The trailer for "LOGAN"
I have to say, I don't usually get this hyped for superhero movies, but HOT DAMN THIS TRAILER IS GORGEOUS.
I cannot even explain it oh my god. I previously thought the trailer for Star Wars: The Force Awakes was a fantastic trailer, and this one also blew my mind. After the disappointment of X-Men: Apocalypse, I was sure that Fox's X-men universe was going down the tube. I started watching this trailer with reluctance, figuring it would be another cgi filled shitfest like Apocalypse was. I just wanted them to get the X-Men overwith so they could sign the rights back to Marvel. But goddamn they know how to go out with a bang. If the movie is anything like the trailer, it's on its way to becoming my favorite superhero movie.
It just... it had heart. Like, the scene where Logan, X-23 and Charles are all just sitting in a circle laughing is just so beautiful and heartbreaking at the same time, and same can be said about the one with Logan resting his head in the girl's lap. And all that, paired with the fact that they chose the best song that they possibly could have to back it... I don't think I've ever seen a trailer use music as effectively as that before (except maybe The Force Awakens, but I'm on Logan hype now, so I don't think I'm thinking straight)
I just can't describe how much I love this trailer, and if the movie ends up being a disappointment (Dear God I hope not) if I ever marathon the X-Men series, I will watch this trailer. Kudos to the guy who put this one together.
Wolverine looks so much more badass with a beard, as opposed to having the mutton chops.
Secondly, this movie reminds me more of The Last of Us, than an X-Men movie.
Also, it's interesting to see Wolverine has an older man. And it seems like his healing ability is other gone, or is diminishing really fast.
I wonder if it has anything to do with the last Wolverine film, where that Silver Samurai dude cut off his claws and drilled into his bones?
And a side note, given that Hugh Jackman is almost 50 years old, I have a feeling that all that gray that he has in the film, is actually his own.
I liked it! I wasn't sure I'd really be into the trailer but there's something about it that makes it feel like it will be a very unique film.
I want to see it. The last Wolverine film was a little crazy, but to see it go this direction with the series and the character, I'm interested.
Actually nice to show an actor hitting middle-age and not have him playing a role like he's in his 20s or 30s. You see it happen sometimes, especially with action films.
I don't care much about most superhero movies, and I haven't watched any of the X-Men movies, but I have to admit that this one actually looks like a great movie. Maybe it's because of the TLoU vibes but I might even consider checking this out
I heard Mr. Sinister is gonna be the villain. That's cool, because he's my 5th favorite X-Men villain.
Were is the trailer?
Wolverine's long lost Daughter, is my prediction. PS, did that Silver Samurai movie really screw Logan up? He is aging now. lol
I'm excited to finally see X-23 on the silver screen. Hopefully they don't fuck this up.
He posted a link, right in the beginning click the "LOGAN".
Wolverine isn't truly immortal, he does age, slower than others but he does. i also would like to add that thanks to Days Of Future Past, The Wolverine never happened.
Sorry I don't know how to post videos :P
Just post the URL. Don't click 'link'.
I have found that with most films, the trailers are often better than the actual film itself.
But there are exceptions to the rule. And I think that this film is gonna be an exception.
Yeah, I'm hoping its good. You're right. Lots of times the trailers are better than the actual film itself. The first trailer for the new Fantastic 4 was phenomenal and probably one of the best trailers I've ever seen. But of course, we all know what a collosal mess that was. But a good trailer should get you hyped and that's exactly what the trailer for Logan did. True, there's always the possibility that it will suck major donkey balls, but for now, I'm excited and convinced this could be up there with Days of Future Past as one of the best X-Men films.
You forgot to mention the 2010 film True Grit. Compared to the original film, it SUCKED BIG TIME!!!
Is this Patrick Stewart's last time as Charles? If so....they will both be missed.
Yeah, it is.
Looks promising. But so did other Wolvie movies. I don't like Jackman. I'd like to see different actor.
Get out!
So officially, X-Men Movie versions are officially more F***ed up than anything possibly imaginable? Always contradicting each other was the worst part. lol
Cool Charles could walk when they first met Jean.... First Class comes along. WTF he was paralyzed back during the Cuban Missile Crisis? Looks back at the 2nd X-Men Movie um.... did the director of First Class even watch that movie?
They say First Class is kind of a "reboot." Which I find irritating because they recycled and reference parts of the original films, which just hints that they're related not just a "Reboot."
From what I have heard, the film is supposed to be set in 2033.
And if follow the timeline of the first Wolverine film, Logan was born in 1835. In the beginning of the first Wolverine film, the year is 1845, with Logan being about 10 yrs old at the time.
Then he went through the Civil war - which was fought between the years 1861 - 1865, which make Logan around 30yrs old at the time.
He then fought in WW1, and WW2, the latter having been fought through 1941 - 1945, which make Logan 110yrs old.
Later he fought in Vietnam, which which lasted from 1959 - 1975, though America didn't become involved in the conflict in Vietnam until 1961, under then President John Kennedy.
The first X-men film wasn't made until 2000, which would make Logan 165yrs old.
So that means that Logan is 198 yrs old in the upcoming film.
'm I though he was younger
Nope, Logan is a century old.
It's complicated but First Class is kind of a soft reboot with DOFP making it a full reboot, basically First Class changed Xavier's crippling and DOFP erased the original trilogy so it wouldn't contradict it.
yay Old Man Logan
I believe this is set 1 or 2 years afte DOFP was set 2024 or something.
And thats gotta be X23 - Wolverine clone and only has addy claws but only has 2 on each hand (missing middle claw)
Another great vid by MR SUNDAY MOVIES
For me, this will be my final X-Men film. I've had a good long run. I'm partially upset with the passing of the X-Men, after clearing the timeline in Days of Future Past. And with Logan's healing factor diminishing and Xavier riddled with Alzheimer's. Damn Essex Corp.
Here's hoping Logan goes out swinging. And here's hoping the young girl playing X-23 does the role well.
Two centuries, actually.
I saw the trailer, damn powerful. I'm not that into X-Men but this movie's trailer makes me want to watch it. OwO