, Dyon stayed at the window looking very happy. The hunter slowly approached the knight who had her head to the ground, the fireworks seemed to quiet down now, as did the music but that was because they were in the palace.
"Ser Serpent" the woman spoke, it was now he finally got a good look at her, she was tall maybe a little over six foot, big blue eyes, a muscular frame hidden under plate armour, she was pretty compared to the people of Yi Ti she had a scar on her cheek suggesting she had seen her share of battle, "I need your help, please the basilisks they... they've taken my lord, lord Wroth, please" the woman seemed terrified it was uncomfortable for Vaasrand, "Uh, Basilisks can't really do that, they uh would've just killed him" he said with an awkward tone.
"No, I saw them take him, you have to trust me." Vaasrand sighed "Fine, where did this happen?" He asked inquisitively, "In the north, the deeper forest, they just attacked us I didn't know what to do I've never seen one of those before." Understandable you're from Westeros after all which barely has any beasts from what I know. He finished his thought and responded, "All right I'll consider it, what will you do in the mean time?" He asked sounding concerned, "Actually I was thinking of coming with you, I'd be helpful I can help you fight them." Vaasrand immediately said "No, no way you'll get killed"
"No I won't because you'll be there you're a legend from what I hear" she said trying to convince him, flattery usually worked with Vaasrand since he was never used to it, "Fine but if even one basilisk hits you, you're dead." "I'll be fine" She finished. They began walking together in this time Vaasrand noticed the sword on her back although unlike him it was a greatsword she wielded hope she knows how to use that they continued walking towards the General's room which surprisingly barely had any guards, the general always was very cocky a bit to cocky and he never liked Vaasrand. The hunter knocked on the door and whilst waiting decided to warn Marionette. "Listen, this man he's very rude so let me do the talking." She nodded in return.
Then the door opened to which Tsou stepped out he was slightly taller than Vaasrand but he was sturdy, he shared the same yellow skin and eyes with most Yitish, he had a few scars, and an square face, he had the same armor as most guards but coloured yellow, he always looked ready to fight. "What do you want silver serpent?" He asked in a blank tone, "Information" Vaasrand responded in an even blanker tone, "Ah this about those basilisks, I don't know why Dyon is sending you I'd be the better choice." He proclaimed arrogantly, "We have reports of them being all over Yi Ti, I'd start with Tiqui if I were you." He finished "Very well." The hunter said before Tsou slammed the door right in his face, Vaasrand barely reacted, but it slightly angered him, "Gods, that guy was a pompous arsehole" Marion said clearly angered.
"Yea" Vaasrand grunted in return even though he had no clue what pompous meant or arsehole. "We should rest before this hunt starts, it's past midnight, hunting right now would be irrational." Vaasrand told her, "It's your hunt Vaasrand."
"Follow me" he said, Vaasrand did have a bed here for tonight as they assured him that in the contract but he wasn't sure about Marionette.
After walking up flights of stairs and seeing more fireworks, "Do you have those in Westeros?" Vaasrand asked intrigued, "Not that I know of, we might" she responded, "What about carriages?" He asked again, "Probably for one of the Kings, I'm not sure but to my knowledge Yi Ti looks more advanced than Westeros." Vaasrand didn't know that but he had never seen Westeros the furthest west he had ever gone was Qarth.
They entered Vaasrand's room and he only had one bed. "You can have the bed if you want, I'm used to sleeping on the ground" Vaasrand told her, "Aw, you're sweet aren't you." She finished.
She took of her plate armor and went straight to bed, Vaasrand took of his cloak, and leather jerkin, and just kept his breeches on, he used the leather jerkin as a pillow and the cloak as a blanket, they didn't talk at all that night as they were both to tired, Vaasrand soon fell asleep.
This was amazing! I was looking forward for this part ever since you told me about it and it surely was great. Vaasrand is a very interesting character and I am happy with getting this view on him, having him as a PoV and showing one of his past adventures. You also did a great job setting up the situation in general. I've always liked glimpses at these faraway lands that aren't usually seen in the Ice and Fire (including fan works) an Yi Ti has been one of my favourites out of these, so the setting makes me hyped as well. I am very excited for the future parts of this story
Hello everyone I am Arrodor i have been in contact with Liquid lately and asked if I could do a sub plot of sorts he agreed so let me explai… moren the setting. This story takes place in Yi Ti 15 years before the current events in FoT and it will include Vaasrand during his beast hunting adventures. There will be a few choices along the way, anyway let's get into this
The Serpent and The Slave: Part 1
The night was dark, the wind was cold, as was the forest luscious and unending, the winds were very strong tonight almost seemingly knocking the forest down, that was one of the things Vaasrand hated about Yi Ti, in the day is was a blistering heat, but in the night it was a freezing chill.
Vaasrand was wearing a black hooded cloak, to conceal his hair as many mistook him for a dragonlord, he wore this over a brown leather jerkin, with a single bastard sword sheathed across his back, many questioned why the back the hunter always sighed at th… [view original content]
Hello everyone I am Arrodor i have been in contact with Liquid lately and asked if I could do a sub plot of sorts he agreed so let me explai… moren the setting. This story takes place in Yi Ti 15 years before the current events in FoT and it will include Vaasrand during his beast hunting adventures. There will be a few choices along the way, anyway let's get into this
The Serpent and The Slave: Part 1
The night was dark, the wind was cold, as was the forest luscious and unending, the winds were very strong tonight almost seemingly knocking the forest down, that was one of the things Vaasrand hated about Yi Ti, in the day is was a blistering heat, but in the night it was a freezing chill.
Vaasrand was wearing a black hooded cloak, to conceal his hair as many mistook him for a dragonlord, he wore this over a brown leather jerkin, with a single bastard sword sheathed across his back, many questioned why the back the hunter always sighed at th… [view original content]
I'm sorry to be that guy but someone has to say it:despite the cool setting (this is the first time that I read a fanfic that use Yi Ti as a location) and the good premise I must admit that I've had found very hard read this story thanks to the many punctuation errors (EX:very long phrases without even a comma to let the reader take breath).
I suggest the author,before post inside the forum his next story part,to read many times his own work in order to avoid errors.
Another good advice that I can give is to let someone (friends,family,Liquid (XD) ecc..)quality check your story,just to be 100% sure that there is no errors of any types inside the story.
Hello everyone I am Arrodor i have been in contact with Liquid lately and asked if I could do a sub plot of sorts he agreed so let me explai… moren the setting. This story takes place in Yi Ti 15 years before the current events in FoT and it will include Vaasrand during his beast hunting adventures. There will be a few choices along the way, anyway let's get into this
The Serpent and The Slave: Part 1
The night was dark, the wind was cold, as was the forest luscious and unending, the winds were very strong tonight almost seemingly knocking the forest down, that was one of the things Vaasrand hated about Yi Ti, in the day is was a blistering heat, but in the night it was a freezing chill.
Vaasrand was wearing a black hooded cloak, to conceal his hair as many mistook him for a dragonlord, he wore this over a brown leather jerkin, with a single bastard sword sheathed across his back, many questioned why the back the hunter always sighed at th… [view original content]
Yea, I was worried that would be a problem since I kind of rushed this part (only took five hours) and I wrote it on an iPhone, the next part should be much better since I intend to read over it and take my time, but the best part is I'm writing it on a computer.
I'm sorry to be that guy but someone has to say it:despite the cool setting (this is the first time that I read a fanfic that use Yi Ti as a… more location) and the good premise I must admit that I've had found very hard read this story thanks to the many punctuation errors (EX:very long phrases without even a comma to let the reader take breath).
I suggest the author,before post inside the forum his next story part,to read many times his own work in order to avoid errors.
Another good advice that I can give is to let someone (friends,family,Liquid (XD) ecc..)quality check your story,just to be 100% sure that there is no errors of any types inside the story.
Just a real quick announcement: I have internet problems yet again, because the company that is supposed to provide my internet screwed up. I'm writing this one from my phone and until my internet is fixed again, I won't be able to answer to any messages. Neither will I be able to work on the wiki, which means I'll start writing the next part, which will be posted once my internet decides to work again. At worst, it might mean that you will have to wait until the next week for the next chapter to start. Sorry for any inconvenience and I hope to have this sorted out soon!
Edit: Ugh, the mobile version of this site is horrible and the only part of the last update that still hasn't grown on me. I'm not sure, but I think I just accidentally flagged this comment when clicking on my username to return to my profile, because the flag button overlaps with my username (the same goes for the edit button). If that's indeed the case, sorry mods, there's no problem here.
Yeah, the mobile version still remains a massive downgrade from what it used to be. Anyway, good luck with sorting out the internet problem, we'll be waiting patiently
Just a real quick announcement: I have internet problems yet again, because the company that is supposed to provide my internet screwed up. … moreI'm writing this one from my phone and until my internet is fixed again, I won't be able to answer to any messages. Neither will I be able to work on the wiki, which means I'll start writing the next part, which will be posted once my internet decides to work again. At worst, it might mean that you will have to wait until the next week for the next chapter to start. Sorry for any inconvenience and I hope to have this sorted out soon!
Edit: Ugh, the mobile version of this site is horrible and the only part of the last update that still hasn't grown on me. I'm not sure, but I think I just accidentally flagged this comment when clicking on my username to return to my profile, because the flag button overlaps with my username (the same goes for the edit button). If that's indeed the case, sorry mods, there's no problem here.
100% confirmed dialogue:
"Oh Ser Leonard I have a message for you. You did a great job saving the city, you heroic guy, you. King Gardener wants to give you a keep, a hot wife, and lots of gold."
"Thank you madam. I like the sound of that. " -reads letter- "Seven fucking hells."
I kind of want to see a really, really, really angry Leonard. We've had a few handful instances of mad Leonard, but blistering with rage is something I always love. Still, I guess Lucas is going to get the best way out.
Yeah, yeah I do. While Jenna is awful, she doesn't kill or injure people I like (so far). Alysanne does. So many precious guardsmen, guardsmen that would have been helpful during this battle. I've never liked any of the assassins. I consider it a less than honorable occupation.
So I guess if there wasn't going to be any new characters until Sadie's storyline came in than these all must be Sadie. Some strange names, but nothing out of the ordinary.
Scary, but understandable.
Well, good luck!
Heh, this is exactly what would have happened if Sherryl's schemes would have taken Leonard by surprise. Actually, trolling him like this wouldn't be too out-of-character for her, so it might indeed be sort of canon.
I don't want to spoil too much, but your wish will be granted. Leonard is going to be really angry at one point in the near future and he's going to have a very good reason for it. As for Lucas getting the best way out, well, the last word hasn't been spoken on either knight, but things will be dramatic for both of them. Arguably, Lucas is also going to boil with rage pretty soon.
Understandable. Very understandable. Alysanne indeed kills people and she has absolutely no remorse for it. She even does it willingly and enjoys it (unlike Kersea). That said, while I agree that an assassin is by far one of the least honourable jobs possible, there are always possibilities to make it more honourable than usual. See Terroma for example, who followed a strict code of honour. That makes me curious, how have you felt about him and how do you feel about Raenna? At least in their past, both have been assassins.
Actually, the first four names are characters who would have appeared in Chapter 7 in Ilish's storyline. They are members of Taenora's troupe and would have appeared if Ilish would have searched the fair instead of the town square. The latter four are indeed characters who are all currently in Maybros and therefore in Sadie's storyline and it is only the question if I manage to show them now or later. Because of the rewrite, some parts of Sadie's storyline are not entirely planned in Chapter 8, safe for a couple of crucial scenes.
Thank you!
Is Raenna heading to Raylansfair this chapter?
Yes indeed, that will be her next stop. There's going to be more about it, which is going to be revealed in Raenna's next part (either the first or second part of Chapter 8)
Hello, again! While we are waiting for the beginning of the next chapter, I have another bunch of character illustrations for you all
Once again amazing. You do a fantastic job
I swear, these drawings somehow keep getting better. In terms of detail this group has to collectively be among the best you've ever drawn. The expressions, the detail, the clothes, the weapons, the owl, that's spot on! First of all, I love your take on Maya. Usually, I am hit with a wave of inspiration whenever I see your drawing of a character but with Maya, it's been more like a tsunami of ideas. Now let me just think how I can increase her role in the next chapter, because I think she deserves some spotlight after being a secondary PoV for too long... as for Gregar, I have compared him to one of your earlier depictions of fur clothing (Harmund Hoare's cloak) and it really shows how much you have improved over the past year or so. I love his clothing, it is perhaps the most detailed clothing you've ever drawn for FoT and I love Ember even more. With Torrence, I was really curious for him, considering that you've drawn Edonia a while ago and I see the similarity between them. Well done! Montclair is a badass, that much is for sure. I must say, he is the one that looks the least like I imagined him, but at the same time, I prefer your interpretation over my own and it now officially replaced my former mental image of him. And finally, Emphryus, who was another one I was looking forward for a lot and he is great! He looks super badass and I am amazed by his facial expression. Ah, I can't wait to show all of these characters in the next chapter, because it will be an important one for all of them.
Fun fact: This time, I actually noticed that I made a mistake and I fully admit to it. When I gave you her description, I mentioned that Maya has dark brown hair, though in her submission, she has dark blonde hair (the same goes for fox' old drawing of her). But ah, brown hair suits her very well, I'm really liking her that way and I don't think her hair colour has actually ever been mentioned in the story, so let's just say she's officially a brunette in the story now
Alright then! I had my first day on my new university and one thing I already can say is that I will have less free time than before in the near future. I am positive that this won't affect my writing schedule too much. Expect the usual 2-3 parts a week, I should be able to pull that off, except when I have to do some important assignments, which shouldn't be too much. If I learned anything from FoT, it's how to write a lot in a short time.
Also, you should totally check out WildlingKing's new drawings, right above this post, because they are awesome!
And now, as promised, the choices of past chapters that would have majorly affected this one:
What would have happened...
...if Terroma would have died in Chapter 6?
Through a certain combination of choices, Terroma could have already been wounded when he, Raenna and Samuel got into the skirmish in the labyrinth, while freeing Raenna. In that case, the wounds he received in that fight would have been fatal, if Raenna would have still supported Samuel. He would have managed to get out of the labyrinth, but would have died shortly afterwards. Raenna would have tried to free Ellena not out of any personal feelings towards her, but to honour Terroma. She would have also been in a noticeably bad mood the entire chapter, often snapping at others in her group for minor reasons. Ultimately though, she would have still been more reasonable than Terroma and there would have been another possible path that would have ended peacefully, with Noelle backing down and Marak surviving.
...if the Burned Man wouldn't have been captured?
An alternate path, starting with the choice to spare the fake Butterfly instead of killing him, could have prevented a majority of the drama surrounding Jaron's storyline in this chapter. Instead, an alternative storyline would have revolved around him, Harpy and the Burned Man trying to escape from Oldtown, which would have basically become a death trap for everyone associated with the Burned Man. Depending on your choices, the Burned Man could have died (though Jaron and Harpy would have lived in every case), he could have remained in Oldtown, or he could have escaped. The latter path would have included Samuel, who would have joined up with them to deny Mullendore this triumph. Speaking of Mullendore, Harpy wouldn't have managed to wound him in that route, which would have left him in far better condition.
...if Lunett would have survived Chapter 4?
One of the longest-running scenarios here, though it would have slowly lost importance as of this chapter. During the last chapter, Lucas and Lunett would have ended their relationship, with Lucas being traumatized after Oldtown and Lunett grieving for her father. However, she would have had genuine feelings for Lucas and would have appeared in this chapter towards the end, starting a huge argument with Lucas. During this scene, Argella would have also been present. Lunett would have been quite jealous about this and it would have shown. Argella being, well, herself, she would have reacted rather amused by this, which would have only further angered Lunett.
...if Maya would have tried to use diplomacy with Harris?
In Chapter 5, Maya was faced with the choice to try diplomacy again (Aldrik's way), or to break into the archive (Gregar's way). She decided for the latter and it backfired, thanks to Irving. Well, there wouldn't be much he could have screwed up in the diplomacy route. This means, Gregar wouldn't have been captured and Keat wouldn't have even encountered Maya. Depending on Harris' status in Raylansfair, Maya's second attempt at diplomacy could have actually succeeded, which would have meant that she would gain the documents she is looking for without further trouble. However, in return Harris would have asked for a favour. In exchange for the documents, Maya would have had to spy on Argella and Hobert, to uncover their dirty secrets (of which at least Hobert has several), so that he could blackmail them into leaving his city. This would have arguably been a very exciting storyline for her in this chapter.
...if Arthur would have let Wolfius go in Chapter 5?
This is one choice that would have largely resulted in the same outcome at the end of this chapter, with Wolfius free and on the run. The main difference would have been that this choice would have led to the death of Hackor in this chapter. In the chapter finale, Arthur and Hackor would have cornered Wolfius, though they would have been surprised by Kreep, who would have distracted Arthur long enough for Wolfius to overpower and fatally stab Hackor. The Arthur part in the chapter would have ended with Hackor dying in the presence of his son and Arthur being left with the choice to aid the rest of the guard during the Ironborn attack or to chase after Wolfius.
...if Leonard would have remained in Raylansfair?
This one would have continued to have dramatic consequences. Leonard would have been fully recovered by now, just in time for the Ironborn attack on Raylansfair. By then, he would have assumed a leadership position in Raylansfair, even above Darren Tallwood. Unfortunately, he would have also started to get manipulated by Sherryl. It would have been a major plot point for Jenna in this chapter to find evidence that she is manipulating him, which would have worked similarly as the storyline you actually got, with Jenna sneaking into Sherryl's rooms and stuff. Depending on what you find, Leonard could have potentially been convinced that Sherryl is not whom he thinks she is and he would have joined Jenna and Saerya in their attempt to take her down. However, in this case Sherryl would have never received a death warrant for Leonard, as Leonard would have never drawn the ire of Maron Mullendore.
...if Marak would have had a problem with killing a child?
This choice was very important. It was not only something Marak said to answer to Noelle's question back in Chapter 4, it was something that actually determined his stance on this whole mission. If he would have revealed that he has a problem with killing a child, he would have been far more hesitant to harm Ellena and would have ultimately been left with a choice to outright defect from Noelle and to free Ellena on his own. In such a way, he would have survived and he would have become an ally to Raenna and Terroma. Speaking of, Terroma would have died for sure in this route, although at the hands of Noelle, who would have been noticeably more unhinged in this route. In the end, it would have been Marak who would have been left with the choice to kill Noelle or to spare her life.
Now, I hope to start with Chapter 8 as soon as possible! I'll probably start writing around the weekend, which means I'll close the voting for the chapter finale on Sunday at latest and post the next part shortly afterwards. Stay tuned
I now picture Sherryl as an Internet Troll. It's glorious.
He's going to learn that the his favorite TV series, Dornish Gone Wild has been cancelled and replaced with Keeping up with the Karstarks.
I mean I guess Terroma is okay since he's committed to saving someone, but the assassin part doesn't help. Raenna, she's one of those iffy characters for me. I don't really like her, the assassin thing is a real turn-off. Not very trustworthy types of people. I guess since they aren't doing it now it's a little better.
Thanks, man! I definitely always try to improve, so I'm happy that it shows
Yeah, with textures it has really helped to have the tablet, to get some detail into it. I was a bit cautious with Gregar's clothing though, as I wasn't sure if this was anything like you had in mind - because it definitely differs a bit from fox's drawing. But I'm glad to hear that at least you like it, wheter it's what you had in mind or not
And Ember was fun to draw, even if I was a bit afraid since I think I've never drawn an owl before 
Well, I obviously went back to the Edonia drawing before doing Torrence, and tried to get some similarities there. If it worked, I'm satisfied!
Aha, my mental image of Montclair was very unclear, I had just thought of a harsh face and that's about it. So even with the description I felt a bit like shooting in the dark with him. But I'm glad you are still happy with the outcome.
Emphryus was the one I had the most problems with this time - the face, the armor, and the weapon all were things that I had problems getting right. The face you see now is not the one I had for him originally, but I'm definitely much more satisfied with this than with the one I ended up scratching.
Oh yeah, I was wondering why fox's drawing had blonde hair
Just assumed that he got it wrong, probably should've asked. Well, changing the hair wouldn't take too much effort, so if you want her blonde, I can do it and post the edited version with the next set 
An interesting outcome we could have gotten. Ah well, RIP Marak.
That fake Butterfly choice man, I was so very right on it. Well, I guess since Mullendore is injured and taking longer to go to Raylansfair, that's good.
I think it would be quite funny to see this Lunett-Argella scene. What's Lucas gonna do in that situation? Also funny, despite being broken they have a huge argument anyway. Side note: Lunett in this seems a lot like Ophelia from Hamlet.
Damnit I voted for his way too. I think I know one of Hobert's secrets. Sounds fun.
I can't believe I voted for this (it was a joke, I swear; I'm pretty sure I did vote for it). Well, yay?
Leonard could be confirmed Team Targarygen? That sounds pretty good. Hm, Leonard manipulated Sherryl. Can you elaborate how? She because she's an authority figure?
Interesting what ifs. Here I would go and say that I wished that Jenna died, which we would then get Richard to kill Wolfius, but I'm not, thanks!
It's hard to think a choice like that this could have changed so much. It seemed sort of minor at the time.
This could have been a very interesting outcome at least for me
This was an obvious bad choice that could only have lead to obvious deaths!XD
Leonard at this point could have been a completly different character (and probably he would have much less fans!XD)
Even if it's weird I'm happy that this outcome don't win, one of the best aspects of Marak was that,despite being a character center of some of the most funny parts inside this story (EX:his talk at the tavern with Irving and Alan or his try to hit on Nora),he was a kinslayer ready even to kill kids if it is part of his work.
PS:I feel the hype for the next chapter!XD
Oh yes, oh god yes, it can't be unseen. Just consider how many people she already trolled in this chapter, from Harris, to Hobert, to Argella.
Oh no, that won't be a problem. He can always watch Yunkai Shore. But there will be other things that are really going to piss him off.
I suppose that's true, indeed. Though I think it was Terroma who was of a different opinion. If I remember correctly (and it has been a long time ago), he once said that an assassin is, in theory, nothing else than a very specialized sellsword. Of course, there are psychopaths like Clayton who give all of them a bad image. At least with Raenna, she came to the same conclusion, which is why she faked her death to get away from him. With Terroma meanwhile it can probably be safe to say that he does not regret a thing he did during his career (aside from training Clayton), though he justifies his actions with his code of honour.
Well, you did draw a direwolf before and you did a great job with it! I was positive that the same would apply to Ember, but the result is even better. I guess drawing animals is harder, but you did terrific work here!
Hm, I think I can hardly describe how I have imagined him either, probably because your drawing already replaces my old image of him. I think I have imagined him a bit closer to Daghan in terms of facial features and physique, but well, as I said, I prefer your version now.
Hm, well, at least this version is really amazing and I love the facial detail, so I guess it was a change for the better
Oh no, that won't be necessary! As I said, I actually find this version really intriguing, because it is such a different visual take on the character, compared to what I previously had in mind. So, I like brunette Maya very much and from my standpoint, nothing speaks against it from the canon that has been established in the story, as her hair colour really has never been mentioned (if I'm not seriously mistaken)
Alright, I won't do the blonde Maya then
Btw, I'm not sure if you've read the PM yet, but I have now submitted the two new characters, hope you like 'em! 
Yes, indeed. She really grew on me this chapter and I didn't think she would become one of my favorites, but she did. Well done on writing her Liquid
And yes, like I said Orys seems like a character that has tons of potential to be one of my favorites, as he seems badass and awesome. Shortwood is just interesting, and the fact that he is very mysterious (and maybe the fact that he appears in the storyline with most of my characters) made me very intrigued.
Yeah, I don't even have to explain why I dislike them. Especially Otis, ugh. With Wolfius, you said it perfectly. He's a monster, but he's written very well and without him, the story would be less entertaining. Not saying he is everything obviously, I'm just saying his character adds a lot to the story.
That sounds good! I don't dislike Edrick, I only chose him because like you said, he was the newest POV and has mostly had buildup. However, I'm sure he'll be one of my favorites in no time
This... makes me excited and nervous at the same time. Obviously I don't like having characters I like getting killed off, but in a story with a theme of Game of Thrones, tons of characters must die. These huge deaths you talk about, I have no idea who they will be or when they will be. But I'm sure they'll be hard to take in nonetheless.
Indeed, you have been among the few who called it! But yes, this is not a choice that led to entirely bad consequences, although a majority is objectively bad. Not that I blame the ones who chose to kill him, in their position, without knowing the consequences, I would have probably decided similarly.
It would have been funny to write indeed, especially since Argella is not the slightest bit bothered by this peasant girl who gets really upset by her presence. Like Sherryl, she can be a bit of a troll as well, so she would have probably enjoyed teasing her a little bit. With Lucas, he would have been really embarrassed by the situation and this would have resulted in an even bigger argument with Lunett. Ultimately, she would have stormed off in tears, leaving Lucas very confused. They would have probably had another talk a bit later, where they would have patched things up between them, at least to the point where they won't be angry at each other anymore.
I was also very surprised that so many people voted for this choice! If I'm not mistaken, the only thing that saved quite a number of characters there has been some guy who voted only this one time and never again XD But well, in general I expected only a couple of joke votes at most for this, but then there have been a couple of speculations that went into the completely wrong direction (mostly because they involved trusting Wolfius to keep his word) and I was highly relieved when it did not win, because I haven't really put much thought into this alternative route at that time.
Well, sort-of Team Targaryen. He would have a similar position as Jenna, not exactly a full member of the team, but someone who has a mutual goal and therefore helps them. With Sherryl, she would have perfectly played the role of a poor woman, left defenceless after Harris' downfall (which she would have partially orchestrated in secret) which alone would have triggered Leonard's knightly instincts. From there on, she would have used a mixture of persuasion and seduction (without actually getting into a physical relationship with him) to convince him that she knows what's best for Raylansfair. The fact that Leonard would have never had a negative encoutner with Maron Mullendore would have also made him more willing to trust her once she would bring up the name. There would have been small benefits for working with her, Sherryl would have delivered valuable information and this would have caused Leonard to see her as a valuable ally in time. For example, she would have provided valuable help in bringing down Harris, which would have been one of Leonard's main goals in the previous chapters.
Hehe, I think this alternaitve route is the first time where having Jenna around would be seriously beneficial for Leonard. Perhaps it won't remain the only time
Hehe, indeed, that seemed like a minor choice, though if I'm not mistaken, it even found its way into the choices at the end of the chapter, which are almost always important ones. And it changed a lot about the way Marak acted, because a guy who has no problem with killing a child can't possibly be one of the good guys.
It would have been a very interesting outcome, that much is for sure. At the same time, it would have deprived FoT of one of its most gut-wrenching moments. I doubt the Butterfly reveal would have been as strong without Mullendore killing Lunett and he wouldn't be such a universally hated character otherwise. Hated probably, but not on that level.
At least that's what I thought XD
Hm, I wouldn't be too sure. He would have been a very different character, though some of his key traits that make him such a well-liked character would have also been displayed in the Raylansfair route, through his alliance with Jenna. However, I am sure most people would have been a bit irritated by his possible trust in Sherryl in this chapter.
I agree, I think this made Marak a very interesting character, with him having this strong dark side to contrast his more funny side. A villain and a comic relief at once, that is a rare combination and I was glad he ended up this way, even if it ended with his death.
Yes, I have read them and I like them a lot! I'll comment on them in more detail in my next PM, though right now I'm actually about to head to bed again. Man, I hate having a healthy sleeping schedule again
No problem man. Yes, there has been a lot of parts, but this was just amazing. It got me even more invested and appreciative of the story, and I didn't think that was possible.
Yes, they have been here since the very, very beginning and it will suck reading knowing that they were dead. But as the chapter name implied, everyone must die. They have become very liked characters of mine as well, and it makes me sad to see them go.
I'll summarize this statement in one word....... fuck.
Once again...... fuck. But I really wanna just unravel everything about this guy. He's pretty much a walking mystery, in my eyes at least. I wanna know what he's all about and I feel like we're gonna get that soon.
That makes me feel a bit better. Noelle better feel that way, because if she somehow does go on and backstab anyone, it'll make me regret this choice very much. It's a big risk, big reward thing in my eyes.
I really like Gregar's outfit, it suits him well.
Great work!
Sounds hilarious. Lucas probably would be very confused ("What did I say?"). Ah, I remember when he was freaking out if he got Lunett pregnant, which I guess he didn't? Or maybe he did, and we'll never know, since, well, she's dead. It's hard to believe that was over a year ago...
Very interesting. I had forgotten Sherryl was so young (I briefly skimmed over some other stuff and saw that Arthur had been friends with Sherryl's sister), so I guess seduction would sort of work in combination with persuasion (not along of course, we all know Ser Leonard isn't the biggest fan of that sort of thing). It's very hard to imagine Leonard not being opposed to Maron Mullendore for me after all I've read. Well, interesting.
There's a lot of irony in that I really dislike the characters that help the characters I like. Maybe, maybe I'll change my opinion one day.
Oh yes, Lucas would be very confused by this argument. Angry for sure, but mostly very confused. A highly amused Argella would have outright explained it to him and he still would have a hard time understanding why Lunett got so emotional. And no, I can confirm that he didn't got Lunett pregnant. Of course, he freaked out about it, but he didn't. But oh man, you are right. Chapter 4 ended somewhere in July 2015. Things have been a lot less complicated back then
It was the other way round, Sherryl used to be friends with Arthur's sister, Aditha. She is 25, so perfectly in Leonard's age and at least in terms of looks, she is his type as well. Not so much in terms of personality, but she was always gifted when it came to pretending to be someone else. Eventually, Leonard could have realized his error, though Jenna would have needed to provide a lot of evidence. And this version of Leonard would have probably realized his error eventually, but at least initially, he wouldn't have been hostile towards Mullendore. He wouldn't have really trusted the man, but would have seen no initial reason to distrust him either. Depending on other choices, Lucas could have convinced him of how dangerous that guy is.
Hehe, I just had to remember how you were convinced that Samantha would try to kill Leonard if she gets sent to Oldtown, when it had been the complete opposite. Though at least with her, you never outright disliked her if I'm not mistaken. But we'll see. Without wanting to spoil anything, in future chapters there will be some events coming up for some of the characters you dislike that might cause you to rethink your opinion. Perhaps immediately with some, though at least with one character it's probably going to be more of a slower proces.
Hello everyone I am Arrodor i have been in contact with Liquid lately and asked if I could do a sub plot of sorts he agreed so let me explain the setting. This story takes place in Yi Ti 15 years before the current events in FoT and it will include Vaasrand during his beast hunting adventures. There will be a few choices along the way, anyway let's get into this
The Serpent and The Slave: Part 1
The night was dark, the wind was cold, as was the forest luscious and unending, the winds were very strong tonight almost seemingly knocking the forest down, that was one of the things Vaasrand hated about Yi Ti, in the day is was a blistering heat, but in the night it was a freezing chill.
Vaasrand was wearing a black hooded cloak, to conceal his hair as many mistook him for a dragonlord, he wore this over a brown leather jerkin, with a single bastard sword sheathed across his back, many questioned why the back the hunter always sighed at this question.
Vaasrand had been in Yi Ti for some time now hunting beasts of all sorts but never had he seen a contract quite like this one. Basilisks, they were a frequent thing in Yi Ti but never had there been so many, there were reports of 20 or so attacking villages all around the empire.
He continued thinking about the contract as he approached the large city of Yin by zorse carriage, Yin was a wonderful and elegant city with its upward roof corners and overhanging eaves, unlike any city Vaasrand had ever seen, on top of that the city was coloured a bright yellow which suited the Yitish very well as they were almost yellow themselves.
The carriage soon stopped as they arrived at the city it was just Vaasrand on the carriage as the god-emperor himself personally requested him for this contract. As Vaasrand stepped of the carriage he noticed the carriage was very similar to Yin practically identical, the carriage wasn't much different from the city since it was bright yellow and shared the same roof corners, just as he took his final step a firework popped right into the sky with a loud bang it went of, "The Festival's already started?" he asked the driver with a toneless voice "Yes indeed it started only a few days ago" Biu replied, to which Vaasrand grunted in annoyance "You think this is bad wait until you enter the city" Biu laughed, the hunter forced a grin and nodded they continued to the entrance of yin.
The carriage driver then led Vaasrand into Yin even though the hunter was ahead of Biu which seemed to sadden him, as they entered the city Biu stopped him "Serpent" he said "May the Maiden-Made-of-Light watch over you" he finished in a tone suggesting he was slightly frightened by Vaasrand, the hunter just nodded in return as they walked their separate ways, Vaasrand was never really a religious man it frankly annoyed him especially the red priests in Asshai, with their damn prophecies.
He had finally entered the city and it was much larger than it appeared from outside, with many men, women and children all over the town dancing to music that Vaasrand found horrible there were fireworks again which were much worse this time.
The city was active tonight far to active for Vaasrand's liking, loud bangs, chants and music could be heard all over and the colours were strange to he was used to the Yitish by now but never had he seen such an assortment of colours. Yellow, Red, Purple, Green and those were only a few so much was happening that Vaasrand tried hard to not focus on the crowd.
He looked to his left past the civilians dancing and saw many, many houses even though this was the lower city, then to his right past the dancers once again which had the whorehouse and the tavern, Vaasrand contemplated heading to the whorehouse as it had been some time. The hunter then looked ahead and could see the port in the far distance, and then he saw the God-emperors palace it was huge almost like a city-within-a-city.
That was where he was headed the palace he'd never seen it before so he was quite excited although he'd never admit it, Vaasrand headed to the palace with a frightening approach to keep all the dancers away from him, of course he walked past many of them but they were mostly scared of him which is what he wanted, whilst he was walking he took a second to look up into the night sky and spotted a few of those shining balls again he never knew what they were nor did most people but they intrigued him, he reached the stairs to the palace and then proceeded to remove his hood so the guards would notice him the palace was heavily guarded too heavily almost there were guards everywhere almost abandoning part of the city to guard the palace.
Currently there were four guards at the lower stairs and six at the top, Vaasrand approached the four guards and they all wore chainmail armor with mixed colouring between red and blue there helmets looked almost like demon faces, he always found there armor odd, they were all carrying spears for weaponry which were all greatly crafted, Vaasrand couldn't see there faces or there skin but he was certain they had the same yellow skin and eyes like the other Yitish, "Serpent" the lead guard seemed to say "Prince Dyon is expecting you" Prince Dyon, Vaasrand thought he had worked under Dyon before but he was the Prince of Tiqui, the hunter thought this contract was under the god-emperor, "Very well" Vaasrand spoke again in an emotionless tone "Lead the way"
The lead guard was the only one who moved, the other three stayed guarding the stairs, the walk up was long the Yitish had a thing for long stairs it took at least two minutes to walk up when they reached the top the lead guard went back down and the six stepped aside in perfect formation on left and right three on each side, the elegance of this slightly impressed Vaasrand, the gate opened to just as they stood aside Vaasrand continued on alone through the gate.
The palace had a dome shape with those same upward roof corners, the outside of the palace was surrounded with garden, trees, flowers of all sorts lilies, roses, bellflower and of course daisies for the overall yellow theme, overall it was very beautiful and even Vaasrand felt at peace being around this place the hunter continued on to the entrance of the palace and spotted Dyon Ror in one of the most elegant windows he had ever seen the man looked frustrated, fireworks and music could still be heard loudly in the city.
He approached the palace at a faster pace now and noticed as he reached the entrance just how tall the building was definitely at least ninety feet you can even see it from the deeper forest, as he entered he was amazed by the beauty of the place the walls looked like they were made of gold the furniture looked top condition it was beautiful, the hunter spotted a woman in very heavy armor, plate it's called, she had bright blonde hair and looked tall, she looked worried, Vaasrand did not approach her instead he turned left into the room with Dyon.
Dyon was very short maybe a little over five feet, he was incredibly gaunt Vaasrand always wondered if Dyon would break if he was flicked, he had yellow skin and yellow eyes although his eyes were hard to see as he always looked like he was squinting like most Yitish, he had extremely elegant clothes they looked like they were made yesterday maybe they were he is a prince after all, of course they were coloured yellow.
"Vaasrand, friend it's great to see you" Dyon greeted him in an amused tone "We've been waiting all night for you, how have you been?" He questioned him, "Alright I suppose Dyon, but I've come to slay a beast not answer your questions." Vaasrand proclaimed, "Ah very well it's fine, but you're exceedingly late Vaasrand, it's past midnight you were meant to be here at dusk" again he questioned him.
"I was preparing, and that festival is all over Yi Ti, you know how hard it is to travel with that." He continued "I came here to accept the contract, now if you keep questioning me I'll just let those basilisks continue their fun"
"Calm down Vaasrand, I was just checking." Dyon cleared his throat before he continued "We have two leads, Ser Marionette Strong, a knight from Westeros and Tsou Krallor, Yins general I suggest talking to them both you may have met Marionette, since she is just outside, but Tsou is deeper into the palace." Dyon finished, "How much is this paying?" Asked Vaasrand "5,000 golden dragons" proclaimed Dyon.
Vaasrand was baffled by that amount and he must have revealed it since Dyon seemed pleased "I accept the contract" Dyon then extended his hand for a shake to which Vaasrand extended his own, Dyon had a very weak grip Vaasrand noticed but the way he looked at him, it made Vaasrand feel odd, "We knew you would" Dyon said in an oddly happy tone.
"I'll go speak with the knight now" Vaasrand finished and then he walked away, Dyon stayed at the window looking very happy. The hunter slowly approached the knight who had her head to the ground, the fireworks seemed to quiet down now, as did the music but that was because they were in the palace.
"Ser Serpent" the woman spoke, it was now he finally got a good look at her, she was tall maybe a little over six foot, big blue eyes, a muscular frame hidden under plate armour, she was pretty compared to the people of Yi Ti she had a scar on her cheek suggesting she had seen her share of battle, "I need your help, please the basilisks they... they've taken my lord, lord Wroth, please" the woman seemed terrified it was uncomfortable for Vaasrand, "Uh, Basilisks can't really do that, they uh would've just killed him" he said with an awkward tone.
"No, I saw them take him, you have to trust me." Vaasrand sighed "Fine, where did this happen?" He asked inquisitively, "In the north, the deeper forest, they just attacked us I didn't know what to do I've never seen one of those before." Understandable you're from Westeros after all which barely has any beasts from what I know. He finished his thought and responded, "All right I'll consider it, what will you do in the mean time?" He asked sounding concerned, "Actually I was thinking of coming with you, I'd be helpful I can help you fight them." Vaasrand immediately said "No, no way you'll get killed"
"No I won't because you'll be there you're a legend from what I hear" she said trying to convince him, flattery usually worked with Vaasrand since he was never used to it, "Fine but if even one basilisk hits you, you're dead." "I'll be fine" She finished. They began walking together in this time Vaasrand noticed the sword on her back although unlike him it was a greatsword she wielded hope she knows how to use that they continued walking towards the General's room which surprisingly barely had any guards, the general always was very cocky a bit to cocky and he never liked Vaasrand. The hunter knocked on the door and whilst waiting decided to warn Marionette. "Listen, this man he's very rude so let me do the talking." She nodded in return.
Then the door opened to which Tsou stepped out he was slightly taller than Vaasrand but he was sturdy, he shared the same yellow skin and eyes with most Yitish, he had a few scars, and an square face, he had the same armor as most guards but coloured yellow, he always looked ready to fight. "What do you want silver serpent?" He asked in a blank tone, "Information" Vaasrand responded in an even blanker tone, "Ah this about those basilisks, I don't know why Dyon is sending you I'd be the better choice." He proclaimed arrogantly, "We have reports of them being all over Yi Ti, I'd start with Tiqui if I were you." He finished "Very well." The hunter said before Tsou slammed the door right in his face, Vaasrand barely reacted, but it slightly angered him, "Gods, that guy was a pompous arsehole" Marion said clearly angered.
"Yea" Vaasrand grunted in return even though he had no clue what pompous meant or arsehole. "We should rest before this hunt starts, it's past midnight, hunting right now would be irrational." Vaasrand told her, "It's your hunt Vaasrand."
"Follow me" he said, Vaasrand did have a bed here for tonight as they assured him that in the contract but he wasn't sure about Marionette.
After walking up flights of stairs and seeing more fireworks, "Do you have those in Westeros?" Vaasrand asked intrigued, "Not that I know of, we might" she responded, "What about carriages?" He asked again, "Probably for one of the Kings, I'm not sure but to my knowledge Yi Ti looks more advanced than Westeros." Vaasrand didn't know that but he had never seen Westeros the furthest west he had ever gone was Qarth.
They entered Vaasrand's room and he only had one bed. "You can have the bed if you want, I'm used to sleeping on the ground" Vaasrand told her, "Aw, you're sweet aren't you." She finished.
She took of her plate armor and went straight to bed, Vaasrand took of his cloak, and leather jerkin, and just kept his breeches on, he used the leather jerkin as a pillow and the cloak as a blanket, they didn't talk at all that night as they were both to tired, Vaasrand soon fell asleep.
End of Part
This was amazing! I was looking forward for this part ever since you told me about it and it surely was great. Vaasrand is a very interesting character and I am happy with getting this view on him, having him as a PoV and showing one of his past adventures. You also did a great job setting up the situation in general. I've always liked glimpses at these faraway lands that aren't usually seen in the Ice and Fire (including fan works) an Yi Ti has been one of my favourites out of these, so the setting makes me hyped as well. I am very excited for the future parts of this story
Ah, this Geralt vibe in Vaasard is quite cool, especially than I am fan!
Looking forward for another part, Arrodor.
I'm sorry to be that guy but someone has to say it:despite the cool setting (this is the first time that I read a fanfic that use Yi Ti as a location) and the good premise I must admit that I've had found very hard read this story thanks to the many punctuation errors (EX:very long phrases without even a comma to let the reader take breath).
I suggest the author,before post inside the forum his next story part,to read many times his own work in order to avoid errors.
Another good advice that I can give is to let someone (friends,family,Liquid (XD) ecc..)quality check your story,just to be 100% sure that there is no errors of any types inside the story.
Yea, I was worried that would be a problem since I kind of rushed this part (only took five hours) and I wrote it on an iPhone, the next part should be much better since I intend to read over it and take my time, but the best part is I'm writing it on a computer.
Just a real quick announcement: I have internet problems yet again, because the company that is supposed to provide my internet screwed up. I'm writing this one from my phone and until my internet is fixed again, I won't be able to answer to any messages. Neither will I be able to work on the wiki, which means I'll start writing the next part, which will be posted once my internet decides to work again. At worst, it might mean that you will have to wait until the next week for the next chapter to start. Sorry for any inconvenience and I hope to have this sorted out soon!
Edit: Ugh, the mobile version of this site is horrible and the only part of the last update that still hasn't grown on me. I'm not sure, but I think I just accidentally flagged this comment when clicking on my username to return to my profile, because the flag button overlaps with my username (the same goes for the edit button). If that's indeed the case, sorry mods, there's no problem here.
Yeah, the mobile version still remains a massive downgrade from what it used to be. Anyway, good luck with sorting out the internet problem, we'll be waiting patiently
Since we'll still have to wait for awhile for the next part, might as well drop some more fanart
It's The Tom!
:O Definitely one of the coolest ones so far! Top 5 for sure.
You are every character submitters dream. How do you manage to make these so amazing?
Haha, thanks for the compliments
idk, drawing characters is just super fun 
Can I use this as my avatar?
Yeah, go ahead
Just....just. I don't even know what to say anymore. They. Amazing. You. Fantastic. Why. So?
Thanks