You know people according to the title you're not restricted to "Opening" songs. lol
That being said I guess I can post a few Openings. Will never see me post an anime Pop Song Opening, never.... so these are not pop songs. =P
TV Show Season 2: Emma A Victorian Romance Opening 2 Ilhouette of a Breeze Woodwinds really sold it for me. I love woodwinds.
TV Show Sora No Woto Opening Hikari No Senritsu Again, darn you woodwinds! Plus xylophone, bloody xylophone. Though the Gypsy vibe kind of sold it more.
OITNB and I are going through a rough patch right now after what they did to my fav character in the season finale, but still a great intro:
Can I just go ahead and say the entire Luke Cage soundtrack? The amount of great performances they had on that show were just AMAZING. Personal favorites:
Elfen Lied Opening
Durarara Opening
Death Note Opening and L's theme.
Other ones that I enjoy: Parasyte Op, Tokyo Ghoul Op, Both Attack on Titan Openings and Deadman Wonderland Op.
As dated as they look now, there will always be a place in my heart for the Squaresoft era
The graphics may not have held up as w… moreell, but the OSTs are outstanding, the latter (Einhander) being the first video game OST I bought on CD
And lastly, because it marks when the series finally became fully self-aware:
TV: Shaka Zulu Song: We Are Growing One may not think Bum Bum Bum Bum Bum can be addicting, but this intro song really begs the differ.
TV/OVA: M.S.G. 08th MS Team Song: OST VII Kouhei Tanaka This song literally helped define what is to me one of best small scale battles in animated history honestly, and my favorite. Though it's not my favorite OST from the production, sadly my up most favorite I've never been able to find on youtube from this production. Really kicks into gear around 1:48.
TV/OVA: M.S.G. Unicorn & RE 0096 Song: Banshee Well actually it's multiple movements, but being a true sound track each individual movement for a specific scene so it's a collection of a few for a single "Track" for CD. It's called Banshee because they were all used for the Unicorn vs Banshee battle. Was worthy of man tears as well. Just another example of why I love sound tracks.
Although it was mediocre at best, when compared to Hellsing Ultimate, what the Gonzo TV Series of Hellsing had that Ultimate hadn't was the better soundtrack. I went giddy each time I heard the opening, mainly of course due to the accompanying song; it simply immerses you in a sense of "coolness". Here is the full song as well as the opening to which it belonged below.
I have several I can think of, but I'll dedicate this post to my love for the Star Trek: The Next Generation OST for the first three and a half seasons or so, made by Ron Jones before he was fired by that moron Rick Berman who thought that the music was dominating the scenes too much or some shit. It's a mix of orchestra and beautifully, wonderfully dated late '80s/early '90s synthesizers. I don't care how much time passes, I friggin' love these things and how much they contributed to the atmosphere of the show.
Black Sails is probably one of my favourites at the moment! I think the simple, yet complex marble depiction of a pirate fight opens up for a lot of interpretation such as, is it the pirates that are fighting death? Or are the skeletons the pirates? etc. Also, the Hurdy Gurdy (the instrument that makes most of the musical sounds) gives a destinct "pirate"-feel, like if I were to ever think of pirate music, those sounds would be my "go to" - They totally nailed that (also, the name "Hurdy Gurdy" is amazing xD)
Then, of course, there's Game of Thrones. So much epicness in that theme song it's hard to describe, and the animation is just brilliant, both because it resembles a board game, but also the fact that you get to see where we will go in the episode (I like the opening much better than the actual show, lol)!
And Naruto, season 1, is just pure nostalgic awesomeness for me
Hells yeah. EMH all the way. I love the theme song to this show. It's so corny and cliched, but its also so catchy and awesome at the same time. Not to mention the characters and stories were handled incredibly well too.
Hells yeah. EMH all the way. I love the theme song to this show. It's so corny and cliched, but its also so catchy and awesome at the same time. Not to mention the characters and stories were handled incredibly well too.
So is it Dr Purity, or Unity? You said two different names there.
Muwahahaha! Love threads like this. lol
TV: Allison & Lillia Theme: Sora he Honestly I love the sense of adventure.

TV: Moribito Guardian of the Spirit Theme: Teidou no Balsa Tribute to one of my favorite characters of all time really.

Wish I had time to post more. But work beckons.
The Walking Dead:
Avatar: The Last Airbender
Game of Thrones (not a fan, but they do have a badass intro)
The Legend of Korra (1st episode)
Breaking Bad ending
Avatar: The Last Airbender Last Agni Kai (man this series had a lot of great music)
Batman: The Animated Series
My top 5 favorites:
(a theme song to my favorite TV show ever. Seems fitting that this should be here.)
(a theme song to a decent TV show.)
(Let's admit it, the 90s had some kick-ass theme songs back in the day. This is one of them. Love the series as well.)
(A theme song to one of the best sequel series ever. Seems fitting to add this here.)
(This is the best Spider-Man cartoon that ever existed. It really sucks that it got cancelled.)
The list I am going to show is definitely worth trying. Try or regret it!
some MI osts are great too but I couldnt find it
Daredevil intro
Friends intro
Spectacular Spider-Man intro
I really enjoyed the daredevil intro, fit the series really well.
Friends is such a classic!
You know people according to the title you're not restricted to "Opening" songs. lol
That being said I guess I can post a few Openings. Will never see me post an anime Pop Song Opening, never.... so these are not pop songs. =P
TV Show Season 2: Emma A Victorian Romance Opening 2 Ilhouette of a Breeze Woodwinds really sold it for me. I love woodwinds.

TV Show Sora No Woto Opening Hikari No Senritsu Again, darn you woodwinds! Plus xylophone, bloody xylophone. Though the Gypsy vibe kind of sold it more.

OITNB and I are going through a rough patch right now after what they did to my fav character in the season finale, but still a great intro:
Can I just go ahead and say the entire Luke Cage soundtrack? The amount of great performances they had on that show were just AMAZING. Personal favorites:
One of the best moments early on in the show:

Love code Geass opening
Even if you don't like the anime. Elfen Lied intro is amazing. So powerful
Love love love
Probably the reason I developed insomnia as a kid.
This song is from the end of Season 3 of Bojack Horseman, and it always gets me to cry when listening to it. It's beautiful and one of my favorites.
As for opening themes, only 2 come to mind that really stand out to me.
Probably would've been a good idea for everyone to spoiler their posts. It takes a while to load.
Elfen Lied Opening
Durarara Opening
Death Note Opening and L's theme.
Other ones that I enjoy: Parasyte Op, Tokyo Ghoul Op, Both Attack on Titan Openings and Deadman Wonderland Op.
So much love for Elfen Lied intro
As dated as they look now, there will always be a place in my heart for the Squaresoft era
The graphics may not have held up as well, but the OSTs are outstanding, the latter (Einhander) being the first video game OST I bought on CD
And lastly, because it marks when the series finally became fully self-aware:
TV show, not exactly video game? =3
Oh, title confused me I guess. Sorry.
This one then:
Cory in the house inspires me, this is why I'm still alive.
TV: Shaka Zulu Song: We Are Growing One may not think Bum Bum Bum Bum Bum can be addicting, but this intro song really begs the differ.

TV/OVA: M.S.G. 08th MS Team Song: OST VII Kouhei Tanaka This song literally helped define what is to me one of best small scale battles in animated history honestly, and my favorite. Though it's not my favorite OST from the production, sadly my up most favorite I've never been able to find on youtube from this production. Really kicks into gear around 1:48.

TV/OVA: M.S.G. Unicorn & RE 0096 Song: Banshee Well actually it's multiple movements, but being a true sound track each individual movement for a specific scene so it's a collection of a few for a single "Track" for CD. It's called Banshee because they were all used for the Unicorn vs Banshee battle. Was worthy of man tears as well. Just another example of why I love sound tracks.

Most are from animated shows I've noticed. Strange.
HBO Rome's theme was pretty lit in my opinion.
Doctor Who. I could go dooo wee doooo all day
Although it was mediocre at best, when compared to Hellsing Ultimate, what the Gonzo TV Series of Hellsing had that Ultimate hadn't was the better soundtrack. I went giddy each time I heard the opening, mainly of course due to the accompanying song; it simply immerses you in a sense of "coolness". Here is the full song as well as the opening to which it belonged below.
I wanna be the very best,
Like no one ever was.
To catch them all is my real test,
To train them is my cause.
I will travel across the land,
Searching far and wide.
Teach Pokemon to understand
The power that's inside
Pokemon, (gotta catch them all) its you and me
I know its my destiny
Pokemon, oh, you're my best friend
In a world we must defend
Pokemon, a heart so true
Our courage will pull us through
You teach me and I'll teach you
(Po-ke-mon) Gotta catch 'em all
I have several I can think of, but I'll dedicate this post to my love for the Star Trek: The Next Generation OST for the first three and a half seasons or so, made by Ron Jones before he was fired by that moron Rick Berman who thought that the music was dominating the scenes too much or some shit. It's a mix of orchestra and beautifully, wonderfully dated late '80s/early '90s synthesizers. I don't care how much time passes, I friggin' love these things and how much they contributed to the atmosphere of the show.
The always awesome Romulan theme.
This just screams space to me.
Ah, Lore, one of my favorite Star Trek villains.
One of the creepier themes of Star Trek fittingly goes to Armus.
We are the Borg.
Just a straight up fantastic action cue.
The cliffhanger from Hell.
Black Sails is probably one of my favourites at the moment! I think the simple, yet complex marble depiction of a pirate fight opens up for a lot of interpretation such as, is it the pirates that are fighting death? Or are the skeletons the pirates? etc. Also, the Hurdy Gurdy (the instrument that makes most of the musical sounds) gives a destinct "pirate"-feel, like if I were to ever think of pirate music, those sounds would be my "go to" - They totally nailed that (also, the name "Hurdy Gurdy" is amazing xD)

Then, of course, there's Game of Thrones. So much epicness in that theme song it's hard to describe, and the animation is just brilliant, both because it resembles a board game, but also the fact that you get to see where we will go in the episode (I like the opening much better than the actual show, lol)!

And Naruto, season 1, is just pure nostalgic awesomeness for me

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+1 upvote from me for adding Avengers: EMH. It's way better than Assemble.
Hells yeah. EMH all the way. I love the theme song to this show. It's so corny and cliched, but its also so catchy and awesome at the same time. Not to mention the characters and stories were handled incredibly well too.
Couldn't agree more. Too bad it got cancelled.
It still remains as one of my top 7 superhero cartoons.
Game of Thrones
Black Sails
Sons of Anarchy
Best intro ever!